HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.08.16183 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 16, 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting cal I ed to order at B: I I P. M. by Mayor Mangi ni . on wa the s PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: LEd B y Jerome F. Coleman, City Council Members Present: Council Members Absent: MINUTES The minutes of the re and adopted wi th the Busi ness " paragraph sresolution by Supervi Harbor District for t Supervi sors. He statof LAFC0. " Amstrup-Harri son-Mangi ni -Mqrti n Crosby - Vacation (excused) ular meeting of August 2, 1976 were approved ol l owi ng correcti on: Page I 6 - under "New oul d read; "Counci lman Harri son referred to or Royer supporting maintenance of the e next meeting of the County Board of d he would abstain from voting, as a member g f h s h e PRESENTATIONS I. CAST FROM RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRODUCTION "PURE IMAGINATION. " Mayor Mangini introduced Mr. AlIan Chriest, director of Young Peopl e's Theatre for the Burl i ngame Recreati on Department. Mr. Chriest introduced some members of the cast who gave an enjoyable short performance. He announced times for the regular production during the coming weekend. 2. MR. A.M. GARCIA, CHAIRMAN, SISTER CITY COMMITTEE: GIFT T0 CITY OF BURLINGAME FROM MAYOR OF CUERNAVACA. ti me Bi cen wi th Burl i Ci ty Gar Sisnial ands me. tha ci a rter C pl aq ome c Mayo n ked Mr. the tenah nga and eported on his recent visit to Cuernavaca at whichity Association presented the Mayor with aue. The Mayor had then presented the Association lock as a symbol of friendship for the City of r Mangini accepted the clock on behalf of the Mr. Garci a for hi s work on the Si ster Ci ty program. 3 MR. ARNOLD FEENER, NOISE ABATEMENT OFFICER, SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT pl ou 7 es ed w int 70;ot noi ate Mr.Feener ex i ng and hed se r law I}B ained methods oft-that the State s-.ddE in 1916.ired level of 65 noi s had e measurements for the established a limit oflevel is to be reduced He expl ai ned vari ous Ai rpgp,t, po S0SeSin 19 grhdual ly t methods of wi th the St uction and stated the Airport.i-s,=in compliance i th a noi se measurement of 75 ldljr=- Counci I man Harri son ask noise level down. Mr. Feene noise attenuation such as th replacement of old engines wpatterns over i ndustri al and change of runway direction. erecti on of "bl ast fences " ,the I ate ni ght hours unl ess added that efforts are being what was bei ngeplied there aretrofitting of new; devel opmey areas rathere Airport is in attempts to core is a type of de to get the F one to get the several methods i rcraft ; thet of new flight han residential; esti gati ng thetrol flights duri emergency. He A and the Ai rportot located when edrrer d e a nt v n A n of i th ba Th and the mato measure noise at points where monitors are compl ai nts are recei ved. ng Attorney. ROLL CALL I 184 Counci I man Harri son ques t i oned what act i on is takethese meas uremen ts are fou nd to be above the acceptabi eand l,lr. Feener replied that had not yet happened.' n when level; Councilman Martin stated one of his concerns is 747 frethat take off at 2:00 A.M. several tims a week. Takeoff istime because they are bound for Tolyo which has a curfew. H i denti fi ed one as bel ongi ng to the Flyi ng Ti ger Airline andwhat was being done about them. Mr. Feener itated they havebeen asked_to adjust their schedule, commenting the aiiportnot control the air nor the fl i 9ht routes. ig at e hters this questioned does Councilman Martln noted the Airport has just agreed toexpansion of the FIying Tiger terminal , and suggestid one of thecondi ti ons mi ght be no fl i ghts iike this. He suggested that ifpublicity were given to non-cooperative airlines,-ttrey might wishto cooperate rather than lose their customers. Mr. Feenei statedthis wouid be a management policy and not in his area as a NoiseAbatement 0ffi cer. Councilman Martin suggested Mr. Feener take his comments asa Councilman and a member of ALUC back to management, _ ^Mayor Mangini questioned if any citizen from Burlingame couldask for a noise measurement in his area, and Mr. Feener verified this. Mayor Mangini thanked Mr. Feener for his presentation. HEAR I NGS APPEAL OF MAUREEN C. DENIAL OF SIDE YARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND KENNETH VARIANCE AT OF .'ULY 6 FROM PLANNING COMMISSION DRIVE (CONTINUED FROM TOPPING I725 HUNT r976) In addition to material previously submitted at the JUly 6meeti