HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.07.06Burl i ngame , Cal i forni a July 6, 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regul ar meeti ng of the Burl i ngame Ci ty date i n the Ci ty Hal I Counci I Chambers.at 8:07 P.M. by Vice-Mayor Harrison. Counci I was The meeti ng the above ed to order held was c n I o a I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Led by Gerald A. Nordstromr Police Chief. ROLL CALL Counci I Counci I Members Members Present: Absent: Ams t ru p - Cro s by- Ha rri son-Marti n Mangi ni - Vacati on MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of June 7, 7976; the adjournedmeeting of June 9, 1976i and the special meeting of June 16, 1976,previously submitted to the City Council, were approved and adopted. ACKN0I'lL EDGMENT Vice-Mayor Harrison acknowledged the presence in the audience offormer Mayor and Councilman Charlotte Johnson. BIDS 1 RESURFACING OF I.IASHINGTON PARK, LAGUNA ITITERMEOIATE SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS AND P8R[ 848IETBALL .COURTS PARK, BURLINGAME RAY PARK, CUERNAVACA Bids for the above project, opened on Tuesday2:00 P.M. are detailed in exhibit A attachedminutes. 0n guestion of Vice-Mayor Harrison,stated that two bids were received, of which Peterson-Grundy was the lower. tot th June l5, 1976, at I ast page of these he Ci ty Engi neer e firm of Malott & RESOLUTION N0.55.76 RESURFACING, JOB [0. was introduced by Cou by Counci lman Crosby, present. ,AWARDING CONTRACT, TENNIS AND BASKETBALL COURT76-14' (Malott & Peterson-Grundy, $18,880.00) nci lman Amstrup, who moved adoption, second unanimously carried on roll call of members I HEARINGS APPEAL OF CLARKE/DONALDSON/CRAMER, INC. AGENT FOR LINDAL CEDAR HOMES, INC. FRO!4 PLANNING COMMISSION OENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SIGN PERMIT, PROPERTY A T 3]O LANq ROAD City Council had received letter dated May 28, 1976 from Paul A. Cramer, Clarke/Donaldson/Cramer, Inc. San Francisco, appealing Planning Commission denial of request for extension of sign permit. Vice-Mayor Harrison requested report from the City Planner. The City Planner referenced material sent to Council which i ncl uded s taff report of June 30, 1976, m inutes of Pl anni ng Commission meeting of May ?4, 1976, application for sign permit, map showing sign Iocation, letter of May Homes, letter of March 4, 1976 from Paul Commission minutes of Januany 1?, 1976.for questions. 'I 976 f rom Li ndal Cedar mer, and Pl anni ngstated his availabil ity 6, Cra He Vice Mayor Harri son noted Counci I recei pt of peti ti on dated June 18, 1976 signed by six property holders in Anza Airport Park L42 143 requesti ng that the Counci I uphol d the deci s i on of the Planning Commission. Declaring the hearing open to the floor, Vice-Mayor Harrison i nv i ted comme n t. Mr. Paul Cramer of Cl arke/Donal dson/Cramer, Inc. came forward. He asked that the Counci I favorably cons I der the extens i on of the sign permit, affirming there were trp separate -considerations - ttri eiisting sign and the standard. He offered to have the present s i gn removei ani repl aced wi th one conformi ng i n si ze-wi th . the s i gn oriinance. However', he obJected to the rider on the Planning Commisslon motion to denv, which required that the sign poles be removed. He considered ihis stipulation punitive and capricious; and pointed out that it would affect the rights of a future lessee' Mr. Richard Lavenstein, 380 Lang Road, addressed the Council as spokesman for the signatories of the above petition,. and stated that property hol ders in Anza Park woul d not be opposed. 'l f the preseht !ign-were replaced with one which conformed to the sign ordinance. Counci lman Marti n appl i cant was willingreal estate sign. questi oned what the Problemto repl ace the present sign was if the wi th a legitimate Mr. Cramer amplified that part of the difficulty !qs.the rider appended to the Planning Commlssion moti.on which provided.that the pbies also must be removed. He-repeated this was a punitive measure since removal of the pltres would be expensive and would detract from the value of the property to a future tenant. He thought there was an ordinance requirement for this standard removal, At the request of Vi ce-Mayor Harri son, the Ci ty Pl anner expl ai ned that Code Seciion ?2,1?.04 provides for removal of an obsolete sign whi ch no l onger adverti ses a bona fl de business conducted on th6 premises 30 days after Irritten notification by the-Building Inspbctor. The obiection of the applicant rras to the fact that the poles must be removed also. Counci lman Ams January 12, 1976, exceeds by 10' the, confirmed that thq sign code trup, referring to Planning Commission minutes of noted the City Attorney had stated the sign new height requirements. The City Attorney pples would exceed the height 'l imit of the proposed In summation, Vice-Mayor Harrison stated this was then an obsol ete si gn and agai nst the hei gh t I imitation in terms of the po1es. Councilman Crosby questioned the City Planner if the sign was non-conforming ai to height. The City Planner stated it would not be until the effective date of 0rdtnance 1077, Interim Signage 0rdinance. code , the when Linda Mr Cramersign, and The Councilman then commented that under the present sign was not illegal. The City Attorney qualified that I Homes Ieft the site, the sign should have come down. interjected that when Lindal Homes Ieft' they took their what was Ieft was the standard. He considered the code addresses itself to the sign and not the standard. City Attorney Coleman stated as far as he was concerned the code deals with the s tandard al so. Counci lman Marti n suggested, as an a I ternati ve to the pilles be cut down to required helght. He d,l,d not Planning Commission did not let the real estate slgn Counci I man Amstrup delcared shoul d not be d i sregarded. Theyto be i mpl