HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1975.09.15$0 CALL TO ORDER Are dateat I meeti ng he City .M. by M on th alled of Hal I ayo r gu'l arin t :00 P Burl i ngame, Cal i forni a September I5, 1975 the Burl i ngame C i ty Counc i I was hel d Council Chambers. The meeting was cIrvi ng S. Amstrup. e aboveto order PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG:Led by Charles F. Schwalm, City Manager. ROLL CALL Counci I Counci I Members Present: Members Absent: Amstrup-Crosby-Cus i ck-Harri son-Mangl ni None regular meeting of September 2, 1975, were approved e fol I owi ng correcti ons : inutesn Page 444, VoIume 17 "Minuofi, delete "that there was going he homeowners" substitute "that tto the homeowners. " The minutes of the and adopted wi th th Page 2 of draft mgraph from the bott uni t dedi cated to tfl oor was dedi cated Page 7 of draft m N0. 1046 s/b irtr-q{ MINUTES PRESENTATION Mayor Amstr rei gni ng "M BIDS , Page 449, Voly Councilman Ma rth para- anager'sn the first anager ednesday, "1,1i nutes,,. ORD I NANCE he Ci t i ngs o tes r " foutobeam he unit o i nutes uced b ume 17 nqi ni . up is acknowl edged the presence of and i ntroduced Mi chel e Col I opy, s Burl i ngame. " A communication from the Director of Publ ic I'{orks dated September ll, 1975, reported results of bid September I 0, as fol I ows: yHntltot ope n .l t tio I . F IRE STATION NO.I CONCRETE R ESURFACING (bids opened at 2:00 P.M. ) B I DDER TOTAL B ID Anza Engi neeri ng CorPoration Dol an Concrete Construction 522,3 22,7 ??,8 26,0 27 ,0 3o,6 31,2 . Jony & Lrge B ey-Fo ero C $23 25 ?7 3l 37 .00 39.40 74 .00 s8.00 33.20 4l .40 4l .2s 0.c Gra Geo Cas And es & Sons ewls, Inc.ianchi Construction, Inc. gl i Concrete Contractors,Inc. onstructi on Engineer's Estimate The Dl rector of publ i c l,lorks recommended award of job to Anza Engi neeri ng Corporation. The City Manager concurred. - Concrete 22 ,337 \n, second bY RES0LUTI0N N0. 66-75 "Awarding Contract Fire Station No Tffi, lS-2, Ania Engineering Cqrporation ;;a-introdIced by Councilman Mangini, who moved its adop Councilman Harriion, unanimously-carried on roll call. ,522.90 ,7og. 75 ,090 . 00 ,938.10 $19,461 .70 ?. CIT Y S I DEl,lAL K REPA IR PROGRAM I975-1976 TOTAL (blds opened at 2:30 P.M. ) BID Robert hl. Scott Andero Construction Honesto Concrete ComPanY George Bi anchi Construction, Inc. Engi neer's Estimate t, $25,359.95 B IDDER In recommending award of contract toPublic l,lorks advised that quantitiesnot to exceed the budgeted amount ofcontract award to Scott. ,+51 Robert l,l. Scott , the Di rector of on this program will be tailored $20,000. The City Manager endorsed BES0LUTI0N N0, 67-75 "Awarding Contract City Sidewalk Repair. Scott, a Joint Venture, $23,52?.90, Job was introduced by Councilman Harrison, who moved its adoptlon, Counci lman Crosby, unanimously carried on rol I cal I H EAR I NGS Prog ram No. 75-9 second ) b v GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS:SCENIC ROADS AND HIGHh'AYS & NOISE 14ayor Ams trup announced thi s was the time and pI ace schedu'led , puf suant to- publ i shed' noti ce, to conduct publ i c heari ngs fgf the purpose_ of_ con!idering proposed additions to the City of Burl ingame General PIan mandated by State of California Government Code. For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Amstrup explained that the work of preparing the two Elements progressed over several months. The documehts bifore the City Council $,ere approved by the Planning Commission and recommended for adoption. 