HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.07.19156 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA JULY 19, .l976 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date i n the Ci ty Hal I Counci I Chambers. The meeti ng was called to order at B:00 P,ltl . by Vice-Mayor A,C. "Bud" Harrison. PLE0GE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG: Led b y Geral d A. Nordstrom Chi efof Pbl fue. ROLL CALL C c ounc ounc i I M embe rs i I Membe rs Present: Absent: Ams t ru p - C ro s by- Ha rr i s on - 14a r t i n 14angini - Vacat ion (excused) MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Juiy 6, I976 were approved and adopted with the following corrections: Page 4, iast sentence, "delayed" changed to "continued." Page 6, second paragraph, addto sentence: " . . . by al I evi ati ng the exi sti ng structure or turni ngit around." Page 9 , Consent Cal endar, add, "Cit y Attorney di rectedto prepare appropriate oFdlnance5". Page 10, 3rd paragraph, shouldstate Vice I'layor Harrison would absta'i n from voting because of "membership" in San Mateo Local Agency Formation Commission, i nstead of " as soci ati on wi th. " Vice Mayor Harrison requested as an addendun to these minutesthe City Manager's Ietter of July I, 1976 replying to CounciI ques ti ons on warrants. RECOGNITION - FIRE CHIEF Vice-Mayor Harrison announced the pending retirement ofFire Chief Reginald Moorby on 0ctober l, 1976, praising him forhis many years of outstanding and devoted service to the City. He added the community would miss Chief Moorby sorely, and expressedbest vri shes for hi s reti rement. The Vice-Mayor then announced the appointment of 0, Fred Fricke,present Assistant Fire Chief, as successor to Chief Moorby. He congratul ated the As s i stant Chief , noti ng he has had 29 years ofservice with the Fire Department and has been Assistant Chief since 1965. HEARING .I . APPEAL OF PAUL S. PERATIS, 368 DOLPHIN PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF APPLICATION LAND, DI,IIGHT ROAD/PENINSULA AVENUE, FROM Rpt.tELLTNGS) Tq C-3 (PR0FESST0NAL BUSTNESS) I TO-l DI SLE, FOSTER CITY, FROM RECLASS I FY VACANT (SINGLE FAMILY STRICT. City Council had received Ietter dated June 30, 1976 from Mr.Peratis appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in denyingthe reclassification of Lot 17, Block 36, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision.Also transmitted to the City Council were: petition dated Jtly 12, 1976 contai ni ng 168 s i gnatures of res i dents in favor of the reclassifi cati on i I etters oppos i ng rec Cl assman, l0 Peninsula Avenue; Road; Mr. and Mrs. E.R. ClarK,l5 Dwight Road. In addi ti on, Resol uti on No. 2-76 recommendi dated June 25, 1976 containingreclassification; and Planni ng cat i on from Cmdr. Delwi n ll . Chambers Jr, , l7 Channinght Road ; and Mrs , Ross Smi th, had Planning Commissionali fi nal EIR-37 P; peti ti on natu res of peop l e opposi ng sion minutes of June 28, 1976 lassifi ,Josephl9 Dwi g Counci I ng den i 72 slg Comm i s Vice Mayor Harrison requested report from the City Planner. \ r57 The City Planner reviewed action of the Planning Commission since receipt of this application May 13, 1976, particularly noting that final EIR-37 P, certified by the Planning Commission and duly posted, provides background information. Draft EIR had been rewritten to reflect changes requested by the Planning Commissionat meeting of June 28, 1976. The City Planner read findings attached to Resolution 2-76 stating that whiie C-3 use would bein conformance with the General Plan, the reclassification of this one lot would be inappropriate for the following reasons: l. There could be parking impact from employees and customers of some C-3uses. 2. There could be sewer and water impacts from intensive C-3 uses due to the capaci ti es of exi sting underground utilitiesin the area, 3. There should first be a study of rezoning wi thi n the whole area along Peninsula Avenue, from Dwight Road to Humboldt Road. The City Pl anner poi nted out that C-3 cl assi fi cati on would permi t devel opment of al I uses permi tted i n R di stri cts. AI so, banks , savi ngs and I oan associations and other fi nanci al institu- ti ons ; offi ces of physicians, surgeons, denti sts etc.; offi ces for real estate, insurance and similar professions. The Ci ty Pl anner compared rel ati ve fl oor areas possi bl e forthis 5,037 SF lot. R-l construction with 402 Iot coverage