HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.03.0961 Burl i n game , 14arch 9, CALL TO ORDER A speci al meeti ng of the Burl i ngame Ci ty wi th State of Cal i forni a EI ecti on Law to l,luni ci pal El ecti on of March 2, 1976, wasCity Hal i Council Chambers. The meeting P.M, by Mayor Irving S, Amstrup. Counc i I , s chedu I ed in compl i ance canvas s returns of the Generai hel d on the above date in the was called to order at 8:05 has recei ved the "Certifi catePolling Pl aces Within The E l ecti on He ld 0n 14arch 2, Cal i f orni a 197 6 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG:Led by Gerald A. Nordstrom, Chief of Police. ROLL CALL Counci l Council Members Present: l,lembers Absent : I'IUNICIPAL ELECTION Mayor Amstrup announced that the Ci ty C) erk0f County Clerk 0f Record 0f Votes Cast At Ci ty 0f Burl i ngame At The Generai Municipal 1976. " Amstrup-Crosby-Cus i ck-Harri son-Mangi ni None The record of votes cast at the polling pl aces and by absen teefor the various candidates for the office of l,lember of the CityCity Clerk and City Treasurer and for and against the measure iforth in Exhi attached hereto and incorporated herein by ence as though fully set forth at length. ballot Counci I ,s setrefer- RESOLUTION N0.27-76 "Decl ari ng Result 0f General Municipa'l Election,i976" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved adoption, second by Councilman Mang'ini, unanimously carried on roll call. Prior to the swearing in of the elected officials, Mayor Amstrup pre- sented reti ri ng Counci i Member Dorothy Cusi ck a p l aque from the North San Mateo County Council of Cities, signed by Aubrey Lumley III, Chair- man, ack nowl edg i ng four years of s i ncere, consci enti ous I abors putforth by Counci lman Cusick as an e lected offi ci al . Also, on behai f ofthe members of the Burlingame City Council, Mayor Amstrup presented a plaque memoriaiizing her four years of service on the City Council. Mayor Amstrup lauded Mrs. Cusick as a "true lady in keeping with theprecedent set for many years by former Council l4ember and 14ayor of theCity of Burl i ngame, Charl otte Johnson. " Mayor Amstrup announced that Herbert K. Iihite, retiring City Clerk, has been named by the City Council an honorary member of the Civil Service Commission entitled to attend all meetings as a non-voting member. In acknowledging the Mayor's accolades, Mrs, Cusick voiced appreciationto the members of her fami 1y, her col l eagues on the Counci I and staf ffor thei r assistance and cooperation, and to the peopl e of Buri i ngamefor allowing her the privilege, honor and pleasure of servi ng as theirrepresentative for the past four years. Mrs, Cus i ck presented newly elected Councilman R.D. Martin, who won her seat, a decorated s traw hat wi th the wordi ng "Homan's Suffrage. " \ INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Irving S. Amstrup, Vi ctor e I ected Counci I men, Herber Evelyn H. Hill, el ected Ciby the City Attorney. Mangini and R.D.L. Sommer el ected Ci erk. The 0ath Martin were certified asCity Treasurer,of 0ffi ce was admi ni stered A.t ty ELECTION VICE-MAYOR Nominations were declared open by the Chair for the position of Vice-Mayor. / Counci lman Crosby pl aced the name of A.there being no further nominations, the cl osed and a unanimous bal I of cas t foras Vice-Mayor for the forthcoming year. C. "Bud" Harri son in nomi nati on; nominations were decl ared Counci lman A. C, "Bud" Harri son ELECTION CHAIRMAN-MAYOR Decl ari ng nomi nations'open for the position of Chairman of the Counci land Mayor of the City of Burlingame, 14ayor Amstrup placed the name ofCouncilman Vi ctor A. Mangi ni in nomi nati on; there bb.i ng no f urther nomi nations, the nominations were dec lared cl osed and i unanimousballot cast for Councilman Mangini as Chairman of the Council and Mayorof the Ci ty of Burl i ngame for the forthcomi ng year. PRESENTATION 0n behalf of the Council , 14ayor l,langini presented Amstrup a gavel mounted on a plaque appropriatelyhis I eadershi p duri ng the pas t year. Counci lmangraciously. Immedi ate Past Mayor engraved to recogni ze Amstrup res ponded There fol I owed i n trodu cti on by Counci I of fami Iy and fri endFormer Counci l member and Mayor, Chariotte Johnson, speakinfloor acknowledged, invidivually, the members of the City CCity Treasurer, City Cierk, and retiring officials DorothyHerbert K. l,Jhite and Flora H. Knight, conveying to each a s ADJ0URNMENT 8:50 P.l'l Respectf ul ly submi tted, Herbert K, t^lhite, City Clerk uty in attendance. from thencil, the sick,cial message. s s 0u Cu pe /a 62 ;j Iixhl.l.ii.t A CAiIDIDATES FOR I,IEIIBEII OF CITY COUIICIL C I TY i)F RI.INL I IIGAI.IE G['II:RAI. IlIJNICIPAL [LTCTIr)]I TUESDAY, ilARCH 2, '1976 Ttorrr"*o Nr*rt/2n-ffg 7"r*, Btr. ortdtr 4 I f''l Tazq, t4OctrYT€E # CANDIDATES F()R CITY CLERKConso'l . Preci nct llo.BELL 8AR I" I55E AHSTRUP I NI IIAIIT I I.I GAR t() uR/\t.tAr{ Rlt0DES lllLL l^IILSLIN 50L0l10il RUSCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 il t2 l3 14 l5 042 044 035 033 017 04s 032 043 032 049 044 032 035 02't 050 049 05'l 070 082 048 049 0s4 105 065 084 l'r2 059 039 034 079 045 026 033 420 0?6 044 023 047 033 040 04rl 035 016 0't7 030 019 C'lrt 033 0'le 012 0't6 012 0'18 013 022 0't6 0't6 0't2 015 060 039 032 q37 0?.9 050 035 036 125 't2l 097 095 129 076 033 080 150 095 15'l 102 'l2l 065 075 0.rB ' 182 085 143 ll4 J87 09t 200 126 '115 , 125 103 136 133 t8l :l'tg 123 087 140 051 071 128 304/w 7iltr 7/ L2 213 199 l5q '165 208 176 't59 321 244 267 258 2i5 . 2"10 I09 313T{6 _/4/33?o 20? 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