HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1975.06.16409 Burl I ngame, Cal lfornla June l6 , 1975 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIAT{CE T0 rHE FLAG: Led by Gerald A. Nordstrom, Chief of Pol i ce. ROLL CALL A regular meetlng of the Burllngame City Councll was held on the above date in the Clty Hall Councll Chambers. In calllng the meetlng to orderat 8:00 P.M., Mayor Amstrup announced there rlll be a very abbreviated session to conslder only matters requlrlng an actlon by the Council, and that the meetlng wlll adJourn in respect to the memory of Rlnr Manglni, wl fe of Councl lman Vlctor A. tlanginl. Councl I Members Counc i I l,lembers M I NUTES: Th Presentl Amstrup, Crogby, Cuslck, HarrisonAbsent: Manglnl (excused) e mlnutes of the meetlng of June 2, 1975, prevlously e City Councll, were approved and adopted. sub- mi tted to th COMMUI{ICATIOI{S I. EXTEI{SION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO DICK BULLIS CHEVROLET Under date of June ll, l975, Richard S. Bullls, .l00 Callfornla Drlve, requested an additlonal extenslon of one year of the speclal permlt approved in June, 1973, for improvements at l5 Anlta Road. Council members were furnlshed copy of a letter dated June 9, 1975, from theCity Planner to llr. Bullts whereln the latter nas requested to submitplans for the proposed lmprovements to the Plannlng oepartment to determlne uniformlty wlth current regulatlons. Councilman Cuslck questioned rlhether referral to Plannlng ls legal atthls stage when the orlglnal permlt was approved by the City Councll.It f,as the opinion of the Clty Planner rnd the City Attorney that theCouncil can act on the request lf it so deslres. Councllman Cuslck explalned she had no partlcular obJectlon to referral to Plannlng lnthis instance but was more concerned rith other projects that weregranted similar permlts by the Councll and whlch the Councll mlght wishto revlew in the eyent of request for extenslon. The City Attorney assured that an actlon by the Councll on the Bullis matter will notset a precedent. Counci lman Harri son Motion seconded by members present. moved to grant the requested one year extension. Councllman Crosby, carrled on unanimous vote of 2 REQUEST F0R CHAilGE IN EUILDING pLAilS, l3l5 R0LLn{S R0AD. II I LLY OSTERTAG . OI{I{ER In a letter dated June 12. 1975, I'lr. 0stertag sought permisslon to make changes in the buildlng under construction at the aboye address atvariance wlth conditions lmposed by the City Counci'l when lt approved thespeclal use permlt for the project on 0ctober 7, 1974, The proposed changes lnvolved relocatlon of truck door openlngs. In a communicatlon dated June ll, 1975. and athe Clty Planner outllned modlflcatlons in buleading to Mr. 0stertag's request of the Coun conclusion that the proposed change of use reHis recommendatlon that the matter be returnefor conslderatlon and recommendatlon was unan Ci ty Councl L postlldin cl I . scrl pt datedg des i gn andIt was thes a specialthe Plannlngly accepted June l2, use P'l anner's perml t. Commlsslon by the qulredto I mous Later in the meetlng, ln response to inqulry from twowlth thls matter, Mayor Amstrup explained there mustthe Planning Commlsslon because of the nature of the gentl emen concerned be a hearlng b e fore cha-nges 410 Under date of ment apProved mended to theNo. 9-75. June 10, 1975, the City Planner forwarded the above docu- by the Planning Commisslon on May 27, 1975, and recom-City Council for adoptlon by Plannlng Commisslon Resolution before the, I975.I 7 Clty Councll was scheduled for the regular meeting UNFINTSHED BUSINESS I. LIBRARY EOARD OF TRUSIEES:Mayo r A heari n on July has reappolnted James term. G.B. DettartinI Amstrup a n nou nced and Lloyd Lynes to that thethe ful l Counci I 3-year ? Mf b i . SAI{ I4ATEO COUI{TY TRANSIT DISTRICT AGREEI{ENT: ayor Amstrup, the Clty Attornet repoifed that the rom a I egal standpoi nt, but it ls general ly recoge some amendments. The District is asking for ext can meet its July I deadline. The Clty Attornethe polnt raised by Councilman Cusick wlth respect to the language ln Paragraph 3 "Payments to the Clty" and was satlsfled that the phrase "not to exceed" ls the appropriate language. This is a relmbursahletype of sltuation. Counci'l man Cuslck asked if the agreement spells outthe amount of money the Dlstrict wlll relmburse te the Clty for expenses. The Clty Attorney referred to