would permit a two story building with 3'600 SF floor area and a doublegarage. C-3 zoning would allow one stoBy with 1,500 SF of floor area and five parking spaces; or two stories,7 parking spaces' 2,100 SF floor area; or three stories with 2,700 SF floor area, 9 park and im Planni i n9 pl i ng spaces. The EIR i ndi cates the range of possibilities cati ons shoul d the zon i ng be changed. He added the Commission denied the application unanimously, Marti n questioned the fact that Resol uti on fi ndi ngs 'that sewer and water facilities might not be Page l3 of the EIR states that they are adequate ould be minimal. The City Ptanner replied that development the underground utilities would ber an intensive type of office use they would not uncilman Martin pointed out that was not what the Councilm Item 2(b) imp adequate wher and the effecfor the propo adequate, but be adequate. EIR stated. demands are rservice in thor significan He added that questi oned wh Pl anner notedthe EIR to be menti oned the anIy eas ttd sed fo Co He elaeatlv quoted from Page 13,ti vely smal I and wou I The Im no s gn "These addi ti ona l f i cantly af f ect rea or significantly affect service in the area worsen the existing problems previously discussed't. e EIR says the same about the storm drains. He was right, the EIR or the findings. The Cityat the Planning Commission had found the text of equate, and they then made the findings. Hefect of intensive C-3 uses, and the possibi I ity of greater development of the lot thaa that presently proposed. The Councilman emphasized there ls still a difference in wording between the two documents and suggested the wording be changed. Vice-Mayor Harrison questioned if reference had been made to Planning Commissioner Mink's suggestions regarding the EIR as detailed in Planning Commission minutes of June 28, 1976. Council- man Martin added that Commissioner Mink had suggested that the EIR reflect the effect of any office building. The Councilman stated he would be satisfied if the Council minutes showed that attention had been called to the discrepancy between the Resolution and the EIR. Counci I man Marti n went on to note that Page Il of the EIRprojects a noi se I evel of 9l dBA duri ng constructlon of a C-3building. He commented that from his experience there is nodifference in noise Ieyels during construction between an R-l bui lding and a C-3 bui I di ng. He added that I ast paragraph on Pagel8 states, ". . . there is no history of rezone applications inthe vicinity of the site;. ." He noted ther€is an apartment house now being constructed directly across Dwight from this lot, andthat in the past years as a councilman he had sat through three th i ch th ad ef act: 1 a hearings when the former owner ofa gas station. He suggested this that property sought s tatement be changed a in use forthe EIR. Declaring the hearing open to the public, Vice-Mayor Harrisoninvited comment from the ippiii.,ii.-"'' Mr. Paul S. peratis., 36g.Dolphin Isle, Foster City, addressedthe councir. He stated tie t,ia-iriil'iuii p..r.nted an affidavrtt0 the effect that this.was ihe-pripJ=iii type of building hewanted to construct - and ttre-proIiiIi-il not to reser r . He fer tthat the proposal r6r i-smair';;;;:iike"building would greatly::lllg: the .appearang.- oI ir,. .ij itini'r..unt r ot, whi ch i s arpresent used for autrtnt'iir.t--in."i"fii;l.?lf ;;Yil,li'lll?; 3:[:;:i:;.j*i,l;i;"lllrevenue. He considered_the lot oi ir,ii-ursv,;;;";-;;;';;;;miszoned for a number or years -uni ioi'uppropriate for residentiaruse. He spoke to the riniingi oi-tii."riiorution as follows: l. are req tra emp 3. existhis nsacted by tel eoho I oyee off-5treel p ? sa th me or an a mul ti -f mpac ami i y res i dence.9l Parkin IM act. Tew emp oyees andwith fivuirements Sewer and water im ess Stud would have theand I ess impact he other I ots haverefore, why should here. wou I d not be parking i mpact sincecusEomers and the plan ionf6rms to t[ee parKlng spaces. Maximum business isne. and other arrangemen ts could ue -miie arking there c-3 for acts. The L an a sin proposed e fami ly building dwe'l I i ng of rezoni n within th e whol e areng struc ure.a. Ts a vacanT o thebe prol onged whi le tax revenues are I os t, He went on to se cu red. Many ofand were in f avorpermission to havetravel agency. Referri ng to the peti ti on wi th 168 s i gnatures , she stated intalking to people, many had been misinformed and thought there