emen ted. removal , that see why the rema i n. that if the City has laws, they should be changed if they are not receiving opinion from Mr. Cramer poles coul d probably be cut I stated he Counci lman Crosby,that these heavy gau ge after metal a L44 agreed wi th the sol u ti on of cutti ng the pirles so the standard could bC used. He saw no advantage to requiring removal. Mr. Cramer again confirmed he would put up a sign which would conform to code. Councilman Amstrup pointed out that the City Attorney had ruled that when the sign comes down the poles also must come down. Ifthis opinion were disregarded, he considered the Council would be maki ng i ts own I aws. that were Ci ty the the Vice Mayor Harrison received confirmatlon from the City Attorney the sign would be in conformance for subsequeBt use if the poles cut dotrn I0' and the revised sign placed below. However, the Attorney ques ti oned the practi cal i ty of th i s measure , s i ncep0les are of very heavy stee1. The Vice-Mayor stated that if sign would conform he would vote for it. Councilman Amstrup emphasized he understood the City Attorney's opinion was that if the sign was to come down the standards should come down also. The City Attorney noted that the question was would the revised sign and poles be within the new signage ordinance. He commented it was the Council's prerogative to allow any sign. Councilman Crosby repeated he would be willing to allovr thepoles to remain if they conformed to height limit. Councilman Martin, on questioning the City PIanner,that a 35'high pole sign is permitted by present code. man questioned why a sign ordinance that is not yet in bei ng cons i dered. was i nformed The Counci I -effect was The City Planner noted the discussion was for the purpose of appeai i ng the Pl ann i ng Commission decislon. Counci I man Ams trup stated thatpresent law that s ta ted a si gn not 0n ques ti ons from Counci Imanpresent I egal limit for a sign is SF per face, This is a temporary used the proposed sign code as a the discussion concerned ain use must come down. the City Pl anner said theCrosby, 40 sF s i gn guidel pe but i ne r face. Thisthe Pl anning sign is 96 Commission Counci Iman Crosby comlented that temporary sign left in any event, and over-meticulouS. a tenant would he cons i dered not the sign be gran tedstructure made want the discussion heari ng Vice Mayor Harrison asked the City Attorney if procedure wouldbe acceptable if the Planning Commission decision was upheld, t'!r. Cramer removed the sign and cut the poles down I0', and subhitted new application. The answer was affirmative.* Councilman Crosby suggested the temporarythe condition it be removed and the supportingconform to the code when ownership changes. wi th to appe Ciif they not ty the be a I i cantCouncilman Martin questioned the City Attorney if thecould pot up a conforming sign on the existing poles. ThAttorney stated he could. The Councilman then questioned Counci l chose to override the Planning Commission, wouldbreaking any laws. The City Attorney affirmed they would There were no comments from the floor, and the public was decl ared cl osed. Councilman Martin, commenting he, too, considered the Councilwas "nitpicking" moved that Mr. Cramer be given a permit for areal estate sign, copy of 40 SF per face, and that it be allowed toremain on the poles for six months or until the property is sold,should that happen earlier than six months. Councilman Crosby seconded the motion..> L15 that The 0n the question, Councilman Amstrup stated his understanding when Lindal removed their sign they nere to remove the poles. City Attorney agreed. Councilman Martin remarked that removal of the not given wri tten noti fi cati on by the Building Cramei was given a sign permit approved January I ete ector 976 sign andwas Mr obso Inspll, l The motion tied on the followlng roll call vote: AYES: COUNC ILMEN: CROSBY ' MARTIN NAYES: C0UNCILMEN: AMSTRUP' HARRIS0tI* vice-Mayor Harrison announced that the decision of the Planning Commission was uphel d. * Vlce-Mayor Harrison consldered the procedure he had recom- mended approprl ate. APPEAL OF MR. AND MRS. KENNETH TOPPING FROM PLANNING DENIAL OF SIDE YARD VARIANCE AT I725 HUNT DRIVE CO!4MISSION2 Ci ty Counci I Maureen C, T vari ance by heari ng at t Mrs . Toppi ng I etter of Juof the heari ma teri a I for had oppi the his received letter dated June 4, 1976 from Mrs. ng, 1725 Hunt Drive, appeallng denial of a side--yard Planning Conmission. This appeal had been set for meeti ng. At the request of Vi ce-Mayor Harri son, e forward. The Vice-Mayor then noted receipt of , 1976 from l.lrs. Topping, requesting continuance o a I ater date to give her time to gather more heari ng. thi s enti re matter has spanned by the Planning Commissionif Mrs. Topping would have new cam\y?ngt the Vi ce-Mayor Harri son noted that several years and that the heari ng had been extensive. He questioned evidence that Iiould be germane. Mrs. Topping stated she had not had an opportunity to present her evidence chionologically, as the City Attorney had done' and wished to organize it. Sbe dlSo needed an opportunity to get s tatements from neighbors who had con tacted her wi th their protests. She did not think the arguments set forth at the Plannin!n0ommission meeting adequately covered all aspects of the situation and that the minutes did not reflect her statements. She added she did not have an opportunity to organize her presentatlon to the Planning Commission. She assured the Council she considered the matter seri ous but she needed more time. Vice-Mayor Harrison agreed to the seriousness of her position, ci ti ng the I i ti gati on and the recent Court Judgment agai nst the Toppi ngs. Mrs. Toppi ng rel ated many personal probl ems that had prevented her from giving sufficient attention to this matter, addi ng she had pl aced the matter in the hands of her husband