HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1973.11.198U Burlingame, California November 19, 1973 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was called to order on the above date at 8:I0 p.m., Mayor R. D. Martin presiding. PI,EDGE OF ALLEG]ANCE The City Clerk l-ed the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL PRESEIVI: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCfI,IvIEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cus ick-Mang ini-Martin None MlNUTES The minutes of the meeting of November 5, L973t previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted following corrections: COMMUNICATIONS: Item #5, Local Transit System, Exterior Color Scheme, change "go1d and white of Mill-s High School" to "gold and red of Mills High School." RESOLUTfONS: Resolution No. 82-73 change "second by Councilman Crosby" to "Second by Councilman Mang I BURLINGAME H]GH SCHOOL 5OTH ANNIVERSARY L923 - 1973 PROCLAMATION At the request of Fire Chief Reginald E. Moorby, Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee for this celebration, and with Council concurrence, Mayor Martin issued a proclamation declaring November 22, 23 and 24,1973, BURLINGAME HIGH SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY DAYS and ''urging the citizens of the City of Burlingame to honor and participate in upholding the excellent quality of instruction established in this school, of which we can aII be most proud." In accepting the proclamation, Dr. Richard. Williams, Principal, Burlingame High School, acknowledged the continuous support the school has received throughout the years from the city's official family, council- and staff members alike. APPOfNTMENTS Mayor Martin then read from a document prepared by the City Attorney wfrereby the fol]owing appointments were made: Councilman ahd former Mayor Victor A. Mangini, Assistant Principal, Burlingame High School, to serve as Mayor of the City of Burlingame on Friday, November 23, 1973; and Mayor Pro-Tempore and former Mayor William J. Crosby, a graduate of the class of 1936 of Burlingame High School, to serve as Mayor of the City of Burlingame on Saturday, Novernber 24, L973. Councilmen Crosby and Mangini acknowledged with thanks the privilege extended by Mayor Martin. HEARING APPEAL FROM PLANNING COMMISSfON DEI{fAL OF RESUBDIVISION 1420 AND 1424 BENITO AVENUE (cont.) Mayor Martin announced that a telephone call was received in the Office of the City Clerk late this afternoon from Mr. Jack Fena, principal in an application to resubdivide properties aL L42O and. L424 Benito Avenue, requesting that the item be removed from the Council agenda, because he decided not to pursue it further. Following advice from the City Attorney on proced.ure, Mayor Martin, wj-th Council concurrence, continued the hearing to the meeting of December 3, L973, for the City Clerk to write Mr. Fena acknowledging the telephone caII. If there is no further word from Mr. Fena, the matter will then be dropped from the agenda. 81 COMMUNICATIONS 1. TENN]S SHOP NORTHPARK APARTMENTS A request from Robert Grudenski, IO75 Rotlins Road, to operate a tennis supply shop on the Northpark Apartment premises, tor the convenience of the tenants, was continued to the meeting of December 3, L973t when it was determined that the applicant was not present nor represented. The City Clerk was requested to invite Mr. Grudenski to be present at the next meeting. 2. OFFICIAL STREET TREE LIST APPROVED Under date of November L5, L973, the City Manager submitted the Official Street Tree List prepared by the Director of Parks, dated Novernber 12, L973t and reported that the document was amended in accordance with the Council's suggestions at the Iast study meeting to include a uniformity policy provision and a statement governing EI Camino ReaI eucalyptus replacements. It was the reconunendation of the City Manager and the Beautification Commission that the List and conditions be accepted as submitted. The Council concurred on motion of Councilman Amstrup, second by Councilman ivlangini and unanimously carried. 3. RESIGNATION FROM HEALTH SAFETY & TRAFFIC COMMISSION Acknowledg'ment was made of a communication dated November 6, L973, from Mrs. Samantha O'Neill, 1516 Balboa Avenue, advising of her decision to resign from the Health, Safety & Traffic Connnission, because of family responsibilities. On behalf of the Council, Mayor Martin accepted the resignation with regret. The City Clerk was directed to forward an appropriate letter to Mrs. O'Neill expressing Council's appreciation for her interest in civic affairs and time given to the Commission. 