HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1975.11.03470 Burlingame, November California 3, 1975 A regul ar neeting odate in the City Haorder at 8:03 P.M. he Burl i ngame Ci ty Counci I was Counci I Chambers. The meeti ng Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. he ld on the above was called to ftII by PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: LCd by tJayne 14. Svran, Ci ty Pl anner. ROLL CALL Present Absent - Counci I- Counci l I'lembers 14embers Amstrup-Crosby-Cus i ck-Harri son-Mangi ni None The mi nutes of the regular meeti ng of 0ctober 6, 1975, were approved.and adopted with the addiaion of Mayor Amstrup's comment when.voting to deny the encroachment permit application of tlilliam Stevens, viz. ' 'I have consistently opposed permits that will allow encroachments on city owned I ands, - ( Pige b Orafi mi nutes , Page 464, Vol ume I7 "Mi nutes . " ) i,I I NUTES INCREASED OVERTIME PARKING BAIL Counci lman Cusi ck asked if the covered. The Ci tY AttorneY adv to use of the meters. Further 'stated that I{ovember 24 will be Councilman CrosbY asked if it is a lso, he advi sed there was some intended that all meters be covered; confu s i on l ast year because some but not /. i.,layor Amstrup announced a departure from the agenda order to consider th6 above subj ect first as a courtesy to i nterested persons, He reported that a messagi was received at city Hall earlier in the day from the firm of Grub & Eliis i ndi cati ng that a number of peop I e i ntended to be present because of their concern.- Mayor Anstrup expiained that when the news of the bail increase first came to the city's attention he asked the city i4anager and the city Attorney to find out more of the details, whether the increase was to be effective immediately or was there to be a grace period for the citizens to be forewarned, He announced that the city 6t Surtingame received excellent cooperation from the press in response io i-".qu6it for publicity. AII thrbe of the pqpgrl that serve this area ran arti cl es. The Ci ty was officiai ly noti fied through a I ette r sent to the Chief of Police under date of 0ctober 16' 1975, from Jiris-0. Nitier, Judge, Secretary, Municipal Court Judges Association, uariilng tnat ttre tluiiiipal Couri Judges Association met and set the uiii-at"SS.OO. Bail fixing is a couri not a city function; as the reiufI oi inquiries to the-court, it was determiied that the 55.00 bail *ii-to ne corinty-wide; furthermore, the court granted Burlingame a orace oeriod. For a short time, the City wilI be allowed to continue iiin-th" S2.00 bail. t"tayor Amsirup stated he presented. the.issue to the Ci,l^tV C"rrii t of t{ayors- at i ts I alt meeti,l9. ,f l I of the ci ti es agreed to pui.sue this with itre l'lunicipal Court Judges Association. The mayors couhci I said three thi ngs to the court: There could have been the cou rte s oi-piior information to-the cities, a grace period allowed prior to impiementation, and, finally, a requesi was made for an explanation of thL reasons for the increas-e. In ionclusion, Mayor Amstrup explained tha dr"f i.gir'" is attempting to give its_citizens as much grace peri od as the Lourts-wilI allow; iftei tha[, the 55.00 bail will go into effect' Counci lman Harri son suggested that the meters at Broadway and Burl i ngame er.nu" jnoppi ng areas 5i covered as was done Iast year duri ng the noiiJuV sfrb'ppiig s.ason to stimulate business. He pointed.out that if the meters were covered on November 24 the interveni!9 peri od up to i'rii z+in *iit fall within the grace period granted by the court when the $2.00 bail remai ns in effect. ju ls I dqes wi lI obj ect to the meters being ei tne Ci ty has au thori ty wi th respect n response to Counci I man Cusi ck ' he within the peri od of grace. v t CALL TO OROER al I of the s i de streets were i ncl uded. Counci lman Harri son moved to to provide one hour of freein the commercial districts November 24, 1975 to January on a marked tire basis. The in two communi cations dated 0ctober 3l 5 Primrose Road, pFBsented an i dea senior citizens living in apartments the City's pub'l ic parking lots. l'tr. the Council briefly. 471 ement the same system used Iast year ng in all of the one hour metered spaces oadway Avenue and Burlingame Avenue from 976, the one hour limit to be enforced on was seconded by Counci lman l'1angi ni .** impl parkiof Br3, I moti The Chief of Police informed the Council he had no definite information as to duration of the moratorium granted by the court. He explained that the supply of bail schedules furnished with each citation is nearly exhausLbd- and probably wi I 1 not I ast unti I November 24. Mayor Amstrup suggested the bai I ambunt can be changed i f the nev,, schedul es must be used before the 24th. The Attorney recommended a rubber stamp. response to Councilman 14angini's question concerning instal lation of e cover on the meter heads, the City Manager reported these are fur- shed by the Chamber of Commerce and instal'led by the meter serviceman. **The motion carried unanimously on roll call. COMMUNICATIONS I. APPEAL HEARING SCHEDULED Acknowledgment was made of a communication dated 0ctober 23,1975 from John F. and i,loreen Devi ne, l34B DeSoto Avenue, appeal i ng Pl anni ng Com- mission denial (0ctober l4 meeting) of a variance from average width requi rements of.a Fi rst Resi denti at (R-l ) I ot. t4ayor Amstrup announced the appeal .wi I I be heard at the Ci ty Counci I meeti ng of November 'l 7 ,1 975. ?. PROPOSAL FOR MONTHLY PAY PARKING PLAN In rh ni 14, 1975, Henry Franci s l{i sse'lwi tz, for pay parking to accommodate wi thout garages i n the vi ci ni tY of Mi sselwi tz was present, addressi ng t'layor Amstrup's recommendati on that the subiect stirdy meeting on November 12 was accepted by the was i nvi ted to attend. 