wbo had procrastinated and not handled it properly, Councilman Martin stated this matter had been going on for three years with the City Attorney's first letter on March 4, 1975, and the Planning Commisslon hearing seven weeks ago. He suggestedthe possibility of an effort on the applicants' part to postpone i ndefi ni tely, and advocated heari ng at thi s meeti ng, since the August agenda was long. 0ther Council members indicated agreement and Councilman Crosby guestioned why Mrs. Topping had not respondedto City Attorney correspondence. She again detailed personal problems. Because of Mrs. Topping's obvious distress at the proceedings, a short recess was declared at 8:50 P.M. to allow her to regain her composure. Meeting reconyened at 8:55, at which time Vice-Mayor Harrison informed Mrs. Topping that because of circumstances hearlng would be -Ce*aye+ until August 16, 1976. However, staff reppots would be \E:', '' .r!\I t46 heard at this time, He requested report from the City Planner. The Ci ty Pl anner presented for Counci I review photographsof the pool accessory building located in side yard in violationof code, and referenced material already received by Council. This i ncl uded s taff report of June 30, 1976 and staff reportto Pianning Commission of May 24, 1976, covering chronology ofevents si nce construction of pool in June, I973 and endi ng wi th March 3l , 1976 notification by City Attorney of initiation of contempt proceedi ngs, wi th subseqqent vari ance aApril 30, 1976. Also included u,ere memo of JulyAttorney, Planning Commission minutes of Nay 24, Department report of May 17, 1976, letter from Bof July 29,1975 informing Toppings of violations, letter ofAugust 6, I975 from Lee-N-Carol Pools denying responsibilityfor these violations, letters of various dateg from City Attorneyto the Toppi ngs , and appl i cant's affidavi t for vari ance. pplI, I9uil The Ci ty Pl anner noted the Pl anniunti I the vari ance appl ication, which because of the possibi lity of locatin another pl ace on the 1ot. Discussion end was to no avaii. The City Planneconstructed wi thout a bui I di ng perml tDepartment memo of May 17, 1976: "Thbeen an advantage to the Fire Departm bui I di ngs has decreased the hazard of second benefit of the side yards is t been abl e to use hose lines and I addequick extinguishment. " The City Plan had said at the Planning Commission h was "temporary. " By his own definiti moved in 24 hours. i cati on f i I edI976 from City 75 , Fi re di ng Inspector Departmen t was not involved was rel uctant to accept he accessory bu i I di ngth Mr. Topping to this oted the building was nd quoted from Firexistence of side yards has as the distance betweenfi re spreadi n9... . Athe Fire Department has on both sides whi ch gives stated that Mr. Toppi nging that the structure thi s meant it coul d be ng hegt wirn,aee ent a hat rs ner ear on, Vice-Mayor Harrison questioned the definition of ,,Temporary structure. " The City Planner stated there was none in the zoningcode and Counci I man Marti n sugges ted reference to the Uni formBuilding Code which lists as temporary only such things as con-struction shacks, etc. The City Attorney agreed. Uli th the C i ty Pl anner's concurrence , Counci I nan Amstrupcorrected date on staff report of May ?4,1976 in ,,Background,, fromAugust 6, 1973 to August 6,1974. The Councilman stated his under-standing that court action had already ordered that the structurebe removed. The Ci ty Attorney confi rmed that thi s was a defaul tjudgment which still s tood. Counci I man Marti n questionedaffidavit for variance which wereread the appl i cant's statements a I icant's s tatements on ood that at the t house equ i pmentt was not". C.poor 'l ooki ng ront an The Ci ty Pl annertional Circumstances: ime of poo ayou a a tempo ra ry was okay. Now after Iong built, Wh vari ance is necessar appillS, B egible.. Exce"tle u nders tbuilding tofind that i make for ato put it."ave no o er p ace on "It wouldpropertyD. Hardshi ps:"No other place on lot for equipment. " Counci lman Marti n questioned vi6l ati ons ci ted in BuildingInspectorrs letter regarding proper size wire and requirementfor double wall, He was assured by the City Attorney that thesehave been rectifled, The Councilman then questioned the CityPlanner as to topography of site. The City Planner stated he hadnot been on the property. Councl lman Marti n then questioned Mrs.Topping closely on varlous tspects of the topography in an effortto determine if the structure could be placed in another position on the i ot. Mrs . Toppi ng presented vari ous opinions why it coul dnot, The Councilman, noting Mr. Topplng was a contractor, commented he was skepticrl of members of that profession who did not realizedbuilding permits were necessary in practically all instances. Vice-Mayor Harrison repeated the hearing would be continued unti Ithe l6th of August.5, L47 Councilman Cresby questioned Mrs. Topping if he might visitthe site, since he was interested in determining if there were another si te for the structure. Mrs . Toppi n9 s tated Counci Ivisitors would be welcome, gave both her business and home phone numbers, and gave added reasons for the location of the structure, such as protecti on from preval ent wi nds. Vi ce-Mayor Harri son commented sql uti Qn to her probl ems by Augus I\ \\^\ .- cr\-{nr ^ -,.\ .i.' COMMUNICATIONS that Dosslblv she would have a l.l1!*Ua qri*.