ng, the Counci I had recei ved peti li on approvi ng varianc! wi thapproximately 300 res i dents' signatures; chronol ogi ial sequence ofevents dated July 10, 1976 from Mrs . Topping, al ong wi th herrebuttals dated July 20, 1976 i memo to Council irom City planner, memo to Counci I from Ci ty Attorney, and pl anni ng Commi ssi on mi nutesof May 24, 1976. Bef ore open i ng comments from staf f mi ght have, Mrs. Mau reen To si gnatures to the pe door in the front ofback. Accordi ng toa step in the ri ght She had nothi ng more publ i c meeti ng, Mayor Mangi ni asked foreouncil relative to any new information they thefor The City Pianner told Council he had visited the site sincelast Counci I heari ng and had taken photogra ph s which he presented Counci I revi ew. Councilman Martln stated he had visitod the site on Sunday,August l5 and I ooke/6t the structure. Mayor Mangini stated he had driven by. Councilman Amstrup stated he was quite familiar with the sitesince it was in his nei ghborhood. Councilman Harrison noted he had visited the site beforc thehearing of iluly 6,1976. The City Attorney indicated he had received no new evidence. Mayor Mangi ni then cal I ed upon Mrs. Toppi ng to appear. pprit he dit ing presented the Council with ten moretion, and stated she had suggested putting a he s tructu re and el iminating the door in ther, the Fire Inspector had considered this wasrecti on, and he woul d gi ve it consideration.o add. L, I the and 185 Mr, Ken Topping aCded that the door could be taken off the back of the structure, making a clear passageway to the rear, and discussed the use of sheet rock in the structure for fire safety. Mayor Mangini requested opinion from the Fire Chief on the proposed door opening. The Fire Chief stated he had discussed wi th the Fi re Inspector the Toppi ngs ' proposal to cut a door, Inhis opinion this type of access would be an advantage over the way it is now for dragging hose, but for proceeding with laddersit would still be an obstacle. He added it would not contributeto the spread of fire from that house to the next one, Mr, Leonard Benedict, speaking as representative of odd voters who signed the petition, read from a prepared supporti ng the vari ance. the 300 statement There were no other comments and the public hearing was dec I ared cl osed. Mayor Mangini questioned if the structure had to be so close to the fence to act as a windbreal. Mr. Topping affirmed it was necessary because of the prevalence and violence of the wind. Councilman Amstrup remarled it was difficult for him to understand that a contractor such as Mr. Toppi ng did not know a building permit must be secured. Mr. TopPing stated that was an issue that he did not wi3h to explore because it involved a City employee. He spoke of various contacts with City staff, and the fact that this matter seemed unimportant in comparison with other problems at the time. tlhen it was too late, he filed for variance. Mayor Mangi ni noted the 4 x 4 in the stud wal I of the structure which would make it possible to put a wall there and cut down the extension into the side yard. The building would then conform to code, Mr. Toppi ng agreed this coul d be done , but it woul d defeat the purpose of a windbrealt. He offered the comprOmise of cutting a door in the front which would effect a passage for fire equipment. Councilman Amstrup agreed there was a wind problem in this area' 0n question from Mayor Mangini, even with this compromise a variance s tructure in the si de yard. equipment building on the site. Mr. was legal at the time the pool was buthe mai n obj ecti ve was to stop the wi the City Attorney stated that woul d still be needed for a i ng affi rmed the I ocati on and even at that time Councilman Martin raised the question of a one-hour fire wall necessary for thl s structure thi s near the property I i ne. The Fire Chief stated it would be necessary to have 5/8" sheet rock on each side of the wall. Counci lman Marti n di scussed at I ength wi th Mr, Topping how this compromise could be effected with the proper bui I di ng materi al to get a one-hour wall. Mr. Toppi ng agreed to make these structural changes for the fi re wal l, addi ng that the pump for the swimming pool could also be useful for the Fire DePartment. Mayor Mangini raised the question of relocation of this pool Toppiit, nd. Councilman Harrison noted that the struct0!e was an iilegalbuilding; that it had been duly presented to the Planning Commissionfor a variance which was denied. He considered remarks containedin Mr. Benedict's