3. NUCLEAR POI.IER be referred toCouncil. ["1r. the Mi ssel wi tz In a communication dated 0ctober ?7, '1975, Thomas hl. Turk, l40B Benito Avenue, submitted a form of resolution for consideration by !he City Councii calling for public information and discussion on nuclear power. There were no oU jections voi ced by Counci I members to l'layor Amstrup's recommendation that the City Council not take a stand but that members approach this individually is has been the policy in the past in like- situations. 4. FAMILY CARE FOR NEEDY CHILDREN A 'letter dated 0ctober l, 1975, from Robert D. Rippeto, Director, Social Service Division of San I'tateo Couhty, concerned an urgent need of additional family homes to provide care for children whos? parents are unable to do so. The lettei stated that a volunteer committee assisted by Social Service Division and Juvenile Probatio! Department staff is liunchi ng a recrui tment campai gn on 0ctober I - and publ i c endorsement of this eff6rt by the Burlingame City Council will greatly enhance the com- mittee's ability to bring the needs of the children of this county. to the attention oi familiei who may be able to open their homes to them. 0n behalf of the City Council, Miyor Amstrup dec'l ared this City's whole- hearted support of the program. 5. SAN i,lATEO COUNTY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT REPRE SENTATIVE In of Ci a communication dated 0ctobet 23, the Board, advised that the term ty of Bur'l ingame representative to I 975, Dr. Reynol ds Smi th, Presi dent of office for l{r. t.lilliam L. Briggs, the District Board of Trustees, J-. 472 wil I expire December 3'l , 1975. In his letter, Dr. Smith described Mr. Briggs as an excellent representative, dedicated to the cause of good management practi ces and publ i c servi ce, and suggested hi s reappointment for the two year term January l, 1976 through December 3'1, 1977. tlith unanimous approval of the CounciI, i4ayor Amstrup announced Mr. Briggs reappointment for the designated tvro year term. 6. COMMISSIONERS' TERMS Acknowledgment was made of a communication from Herbert K. l.lhite, City C1erk, dated 0ctober 9,1975, reporting on expiration of terms of several City commissioners - l,lrs. Gloria H. Barton and Clarence Rusch of Beautification Commission, 14rs. llildred B. Grens and John 0'Le0Fy, Park & Recreation, and Victor T. Subbotin, Traffic Safety & Parking. i4ayor Amstrup requested the City l'4anager to determine if there is i nterest i n reappoi ntment. 7. BROADl.lAY AREA LONG TERM PARKING EXPERIMENT A communi cati on dated 0ctober 29, .l975, to the Ci ty i'lanager Arnol d H. Rodman, Chai rman, Traffi c, Safety, Parki ng Commi ss the Commission's unanimous recommendation at its meeting ofthat two hour parking be changed to long term on Capuchino, Laguna and Chula Vista Avenues. The Commission recommendede of the street eeer shal 1 determig term shall be p the block northe be edier from i on reported 0ctober 9, I 975 Pa I omathat the xcept on ne whether ermi ttedrly to southerl y long term zone be confined to the right Laguna, a two-way street, the Traffi c En ri ght or I ef t s i de. Itiorth of Broadway, from a point approximately in the middle sid gin I on of Li ncol n Avenue, on the south si de of Broadway f rom mid-b'lock to Carmel i ta Avenue. Councilman Cusick asked if parking is permitted on both sides of a'll of the streets at the present time. The City Engineer indicated it is. There was discussion conserning precise'location of the proposed Iong term zone. Mayor AmstriFtfiE0uidbrstood in tal king wi th one of the merchants that I ong term woul d be at the end.- of the street f arthest from Broadway. The City Attorney reported he attended the Commission meeting and understood that to be the intent. Councilman Crosby asked what "long term" signified as far as actual time. The City Engineei stated the Commission minutes did not mention hours, but, general'ly speaking, long term is 4 hours and longer. It waS his impression in talking with the Traffic Engineer that it may be 8 hours in this instance. Mayor Amstrup asked if the residents on the affected streets were coirsul ted. tfre Ci ty Engi neer stated he was not aware that they had Communications endorsing the Iong term parking Broadway Drug, 1300 Broadway, Fidelity Federal l30l Broadway, Bank of America, 1400 Broadway. Councilman Harrison moved to implement the change on an for 3 months in accordance with Traffic, Safety, Parking mendati ons. l,loti on seconded by Counci lman Mangi ni . ** trial were received from Savings & Loan, been. experimental basis Commission recom- 0n the question, Councilman Cusick recalled th pl ai nts from resi dents on these si de streets t cl ose to dri veways thus creati ng probl ems for of their garages. She asked if the curb on bo mi ght be pai nted red duri ng thi s tri al peri od dents. The Ci ty Engi neer stated a survey wi I 1 addi ti onal red curbs