^-'".1-*+*\ s-,tr-rx,^ I. PAUL S. PERATIS, 368 DOLPHIN ISLE, FOSTER CITY, APPEALING PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF APPLICATION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF VACANT LAND, DtIIGHT RoAD/PENINSULA AVENUE FRoM R-I T0 C-3. Mr. Perati s ' I etter of June 30, 1976 appeal ed denial Pl anni ng Commi ss i on of recl assi fi cation of Iot on corner Dwi ght Road and Peni nsul a Avenue. A heari ng before the was schedul ed for the regul ar meeti ng of July I9, 1976. by of Cl ty Counci I 2. MONACO, REEVE, ANDERLINI & FINKELSTEIN APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM ON BEHALF OF RAMONA GALENO. Peti tion dated I ate cl aim for Dr. by Cou nc i l. June 28,1976 from this law firm to present Ramona Gal eno's personal i nJ uri es was recei ved The City Attorney requestedto the next meeting in order to i nsurance carri er. conti nue this matter advi ce of the Ci ty'sCounci I to obtai n the I'ltth the concurrence of Council, Vice-Mayor Harrison announcedthis petition would be considered at the meeting of Jtly I9, 1976, 3. RESOIENTS' PETITION FOR STOP SIGNS - BAYS}IATER/ ARUNDEL ROAD AND/0R BAYSI'IATER/BL00MF I EL0 R0AD City Council had received petition dated June L1976 from a number of residents requesting that additional stop signs be placed at the intersection of Bayswater Avenue and Arunde l Road and/or Bayswater Avenue and Bloomfield Road. Vice-Mayor Harrison directedthis petition be referred to staff, City traffic officer, andTraffic, Safety and Park Commission. For the benefit of interestedpersons in the audience, he explained that it is usual procedureto get reports from these sources before Counci I considerat'ion of such a matter. In response to audience question, the City Manager stated thepublic was allowed to attend Traffic, Safety, and Parking meetings; and the next meeting at which this Commission could consider thismatter would be August 1?, 1916. Place and time of meeting was given. 4. JOHN J. MURRAY, JR. I4AYOR, CITY OF SAN l.lASTE COLLECTION.TRANSFER STATION LOCATION MATEO, CONCERNING SOLID City Council had received communication of June 8, 1976 from John J. Murray, Jr., San Mateo City Mayor, relative to joint meetings of city staffs to provide comparative information on siteIocations and funding for solid waste collection-transfer station I ocati on. Vice-Mayor Harrison, noting that this had been the suggestionof Council at the June 7, 1976 meeting, requested comment from the Ci ty Manager. The Ci ty l'lanager i nformed Counci l that such meeti ngsare now in progress, and a number of sites are under consideration. He s tated report would be available on the l9th of July. Councilman Amstrup questioned whose responsibility it was topolice the dump, commenting that there was considerable moundingon the Bayshore Freeway slte. The City Manager replied that the b. 148 Letter of June B, i976 to the City Council from the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce requested Councii consideration of attached memorandum which detailed requested budget of $17,000.00 for thefiscal year 1976-77. Vice-Mayor Harrison referred this requestto the Budget Committee, By letter of June 16, 1976 Chairman Taylor requested Council consideration of Planning Commission recommendation for this land acquisition in order to reduce traffi c congesti on in this areaof potential growth. Vice-Mayor Harrison announced this would be condidered at the next Counci 1 study session. I. LAI,{ ENFORCEMENT RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM By memorandum of June 30, 1976 City Manager transmitted report dated June 16, 1976 from M.0. Tarshes, County Manager on Law Enforcement Radio Communication System and method of its implementation throughout the County. By his memorandum the City Manager re- commended that the Ci ty endorse thi s project, Burl i ngame's share of which woul d be $18,896 over a three year period. Vice-Mayor Harrison asked the Police Chief to report. The Police Chief stated this has been a top priority recomren- dation for the past two years, with the goal of a Federal 9rant. He expl ai ned tha t whether or not a grant is recei ved, it will be neeessary to change the pol ice radio systemlri thiri+he near future from very hlgh frequenty to ul tra hi gh f requency.' Thi s wouldgive Burlingare County-wrlde communication which the City does not have now, and transmittal on at least four frequencies. Vice-Mayor Harrison asked if this were included in the Police Department budget for the coming year, and the Police Chief statedit was not. In reply to Councilman Martin, he stated that the $18,896 included everything except the consoles within the police station. The Police Chief stated it e{as difficult to estimate the dep infor enti re cos t of the program i ncl udi ng the $18,896 since it ended upon vari abl es suih as 11hether consol es would be installed the old police station or the new. He suggested $30-35,000 iust rad i os . Vice-Mayor Harrison suggested the Police Chief counci Iman assigned to Pol ice Department budget to exact f igure. work come wi th the up wi th an Councilman Amstrup moved that Burlingame participate in the County wide law enforcement communication network. Councilman Martin seconded and it carried on unanimous voice vote' Councllman Martin asked that the record show that cost of communication at the police station will be somewhere between $35,000 and $70'000all told. 7. CIVIC ARTS COUNCIL REQUEST FOR FUNDS Vice Mayor Harrison noted memo,of June 30, I976 from City Manager transmi tti n9 Civic Arts Counci I 's request for funds for the first fiscal quarter of I976. In his memo the City Manager recommended that the quarterly request be temporari Iy withheld the use of Cool i dge School is to be discontinued. -7 if Engineering Department tried to insure that contours laid downfor the golf course were followed, and stated this would be checked. 5. CHAMBER 0F C0MMERCE RE: 1976-77 BUDGET 6, THOMAS C. TAYLOR, CHAIRMAN, PLANNING COt'IMISSION, TRANSMITTING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING LAND ACQUISITION FOR A ROAD BETUIEEN NORTH CAROLAN AND ROLLINS ROAD STAFF MEMORANDA L49 The Vice-Mayor noted that the next agenda item contemplates di sconti nui ng the rental of Cool idge School and suggested the Council consider this at a study session with the Civic Arts Councilin terms of alternatives, meanwhi'le authorizing them minimum operati ona l expenses for this rnonth. Counci I man Marti n, however, tho cons i dered at this meeti ng since th i mmedi ate answer on Coolidge, Vi ce Mayor Harrison commented cost of proposed tabl es and I abor ug ht that both Ci ty Manager i tems should be had requested !