statement referring to Council's responsibilityto the voters as an attempt at intimidation. The Councilman again noted that four conditions were necessary to grant a variance, and in his opinion, these conditions were not met. For this reason he woul d vote agai nst approval + Councilman Harrison reminded Mr. Topping that all four conditions for a variance must be met. the C holdi mutua l,Jhile Counci lman Marti n was i ncl i ned to go al ong wi th the factthat the bui I di ng was illegal to begi n with, he poi nted out that most swimming pool contractors specify their pool equipment should be on the same I evel as the pool . He suggested that Mr. Toppi ng's compromise was a basically workable one. tlith regard to the four conditions for a variance, he Euggested that it depends upon thepoint of view as to whether or not these are being met. the subject of compromi se, Mayor Mangi ni poi nted out that has this ordi nance and peopl e who are charged wi th up-it. As far as he was concerned, unless this compromise was agreeable to everyone, he would be inclined to sustainthe Planning Commission. He asked the City Planner if thls com- promise had been offered to the Planning Commission at their hearing. The City Planner told Councii this proposal had not been offeredto the Planning Commission. llhi1e he had suggested to the Toppingsthat they consider all options, he had first heard of this idea th i s af ternoon. Councilman Amstrup noted the reference to the will of the people in the presentation by Mr. Benedict, and pointed out that some ofthe signatures on the petition were obtained not near the site, butin front of Petrini's market. He emphasized that most citizens get legal permits for work which they want to do. In this situation,this requirement was completely ignored, and the City is offered a compromise. He questioned the integrity of this type of rule making. The Councilman s tated thi s s tructure s tarted out illegalIy and itis still illegal from every aspect. 0nitv ngllv Mr. Benedict was given permission to speak,that only 9 s i gnatures r{ere obtai ned in froet of Councilman Harrison moved that the Planning be sustained. Second by Counci lman Amstrup andfol I owi ng rol I cal I vote: and tol d Counci IPetrinirs. Commission deci s i on carri ed on the AYES: COUNCILMEN: AMSTRUP, HARRISON, MANGININAYES: COUNCILMEN: MARTIN ABSENT: C0UNCILMEN: CR0SBY 2. RESOLUTION NO. 63-76 'FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR I{EED AI{D RUBBISH ffiangini declared the pubiic hearing openon this subject, There was no comment from the audience and the publ i c heari ng was decl ared cl osed. RES0LUTI0N N0. 63-76 was introduced by Counci I man Harri son who second, al I aye voi ce votemoved i ts adoption. Counci lman Amstrupof members present. City Council had received memo of August 12, 1976 from CityManager regarding adoption of operating budget which reflected Cutsand increases in operating and capltal improvements budgets with anet decrease of $42,940 in the operati ng budget and a net decreaseof $5,000 in the capi tal improvements budget. Counci I had alsoreceived August l6 memo from City l'lanager proposing a reducedtax rate since general tax revenues wi 'l I no I onger subsi di ze waterand sewer operations and capital improvements. Mayor Mangi ni requested report from Budget Chai rman Amstrup. Councilman Amstrup reviewed his memo of August 16, 1976 to Counci I members, He recommended revi ew of Publ i c l,lorks and Fi re Department budget proposals not previously considered. He recommendedalso not establishing the tax rate until later this month becasse of some ci rcumstances whi ch i ndi cated a del ay, I ack of uti I i ty rol l assessed values, still unan swered questi ons on water funds , absenceof full Council, evaluation of assessed value report from County. 186 CONSIDERATION TO OPERATING BUDGET 4 187 The Councilman suggested a tax rate reduction of at Ieast 50, possible with a "hold the line" budgetary approach,.and made seveial suggestions for Counci l cons i derati on. 0ne of these was for C o u n c i i - d e t e rm i n a t i o n of whether or not the Civic Arts Counci I was to be funded. He suggested that a special meeting on the budget be he ld next week. by of be Mayor Mangini agreed that forthcoming information as noted CounLilman Amstrup could have great impact; and with concurrence Council members airnounced that a special budget meeting would held next week. The Budget Chalrman requested report on the Fire Department budget. n this department, noting that there i ncrease for