1. SCENIC ROADS AND HIGHt,IAYS ELEMENT Declaring the hearing open, Mayor Amstrup invited comments from the fIoor. There were none. The hearing was declared closed' During a period of Council discussion, Counci lman Cusick asked removal of Eaiton Drive and Canyon Road from the City's Element because of pos- sible increase in traffic resul ting from "scenic Roads" deslgnation. Councilman Crosby referred to comments on thls subject heard from the City Engineer at the Council study meeting on_september 10. He asked the- latier to comment. The City Engineer explained there was some con- cern about Easton Drive because it is narrow but staff, after Iengthy discussion, concluded that increased traffic due to the designation would be rather negligible and decided not to oppose 'lts f nclusion in the El ement. It was Councilman Harrison's position cri teri a for "Sceni c Roads " ; further, energy cri si s--avai I abi I i ty and cost o traffi c vol umes mi ght decl i ne . There were no further comments. RESOLUTION NO.6B-75 ur ngame enera i ts adopti on , secondcall:AYES: COUNCILME I'l0ES: C0UNCILMA ABSENT COUNC tLME that Easton Drive meets the because of concerns with thef gasol lne--it is conceivable that "Adopting The Scenic Highways Element 0f The an" was introduced by Councilman CroSbY, who moved by Counci I man Mangi ni , carri ed on fol I owi ng rol I N: Amstrup-Crosby-Harri son-Mangi ni .N: Cusick (for reasons given above) N: None 2. NOISE ELEMENT Declaring the heartrg opBil, Mayor Amstrup invited comments from the floor. There were none. The heari ng was decl ared cl osed. Counci I di scussion ensued. Councilman Cusick referred to Page 3-25 paragraph titled "Future RailroadNoise," second to last sentence, "A BART extension would definitely beless noisy but by how much and in what locations would depend upon statlon and track design el evati ons. " Commenti ng that exi sti ng proposal s for BART on the Peninsula contemplate an equipment storage yard ln Burlingame, Councilman Cusick questioned that BART will be less noisy in this Citythan the Southern Pacific. There was no objection from other Council z, 452 Page 6- I 6-2 6-4 6-5 6-6 members to Councilman Cusick's request for deletion of the sentence on Page 3-25 (quoted above). Additionally, the Council accepted the following amendments ln the language of- the Element recommended by Councilman Cusick: Goal s d. Stri ke "Make maximum, " substi tute "Consi der" eTange*fitle of last paragraph to "Consider Adoption of Administrative Review Process" Change title of second paragraph to "Consider Vehicle Noise Emi ssion Standards Enforcement" Change ti tl e of second paragraph to "Consider Municipal Vehicle and Maintenance 0perations Noise Control " Change title of first paragraph to "Consider Adoption of Noi se 0rdi nance. " General PI an " ( as amen moved its adoption, se on roll ca'l l. I Councilman Cusick referred to Page 6-2, first sentence in the paragraph titled "Declaration of Pol icy. " -She expressed hesitancy about ttte City placing itself on record "of-exc'l uding and prohibiting alJ. annoying, bxcessive and unnecessary noises from all sources........ ". Pointing out that not everyone considers the same noises annoying or excessive-- children at play, for example, might be annoying to some but not to others--she hsf-tra that the sentence be amended to provide, in effect' for a policy of preserving peaceful noise conditions in the City where they eiist ind attempting-to maintain a peaceful atmosphere throughout the City. The City Planner reported that the Planning Commission debated the point aLout "al I sources" and inserted "which are" after "sources" lo that the last part of the sentence reads "sources which are subiect to its regulatory, administrative and police powgls." He stated the amendilent is- shown in Exhibit A attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. l4-75. Councilman Cusick indicated this was acceptable. Councilman Harrison asked about curtailing equipment noises such as swimmi ng pool fi 1 ters, garden mowers , etc. The Ci ty Pl anner stated an ordinairce would be required to declare such noises a nuisance. RESOLUTION NO. 69-75 "Adopti ng The Noi se E'lement 0f