{ith the agreement of Council, discussion moved to Agenda Item 3 3. RENTAL OF COOLIDGE SCHOOL The Ci ty Manager's memorandum of June 30, 1976 attached l etter from Di rector of Bus i ness Servi ces of Burl i ngame School Di stri ct which advised that ne}J terms are to be considered for this lease.City Manager, in his memo, noted this means a raise from $500.00per month to possibly $t,180 per month. He recommended the rental be di sconti nued, since this rai se would make the operati on less than marginal, and its programs could be handled at the Recreation Center utith a savings to the City. The lease will expire on August 3l , 1976. Counci lman Amstrup approved discontinuance of this lease, ci ti n9 savi ngs to the taxpayers , and the fact that programs coul d be handl ed el sewhere. Councilman Martin called attention to memo of June 16, 1976 from the Director of Recreation stating that facilities and programs could be moved to the Recreation Center, and estimating a savingsto the City of $12,330.00. Councilman Martin moved the City discontinue the lease to Coolidge School and instruct the Recreation Director to move the classes to the Recreation Center. Second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carried on voice vote. that added to this should be whi ch woul d amoun t to another $l ,400. Mr. Don Spencer, .l045 Cadillac !,lay, president of the CivicArts Council, told Councilmen that their investment in the gallery would not be Iost by moving to another facility. Everything couldbe preserved. Councilman Crosby requested information from the RecreationDirector as to how his department could assist them. The RecreatJon Director stated that if classes at the Center were planned in advance, it would be possible to make the buildingavailable 3 - 4 times during the year for gallery purposes. He suggested recommendatlons could be studied at the August study session. Councilman Amstrup moved that $l,000 be allocated the the CivicArts Council to cover their overhead Juiy, through September, 'l976, (as recommended by City Manager, memorandum to Councii June 30, I976). Councilman Martin seconded the motion and it carried unanimouslyby voi ce vote. 4. ST. CATHERINE SCHOOL REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF SIGNAL AND CROSSING MID-BLOCK ON PRIMROSE ROAD 197 6 recommended that Sc hoo I that the mi d-g City Manager's memorandum of June 3CoLncil approve request from St. Cather 0, i ne 's Discussion then moved to budget for the Civic Arts Council. Councilman Amstrup suggested that they be allocated the firstquarter funds and that their alternative for operation be considered i n a study meeti ng. 150 block signal be removed for the safety of chi ldren. Requiring the chi I dren to cross at the end of the bl ock woul d make for a safer i"oriing. By attached memos ' City Engineer, Traffic Engineer' iiri-iiiiiic,-Sifety and Parking Cbmmiision approved of this request. Councilman Amstrup moved that this signal be removed, second Counci lman Crosby,'unanimously carried on voice vote'by 5.ANIMAL CONTROL LEVEL OF SERVICE By memorandum of June 29' Council report and data from of serv i ce and fi nanc ing for City Manager's memo of June 30' 1976 abandonLd dri veways and the D i rector of Vice-Mayor Harrison announced this would August s tudY meeti ng. 976 City Manager transmitted to e County of San Mateo on Ievel e Peni nsul a Humane Soc i e tY. I th th 6. ABANDONED DRIVElIAYS tran sm i tted surveY of Public lJorks' rePort 'be s chedu l ed for the 7 AMENDMENTS TO DOG CONTROL ORDINANCES City Attorney's memo of June 28' l9 reasons for propo sed amendment to thi s provisions in the San Mateo County Code suggested that consideration be given t auiTingame code regarding !!e keeping o etc. In conformance with City Attorney Harrison stated this would be considere 76 or tr in Th ro d pf a ow lu ansmi tted and exP lai ned ance. Changes refl ect e City AttorneY also posed uPdati ng of thel, horses, mules, cows 'ggesti on , Vi ce-MaYor the August studY meeting.s ;f d t s.cITYPLANNERREP0RT:RECLASSIFIcATIoN0FEIGHTL0TSFR0Mc.I Cal i fornia Dil ve.c-2, TheCityPIanner,bymemoofJulyl,lgT6'transmitted.toCity Councii Environmentai tirpact Report for this reclassification' ii;;;ing-Commission Resoiution recommending_adoption of ordlnance .u.i.ilirvins eisht s-p;;iii. lot from c-l (netail commercial ) oiitrict io c-t-[ (coi,rmerci al 0verlay) oistrict' as well as Planning Commission minutes for June 28, 1976 meeting. vice-Mayor Harrison scheduled thiS re c I a s s i f i c a t i o n for heari ng at the Countil meeting of August 2, 1976 CONSENT CALENDAR I Removal bl ock of of parki ng limits 'Sanchez Avenue north side of Lang Road and 1100 The City Council received communication of June rraftii, Si?ety and Parki ng Commi ssion recommendi ng these pirki ng i i mi ts . By indorsement thereon Ci ty mended this change be aPProved' The. ci tI I't-anaser's J._:clll.e,n^duti,ol f gI .appr.gY3J- wqs sustai nei c- ) .. \-- ' '.. County of San Mateb request for addi tion to Ci ty's At]i11,.. Contr-ol 0rdinance to require anti-rabies vaccinatr0n yearly I6, 1976 from removal of Manager recom- ? for doq s over fou r month s o f aqe. Dr. Sanof a as a City Council had received letter dated June 24, I976 f ro-m JarLs aoaie, Director, Public Health Division, County of^ r'riIii,-t"qresting aauition to the qity'l Animal Control 0rdinance"ii.iioi -i.quiriig veaiti vaccination-with anti-rabies vaccine prerequisite to dog licensing. In response to question from Councilman Martin' the City Itto.nuy-i'tii"a an didinance must be prepared; however' he . ;;;;li;;.;-ii-inii iequirement was propoied to be uniform throushout the CountY.7 \/ice Mayor Harrison stated this would be studied on July l4' I976. 