the posi tions of two alarm helper. The budget does not ncrease now being negotiated by Fire at the budget proPosed bY the Fire admi ni strati vely control I abl e to a o Iuxury items, onl y necessi ties for Mayor Mangi ni reporteis money in the budget for mechani c hel pers and one f i ncl ude a provision for anpersonnel. He recommended Chi ef be accepted si nce it certai n degree and contai n the departmen t to functi on do an i reyi th issn Budget Chai rman Amstrup reviewed the Publ i c Works- 0ep budget. -Under Storm Drains fund, he noted the funds alloc rodEnt control, and conslderation to making this a city wi a a dt h T I rtmentted fore program her. i ncreasedat a i s f or hi s he. Inyear f or 2% not 546 ,000 e%. 'tn He $z, $4, the mon not order not to drive the rodents out of one area into also commented that l.,ater Department office expense 000 because of raise in postal rates ' He pointed ou 923 figure for addressing equipment for this departm purchase of equipment that is on a three year lease ey is to pay for the lease. !'later utilities operati ed shoul d be charged wi th l/2 accoun t cl erk i nstead s same department, he noted an increase of 5Z over Ier purchase from San Franci sco. This was predicated rease in usage and 5X increase in costs. The latter ano hastt ent ons of thi wat i nc occ t0 ast on di ur. l,Jater punchase budget item should be reduced from t512,750, and anticipated revenue lowered to reflect th d $ e He noted an increase of $2'000 in the water utility equipment maintenance fund transferred from the construction fund, discon- tinued effective July I, I9r6. In this department he recommended approval of purchase of nater meters and tank level sensing valve. He recommended reducins by $12,000 the budgeted special departmental expense of $48,500. He recommended deletion of Item No. 2, 9as operated compactor in the amount of However, after Counci I questioni ng Eng i neer that thi s was needed for e i ncl ude i t, He recommended reduci n from 4 to 2 for trial purposes. In the sewer rental fund he recommended inspection contract for updatlng the system. remarked that cons i deri ng the cost of labor, savi ng in the I ong run. ,500 for this department, conflrmati on from the City ci ent operation, he agreed to tem No. 5, 4 steel pl ates , the item of TV Counci lman Marti nthis woul d be a 7 ,466,00 fromhis covers pro co ) . $l andffigI Councilman Amstrup recommended a reduction of "Contri buti ons to other agenci es " in this fund.rate cost of pumpi ng to outfal I in Sou th San Franc $(r is The Counci Iman poi nted out to the publ ic that the Counci I has now held public meetings on every department in the city, and a 5C decrease in tax rate is anticipated. He praised Council membersfor their efforts on this bud.get, and commented it appears that Burlingame is the only local agency that will cut the tax rate. The budget chairman stated he was in agreement with these fi ndi ngs. Mayor Mangini, questioned, however, if the Fire sinking fund was reduced to-$l5,Odo or to $10,000. City Manager confirmed the fi gure at $10,000. tB8 Counci I man Marti n no ted the inclusion of overhau I of l95l stake truck $l,000.00 for Publ i c tllorks Street Mai ntenance. suggested Counci I con s i der replacing this old truck i nsteadov6ihaulinq it. The decision ias to-freeze the $1000 until pros & cons of repair vs, replacement were resolved. This.report, dated July 20, 1976 and prepared over the si gnaturq,6f l,4auri ce A. Garbel I , President, M.A.G. Consul tants was recohmended for intensive reading by Councilman Martin. noted it was qui te techni cal but wel I worth the effort for a He of the 2 Councilman Amstrup ended the budget session with the notationthat the tax rate would be established at the special meeting. Mayor 14angini compiimented the Councilman on his good job withthe budget. COMMUNICATIONS I. REqUEST FROM VINCENT RUMOLO,1757 ESCALANTE }IAY, FOB CABLE TV. Mr. Rumolo's letter of August 6, 1976 requested Counci l approval of cable T.V. installation in Burl i ngame in order to getbetter reception in some areas of the City where even extensive antennas do not work well. The City Manager was requested by the chai r to forward an appropniate response. BURLINGAi.IE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE: PLANNING FOR POLICE STATION AND OFF STREET PARKING Letter of August 4, 1976 from Joan Chase, President of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, commended Council for theirindication of priorities for police station and downtown parking. The Chamber offered its services on the citizens' committee and assistance with publicity of the plans. Letter referred to City I'lanager for reply. M.A.G. C0NSULTANTS, INC.,: MEM0RANDUt4 ENTITLED "AVIATI0N N0ISE IN NORTHERN SAN MATEO COUNTY. A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE CURRENT STATUS AND NEEDED ACTION." , Inc., He better undergtandi ng of probl ems regardi ng ai rcraft noi se i n the area;further, the memorandum addresses a lu6ber of items ignored by ai rport s taf f . STAFF MEi,IORANDA City Manager memorandum of August 12. 