The Burl i ngame ded ) was i ntroduced by Counci lman Harri son, who cond by Councilman CrosbY, unanimously carried Mayor Amstrup, for the benefit of the students in attendancg:.explained ah;i the probiams mandated by the State_are costly to the cities with little nehefit derived. He bffered to lend his copies of the two e I ements to anyone i nteres ted . Councilman Cusick stated that the City can do nothlng about the trucks on the freeway nor the planes, the sources of real noiSe., -1,. CO14MUI,IICATIONS I. REMOVAL HERITAGE REQUESTED APPEAL HEARING SCHEDULEDOFTREE under date of Septembef 7, 1975, Mrl: {. Hansen, 1540 Newlands Avenue' f i r ed an appeui-[itn- in. ii iv cdunci t f rom the ,,Beauti f i cati on com- mission's refusal to allow .i,*ovif of a gu!.ya-Bunya tree at the above uaar.ii and ui[.0 to be heard by the council. I n acknowl edgi ng the appeal , Mayor AmS trup suggested. that counci I - man Cusi ct< and f,., commi ttee if,irg.O wi th' revi iw of the Heri tage Tree 0rdinance consider a provtsion iifiitar to that in the Zoning-0rdinance whereby, onee;;-;bp.ui is-i;;ied, the applicant is enioined from resubmi tti n9 in.-;;;; appl iiatl on f or a beri od 9f -9ne vear ' The !'lavor noted that Mrs. Hansen appeirea before tfre Beautification commission twi ce wi thi n i'pIii.a"oi'i-i;;-months seeki ng removal of the tree. w Aven u e ? Councilman Harrison recommended that Council members not only vie the Hansen's tree but also the same specie of tree at tll2 Drake and compare the two in terms of appearance,the compari son may be i nteresti ng and have symme try . an ef f ect 453 He suggestedthe decision. regul ar meeti ng on thei'l ayo r Amstrup on 0ctober 6, announced the appeal will be heard at 1975, Mrs . Hansen to be so noti fi ed. 2. PROPOSED AUTOMOBILE OEALERS SHOI,I 14ayor Amstrup acknowledged a communication from the Chamber of Commerce dated September 2, 1975, concerning the above event proposed to be held on Burl i ngame Ave nue 0c tober 25 and announced that he had rece i ved a telephone request from David H. Keyston, President, Chamber of Commerce,to wi tthol d discussion this eveni ng and refer the subject to the next Council study meeting. There were no objections from Counci l members. The City Manager was requested to place the communication on the agendafor the 0c tober B study meeti ng. .I . MANDATED SAFETY EQU IPMENT FOR POL ICE OFF ICERS A request from the Citythe Chief of Pol ice beat an approximate cos t requi red legal document on moti on of Counci Iman on voi ce vote. Manager dated September ll, 1975, that he and authori zed to attempt a compromi se settl ementof $7,000 and the City Attorney to prepare thefor the Counci I 's cons i derati on was approved Crosby, second by Counci lman Mangini, carried 2 ONE-t,lAY SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC ON HIGHLAND AVENUE-CALIFORNIA DRIVE TO HOIiJARD AVENUE In a communlcation dated September 2, ,l975, Arnold H. Rodman, Chairman,Traffic, Safety, Parking Commlsslon forwarded to the Clty 14anager the Commission's recommendation for the above change in traffic flow. In an addendum to the letter, the City Manager informed the Council that the Nolte traffic survey recommends the change and that he and the Traffi c Eng i neer concur. A remark from Councilman Crosby concerning problems that mlght ariseinitiated a period of discussion during which the City Planner statedthat Greyhound may be concerned because of the bus stop on Hlghlandfor San Franci sco bound buses. The City Engineer reported that Greyhound was alerted by the Traffic Engineer. Staff recommends that a new bus stop be located at the corner of Howard and Cal ifornia Drive at Arata Pontiac frontage. The Engineer explained there may be some repercussions because the stopwill be at Arata's drlveway in the area where employees park on thestreet. An alternative Iocation was the other side of Howard at the former Borden site, but this was con s i dered not as desirable. !'lith Council concurrence, l'4ayor Amstrup directed the City Attorney to prepare legislation for the Counci I 's consideratlon. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE AT BARNETT SITE Under date of August 18, 1975, the Park Director reported to the City Manager that the commandi ng offi cer of CBC-1720, Naval & Mar'l ne Corps Reserve, is i n teres ted in undertaki ng the project of bu{lding the br I dge on the Barnett site as a trai nl ng proJect for his men at no cost to the City for labor. In an addendum to the communication, theCity l4anager recommended the project be authorlzed, the City to furnish materi al s and supervision. Counci lman Cus i ck announced she wlll ab3tai n from vot i ng because , ln her opinion, the bridge is unnecessary and will become an attractlve nui sance for chi ldren. A motlon by Councilman Harrison authorizing the pro0ect was Councilman Crosby, carried on voice vote, Councilman Cusickfor the reasons no ted above seconded by abstalned /,+ CONSENT CALENDAR 451 4. TENTATIVE MAPS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION A communication dated September 10, 1975, from the Director of Public I,lorks to the Ci ty l.tanager co ncerned the fol I owi ng: l. Tentative Parcel Map Bei ng a Resubdivision of Lots l, 2, 3, and4, Bl ock I Anza Ai rport Park Uni t No. 6 ( 433 Ai rport Boul evard )Zoned C-4. The map deletes interior property lines. The Planning Com-mission at its September I meeting recommended approval to the City Counci I on a vote of 6-0. There were no conditions. 2. Tentatlve Subdlvision l.lap Being a Resubdivision of a Portionof the Lands of Kathleen Dore at Marsten Road and Rollins Road, Zoned 14-1. The map subdivides a single parcel i nto fi ve separate par- cel s. The Pl anni ng Commi ss i on at i ts September 8 meeti ng recommendedapproval to the City Council on a vote of 6-0. Planning Commisslon recommendatlon was subject to proponent 's compl i ance wi th a serl es of seven conditions. These were detai led in the communication from the Di rector of Public l.lorks. ( Reduced copi es of the two maps were furni shed the Ci ty Counci l. ) The Director of Public I'lorks, and the City l,lanager in an addendum tothe communication, concurred 'in the recommendations. I'layor Amstrup asked was it not the Dore property where there had been so much di ffi cul ty over an access easement, The Di rector of Public l.lorks confirmed this, advlsing that most of the conditions were directed toward solving the problem. Councilman Cusick noted that Planning Commission minutes of August 25 mentioned possibility of a variance in connection with the Dore map. The Di rector of Publ i c tlorks reported the Pl anni ng Commission determi ned a variance was not needed. Councilman Cusick asked about statement #2 under conditlons for approual of the map (PIanning Commission minutes August 25) "There are discrepancies for distances in that area." The 0i rector of Publ i c l.Iorks re ported thi s has not been corrected asyet but can be before the final map comes to the Councll. Further,in response to Counci I man Cus i ck concerni n9 skyl i ghts in bui I di n9 #3,the Director of Public tlorks stated this is covered under conditlon "d."i.e"subject to satisfying all building codes." Councilman Harrison moved to approve the Tentative Parcel Map resub-dividing Lots l, ?, 3, 4, Bl ock B Anza Airport Park Uni t No. 6, second by Counci lman Crosby, al I aye voi ce vote. man I'langini moved to approve the Tentative Subdivision 14ap resub- g a portion of the Lands of Kathleen Dore at Marsten and Road wlth conditlons stipulated by the Planning Commisslong of 9/8/75) and with the finding by the City Council that thein conformity with the City of Burlingame General Plan. Motiond by Cou nc I 