would be a 3-4 story building erected. t.lhen they saw plans theythought the proposal excel I ent. 0nly i ndi vi dual si gners we re accepted on the petition and rentbrs were not allowed to sign because they were not tax-payers. She detailed conversation with one person who had originally been in favor of R-l for this lot butfi nal ly acknowl edged residential use woul d not be a good one. Shereported the reactions of ci ti zens as: This is better th an a vacant lot used for parking etc. An overwhelming majority llkedthe attractiveness of the plan, Some felt necessity to "clean up the I ot. " l,Ji th the probi em of traffi c3 tror! real i zed i t was i mproperfor residential. Some felt apartments would cause more load on al ready overl oaded set{ers , etc. Thi s proposal wou ld stop thepossibility of a multi-family building at a later date. Some feltthat taxes that a business woul d bri ng in mi ght hel p offset their own res i denti al taxes. s .say that 168 signatures of home ov{ners had beenthese people feli the vacant rot wii-in eyesoreof service offered to ttre-commrii iv. 'i.ie' requesteohis wife speak since she would oe"running ttre Mrs. Eleana Peratis,368 Dolphin Isle, Foster City, statedshe had been a travel agent for l5 years and considered herseifa professional. She stated they considered this to be a compatiblearea to build a home-like roomy building with proximity to Bayshore Freeway which would be important bec!use the agency would do much del i veri n9, al though most of its busi ness woul d be done over the phone. Mrs. Peratis assured the Council she and her be as proud of this building as the community did s i dered the parki ng ample and that si gnage would introduced as her co-worker in the travel agency22ll Scott Street, San Franci sco. Mrs . Khadi jeh McGavi n, 27 Cl arendon, the present owner of the property and the husband wi shed to , that they con- be di screet. She Ms. Linda Detry, i denti fi ed hersel f as operator of a nearby rest 158 3^ 159 home. She urged Council acceptance of the Peratis proposal, statingshe had bought this lot for the purpose of constructing a home forthe el derly, but now is i nterested in another lot cl oser to herpresent establishment. She presented the idea that a small travelagency would be preferable to her tvro-story rest home or anothertype of three story building. Mrs. Phil Knight,23 Dwight Road, stated she had seen Mr, Peratiscollecting signatures from residents near Bayshore Freeway, whereasthe signatures for the opposing petition had been gathered fromresidents of the immediate area affected. She mentioned that 50Xof the population are renters and that they have rights in thismatter also, She noted Mr. Peratis said that a travel agency wouldhelp the community. Citing the existence of some 30 such agenciesto serve she questi oned the val ue of this busi ness. She noted concern of residents that if this business failed, some more inten-sive use could occupy the building. She questioned Mr. Peratis'statement that rezoni ng thi s I ot woul d rai se property val ues ,since it would also have the effect of discouraging buyers of resl- dences because of problems with parking and traffic. Mrs. Knightstated that most parking of vehicles on this vacant lot was fromconstruction workers on the nearby apartmerlt project; and that aparking lot on a property, even with trees and shrubs, could notbe considered landscaping. l{ith regard to the fact that the increasein traffic would be minimal , she said that any increase at all woul d create probl ems . Noti ng that the General Pl an projects I owdensity for this area, she pointed out the resistance of the nei ghborhood to proposed rezoai ng 2 years ago, and the fact that it would be fought at this time also. She summarized that there are more di sadvantages than advantages to this proposal , and suggesteda better use for the property would be a neighborhood park. Mr. Marcel Biscay,l795 El Camino Real, Millbrae appeared asrepresentative of Mr. John DaDalt, 39 Bancroft Road. He consideredthe City has been conscientious in keeping the zoning uniform andthat spot zoning vroul d set a bad precedent. He noted the narrownessof Peninsula on the Burlingarne side and the fact that any increase would create more parking and traffic problems. There has been aquesti on for years , he sai d, of what to put on this i sol ated lot;but if it were rezoned, it would start the process of Iike requests al I along