are feas i bl e. He expl ai n driveways hrere painted red in response to earl Councilman Crosby asked if existing signs (2-hour) will be covered during the experiment; ilso, will there be a i'ign on each street to identify the long term zone. carried unanimously at hat the th to the Council heard com-drivers parked too peop'le who back out s i des of dri veways accommodate the resi - made to determine if that some curbs at compl ai nts. **The mot i on on rol I ca s ta tedil.above to implement the changes was APPLICATIONS FOR AMUSEMENT LICENSES t. ES tab s ment was ue or rev ew and FUN HOUSE 224 CAL I FORN IA DR IV E : Counci lman i'langi ni renewal subject to Counci lman Crosby. The amusernent I i cense f or thi s consideration of renewal by the 473 lained his philosophy has not ecause of its proximity to bothin his opinion, it entices continues to oppose this type Ci ty Counci I at thi s time. A communication from the Department of Police dated 0ctober 15,1975, signed by Thomas B. Chase, Lieutenant, for Gerald A. Nordstrom, Chief of PoIice, offered no derogatory comments on the operation. It was the Department's recommendation that a permit be issued for continued operati on . moved to grant an amusement license for one year, review by the City Council. Motion seconded by 0n the ques ti on , Counci I man Harri son exp changed wi th respect to thi s busi ness; b elementary and high schools and because, young people to spend too much money, heof operati on i n the I ocati on. I'lotion declared carried on following roll call: Counci I l.lembers Aye: Amstrup-Crosby-l{angi ni Counci I i.lembers No: Cusi ck-Harri son Counci I i,lembers Absent: None 2. fo PRII,IROSE LANES I34O HOI,IARD AVENUE:r an amusement cense to a ow pu c of 'this f irm the premi ses was on 0ctober 6, 1975 'l i cense re port . the Counci l reci ted therei n. premi ses wereof the cocktail area period of two weeks he Pol i ce Department The request danci ng on presented to the Ci ty Counci I at i ts regul ar meeti ng and conti nued at the request of the Chi ef of Pol i ce. ilayor Amstrup acknowl edged a report dated 0ctober 30, 'l 975, f rom the Police Department signed by Lieutenant Chase for the Chief of Police mentioning incidents requiring consideration in connection with the application for an amusement license. It was the Police Department's recommendation that the license be issued for a 90 day period during rvhi ch stri ct survei I I ance wi I I be mai ntai ned. Thomas Henderson, Presi dent, Primrose Management Corporati on, i nformed the Council he had not seen the report. He vras furnished a copy. Councilman Harrison moved to deny the license, second by Councilman Cusick. 14ayor Amstrup and Counci I man Harri son expressed the opi ni on the should be denied because of statements in the Pol ice Department Counci lman I'langi ni expressed a pref erence to grant a 90 renewal subject to performance during that time. i.1r. Henderson di scussed the contents of the report wi th briefly and expressed ignorance of part of the incidents day I i cense, Counci lman Harri son commented that from the time the renovated there have been probl ems of access i bi I i ty to minors. He offered to withdraw his motion for ato give Mr. Henderson an opportunity to respond to treport. Counci lman Cusick withdrew her second. i'layor Amstrup decl ared the sub ject conti nued to the meeti ng of l.tonday, i'iovember 17 , 1975. 3. 0c me PRIi{ROSE GARDENS 1 461 BURL I NGAME AVENUE : tobet 7, 1975, was filed by Phil Bertetta an d nt license to offer live music at the above e An ap Ri ck stabl pl i PI i sh cati on dated ume for an amuse- ment. offor A report from the Police Department dated 0ctobeF 8,1975, signed by Lieutenant Chase for the Chief of Police reported that, an inspection the premises and investigation of the principals revealed no basis Pol i ce Department objecti on to i ssuance of the requested I i cense. ,/ 47 1 4 Councilman Mangini moved to approve the'license for a period of 6 months, renewal subject to review by the City CounciI. tlotion seconded by Counci I man Harri son, carri ed unanimously on rol I cal'l . PROPOSAL PURPOSES TO LEASE AND REMODEL THEATER BUILDING FOR DISCOTHEQUE I 1 57 CALIFORNIA DRIVE Under date of 0ctober 21 ,1975, Harley C. HardestY, Attorney at Law' 319 Sixth Avenue, San Francisco, acting in behalf of I,Jilliam 14. Cutcomb, submitted an application for permit to offer music and dancing at the above I ocati on. In tire Police Department report of 0ctober 30, I975, Lieutenant Chase advised that I'lr. Cutcomb intends to form a corporation for this invest- ment; however, at this time it is not definite as to the corporate structure. Until such time Council decides to commit applicant to the point of his intent to file corporate papers, the Police Department cannot properly i nvesti gate the matter. l.layor Amstrup's recommendation that the app'l ication .be ref erred to st-aft for admi ni strati ve processes and then returned to the Ci ty Counci I through those channel s was unanimously accepted. CONSENT CALENDAR BU RL I NGAM T OCTOBER, CIVIC ARTS COUNCIL NOVEi.IBER,DECEI'1BIR. Under date of 0ctober 10,1975, Clarence E. Rusch, for the Board of Di rectors , submi tted an i temi zed account of proposed expendi tures for the aDove period in a total amount of $.l250.00. Mayor Amstrup questi oned an expendi ture of $l 00.00 for tel ephone answeri ng servi ce. Following the explanation of 14rs. Marjorie Taylor, Board of Directors member, lne proposed budget was approved on moti on of Counci I an l"langi ni , second by Counci Iman Harri son, unanimously carried on rol I cal'l . 