'l man Harri son, all aye voi ce vote. Councdlvid Rol l i (meet map i secon il in ns in s de REPORTS I. CITY MANAGER RE: OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE RETIREMENTS In his memorandum of September ll, Ci ty Council that I'lr. Jack !lri ght 1975, the Ci ty Manager i nformed the i ndi cates he will be reti ri ng at the heal th, that his assistant, December I, 1975, and that lt wlllto be employed for Civll Defense end of thi s year due to Mrs . Maxi ne Matthews, w be necessary to exami neafter the reti rements. hi siil the wife's reti re setup In describing Mr. t.Iright "a dedicated worker, a credit to the City of Burlingame," Mayor Amstrup announced that he never received a salary during the many years he served as the City's Civil Defense Iiaison. His retirement will be a great loss as will that of his assistant, Mrs. Matthev{s, who has been invaluable to Mr. !{right durlng their long associ ati on. 1-), 455 llayor Amstrup stated that the Council , in earl ler discussion,that the Fire Department would assume C'lvJI Defense functionsreti rement of present staf f . 2 agreed upon cITY MANAGER AND DIRECT0R 0F PUBLIC tlORKS RE: C0ST 0F 0PERATING SEI'IAGE TREATMENT PLANT a communication to the City Manager dated August 28, 1975, theIn Di in ) ) ) rf ( ( ( ecto r of Publi ormation on th t{hether th Cost to th Compari sonof the pro c l,lork s responded toe above subj ect. He e Ci ty eould assume e City,of that cost fi gure posed contract amoun a request of his office for commented ln detal I onthe respons i bi 1 i ty of operatl on , and impl ications wi th the cos tt. It was his conclusion, from conti nue wi th Envirotech. a prac ti ca I standpoi nt, that the Ci ty should In an addendum to the communlcation' the City l'lanager commented that cost analysis submitted by the Director of Public l.lorks indicates that the City's position should be about the same as when Envirotech was retai ned, i.e., thel r operatl ng has advantages from the technicalfacility standpoint, that the City's operatlon cost would be about the same, and that the matter should be kept under surveillance for possible recons i dera ti on shoul d cond i tl ons change. There were no objections from the Council to t'layor Amstrup's commentthat any consideration to change in operation be held in abeyance and kept in mind for the future. 3. CITY ATTORNEY RE: INTERIM ORDINANCE CONCERNING THEATER USES Under date of September 3, 1975, the City Attorney forwarded to the Clty Councll flnal form of Interlm Urgency 0rdinance No. 1046 adopted by the Counci I at its meetl ng of September 2, 1975 , whereby theater uses are prohibited ln C-l and C-2 zones. In hls memo, the Attorney explainedthat the next step is for the Planning Commission to study the matterof theater uses in the two zones and report back to the City Council, hopefully, withln the 4 months period which is the 'initial term of an interim ordinance, subject to extenslon for further perl ods if necessary. The Attorney suggested that indlvidual Councl l members who have opinlons on th'l s matter not expressed in'prior discussions may wish to convey these to the Planning Dlrector so they may be utllizedfor guidance of the Commisslon, Any input from Councll and the community will be most valuable when the Commission initiates its studies at the November l0 meetl ng. Mayor Amstrup explalned the ordinance was adopted by the City Council because of the two vacant theater buildlngs. Thel r conti nued use for theater purposes is deemed undeslrable for many obvious reasons. RESOLUTIONS CAP I TAL IMPROV EMENT BUDGET In a communicatlon dated September l'l , 1975 to the City Manager, the F i nance D i rec tor advlsed as fol lows: "In accordance with actions by City Council at the Study Session last ni9ht, and per your direction of this morning' I submit herewith pro- posed draft of Resol uti on