4. VACANCfES HEALTH, SAFETY & TRAFFJC COMMISSION Under date of November 15, L973, the City Manager reported two vacancies on this Commission created by the resignation of Mrs. Samantha O'NeiI1 and removal- of Mr. R. Edward Alten for more than one-third absence d.uring the calendar year. With respect to Mr. Al-Ien, Councilman Crosby suggested there may have been valid reason for the absences. The City Manager reported the matter was brought to his attention in a letter from the vice Chairman of the Commission, in behalf of the members; and, in addition to the unexcused absences, there were two excused. Also, in response to Councilman Crosby, the City Manager stated that every conrnissioner was informed by letter of this policy of removal due to non- attendance. Councilman Cusick felt that the policy should be enforced. Councilman Mangini pointed out that the legislation adopted by the Council includes a provision whereby the commission may recommend to the Council that the person be considered. for reappointment. With Council concurrence, Mayor Martin announced vacancies on the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission as reported by the City Ivlanager in his memorandum of Novernber i-5, L973. 5. SYSTEM OF IDENTIFfCATION FOR PATRONS AT MUNIC]PAL DUMP A report from the City Manager dated Novernber l-5, L973, concerning the use of stickers as a practical method of attempting to li:nit users of the dump was acknowledged and the Manager requested to continue his investigation in an effort to devise some systern of identification that could be used for a variety of city services, in addition to the dump. ) 82 6. PARKING COM}.IfSSfON VACANCIES Mayor Martin designated Monday, December 3, L973, as the deadline for submitting nominations for this Commission. Councilman Amstrup recal-Ied. a meeting several months ago when Mayor Martin conurended him for sustaining the democratic concept of majority rule by supporting the majority position of this Council on an issue relating to the 15- story office tower building, despite his declared opposition to the project. Councilman Amstrup stated that he wished to commend Mayor Martin on his action at a recent meeting of the County Council of Mayors when the members were requested to take a position on Proposition one, the tax initiative. Mayor Martin, acting as the Cityrs representative and ignoring whatever personal feel-ings he may have had, abstained from voting, because this City Council, by majority decision, ref:rained from taking an official position on the initiative. RESOLUTIONS 1. Fixing Schedule Of Fees, Municipal Dump: Council-man Mangini noted that the sched.ul-e in the proposed resolution refers to "Household Rubbish" and'Commercial Rubbishr" whereas the existing resolution states "Passenger Cars" and "Al-1 Other Vehicles." Presumably, the categories are the same. He also asked about the mechanics of depositing the money. The City Attorney, j-n response to the Chair, stated it was hls i:npression that the Council intended to change rates only, that there was to be no change in,the contract with the d.ump operator, and that the resolution was prepared accordingly. Councilman Amstrup noted that minimum resident fee, from 250 to 50f, represents a 100% increase, while the scavenger company proposed to increase its return to the City by just 5?. The City Manager explained that rate of return to the City was not the primary consideration, but rather a uniformity of rates with San Mateo and other Iocal disposal areas to prevent an infl-ux of people into Burlingame's facility, because the rates were lower. RESOLUIION NO. 83-73 "Rescindj-ng Resolution No. LO2-63 And Fixing Schedule Of Fees For Entry Upon And For Dumping At The Municipal Dump And. Establishing The Municipal Dump Fund" was introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanimously carried on roll cal1. 2. Fixing Classifications, Salaries And Rates Of Pay: Councilman Cusick pointed out that item #7 on page I was not in accord with the discussion at the last Council study meeting on compensation for employees who record minutes at the meetings of the City Council and the several commissions. The Chair requested the City Attorney to prepare an appropriate resolution for the Councilrs consideration at the next regular meeting. Councilman Crosby raised the issue of wage negotiation proced.ures for Police and Fire management personnel. Mayor Martin noted that management in these departments received the 5% increase along with other employees. The City Manager stated he has met with management representatives but the topic of discussion was whether or not they can