2. Ii,ISURANCE CONSULTANTS' SERV ICES PROPOSALS Under date of 0ctober 30 , 1975, the Ci ty i,lanager f orwarded two bi ds: i'lund, l.lcLaurin & Company - minimum cost $3000.00, maximum $3500.00; !.larren, i'lcVeigh, Griffin & Huntington - minimum $5000.00, maximum $6500.00. In recommendi ng a contract for the 'l ower-pri ced proposal , the City I,lanager explained that the City could obtain vaiue received by retaining the low bidder and also save money. Furthermore, the City would be in a more secure position as to its insurance coverage by oUtai ni ng such professi onal analysi s and report from experts who do not sel I i nsurance. I PROPOSED BUDGET'l 975 Commenti ng she had no objecti on to the study, i f there i s data avai I abl e , perhaps from the Ci ti es, on ci ti es comparabl e to Burl i ngame i n assets that are sel f-i nsured. The City A ti me . Theyears, andrealistic Councilman Mangini asked if there is some i nsurance study and the fi xed assets surve there i s and confi rmed that the survey wi I consul tant. Councilman Crosby's motion to proceed with t t''lund, i'lcLauri n & Company i n accordance wi th 0ctober ?3, 1975, was seconded by Councilman carried on roll call. 3. GOLF COURSE PLAN Counci I man Cusi ck asked League of Cal iforni a popul ati on and i nsurable ttorcit the and ney explained that self-insurance is not the issue at y's insurance program has not been evaluated for many purpose of the study is to gain expert advice on what economi cal . rel ati onshi p between they. The City l'4anager i'ndicated-I be avai I abl e to the i nsuranc( thi s is Copi es wi th a of three golf course laYouts memorandum dated 0ctober 29, he proposal of the I ow bi dder, their proposal of Harri son and unanimouslY were f orwarded by the Ci ty l{anager 1975, recommending that one Plan be / 475 approved and a sui tabl e contract negoti ated wi th archi tect Robert ttlui r GraveE Al so, the Ci ty l,lanager recommended i t wou I d be prudent to authori zei'lr. Graves to proceed with the driving range. This particular proiect will be an excellent revenue producer for the city. t'4ayor Amstrup recommended for the Counci l 's consideration Pl an "L. "It was his opinion this plan will be the least obiectionable to Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC) because it requires no fill anci, to expedite construction, it probably will be best not to become involved ih discussions of fill at this time. He stated wheh changes in the course appear desirable and fill necessary application can be made to BCDC. A motion contract seconded by Councilman Harrison approving PIan rrLrr and negoti ati on wi th i'lr. Graves to be approved by by Councilman i{angini and unanimously carried 4. PARK DEPARTMENT CORPORATION YARD Site improvements recommended by the P brere f orwarded to the Ci ty Counci I by 0ctober 30, 1 975 wi th a recommendati on authori zed. Councilman Cusick stated that costs submitted $l B, 23?.00 i ncl udi ng fi I I . 0ctober proposal authorizingthe Counci I was on roll call. ark Director for the above proiect the Ci ty Flanager under date ofthat adverti s i ng for b i ds be 1975 totaled $38,735.00. i n l'lay, total s Further di scustne f i gures. here for purpo were attri buteyard; i f const be secured. 2of $9,000.00 i5. Concrete s i'4ay estimate. as tne wooden two (2) feet hthat extremely sio (Hi sesdt ruc na I ab Th n was del ayed temporari ly for the Ci ty Engi neer to revi ew s report was made later in the meeting but is inserted of conti nui ty. ) Di fferences between the two proposal s o: I . Addi ti onal chai n I i nk f enci ng to enc'l ose the ti on of the bui I di ng i s postponed, outsi de storage must Increase i n uni t pri ce of redwood headers. 3. Error ddition in i{ay estimate. 4. Additional asphalt paving. and el ectri cal undergroundi ng, nei ther i ncl uded i n e City Engineer stated that the site will flood as long d remai ns ; however, the concrete s I ab constructeder than grade r*i I I al I evi ate some of the probl em i n w section and make the area more functional. she igh lo Fol I owi ng comments from Counci I members, Counci I man Harri son moved authorize advertising for bids on the items listed in the Park Di rector's memorandum of 0ctober 30, .l975 to the Ci ty I'lanager wi th sti pu'l ati on that the concrete sl ab be bi d as an al ternate. i'loti on secbnded by Councilman 14angini and carried unanimously on roll call to the 5 . HAMi4ETT & ED I SON , I 4O(] ROLL I NS ROAD :REQUEST TO BRIDGE EASTON CREEK In a communication dated 0ctober 2 on this request to construct a bri i4arsten Road to provi de access to contempl ated devel opment of offi ce Engi neer i ndi cated no obiecti on to conci'i ti ons : I . Des i gn of bri dge channel and shall be approved by C si bi I i ty and feasi bi 1 i ty of obtai n along the southeasterly property 1 tenance of the adjacent drainage c surveying and support material be In response to an inquiry from l'{ayor Amstrup, the City Engineer reported that 14r. Hammett was somewhat hesitant about granting the easement on his property and indicated he would prefer it be on the other side of the creek. The Cjty Engineer expressed a preference for the easement on llammett's site.