and Adopted Capl ta l Improvement Budget for ratification of City Council at the regular meet'l ng of September l5, l975. As I unders tand Counci l 's lntent, alI dol I ar amounts are approved as previously amended from your Proposed Budget, with some temporary delay in spending on Park Yard and/or Police Statlon projects, pending further information as to feasibi lity of Combined Corporation Yard and additional i nformation on space requ i reme n ts/cos ts of Po'l ice Station. " RES0LUTI0N N0.70-75 "Adopting Capital Improvement Budget Fiscal Year Fnd-nf June 30, I976-was i ntroduced by Counci lman 14angini who moved its adoptlon, second by Councllman Crosby, unanimously adopted on roll cal l. /, I 2 3 45t) Mayor Amstrup reported there was in-depth study of the Cap ments Budget by Counci I at its study meetl ng of Sep temberproject was assessed from the standpoint of necessity and Mayor Amstrup stated the Cl ty's reserves are shri nki ng and to shri nk u nl ess new sources of revenue are found; to what capital improvements may be possible next year will degtd available. i tal Impro ve -l0; everydesirability.will conti nue extent upon f unds s was the time nancing. 0RDINANCE - I n trod uc ti on of: ORDINANCE NO. IO47: T n-TTilg''TE-F a m fTy -Tn d readi ng by Counci lman opportuni ty for publ i when the ord i na nce wi MAYOR'S REPORT . PARKING STUDY COMHITTEE "Concerni ng Location And l.tidth 0f Drive-l'lays Two-Family Districts" was introduced for first Crosby. Mayor Amstrup announced th ere wi ll be c input at the Counci l's meeti ng of 0ctober 6ll be presented for second read i n9. Mayor Amstru noon in prob Avenue area. Counci l 's coIt was the c Schwalm, Cit Commission C most des i rab structure. some arrangethis. Also, may be acquito exceed 32 Burl i ngame A roof . Bori n foundatlonsat some fu tu p repo ably iIn a nsider onsensy Engi hairma I e f or This t ment w rted that the committee he appointed met this after- ts last meeting for the time being as far as Burlingame ttemptl ng to arri ve at a reasonabl e pl an for the atioir, the committee debated a number of proposals. us of members--he , Councl I man Harri son ' Ci ty Manager neer Davidson, Trafflc Engineer Mo,ore and Planning n Sine that Lot E next to the postlof f ice would be the rBny reasons; it is the most viabl'e for a good parklng akei lnto cons i derati on the questl on of air ri thts or ith the post office; the City MEnager will investigate e structirre goes forward, Jenkel -Davidson's bui ldi ng As far as height, there appeared to be agreement n0t thereby mainiainlng a low profile not visible to and p16viding four levels of parking lncluding the I be necessar, and Mr. Sine recommends placino ommodate addilional stories should they be required e, if th red.feet, venue,gs wl Ito accre tim t|,ith respect to retail shops as an adjunct to the structure' the Mayor stated ii was the decision to oppose this; the City is not in the business of renting stores' The idea is to provide as many spaces as possiblei retail sIops depend upon customers and customers will want parki ng. To I ncl ude' retai I uses woul d I essen the area aral I abl e for parking and, at the same time, increase the demand' There are now b+ spaies on tot E, the structure will provide a possi b.le.350. All of this ls projectlon, but the committee wishes the Council to be informed of'whit it conslders might be the ideal type of situation. Because of Iocation, the use can-be long or short-term depending upon supply and dema nd . The ilayor recommended that the City Manager and Finance Director Ue askid to review De Leuw,Cather-'s report and submit recommendatlons to the Counci I on methods of f lnanci ng. councilman cusick stated she had no objection ttlFran but would Iile;.to have Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission lnput.' Councilman Harrison, a member of the