151 Mr. David Keyston, speaking from the floor, emphasized his approval of this addition to the ordi nance. !lith Council direction, the City Attorney stated he would prFpare thi s anti -rabies section for consideration the next Counci I meeting. I. RESOLUTION N0.56.76 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTffiO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION AND THE CITY OF BURLINGAME RE6ARDING COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REP0RT' was introduced by Councilman Crosby who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Amstrup. *Vice-Mayor Harrison announced his i ntenti on of abstai n i ng because of his +t+eeitt-itn- t"^ -*-i++ the San Mateo Local Agency Formition Commission. The motion carri ed on the fol I owi ng rol I cal I vote: AYES: C0UNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, CR0SBY, MARTINNAYES: C0UNC ILMEN: N0NE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEN: HARRISON- fOT TCASON NOtEd AbOVE * ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: MANGINI 2. RESOLUTION NO. 57.76 'AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF I.lORKMEN'S EOfiFEXSITI ON SETT:]TSU RANC E S ERV I C E CO NT RACT t.l ITH ESIS, INC. u was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption' second by Councilman Crosby. 0n the question, Counc'i Iman Martin stated he intended to vote against this resolution. Having now seen some revi sed fi gures , he was not enti re ly sati sfi ed wi th the study that was done on the proposal . He stated there is a strai ght-l ine proj ecti on of admi ni strati ve cost for the next ten years , which he did not believe woul d happen. Al so, i nteres t iates were misfigured. He added that, knowing what can happen in compensati on cases, he had concerns wi th sel f-i nsurance cons i deri ng the number of employees in the city. He went on to say he was not entirely satisfied that a thorough study was made' and that there is not a better arrangement. The motion carried on the fol I owi ng rol I cal l vote: AYES: C0UNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, CR0SBY, HARRIS0N NAYES: COUNCILMEN: MARTIN ABSENT: COUNCILI'tEN: MANGINI 0RDINANCES - Second readi nq I. ORDINANCE NO. IO76 "AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BTTIEEX_TH.ETTTY-TOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGTME AND THE BOARD OF AOMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM' ( Reti rees' Benefi t ) was given its secondreading. The City Manager explained that under State Law it is permitted to raise the retirement pay of employees who retiredfive or six years ago and are l5X behind others recently retired. Vice Mayor Harrison requested public comment. Mrs. Elinor Rusch, i384 Hillside Circle, questioned how much the cost would be. City Manager replied $3,700.00 annually. There was no decl ared cl osed. further comment, and the public hearing was 0n motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilman Martin the ordi nance passed i ts second read i ng and was unanimousl y adopted on roll call of members present, 2. 0RDINAI{CE N0. 1077 "INTERII't SIGNAGE 0RDINANCE' was given its secorxl ieading. Vice-Mayor Harrison noted memorandum of May 24,1976 from the City Attorney transmittlng and explaining the purpose of this ordi nance as an interim neas ure wi th the Counci I con ti nu i ng to s tudy the entire sign ordi nance,lo, There was no response to the Vice-Mayor's request for audience comment and the public hearing was declared closed. Counci Iman Crosby stated his understanding that adoption ofthis interim ordinance does not necessari ly infer Council favorof the whole signage ordinance. The City Attorney stated it didnot. 0n motion of Councilman Martin, second by Councilman Amstrup,the ordinance passed its second reading and was passed on unanimousrol I cal I vote of members present. Mrs . EI i nor Rusch questi oned the defi ni ti on of "interim. " Vi ce-Mayor Harri son repl i ed hi s i nterpretati on was unti l the Counci I fi ni shed its s tudy of the enti re signage ordi nance andtook action, however Iong that might be. 3, ORDINANCE NO. IO78 *AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 25,ZONING, RFLTTIXFTO TPEETAL UsE PERMITS AND vARIANcE PROCEDURES.. wasgiven its second reading. At the request of the Vi ce-lt4ayor the City Planner explainedpart of the zoning regulations regarding special permits had been di ffi cul t to i nterpret. For that reason, one of the changes was that a special permit may be obtained from the Planning Commission and appealed to the Council. Another area of change isin noticing of public meetings. Area of noticing has been changedfrom a radius of 500' of the affected site to a radius of 300'. There was no response to Vice-Mayor Harrisons"s request forpublic comment and the public hearing was declared closed. 0n motion 0rdi nan ce No. unanimous rol I EOUTEYARD-'T Martin. UNFINISHED - BUSINESS SEWAGE RATE STUOY: from siaff. The C on this subject, afor establishing s department is in tfi gures. It now a i ncreased greatly. i nformati on in lat the residential rait was , based on crate was proposed, program, based on IEW BUSINESS BUDGET: Counci I man Ams tru ounci lman Martin, second by Counci lman Amstrup, passed its second readi ng and was passed onI vote of members present. was-Jntroduced for first readi ng ON SKYLINE by Counci I man Counci lman Martin requested q progress reportity Engi neer noted his meeti n$wi th the Counci I man nd reported that currentiy ther three parameters ewer rates have drastically changed, His he process of doing some testing and getting new ppears that commerci al and i ndustri al fl ows have He stated he would probably have that e September. Counci I man Marti n q ues ti oned ifte vras too hi gh. The Ci ty Engi neer repl i ed that urrent fl ows . He noted that when the currentit was under a rathe r fast proposal , a crash the only figures available at that time. ofC 1078 ca l I. ORDINANCE NO. iO79 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUB.SECTIONS D (1) AND (2) OF SECTION 6.36.I20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND INCREASING THE RATES OF FARE FOR TRANSPOR- TATI0N IN TAXICABS" was introduced for first reading by Counci I man Crosby. 