- He-was authorized to pursue the subiect further with ilr. Hammett and return to the Councii with a recommendation. I'IEhI POLICE STATION oJ) dge thesa I 975, the Ci ty Engi neer commented across Easton Creek i n I i ne wi th rear of their property for a nd light warehousing. The CitY e request under the fol I owi ngll not obstruct flow of creekEngineer; 2. Investi gate Pos-a 20 foot plus or minus easement of Lot 6 for access to and main- nel . 3. A'l I easement documents, vided by the applicant. th shaitv i ng ine han pro i,layor Amstrup announced there has been i n-depth di scussi on on thi s prolect at study sessions but never a formal vote on whether to pr br not at this time. He explained that the new police station was oceed 6 47 (; declared first priority in capital irnprovement projects by the CityCouncil and the Council agreed informally at a recent study meetingto i ntervi ew archi tects. Explaining that he recognized the need for a new police station, heoffered the fol 1 owi ng for the Counci I 's consi deration: At the I aststudy meeting figures were furnished by the City f4anager with amplifi-cations by the Finance Director. There was an unexpended balance shown at end of fiscal year 1974-75 in an amount of $290,000.00.and $500,000.00 appropriat,ion for fiscal year'75-76. He stated th $280,000 is not unexpended, $120,000 was used to purchase one of thelots.TherewaSananticipatedamountof$268,000fromRevenueShari,g,a "guestimate," and $200,000 indicated as market value of the presentstati on. Thi s money wi I I not be avai I abl e to defray constructi on costs;the building cannot be so'ld until the new quarters are ready for occupancy.Further, this is a substantial sum and there is no assurance the property wi 1 I bri ng thi s return . l,li th respect to the $75 ,000 i ndi cated asinterest on investments, the money will be spent in increments and willnot be available for investment. There was no mention made of costsof moving tenants on the two properties, nor costs of interior fixturesand f urni shi ngs. l"layor Amstrup expressed the opi ni on that f undsshould be accumulated so that most of the money will be available whenconstruction starts, as has been the practice in the past. It washis position that the Council must decide between moving ahead post haste or move slowly, accumulate more money and assess the financialsituation of the City before commiting to construction. Councilman t'langini asked about the effect of inflationgo" approach. How much will the City lose from the netthat i s accumul ati ng? He mentioned that the Counci I hacirastic figures on inflation by experts in the field. on a "p values heard as you m0 ney ome ay of s Thomas H. Si ne , constructi on estimator, was present and i nformed theCouncil that the current rate of inflation overall in constructioncosts i s l% per month. In response to Counci lman Harri son, I'lr. Si nestated he expected this figure to remain stable until next June whenunion contracts will'be negotiated. Further, in the history of thelabor movement, there has only been twice that price per hour decreased, That happened in 1933 and 1934. It has been many years since cost of I abor remai ned consi stent wi th no change. Councilman Harrison moved to interview architects andconstruction. Motion seconded by Councilman Crosby. proceed wi th the 0n the question, Councilman Cusick explained she had some very basicdifficulties with the consultant's report. It assumes that personnelwill double in l5 years. At present, considbut not workman's compensation or other simi department budget is $1,200,000, exclusive oAt 1 0% i nfl ati on, the pol i ce department budg consi dered statements i n the report i ncorrecwill be necessary to double police personnel by the year 2000. The report assumes everyt poi nted out that the fi re department has ask spri nkl er system requi rements i n certai n typ as a method of mai ntai ni ng manpower at a fix reti rement benefi ts ,enefi ts , the pol i ce i tal improvements.l1 spiral. She questi oned that i t 5 years and tri pl ewill increase. Sher legislation, bui I di ngs, for exampl e nvel ; that I evel has i nformi nge the next eri ng I ar bf capet wit andin I hing ed fo es of ed le been maintained in the fire department for approximate'ly the past threeyears. She felt there were similar opportunities availab'le to the police department such as requi ri ng i nstal I ati on of burgl ar al arms i n i ndustri albuildings. Councilman Cusick stated that further discussion should bewithheld and that the consultant's report be made an agenda item sothat the Council can have the material at hand to discuss. Councilman Crosby pointed out that the subject was reviewed at lengthat two study meeti ngs. The Counci I was i nf orrned by the Ci ty t4anagerthat f unds are avai'l abl e and that the f i nanci al condi ti on of the Ci tywill not be affected adversely if the decision is made to go ahead atthis time. The City i,lanager p the City of additifiscal year before oi nted out an archi tect can be hel pful byonal sources of revenue. A'l so, i t wi I I b Constructton starts and addi tional funds 7. can be 477 a I I ocated at tha t tine. i'layor Amstrup repeated he is not opposed to the project; hisis that the Counci l is moving too fas