commlttee, agreed to move f orlrard, to take the next step of investigating thifi Councilman Crosby commented on the multl-level parking.structure in the City of San Mateb at Second Avenue and El Camino' stating it appears iro-m personal observation that only the first two floors are used; this boses the que s ti on of whether this type of parking is what the peop I e want. David H. Keyston, President, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce 'volunteered assi;tance of the Chamber's parking committee to Clty staff in s tudyl ng the fi nanci ng s i tuati on. UNFINISHED BUSINESS l. Saccuman Petition for Annexation: Councilman Harrison' member of 7 457 Local Agency Formation Commisslon (LAFC0), reported that on l,Iednesday, September 17, the agency will consider an extension of one year onthe Saccuman petition pending a recommendatlon from the City. 2. ltol qlr|di q Property:The City Manager asked for direction from theon, explaining that the matter was discussed as yet. ci ty Counci 1 on acquT-i tiin Ju ly but not fi nal i zed During the ensuing discussion, both Councilmen Mangini and Harrisonstated they thought the Clty had made a firm commitment. The CityAttorney stated that staff needed authorization to proceed on the negot i a ted pri ce. Councilman Cusick declared her intention of voting nostudies in progress on pol i ce space needs ; the resul ts recei ved, and she opposed purchase of addi ti onal land need s were unknown. because of have not been when actual more than thethat basis this subject be placed He explalned the Councl I pi ns as an expression The City l,tanager reported the architect indicates that one parcel the Clty purchased will be needed; it was onnegotiations were initiated for the Molakidis parcel. Councilman Harrison recalled there was some discussion at the studymeeting in September regarding the Caltrans property that backs upto what will be the police statlon site; with this parcel , the City woul d have frontage on Rollins Road and Carol an Avenue. Councilman Crosby encouraged purchase of the Molakidis propertyfor te reasons that the City commltted itself, that the architect recommended its acquisition, that Jt appears certain more land is needed thao purchased thus far. l,layor Amstrup expressed a preference for not commiUlng alI of theproperty to the police statlon until the space needs report isavailable. Councilman Harrison moved to authorize the Clty Attorney to proceed on the negoti ated pri ce , second by Counci lman Mangi ni . Motion carri ed on a vote of 4 to I, counci lman cusick voted no. (reasons stated above ) The Ci ty Attorney advi sed that the Ci ty wi I I receive rentai I ncomefrom both properties, that there will be relocation costs when thetenant vacates the i\4olakidis site for which the City will beresponslble. In response to an inqulry from Mayor Amstrup, theAttorney stated rental receipts wil l be deposlted in the general fund and may be earmarked to cover relocatlon costs if that is the Councl l's wish. 3, City Mementoes: Hayor Amstru on tlr-e rleaoen-da ,oF-Ehe 0ttober stu had di scussed the i dea of presenof appreci ati on and recogni tl on. p dytl asked that meeti ng. ng service I. neig the abou bookit s NEI,I BUS I NESS Informational Pam hlet: 0r n9 c es as a smal ci ty hal I and the councl It the city. He was imprelet be prepared for €ounchould be ready for the st 2. lE Arundel Road:regardi ng a peti ti on ctrucks and building ma advi sed he has not see owner that he is buildwhich he says is prope wi lI be moved in about Mayor Amstrup stated that one of theI bookl et avai lable to the public in chambers wi th pertinent I nformation ssed wi th lt and asked that a similaril review. The City l,lanager reported udy meeting. In response to a comment from Cou i rcul ated by ne i gh bors seeki ng abterial s storage on the property, n the petl ti on but has