Peninsula. He considered there has been a trend away from business in this area, citing several that have moved away. lrlhi le he considered the physical plans for this business good, hequestioned if it would generate much revenue other than propertytaxes. He stated he had read the EIR and agreed that it should becorrected. He considered the Planning Commission had given thematter careful consideration and urged the Counci I to support thei rdecision. Mr. Chris UImgreen, l6 Dwight, identified himself as a 50-yearresident of this area, and questioned if the City was going to rezone from Dwight to Humboldt. The Vi ce-t'layor assured him thatonly this one lot rias being considered. Mr. Ulmgreen was worriedthat property taxes would rise with rezoning. Dwight Smith,50l Bayswater, opposed rezonresidential property value has already dec o n Pe n i n s u I a. i ng, poi nti nglined in the out adjoi ni ngthat block Mrs. Anne Smi th, l5 Dwi ght Road, opposed rezoni ng. Charlotte Kalbhenn, 415 Burlingame Avenue, stated her mother'I ived at 300 Peninsula, and backing out of driveways was a hazard. Masud Hamzeluc, 401 Bermuda, San Mateo, said his inlaws livedat 2l Stanliy,Road. He agreed there was a bad traffic problem onPeninsula, but said he did not think thi s business woul d generate any more traffic than the apartment house that is being constructed. l{alter Dunn, 114 Peninsula, was in favor of rezoning the wholeface of Peni nsul a Avenue. He cons i dered that the businesses al ongit and the traffic generated by the tloodlake Apartments ruled out q 160 its being considered a residential area. Norri s B. Johnson, 20_ Vi ctori a, opposed thi s spot zoni ng,a threat to the residential character bi tne whole area. as Lois Bin favor of home wouldthe busines woul d haveon this vac many vehi clproposed pl s, to ant es an y, 1000 Egret Street, foster Ci ty, a real tor, spokeis reclassification. She said t'hit a single'rihiiiate more of a t;rffic problem on this striet thansince there would be ohly a double garige and visitorspark on Peninsula or side streets. -she-noiid pairini-lot is not confined to construction workers, andare parked on it on weekends. She approved 6f tneas attracti ve add a benefi t to the aiba. _ Eva Fink,404 Peninsula, spoke of her mother who lives aloneon Penipsula. She was conceinei for her mother;s siieiv,-ind feltthat a residential development would offer more securit!,'tnin abusi ness which would be vicant at night. err th cre There v{ere no further comments anddecl ared cl osed.the public heari ng was counci I man Amstrup questioned Mrs . perati s on the n umber of:!ploMs proposed for this business. She repii;J ai;r;-;oira u.onry rwo at first. herself and her associate, with the possiuilityof addins up to four. The councirr;;-aa;;;;'tiiii"t is-eli!ii"n..Irith. travel agencies was. that thev rJrriiiv-ni;;-."iot-ii'p.opr.,and he was concerned wi th only fi-ve parIr ng spaces. Councilman Crosby commented there had been complaints in.past about the -parki ng on thi s .I ot, wi th a subsequent-iJrncifrequest to staff to resolve this situation. -rha'aiti pi;;;;rreported that staff had.contacted the property owner a numue" o!iT:l l. stop tlris parkins, but with rimiiea iesuiii.- ir,.n-u,.?Io?!r!{ las.sold' qnq since that time it has been uiea'ior parot construction vehicles with infrequent use on weekends. counman Crosby made the point there had'been an honesi.iio.i ui ilCity to stop this paiking. f ki ng ci l - e the such as this usual ly byCity for only of He also poi nted out thatfor Christmas tree sales andchari tabl e organi zations, hadshor t peri ods of time. the use of vacant I otsthe sale of fireworks, been authorized by the - Counci lman Amstrup considered thatinitial ly be for the uie of thls triveipossibility that in the future it couldbusinesses. He indicated tris suppori otCommission, while the building wouldagency, there was abe used for other types uphol di ng the Pl anning counci Iman Martin considered that everything in the EIR pointedtoward rezoning. Regarding the traffic inc-reiiei t. ioi"a'in.report states there wiil be onry about Ir increaie on owighi analess. than t/?