t. l.lill there be enoughto finish once the work starts? The City must protect itself ailment that is appeari ng in other cities. concern money from the was mutual agree-Counci lman Cros by s tated it was his impressi on there ment at the study meeting to interview architects, The motion stated above (to intervlew architects wlth ceedi ng to con s truct i on ) was decl ared carri ed on thecall: the i dea f ol I owi ng of pro- rol I Cou nci I Counci I Counci l l,lembers l,lembers l'lembers Aye : Crosby-Harri son-Mangi niNo: Amstrup-Gusick (for reasons stated above)Absent: None AUIJITIONAL CONSENT CALENDAR 6. PARCEL 14APS Under date of October 30, 1975, the City Manager forwarded two maps recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council for approval:I. Tentative and Final Parcel l.lap, being a resubdivision of Lot l, Anza Airport Park Unit No.2 (380,390 and 398 Lang Road).In a communication dated 0ctober 29,1975, the City Engineer detaileda series of comments by the Planning Commission relative to acceptanceof the map. It was his recommendation that the City Council approve wi th the condi ti ons. Counci I man Harri son's moti on to appr.ove the map as recommended by the Planning Commission and the City Engineer was seconded by Councilman !,'langini, unanimously carried on roll call. ?. Amended Subdivision Map, Park Plaza Towers, a condominium projectat ll0 Park Road.In his accompanying communication of 0ctober 29,-1975, the City Engineernoted Commi ssi on comments : "A l i st of several techni cal correcti ons must be made before the City Engineer affixes hJs signature." The City Engineer informed the City Council that signatures will be wi thhel d until correcti ons are made. Counci Iman Crosby's motion to approve the map as recommended by Planning Commission and City Engineer was seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried on following roll call:Council i'lembers Aye: Amstrup-Crosby-Harrison-ManginiCouncil I,lembers No : None Counci I Members Absent: I{one Counci I Members Absta i n: Cusick 7. OCCIDENTAL AVENUE TRAFFIC Under date of 0ctober 30, 1975, the City flanager forwarded a petition from residents of 0ccidental, Howard, Ralston and Crescent Avenues propos i ng instal lation of a "di p" at the corner of Barroi l het and Ccci dental Avenues and at Howard and 0cci dental Avenues, or a comparabl e means of enforcing the speed laws in the area. The City Council accepted the City I'lanager's suggestion that the matter be referred toTraffic, Safety, Parking Commisslon and to the traffic engineer todetermine if there are any further recommendatlons for action. B. FINAL PARCEL I'IAP - I O2'I EL CAMINO REAL In a communication dated 0ctober 20, 1975, the City Engineer reportedto the City 14anager that the above map was approved by the Planning Com-mission and recommended to City Council for acceptance on a vote of5 to l. In an addendum to the communication, the City 14anager recom- mended approval. 0n mo ti on of Counci I man Harri son , second by Counci I - man Crosby and unanimously carried on roll call, the map was accepted aspresented. 9. HERITAGE TREE & HERITAGE GROVE DESIGNATIONS tIn a communication dated 0ctober 3, 1975, the Park Director reported to the City I,lanager that the Beautification Commission at a regular meeting on-0ctober 2, 1975 approved the request of Ernest L. Norberg for Heiitage Tree designation for a Cryptomeria on his property. at 707 0cciaeital Avenuei additionally, a nomination was made by the Commission for Heritage Grove designation for all the trees lining El Camino Real. In an addendum to the communication' the City I'lanager iecommended the Ci ty Counci I confi rm the desi gnati ons . Thi s was done on motion of Counciiman Cusick, second by Councilman Harrison, unani- mously carri ed on voi ce vote. 10.ENCROACHI'lENT PERMIT ORDINANCE Under date of 0ctober 29, 1975,of ordi nance for the i ssuance of ag reed wi th his suggesti on that to the November studY meeti ng on REPORTS RENTAL FOR COOLIDGE SCHOOL: ded a commu n ingame Schoo dered the re i ntai n the i ncrease to $500.00 n Harrison .approving ' the incr ni ty faci I i ty was seconded bY C voi ce vote , the City Attorney forwarded a form encroachment permi ts. The Counci I it be held for studY and referred it the I2th. ic I nt Under date of 0ctober 29, 1975' the ati on from James E. B l ack, District Di stri ct, advi sing that the Board al amount and voted unanimouslY to per month. A motion bY Counci 1- ease in order to conti nue thi s com- ounci lman Cusick, unanimously carried l. Ci Su of ma ma mu on ty i4anager forwar peri ntendent Burl Trustees reconsi 2. REV ISED REVENUE PROGRAM FOR I,IASTEt,lATER MANAGEMENT In a communication to the city Ilanager dated october 30, 1975' the iity i"gineer/Director of Pubiic 11oiks reported that-Jenks & Adamson' coniulting engineers, adv i sed they can prepare a Igvised program ;;;-ih; gity 6t Burlinsame which would inciude 14illbrae, Hillsboroush' ira A;.fingir. Hills Sinitary Sewer District for a cost of $2,900.00' S;."ri" tni State tlatei nesoirrces Control Board has stopped further ;;;;i- ruyn.nt. unti l Bur'l i ngame is in compl i ance wi th Envi ronmental i;;l;.'ti;;-A;;.ay (EPA) guiielines, it was the Citv Ensineers' recommendati 6n , toncurlei i n by th6 ci ty l''tanager, that . the counci I ;;i[.;ita exec;tion Ji'in agr"ir"nt wit-h the ionsultants