been infor i ng a facl I i ty i n some other arearly zoned, and that the truc ks a ndsix weeks. ncilman atementthe Cit Cusick ofy Attorney the Ci ty, al s med byof the materi 3, 0n Site Parking: Counci lman Cusick referred to two items in the P1 anning Commisslon minutes of August 25 concerning applJcations forvariance by two homeowners, each lnterested in addlng a bedroom.In both cases a variance was requlred because there was one garage on, 45E the property and the code requires carport or garage space for two cars where there are more than two bedrooms. She requested considera- tion to amendment of Section 25,70.030 of the Zoning Code by deleting the requi rement for covered parki ng and substi tuti ng a provi sion that there be parking spaces for two cars on the premises. The City Planner stated that people usetimes, more than one car. This is where much parking should be permitted in thepermitted, it would seem there should be vehicles. the driveway tothe dif f icul tyfront setback?a limit as to park, I ies.rf i t number at How is of I Councilman Cusick stated there are cars parked in driveways through- out the City; at Ieast they are off the street. Planning Commissioner Ruth E. Jacobs questioned whether the code should Ue amended. This would have the effect of el iminating two-car garages in new homes. I'layor Amstrup requested the Ci ty Pl anner to present the matter to the Planning Commission for consideration. 4. thi s Mana and elim 5. from to mate Copi es Adv i sor Di sposa Truck Parki n on Cit par n9 n ev c nger reported that the i s parki ng hi s equi pme i nate the parki ng thro Property: Mayor Amstrup asked Wlfme Caboose Restaurant. restaurant olrner is in the aspnt i I I egal I y. An effort wi I I ugh pol i ce and zonl ng enforcem abou Thehalt tcir bus de ness o vi he had an ass i gnment to deBmi ne a cost estimate f ron the Caboose Restaurant to ine Mil lbrae City limits, Mayor Amstrup requested that the San Francisco t,later Department be approached to determine its i nterest i n rel eas i ng the I and to Burl i ngame. Bi ke Path on l,larket Street Ri ht of l,,la ou nc man arr son, an a repor rom r a istr bute to ou nc t s eve : In response to an inquirY the City Planner that be ma ent. t t4 hi ni fl I 1,lasteCs 5 REGIONA P NNING C0MMITTEE C0Ml'IUNICATI0NS: Councilman angi ni eferreds request:e adsRo I as 197 c ning And Reqar AuIu s at Sce dint? of "Resolution E$tabl ishing RPC Bikeways { 8?THl}'fipi fi?HXtl,'3?iTt3'*3.ItH3'3t"t AC KNOI.IL E DGM ENTS 4 2. 3. Phase I I Report, San Mateo County Comprehensi ve l,later Resources Management Pl an. San t'tateo County Board of Supervi sors report on_ !everal topi cs. San Mateo County Transi t Di stri ct noti ce of publ i c heari ng on 0ctober 8 , 7 :30 P. M. , Redwood Ci tY. l"lid-Peninsula Youth Football League request for City's adverti sement i nsert i n new yeaibook. Counci Iman qusi ck obiected for the reason the City does not advertise in Little League or s imi I ar programs . Rdcreati oh Oepartment announcement of publ i cati on dates for brochure. Gi nger Fortmi I I er report re: CETA V I Empl oyees . Ci ti PI anner report irl anni ng Comml ssi on meeti ng September B, I 975 Libi.ary Board minutes August tg, Beautification Commission, Septeirber 4 , PI anni ng Commi ssi on, August 25 , I 975. l,larrants Nos. 578 through 787, duly audited in the- were approved f or paymint on moti on of Counc i 'l - Councilman Harrison, all aye voice vote. 975, Checks Nos. 11832 through 12543' in the were approved on moti on of Counci I man Cus i ck , Harri son , al I aye voi ce vote. 5 6 7 8 l^lARRANTS & PAYROLL:ffi.gz man Cus i ck, second bY PayroIl, August, I amount of $31 3,1 47,03 second by Councilman ADJ0URNMENT: The meeting was regu'l arly adjourned at 9:20 P.M Respectfully submitted: He By rbert K. Whi te, Ci tY Cl erk 7, 2-,-;-*,21._,@_ Depu t{/ City Cl erk