% on peninsula. HL noted that Dwighi ii uJei'is ure!:ig!:tl way to set t9 east San Nateo, so it isi,i i-r.iijenttarsEreer rn the sense that others such as Stanley and Bancroit are.The counci lman di not vi suar i ze a tax increase-, since the-R-r r otswould remain residential and the assissment ,ainiainea-ii iucn.He did not consider it.rogical that.anyone woura uuiia i-singrifamily residence on this lot on peninsiria, and stated tiie-oniyreason he could see to uphold the planning commission *ii it,at tti,was spot zoning. He noted that zoning rais rraa ueen ciiiigei, anoformerly this appl ication could have 6een handlea Uv ,iriirce li:,:!.u9 of rezoning. He also noted the City plannei,r-irqq.stio,that short term rezoning could be implementi!d. counci lmii"Nart.inthan stated he did not ahink R-l zoning ii iorr"ii-ior'iiintnsura. Counciiman Crosby., too, was.against spot zoning, but thoughtthe whoie area shourd- be suiveyed itttr iesiect to r6ioning. xethought Peni nsul a Avenue was a ,,speed trapi, and too nirrJi'anacrowded because of shopping areai.5. 161 Vi ce-Mayor Harri son thought somethi ng shoul d be done wl th thelot as opposed to I eavi ng it vacant. He thought it shoul d stay R-l , but if a study indicated something different he thought he probably would oppose. However' in this case, it was spot zoning. Councilman Amstrup moved to sustain Planning Second by Councilman Crosby. The motion carriedcall vote of members present. Commission decision. on unanimous rol I Vice-Mayor Harrison announded the decision of the Planning Commission was upheld, and directed staff to proceed with a studyof Peni nsul a Avenue zoni ng Dwi ght to Humbol dt. RECESS A short recess was announced at 9:30, after which the meetlng reconvened. l'IILSON, JONES, MORTON & LYNCH, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LIl,,RE: LOST BONDS, CITY OF BURLINGAME, EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1. Letter of July 13, 1976 from this firm detailed that certainCity bonds had been Iost by the bondholder. The City's surety company had i ssued dupl i cated bonds. Subsequently, the lost bonds were found, and the holder now has both;original and duplicatedbonds. Coupons for both must be honored for payment. The City's attorneys have requested that the surety company provide indemnity against the payment of the duplicated bonds, but the surety company has taken the position that the City must prove actual damage byproviding cancelled coupons honored by the City. This letter requests Council authority to bring legal action against the Seaboard Surety Company to enforee the terms of the surety bond. Councilman Amstrup indicated approval of authorizationIegal action. He questioned if there would be any cost to and the City Attorney stated there uroul d not be. Councilman Jones, Morton & Seaboard Surety voi ce vote. for the Ci ty, Amstrup moved that the Council authorize l,lilson, Lynch to proceed with legal action against the Company. Second by Councilman Crosby, all aye 2. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE PRIORITY USE OF Z -BERG COLLIER BOND ACT FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR IMPROVED LIGHTING AT BAYSIDE AND WATSINGTON PARKS. By memo of July 15, 1976 City Manager transmitted recommendation from Park and Recreation Commission Dated 7/13/76 that priority useof money available to the City by this bond act be chdnged to implement soccer lighting for Bayside Park and multi-purpose sportslighting for !lashington Park. Communication noted the City is losing l0X purchasing power each year it waits to apply for the bond act funds. City Manager memo suggested discussion at next Council study meeti ng. V i ce-Mayor Harri son meeti ng of August 4 set this item for consideration at the study STAFF I MEMO RANDA DIRECT0R 0F PUBLIC l.l0RKS RE: SENATE BILL 283 COMMUTER R0UTE FOR BICYCLISTS COMMUNICATIONS I Vice-Mayor Harrison read this Ietter for the information of the aud i ence. 6, L62 City Council had received memo of July 2, 1976 from the Director of Public l,lorks regarding commuter route for bicyclists, transmitted by endorsement of City Manager on 7/15/76. The Directorof Public l.lorks recommended approval of Division of Highways proposal to submit the entire route, San Mateo to Daly City, as an SB-283project with Caltrans as the Iead agency. Councilman Amstrup's motion endorsing Division of Highways proposal was seconded by Councilman Crosby, all aye voice vote, CONSENT CLAENDAR I. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR ADDITION TO FIRE STATION #3. 2. BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION NOMINATIONS (6) FOR HERITAGE TREE STATUS Pa rk Di rector transmi tted six nomi nati on for Heri tage Tree status by memorandum of July 8, 1976. By endorsement of July 15, 1976 City Manager recommended Council approval. RESOLUTIONS I. RESOLUTION NO. 5B-76 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE I,I I TH-GFOtrG'N. RETSTOtr;JR., AND DAVID H. KEYSTON, CO-TRUSTEES Counci lman Marti n moved consent by Councilman Crosby, a1l aye voice Counci I man adoption, second members present, I. ORDINANCE NO. IOsI'ORDINANCE MEMB was cl aendar be approved, second vote. second by Counci l man CrosbY readi ng and was unanimouslY present. LIMITING TERMS OF COMMISSION reading by Counci Iman Martin. 0RDINANCES - Second readi nq I. ORDINANCE NO. I079 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUB-SECTIONS D (I) AND (2) 0F-TEITr0'R-6:TE:r20 0F THE MUNICIPAL coDE 0F THE CITY 0F BURLINSAME AND INCREASING THE RATES OF FARE FOR TRANSPORTATION IN TAXICABS" was given its second reading, There was no response to Vice-Mayor Harrison's request for public comment and the public hearing tras declared closed. 0n motion of Councilman Martin, second by Councilman Crosby, 0rdinance No. 1079 passed is second reading and was unanimously adopted on roll call vote of members present. 2. ORDINANCE NO.'I O8O "ESTABLISHING SPEEO LIMIT ON SKYLINE B0ULEVARD" waS gi ven its secon d readi ng. UNDER ANZA SHAREHOLDERS' LIQUIDATING TRUST (DIRECTIONAL SIGN ON BfYSH0RE FREEI,IAY)" and attached Iease agreement was transmitted by memo of July 8,1976 from the City Attorney, This provides for a twenty-year rental at a dollar a year. City attorney recommended approval. erosby introduced this resolution and moved its by Councilman Martin, all aye roll call vote of Vice-Mayor Harrison opened the hearing for public comment. E. L. Musso, 109 Bayswater, questi oned the exact I ocati on and was informed that Skyline Boulevard is parallel to Highway 280 and the area affected by the speed limit is from 600 feet north of Rivera Drive to the south City limits. 0n motion of Councilman AmstruP, 0rdi nance No. 1080 passed i ts second adopted on roll call vote of members 0RDINANCES - I ntroducti on 7 RECOGNITION ntro uce d for fi rst 163 At this time Vice-Mayor Harrison acknowledged the the audience of former Mayor and Counci lman Charlotte commenting warmly on her ranyyears' of devoted service and the Counci I 's pl easure in her attendance, presence i n Johnson,to the City I UNFINISHED BUSINESS APPLICATI0N FOR LEAVE T0 PRESENT LATE CLAIM GALENO v. CITY 0F BURLINGAME Vice-Mayor Harrison requested report from the City Attorney who had requested Council to continue this matter at the meeting ofJuly 6 so that he could contact the City's insurance carrier. TheCity Attorney stated he dld check with the Carrler who reconmendedthis claim be presented. Councilman Martin moved to allow presentation of this late clalm, second by Councilman lmstrup, all aye voice vote. ?. SOLID }IASTE COLLECTION-TRANSFER STATION LOCATION who he Vice-Mayor Harrison requested report from the City Manager, stated a meeting had been held this date with San Mateo, and hoped to be able to report by Council meeting of August 2. that NEI.I Councilman Amstrup requested that a report also meeting on any progress on the driving range. BUSINESS be made at of dirt af f i rme d he had seen evi dence and the City Manager APPROVALS I,IARRANTS Counci lman llarrant No.quarter payment p agreed it was unc be for " I unch ". l.larrant 3346 Amstrup questioned the fol Iowing warrants: 327 0 $4,254.25 - Burlingame Chamber of Commerce first Board of Directors' lunch, Councilman Martin and appeared that quite a large amount could Manager Schwalm stated he would check. I I L }larrant 3363 us earitv $85.00 $65.72 Coit Drapery - clean up for sewer department Typewriter rental. l',anted to know why City i s renti ng typewri ters. l.,arrant 3384 - $475.18 - Don L. Horris purchases by various epartments !tarrant 3404 - $725.71 - S.M. County - Purchases by various departments !larrant 3405 - $659.00 - S.M. Countytaaioua departments. The Counci lmanas this on these three warrants we re some idea as to what purchases are. Radio Serv.stated that confusinE. - Purchases by descri pticns such There shoul d be flarrant 3410 - $2,432,70 - Santa Cruz Foundry - ten benches forTiansit were. money -for the issued controlof I ast System. The Councilman questioned where these benchesThe City Manager explained they were bought out of transitsurplus funds. The City Planner added ahat they were neededbus stops and were on order. He noted this