for the studv at the cost i ndi cated. Counci lman Cusick asked if Ni'l lbrae' Hi I I sborough a i.orntr) wi I I share in the cost of the study. The ixotai-n6a that the $2,900 is eligible for 879 grant noh-el i gi bi e amount can be prorated ' SAN MATEO COUNTY SOLID I.IASTE PLAN REPORT FREE BUS RIUE PROPOSAL nd Burl i ngame Hi I I s Ci ty Engi neer funds ; the rema i nder forwarded i nfo rma t i on submission of thei r act upon the fi n6l RESOLUTION NO. 77-75 "Authori zi nq Executi on 0f Second Suppl ement To inq Servicei (gurlingame-l'lillbrae Central Bay en(s a Adamson " was i n troduced by Council- d its adopti on, second by Counci lman Crosby 'rolI call, Aq reeme n t For Eng outf al I System) l,J i neerith J man Harrison, who move unanimously carri ed on Under date of 0ctober 30' 1975' the Clty Manager on Drooress of the Solid l,laste Committee toward finil ieport and advised it wil I be necessary to report ih one form or another when received' 3 4 Under date of 0ctober 30' 1975, the City Planner made a detailed report io-ii,.-iiiv counci.l on tlie use of Burlingame Transi! br.:!.tq nrovi!e. iree rouna-trip servi;e-ior-peopte who w6uld park along Californla Dlive ilo, bii e.ove' to cu"iler iIi.'-ihe-planner citLd uenefits' difficul ties' and methods of imPlementation. know that someone peopl e who do not that mi ght be one has drl veof the 7 Councilman l'langi ni asked how the driver wil l p.tt.a and is 6nti tled to ri de free. I'lhat of and attempt to ri de free? The PI anner agreed 47E +7e difficulties of regulation. Counci lman Harri son commended the Ci ty PI anner on an mentioned excel I ent report. under "Fares, "[layor Amstrup noted that aiternatives are requi ri ng a deci sion by the Ci ty Counci I . Councilman Cusick recommended that passengers boarding at Broadway, Sanchez, ;4orrel1, 0ak Grove and Bellevue be entitled to a free ride,but no transfer privilege, l- Counci I man Crosby as ked about hours of Pl anner's pruntil 5:30? depot at 6:0 opos The 0 P. al, wilI the schedules Ci ty Pl anner advi sed 14. that goes north, servi ce menti oned in the accommodate peopl e who workthere is a bus I eavi ng the AIex Krossovsky, 829 Edgehill Drive, questioned that people wilI bewilling to forego the convenience of their automobiles to stand andwait for a bus. Mayor Amstrup explained that, hopefully, employees who work.in the shopping areas can be encouraged not to use parkingthat is i ntended for shoppers. Edward R. Johnston, ll0 Park Road , suggested that cards be furnishedto employees that will show they have parked in the designated areaand are entitled to ri de free. Councilman Harrison moved to accept the City Planner,s report andrecommendations and to proceed on a free-ride basis until June 30,.I976.l.ioti on seconded by Councilman Mangini and carr.ied unanimously on voice9ote. Councilman Harri son suggested the Ci ty Pl anner i nvesti gatefeasibi lity of an ldentification card system as recommended byi{r. Johnston. 5. COST ESTII'lATE FOR BIKE PATH OLD RAILI,llAY RIGHT OF t,lAY. ON SAN FRANCISCO l.lATER DEPARTMENT'S The City Planner's communicationwas acknowl edged and refe rred toreview. of 0ctober 8, 1975 tothe Novembe r l2 s tudy the City 14anager meet i ng for 6. PLANNING COMI,IISSION PRIORITIES FOR PLANNING ACTIVITIES Under date of 0ctober 2 Ci ty l,lanager a I i st offorwarded to the City C Fhe report was acknowl e meeti ng. And R hinette Avenue 9, I975 , the Ci ty PI anner transmi tted to theIl priority items wi th a request that it beouncil for information, study and determination. dged and referred to the November I2 study RESOLUTIONS l . RES0LUTI0N N0. 78-75 "Authori zi n g Execution !{i th Herbert And El i zabeth I..lilliamson,, (topark property at 0cci dental and Ral ston for 2. RESOLUTION N0.79.75 0f Li cense Ag reeme n t ose a smal ) pi ece of access around their housewas introduced by Councilman Crosby, who moved .its adoption, second byCouncilman i4angini, unanimously carri ed on rol I call. 6:00 P.ltl ,) was introdadoption, second by Counci Counci lman Harri son reported were very appreci ati ve of the abl e for empl oyee parki ng. Athere. "Regul ating Parki ng Lot S - California Dri ve(legal parking hours from B:30 A.t4. to uced by Counci lman Harri son, who moved its lman Crosby, carri ed unanimously on rol I cal l. at three of the merchants on Broadwayouncil's decision to make this lot avail-three said they have employees parking th Cil 3. RESOLUTION NO. BO-75 "Accepting Resurfaci n9 0f Mi scel I aneousob No. 74-14)" was i n troduced by opti on, second by Counci lman Harri son, Ci ty Streets - Counci lman 14angi ni, unanimously carri ed STurry Seal - (J who moved its ad on roi I call. /o, 4Er) I3 l3 Li inqui ORDINANCES Second readi ng: 0RDINANCE N0. 1048 "0rdinance Amending Sections I3.52.010 To .52;Of0.SeEflon I3.52.080 And I 3.52.090, And Repeal i ng Secti on .52.07 0 0f The Burl i ngame 0rdi nance Code Concerni ng Bicycle censing" was given its second reading. In response to the Chair'sry, there were no comments from the floor, 0n motion of Council' man i4angini, second by Councilman Harrison, said 0rdinance passed its second readi ng and was u nani mous I y adopted on rol I cal1. 0RDINANCE N0. I049 "An 0rdi nance Amendi ng And Repeal i ng Variouslating To Sub jects ri fi cat l ons 0fission Deci sions By I i mi nati ng Restri cti ons El imi nati ng Li cense econd reading. In commen ts from the floor. nci lman 14angini, said 0rdinance passed its second reading and was unanimously adopted on roll cal l. Introduction: 0RDINANCE N0. 