2, ORDINANCE NO. IOBO ''ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT reported he had reques ted s taff tore possi bl e, and asked that Counci I menf urni sh backup materi al whe Counci I man Martin asked that questi onsreferred to him. Vice-Mayor Harrison made p fol Iow a certain form in making their recommendations for their assigned department, detailing reasons for suggested changes. He al so reques ted recommendation for size of reserves. pol i ce budget same reques t befor ll, on the 152 0RDINANCES - Introduction 153 Park Department and Recreation Departments, and Councilman Crosby for Library, Mrs, Ruth Jacobs, 2965 Arguello, questioned when the budget would be adopted, noti ng that San Mateo and Mi I I brae have been discussing theirs for some time. She commented on its effect on City tixes and stated she would Iike to be at the hearin9. Councilman Amstrup stated that all budget discussion would be held in public, anit the total budget considered when each Councilman has submitted a report for his assigned department. Hopefully, this would be done by the end of July. Counci lman Amstrup confi rmed budget were avai I abl e. that cop i es of the PreliminarY VISIT - SISTER CITY DELEGATI0N: Councilman Martin reported the iie I egati on visit of 2B c Jul y weekend. Accordi ng Senor Ayala, is interested in Prin the proces s of bei ng overhaul i nformation on equi pment that Bu sal e. Pol i ce cars and all other and equ i pment could be pi cked uP suggested to them the Possibi I i tCity Manager to compile a list o IIEEDS: Counci lman Amstrup noted the pdrTjnS iot at Cal i forni a Dri ve and Roseda le Avenue to Burl i ngame Pl aza. woul d check i nto thi s, Councilman Martin commented this delegation appeared on short notice, and presented the City with an ornate plaque, ash tray' and ci garette I i ghter whi ch he di sPl ayed. He was chagri ned that he had not even so much as a proclamation to offer them in return. He requested staff report for August Study meeting on items that could be available for such visits on short notice. Ci ty from he of Cuernavaca duri ng Fou rth ofr sponsor, Cuernavaca's new maYor 'omoti ng touri sm. Cuernavaca is ed, and the del ega ti on requested rlingame might have available for types of equipment are needed,here. The Councilman hady of a police car. He asked thef such available equ i Pment. pre se nce of many weeds on Rhi nette and on El Cami no The City Manager stated i ti zensto thei APPR0VALS - !{arrants & Payroll Councilman Amstrup questioned the reasons for the following warrants: Biscay's Brake & Auto Repair - $1,318,56 for maintenance. He questioned the necessity for when the city has three maintenance men. vehicle thi s !larrant 2845 287 6 lii ne apprec $336.00. H i ati one did cl asses at Recreat i on Centernot consider this appropri ate. 2909 2916 St,IUHSD - Rec. classes co-sponsored - $2,037.00 Typing of police manual - $354.65. The Police Chief affirmed this was in the budget. The entire manua'lof approximately 380 pages had been revised. Burlingame Library - reimbursement for filters - $64.66. The City Librarian stated the warrant covered City Hall share of total cost of filters pai d from Library Funds. Repairs on pol ice cars - $169.00. Conversion of new pol i ce cars - $l,185.48. ThePoIice Chief explained that this was mostly electricalwork, and had been sent out ever since he had beenhere. No electricll work has ever been done at the yard. I'leed control at Ci ty Hal I - $661 .65. Intergovernmental trai ni ng course for Dal e Perki ns, tA ?953 2999 3038 3052 3062 L54 Pa rk Department -his understandi ng School Di stri ct. Counci lman Amstrup Perki ns worked for$7s.00.that Mr. stated the Warrant 3l I I ' 3156 ' 3179 Gloves for l.later, Street & Park Depts. - $545.65 Groceri es for Chi nese Cooki ng cl asses - $515.69 Hyatt House for pol i ce conference - $286.87 , Pol i ce Chief explained this was two-day conference. Counci lman Marti n questi oned these warrants: tlarrant 2870 Soi I Test for Fi re Stati on #3 addi ti on - $603. 50. He was not aware that Counci I had authori zed thi s . The City Manager repiied he thought the project wasgeneraliy approved, and this was preliminary information for the architect. " 2894 - Removal of asphalt and base rock at }'lashington Park- $990.00, City Manager stated he would check. u 3132 - Reimbursement for breakage duri ng sewage cl eanup -$29.58. city Manager stated. he would check. The City Manager told Council the head mechanic of the a[to maintenance department had become ill and had resigned. Therefore,the department was short of manpotrer. However he would check into t.,arrants noted. He thought the Personnel Department was nor{advertising for a replacement supervisor who might be recruitedbefore the first of September. Counci lman Martin considered this recruitment should be n abeyance, and Councilman Amstrup remarked that Council h een assured that if three men were hired, it wouid not beo send work out. i bt held ad necessary The City Engineer commented there is a current eligibilitylist which expires the middle of August which has already been extended, He tonsidered that if this were not used, the department woul d be wai ti ng unti I the fi rst of the year. He was given Council direction to suspend any procedures for filling this position. tIARRANTS Nos.2B38 through 3236, duly audited, in the amount of 5744;250-.70 were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilman Martin, unanimously carried on voice vote. PAYR0LL May, 1976, Check Nos. 18396 through .l9215 in the amount of $35IE24.37, approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilman Martin, unanimously carried on voice vote. In response to question from Councilman Martin, the City Manager affirmed he would have an explanation of warrants questioned maiied to Councilmen Amstrup and Martin by Friday, July 9. ACKNOl'lLEDGMENTS 1 Letter f roflDistrict.Ci ty of Menl o Park regardi ng di ssol uti on of Harbor 2. Letter from County of San Mateo with information for nomination of members to !lest Bay Health Systems Agency, 3. Letter from San Mateo Communi ty Col l ege D istri ct regardi ng new boundari es of San l,4ateo Community College District. 