warrant wason June 28 because in the next fiscal year the City losesof Burlingame Transit, and this is the fiscal terminationyear's funds. He pointed out this is not City funds but FUTURE POLICE STATION SITE Vi ce-Mayor Harri son reported dumping by Caltrans on this site,this woul d be checked ou t, c 164 Burlingame Transit capital outlay'. Councilman Martin,was of the ;;i;i;;-;[.i t[; cn.iI stouia noi be sent until the citv receives aEiiri.y. -eity m.nag;r-!i[*irr-itit.a he would check on the location of the warrant. Counci I man Marti n questioned warrants: $39,294.32 - American LaFrance - fdr fi re DePt. - He thought thi s for Darts. The Fire Chief stated firL engine was $38'900.00. Reoower fi re unci ear and questioned that the cost of t.larrant 3310 engi ne, par ts how much went repoweri ng the llarrant 3312 ment p lant,at the plant the cal l, thefirst call. The Ci ty Engi had to be reP out and theY he is i nvesti l,larrant 3332 - $546.25 repl ace windows at CitY was i nsurance. The Ci tY cost was prohibitive. commended staff for notation of self- - $3,3000.00 - repair damage! pump motors for treat- The Citv Manaqer explained-that there was an accident "iin-i,]'ut..r.it riobai ng. The di spatcher recei ved ;';; ;i;;;';;;; in-ina it'e failed Lo so back to the Hence it was not reported, with damage to the pumps' neer stated he did not know exactly how many pumps liii,a , -[']t-t'ti" it ooat ng caused the motors to short ;;;';; ui -.6i'ipr etelv';;',i;ae: The ci tv Manaser reported gati ng. man quest there was d if there ; that the Vi ce-MaYor Harri son supporti ng Programs. Hall. The Counci l - Manager stated audited, in the amount of ment on motion of Councilman Crosby' aye voi ce vote. ouqh I9942 in the amount roIi on of Counci I man CrosbY 'carri ed on voi ce vote. i one not I,IARRANTS 3237 through 3436, du S366136t.57 were aPProved for second by Counci I man AmstruP ' 1y pay alI 26,db June, 1976, Check Nos. l9?17 thr 398.18, aPProved for PaYment on y Counci lman Marti n ' unanlmous lY PAYROLLof $3 secon BU RLINGAME CHAMBER O F COMMERCE REPORT trity, Jul 76 th rought Sept ember Ams truP, una nimously carri e d on voi ce ACKNOI.ILEDGMENTS yl - servi ces 30, I976. vo te . rendered the Councilman I Correspondence from George -Pi ckett ' !.lel fare and other County oftl cl a ls Paramedi c/Ambul ance Servi ces ' Director regardi ng Heal th andprovision for 3 4 2 5 6 Correspondence from Leo J. Ryan, Congressman regarding reYenue shari ng I egi sl ati on. Letter from Bikeways Commi ttee of San Mateo County Correspondence from Pacific Gas & Electric Company of June ?9' 1976 regardi ng rate i ncrease. Memo from Park Director on clean-up of El Camino l{al kway betneen Highway Road & Dufferi n Avenue Memo from City Manager reporting on San Franclsco Alrport ..i,iiii.'iriit.i,i'r,t oiril;r.-'ir,is 6rticia't wlll be attendlns the Counct I meeti ng of August I6 ' 1976 ' ExecutiYeSummary-Ana,lysisofMuniclpalCourtFaci.l.|tylssuses Report - San Mateo County Human Relations Commission Collection Report, Burlingame Recreatlon Department Bl i ngum Inn Teen Cl ub fi nanci a1 report ' Minutes: Beautification Commission, July l ' I976; Planning q, 7. o 9. 10. ll. I 165 Commission, July 12,1976; Park and Recreation Commission, July 13, I976;Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission, July 8, 1976 Councilman Martin, referring to the Municipal Court report' commented that it implies the San Mateo facility should be closed. This wou'l d necessitate that Burlingame citizens would have to go to Redwood City or South San Francisco on traffic court matters. He suggested Council comment on this report to the County. Vice Mayor Harrison considered the Counci'l should bring its influence to bear toward opposing any moving of this court, and stated he would refer this matter to the meeting of August ?, 1976. Councilman Martin suggested an immediate response would be advlsable. vice Mayor Harrison directed staff to write letter to the County Manager and to the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County expressi ng the Counci I 's opposi ti on to the move, Councilman Amstrup questioned statement in Park and Recreation mi nutes that the next recreati on brochure " . .wi l I i ncl ude everyone's water bill . ." The City Manager stated he would investigate. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to an executive session. Respectful ly submitted, fi.*h-t't'l't-u Ci ty C/erk lo,