Paragraph 3 "Payments to the City,"vherein lt ls stated that the 0lstrlct shall make payment to the City In response to document ls acceptabl enized that there rill ecution thls month soy stated he asked about 3, whlch is the1975. Thee funds to be for fiscal year l9?5-76 an amount not to exceed $186 amount prevlously approved by the Dlstrlct on AprilAttorney polnted out that the agreement provldes forpaid on a quarterly basis. stand And Flre Station by Councilman Crosby,ri son, carri ed unanlmo ,7723, th "Authorlzlng Execution 0f Agreement tll th Sanlstrlct For 0peratlon 0f Translt System" wast'lateo County Trans i t D lntroduced by Councllman Harrison, who moved lts adoptlon, second by Councilman Crosby, unanlmously carrled on roll call of members present. 3. ENYIROTECH AGREEMENT:l,layor Amstrup announced that thls matterwlll be contlnued to the meetlng of July 7, 1975 i negotlatlons havenot been fi nal i zed. NEI{ BUSINESS l. R00F REPAIR C0NTRACT: ln a memorandum dated June 13, 1975, theAssistant Cltt EngTnaatTnformed the City Manager that Adams Rooflng Company, San Carlost has completed lts contract satisfactorlly and theproJect is recommended for acceptance. In an addendum to the communl-catlon, the Clty I'lanager concurred ln the recommendation, advislngthat the work has been lnspected by the Bulldlng Department. RES0LUT I0r{ l{0. 44-75 cepting Roof Repalrs - t'lashington Park Grand-.l Buildlnq - Job No.75-3'was lntroduced moved lts adoptlon, second by Councllman Har-y on roll call of members present. AC KNOII L E DG}.IE NT S l. Communlcatlons Cost Study Prepared By Publ lc Systems lnc.: 2 and Fl reTFTEf retoit IAc No who usl City Manager's memorandum of June I1975. In hls memorandum, the Cttythe report will have to be reJected concurred. Manager 3trted "In lts and resubml tted. " The -tIJune I I ,present form Ci ty Counci I 2. Flre 0epartment Monthly Pl anni ng Commlssion meetlng, Parti ci patl on Report - Fal l, Minutes, llay 27, 1975. , 1975, clty Planner report of75, Recreatlon Department Class ng, l975, Plannlng Commlssion Report June 1974 , , l,lay9, l9 Spr I SENAIE BILL 275 Al{D ASSEMBLY BILL ll9--Councllmanto these B llls Cusick's request that deal I ng wi th col I ectl veof discussion. -t.- thCTlty fonncfl reiord oppoiItion bargai ni ng for publ I c empl oyees I n I tl ated a perl od 3. SEISI,IIC SAFETY ELEI,IENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN RESoLUTI0T{ N0.43-75 Councllman Harrison recalled that the Council declared opPosltion SB 275 on a prlor occasion, but that he would be wllling to do solf that is the maJority wlsh. 0n AB ll9, he would prefer not to a stand because he has not seen it, nelther the orlglnal nor theverslon. There appeared to be a consensus to relterate obiectig! SB 275 but to withhold on AB ll9. Mayor Amstrup requested the Cl l-lanager to proceed accord i ngl y. 411 to again ta ke ame nded to ty SENATE BILL 189--blould divert flnes and forfeitures monies presently Councilman Cusickffical governments to ot her purposes. stated that last year Burlingame recelved $55,000 in flnes and for-feitures revenue, and that the City definitely must oppose this legls-lation. She requested the Clty Manager to again place the City on record in opposition. APPEAL HEARII{G SCHEDULED: Acknow Jamesthe sp t{eufeIat l0l gment was made of a communication dated June 13,1975, from Teevan, Teevan Palnting, Inc., l0l9 Rolllns Road, appeallngal permit granted by the Planning Commlssion on June 9 to orsche-Audi, Inc., for an auto sales and servtce establlshment 5 Rolllns Road. A public hearing before the City Council nas led for the regular meetlng on July 7, 1975. COUNCIL STUDY_ltEEUIqi To be held on llednesday, July 9, 1975. led R. eci dP 7-2 schedu I.lARRANTS 0n unanimous ly motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councllman Harrlson, carried, I{arrants Nos. 9633 through 9934' duly audite4 ln the amount of $6231404.82 were approved for payment. PAYROLL 0n motlon of Councllman Cusick, second by P-aJyroTI Checks for Hay, 1975, Nos , 9526 through I03 5339,143.05 were unanlmously approved. Counci lman Harri son ,44 i n the amount of ADJ u Rt{l'tEt{T In closing the meetlng at 8:17 P.l'l Amstrup requested the City Manager symprthy to Councilman Manginl and i n honor of Rl na l-langi nto convey the City Counc hl s fami ly. By pu i,il'I'layo rs deep Respectful Iy subml tted , Herbert K. l{hite, City Clerk /) v er .l