4. Letter from Mayor Adreveno regarding election of representative Vice I'layor Harrison to Local Agency Formation Commission. 5. Letter from League of California Cities regarding AB 3461. 6, Letter of commendation for Inspector Daniel Hall.l3 BID \.,-./t,l.,t\t{rjr1-f )H.l, f-|1.-t' } I,. r. r. Ir-...i ^ ' - '/t2 l)ot-. -i'ii.r.!r.l\// (k')t.)i .1;.'. r8lD oPENING DATE t Tct tC t{.t?z/ ?.r,"1y.f::,,..? .",...t- $ UNIMT\RY . f.i r-'k- .i' l:),1.. 1- f ;\t . r::-. */)-\?.:/;., ,{-:t.';.. (-. t t..t t:Ax. i ii ,i at)i.l \-.;!trAz-.\ it-.tT'rr-i't G- Dl ,!Tti r:A\.:'L'JOB NO. | 2d, t4 ESTIMATEO OUAI{TITY u FRICE A U0u{'l tl,'.t 1.rl|-- "- / a .,lr"./-ll:."t/ /;'.)"'t-. I i'(:Ju. (.4f.ITEU NO.OESCRIPTIOH AIIOUN TI t,litT 1'RtC r u^" 7 Ph rCE aMouHr UNIT PNICE AilOUHT I.'NIT PR ICE UN IT PRICE AIIOUNT AU0Ufi,rPRI W: r t_+1. t\! - i,- tr.--4t;1;i-:,?A'Ao{;:.'l lzzc^o',r7,1,:f.It,p:.q AHOUTIT d6,n-l-.r.d' 2 t-r^,:, JSa. ?,.?"'- gr>4,.1 \(.i'l6?w':,r,I'i1to,r'.,, zr2rt,.'1:':-/,, zlt z.oa zEt'."t'lr,,qb,2,h' 4 r).1,t2. l(.:,.)-.1'-,l4,4at':1 i''r'l 9O,c.:t .,,>/.4F l,l -f -i,: z.t,o l,zr/;r I I?/^l ?;rL A(4Dc4+6AWr L i' Z/)r:1,?I)' t,/,, : irl,oii.a ) , ^-'j'l'i, /L,4i "A-1rstV, i;,A, 2t/.D11,7o i.z,?'i?.to '|h/(,r-i'2,fi4,r0 dOe0-4' :1 Zf,/\O.cO t:':t,/1t? ZI?,CtCO .7+/,,lar I'?t kar1: tl ffi/\J- I ii I I I I l f I A -' July B, L976 Memo to Council: Warrants Raised at Regular Council Meeting Here is a report on the warrants raised at the regular Council meeting: Warrant No. 3052 "weed control at City HaII". only S80.25 of this was for city Hall. The balance was for 19 acres of city parks. This was the Iow bid. 3062 "Training Course - Dale Perkins" This was a Intergovernmental Management Development Institute course on Board,/CounciI Effectiveness Training, which Mr. Perkins attended for two full days of his own time. 3111 This was for glove's for the Water, Street and Parks Depts. for a year's supply of gloves 2894 -This was for removal of asphalt and base rock where the o1d tot play area existed and Council indicated should be put in lawn rather than a barbecue area. This was the 1ow bid for this work by Anza Engineering Corp. 3132 This $29.58 was for a broken mirror caused by a sewer crew t'orking on a sewer job during sewage cleanup. 2845 Biscay - tires and brake work 2999 Bridges - installing of push bumpers on new cars 303s Emergency Vehicle Eguipment Service -- conversion of new police vehicles. Installing sirens, Iight bars edc. Speciatized work. The above car repair work was done outside. Some of the work was of the type the city staff was not able to do. Some was nbt done by the shop because they are overioaded. They have been one person short for over a month due to in- jury au:d resignation of the supervisor. This matter vill be placed on the study meeting agenda. Re I- \ Questions on Warrants -2-.fu1y 8, 1976 Attention is called to the original. request of Bob Davidson. In the interest of savings, it appears we should stick with the plan to irperate this automotive maintenance division as originally reconunended by Bob Davidson. Wlth outsioe prices the way they are, it should not be difficult to cut down on the cost of mechanical maintenance. I{arrant l.lo. 28'76 Wine Appreciation 2909 San Mateo High School 3156 Chinese Cooking A1I of the above are self-supporting projects. In fact, Chinese Cooking resuLts in a net profit to the city of between $500 and $t,ooo every season. }le split the registration charge with the San l"lateo Union High school District. The amount paid. to them is one-harf of the money we collect for adult education classes. on warrants, the "Nature of craim" column can sometimes be short andurrrevealing. rf you have any questions, they can be answerecl by !'inance'Department (Mrs. McCubbin) who has a file on the full explanationfor all'claims. 1es F. Schwalm City Manager CFS/gf :. I5i) 7 I Letter of commendation Various communicationsArt Gallery. g. M i nutes : Beauti fi cati on for Lieutenant of support for Al fred Palmer. the Burl i ngame Ci vi c Recreati on Commi ssi on June 14, and June 28 fication.) July l, 1976; Park and PI anni nq Commission, transmi tIal on reclassi -Juatt( Commission, ne 9, .l976; ac hmen t to i0. Treasurer' s rePort. Councilman Amstrup recommended that the City Council. of er.ii.;i;,.,iina'i-ieitei to the prime Minister of canada urging ih;i p6iiiics ue kept out of the forthcoming 0lvmpig GlTt:: However, the balance of the Council felt they should n0t be i nvol ved i n thi s type of communi cati on. CityPlannerSwanbroughttoCouncil,sattentionthebenchondispliv in the foyer whicI is a possible type-for the bus-stops' ne'bistributed a iopy ot the revised Generii Plan and revised General Plan Diagram to each Council member. Councilman Martin said there was an interim report available on thia-suuiect. It was used by County staff and he had asked itai ii oi iuumitted to both Miilbrae and Burlingame. It is forthcoming. This will show the difference in sound patterns' AIRPORT NOISE REQ U I REMENTS ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M tuei Ci ty uffirf?*' 4I Respectful ly submi tted,