1050 "0rdinance Adding Section ?5.08.3?.5 Code To Zones" And Amendi ng Section 25.32.030 0f The Burl i ngame Muni ci Pa1 4. RES0LUTI0N N0. Bl-75 "Resolution0f The County Of San ltlateo As The To 0pe ra te The Section B Exi sti ng Behalf 0f The City 0f Burl ingame" man Harri son, who moved its adopti on ,unanimously carri ed on ro lI call. Al low Group Residential was i ntroduced for first Solid Waste i'lana ement Pl an: liaste Advisory Comm ttee , repo the time the fi nal report is rthat the Cou nci I concentrate o suffi ci ently detai led to be he iiEI,l BUSINESS Skateboards: Counci lman Harri so banni ng u6e o f skateboards in C- he has wi tnessed i nci dents recen streets where young PeoPle are e Designating The Housing Authori tyPublic Housing Agency Authori zed Housi ng Program For And 0n was i ntroduced by Council- second . by Counc'i lman I'lan(ini, SecEions 0f The Burl i ngame Muni ci pal Code Re Preempted By State Laws, l,lon-Substantive CIa Conflicting Sections Requiring Planning Comm A Vote 0f A I'lajority 0f The Commissioners, E Upon Pol i ti cal Acti vi ti es 0f Empl oyees , And Requirements For Fish Ponds " was gi ven its s response to the Chai r's inquiry, there yiere no 0n motion of Councilman Harri son , second by Cou Faci I'i ti es For The EI derl Y In R-3 readi ng by Councilman CrosbY. above 0rdinance was scheduled for the regular 1975. A publ i c heari ng on the meeti ng of November I7, Introduction: 0RDINANCE N0. l05l "Repealing Two-Hour Park i ng Limi - e And Primrose 14angini.tati ons 0n Fl ori bunda Avenue Between Cal i forn ia Driv Road " was i ntroduced for fi rst readi ng by Counci Iman 0RDINANCE NO. .l052 "Establishing Highland Avenue Betwee n Cal i forn ia Dri ve And Howa r d Avenue As A 0ne -l,lay Street " was introduced for first reading by Councilman Harrison' PR0CLAMATI0N ,,Honoring Henry De Vries 0n The 0ccaslon 0f His l00th Birthday" was read by l'layor Amstrup. Ui,IFINISHED BUSINESS Counci lman l'4angini, member of the Sol id rted that the City will have 60 days from eceived to take an action. He recommended n the suppl emental information which is I pful in maki ng a deci si on. n asked that an ordinance be prepared I (commercial) Districts. He explained tly on Burlingame Avenue and other ndangeri ng not onl y themsel ves but othe comments were heard from Tex Lamey, l4l5 Bellevue Avenue, recommendlng .iiri.uiing all types of vehicles-on the sidewalk (except prams), --pl ci goo""l 735 Eirtalyptus Avenue, Hi I I sborough, who thought that al l venictei with wtreels irbre illegal on sidewalks, Mariorie Taylor' i0i Br;i i ngime Avenue, support6d such an ordi nance because of care less bike rideri on the Avenue. The idea of car-free Burlingame Avenue in the summer was proposed by i4r. Lamey. councilman cusick asked about b;;"i;g ia"i on'ilrb Avenui on sunday' she sussested it might h"\P l/ rs. -t81 the busi nesses that remai n open. Davi d H. Keyston, Chamber of Commerce, was asked to discuss this with president of thethe merchants. 3 4 5 6 Po Bu 7 co AiI Communications: Councilman Harrison stated he has been made awareffitheneedofatypeofmanagementteammeeting,a monthly meeting where all of the department heads may meet with the Ci ty 14anager. l.lany department heads are not aware of what i s happeni ngin other departments,there are activities and projects going on in all departments that affect all other departments. He felt that department heads shoul d mai ntai n a cl oser espri t de corps. AP PROVAL S 0n motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Councilman Crosby t,larrants Nos. 788 through 84l and 50.l through 768, duly audited, in the amountof $808,221.92 were approved for payment on unanimous voice vote. Payrol1, September, 1975, checks numbered 1?544 through 13237 in the amount of $307,.l06.63 was approved on motion of Councilman Cusick, second by Counci I man Harri son , al I aye on voi ce vote . AC KNOhILEDG14ENTS Communications: I . Commendati on f rom l"li ss Euni ce l,lorrow to Edwi n Chung, Publ i c l,Iorks Department staff, for assistance in resolving a plumbing problem.?. Burl i ngame Ci vi c Arts Counci I fi nanci al report, Jul y through September, '1975. . tJi rector of Parks re : Dutch E'lm Di sease.. Ci ty Attorney re: Voti ng after revi ew of mi nutes.. Ci ty Attorney: Burl i nqame Avenue Promoti on.. State Fi re I'larshal commendati on: Detecti ve Tom Pl att, Burl i ngameIice Uepartment, Inspector Howard Pearson and Inspector Larry Newell, rlhgame Fire 0epartment.. eounty of San Mateo, Larry Siders, Secretary ALUC forwardingpies of comments by Dr. Maurice Garbell on Draft EIAR, SF Internationalrport.. 1,1r. and tlrs. Gino i'lazini offer to sell fourplex at 125 Park Roadto City.9. City Planner report of Planning Commission meetings,0ctober I4 and 28, 1975.I0. 14inutes: Beautification Commission, 0ctober 2, Planning Commission,0ctober 14, Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission,0ctober 9, Park & Recreation Commission, 0ctober '14. I I . PoI i ce and Fi re Departments' monthly reports. ADJOURN14EI'IT:Regularly adjourned at l0:30 P.1,1 Respectful I y submi tted , HERBERT K. }.lHITE, CITY CLERK By 4:r1:--y',:z.k- .\ 4u . .z- 4lW-pu-ly c{VeTtrtr /Z