negotiate as a group, and this has not been determined as yet. He stated they may come to him individually and if it develops there are problems requiring the Councifrs attention, these will be presented to the Council-. The City Manager was authorized to proceed on this basis. Councilman Amstrup asked about item #3 providing for extra compensation for any police officer assigned to a three-wheel motorcycle. Because meter maids have replaced officers as traffic enforcement personnel, the Council agreed this item should be deleted. COUNCII,IqAN AMSTRUP COMMENTS 8il There was also discussion concerning item #f0 "educational program. " Mayor Martin pointed out this was covered in detail in the memorandum of agreement with the employees, that the resolution before the Council was an implementa- tion of this agreement and that, in his opinion, if the Council intended to reopen the agreement, there should be discussion, but not at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 84-73 "Fixing And Establishing Classifications, Salaries And Rates Of Pay Of Employees fn The City Service Of The City Of Bur lingame, " amended on its face be deletion of item #3, page l, was introduced by Councilman Mangini, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried on ro11 calI. ORD]NANCES oRDINANCE NO. 999 "Amending The Municipal Code By Adding Subparagraph E.1. To Section 13.36.030 (One Hour Parking) And Regulating Parking On The Easterly Side Of Carolan Avenue" was given its second reading. On motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Amstrup, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was unanimously adopted on ro11 call. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. No Left Turn At Trousdal-e Exit From Burlingame Pl-aza: The City Manager stated a report will be made at the next Council study meeting. 2. 201 Victoria Road: The Council heard a further report on hazards at this property from Charles Nolan, 22L Victoria Road., and Angelo Dellacasa, LzL Victoria Road. 3. Cable Car Wash: Arnold H. Rodman, 9O5 Morrell Avenue, asked about the sign and landscaping at this location. Mayor llartin pointed out that thre sign is Iegal; it was approved prior to adoption of the most recent sign ordinance regulating size. The City Manager reported that the l-andscaping in existence meets the City's requirements except that additional- plantings were requested along the fence, wtrich has not been done. The City Manager stated that a letter was sent to the owners concerning this when the revocable permit was mailed to them for signature, and that he withheld his signature from the permit, informing thern that he woul-d sign when the landscaping was completed in accordance with the Councilrs wishes. In response to Councilman Amstrup, the City Manager reported a copy of his l-etter was sent to the attorney in Burlingame who represents the owners. Mayor Martin recommend.ed telephoning Cable Car Wash at its main office in Napa. NEW BUSINESS 1. Wrecked Vehicle: Councilman Amstrup asked that staff investigate a dilapidated automobile on the property abutting the freeway off-ramp at Broadway. The vehicle is located between the chain link fence and a building occupied by a freight operation. 2. Ordinance No.994: Councilman Cusick pointed out that this Emergency Ordinance expires on February 19, L974. fn response to her inquiry concerning extension, the City Attorney agreed to investigate the status of the ordinance, explaining it is possible to have it effective for an overall period of two years when appropriate extensions are taken. 3 Proposed State Bond Measure For Expanding Park And Recreational I'acilities : Councilman Cusick reported on her attendance at a meeting on November 15 in the County Office Building, Redwood City, where city representatives met with the County to discuss administration of the program should the measure be approved by the voters in June, L974. She stated that two cities felt this should be administered wholly at the County level. others recommended active participa- tion by cities and funds disbursed. 7O% Eo cities 1 3Oeo to the County. However, the indication appeared to be a 50-50 al-location. Councilman Cusick stated. the next meeting will be Friday, November 30, when the cities are expected. to be prepared to submit their priorities. Mayor Martin stated he would prefer to have reconunendations from Beautification and Park and Recreation Commissions as guidelines in establishing this Cityts priorities. Councilman Cusick 64 advised that all of the material on the County-wide priority plan has to be assembled by January, 1974. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SAN FRANCfSCO fNTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Councifman Cusick protested the action of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in recommending approval of this E.I.R. Mayor Martin pointed out that the Board took special notice of jmpact from automobile traffic, noise and air pollution and its action was conditioned upon resolution of problems in aI1 of these areas. The Mayor reported that the Airport Land Use Commission has taken jurisdiction over the expansion and has made it very clear that ALUC probably will not accept the expansion unless there are satisfactory answers to the issues raised by San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. l. Communications Commendations from Canada College to Ray Wagner, Burlingame Recreation Director, for an excellent presentation to students in Recreation Education and from A. C. "Bud" Harrison, Teacher, Burlingame High School, to Police Inspector Wayne South for his time and interest in developing a program at the High School directed at creating better relations between police and youth of the community. James MacAlister, Director, Police Auxiliary, November 6, 1973, advising that the group will be selling Christmas trees commencing December 2 at a location donated by Bank of California in the Burlingame Plaza, proceeds from sales to benefit Police Athletic League Youth Fund and Burlingame Auxiliary Police Reserve Fund. Mayor Martin asked press representatives in attendance to publicize this worthy endeavor. Pubtic ftnployeesr Retirement System, circular letter No. 031-51, "Jurisd.iction To Determine The Disability For Retirement Purposes Of Local Safety Members" referred to City lvlanager to determine whether an action is required by the City Council. Department Of Human Resources Development, Novernber 13, 1973, regarding implementation of "Community Work Experience Program" to be reviewed at next study meeting. Series of letters commenting on stop signs installed on Trousdale Drive, and letters concerning bus system. Ernest W. Sulger appreciation to the Council- for honoring his request to transfer from Health, Safety & Traffic Commission to Parking Commission. Association of Bay Area Governments, November 6,1973, reporting that word has been received from the National Endowment of the Arts that the special $2r000,000. project for which ABAG made application will not be funded during the coming period. Council-man Mangini reguested that Burlingame Civic Arts Council be furnished a copy of the letter. City of South San Francisco resolutions: "Declaring opposition To The Deposit of Spoils fn The Carquinez Straits Dredged From Mare Islandr " and "Requesting Approval Of The Expansion Ptan For San Francisco lnternational Airport By The San Francisco Board Of Supervisors." Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Inc., San Mateo County, Chapter No. L6, announcement of 32nd Annuat Ivlemorial Services, December 7, L973, Airport Marina Hotel , 9:00 a.m. Material from Senator Arlen F. Gregorio concerning SB 230 "Municipal Elections." Notice of Peninsula Water Agency meeting Tuesday, November 27, L973, 8:00 p.m., at City of San Mateo City HaI1, Councilman Amstrup to represent this City. ACIO{OViLEDGMENTS l..il City of Foster City concerning undergrounding of transrnission lines. Counci|man Mangini reported that the San Mateo County Council of Mayors at its meeting on November L6, L973, voted to uphold the Leaguers position on this issue and incorporate Foster Cityrs proposal. 2. Reports: Police and Fire Departmentst monthly activity reportsr Octoberr 1973. 3. Minutes: Beautification Commission, November I, L973. Councilman Cusick referred to an item here concerning observation of Arbor Day, March 7, and reconunended Council's approval. Health, Safety e Traffic Commission, November 8, L913. BURLINGAME HIGH SCHOOL 5OTH ANNIVERSARY: The City Manager was authorized to confer with the Chamber of Commerce regar ding an advertisement in the San Mateo Times' special 50th Anniversary supplement. APPROVALS Warrants Nos. 4455 through 4736, duly audited, in the amount of $233,606.76, ,ere ",lthorized for payment on motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councilman Amstrup and unanjmously carried. ;,?< /i-.,..i.. ,t ) /..,. / Payro1Iforthemonthofoctober,L973tCheckNos.L7Lo2throughL78o2,Ln ffi6unt of g252,466.17, were approved on motion of councilman cusick, ,,-", . ? second by Councitman Amstrup and unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully subunitted, /d,.-&-,fkz*,4-h Herbert K. White, City Clerk APPROVED: D. MART MAYOR