1976 transmitted report from San Mateo City Manager which stated that San Mateo Council ved the location of the sol id waste col lection-transfer statione Tower Road Site, and construction and operation was preferred e private sector. City Manager memo recommended that thist be accepted and that a I etter be authori zed requesti ng San and Foster City to join in a request to the County fornation of the Tower Road Site. !{i th concurrence of City Council, the City ltlanager was directedto write such a letter. Councilman Martin suggested inclusion of statement that Burl ingame prefers private sector construction and operation. BURLINGAME AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT LOANED CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE. Memorandum of July 30, 1976 from the Finance Director recommendedthat the amou nt of $5,294.73, carri ed for the past several years inthe above inactive fund be transferred to the General Fund, thus reducing surcharges on business I icense fees by that amount. This woul d cl ose out the constructi on fund. 3 appr0at thby th repor Mateo desig 2 b I. ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFER STATION SITE REPORT City Manager al so recommended that this transfer be made. 189 There was Council concurrence. However, Councilman Martin suggested thi s acti on be del ayed unti I the consul tants recommendati ons have been received on finance department structure. There may be other funds recommended to be closed out. Mayor Mangini announced no action would be taken at the present time. 3. ABAND0NED DRMI'IAYS By memorandum of August ll, 1976 City Manager requestedpolicy decision on accomplishing the closure of abandoned driveways. He recommended that monies for this work come from the contingentfund. City Manager's memo transmitted report from Assoeiate Civil Engineer of August ll, 1976 giving location of abandoned driveways, costs for their closure, and several options for the City. t.li th concurrence of Counci I , Mayor Mangi ni stated thi s matter would be considered at the September study meeting. 4. PROGRESS REPORT CONSULTANT FEES FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT STUDY City Manager memo of August 1?, 1976 informed Council that request for proposals on this study had been sent to the firms of: Booz , AI Ien & Hami I ton ; Haskins & Sells; Hughes , Hei ss & Associates; Peat, l,larwi ck & Mitchell. In his memo, the City Manager requested authori zati on to recrui t a fi nance di rector to fi I I the vacancy that will occur September l. I ovid ghes tche agr pr Hu Mi he As of n another report dated August 13, 1976, the City Manager ed fees to be charged by the consultants. He considered, Heiss & Associates well-qualified' also Peat, Marwick &ll. The City Treasurer, responding to Mayor Mangini, stated eed with the City Manager's indorsement of Hughes' Heiss & ates but he slightly favored Peat, Marwick & Mitchell because i r experti se i n accounti ng and audi ti ng as wel I as management. 5. POLICE STATION PROJECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROPOSALS socl the A motion by Councilman Harrison to retain Peat, Marwick & Mitchell to perform Finance Department study only (annual audit not included) in accordance wi th the i nd i cated fee of $.l4,400 - $l5,500 was seconded by Councilran Martin, all aye voice vote of members present. In a requested memorandum dated August 12, 1976, the City Manager Counci I approval of: Johnson-Gumbi nger/Dellol f addi ti onalat a cost not to exceed $18,000 inletter of August 12, 1976 Approval withheld. Fee considered i nvol ved. Ci ty Manager di rected toto the Counci l. archi tectural servi ces accordance wi th thei r too high for renegotiate ?Proposal from Stone & Youngberg , l,luni cl pa I Fi nanci ng Consul tants , for a Central Busi ness Study for fi nanci ng purposes , cost not to exceed $5,000. Retai n Attorney Kenneth I . Jones for consu lti ng servi cesin connection with financing acquisition of more parking. Items 2 and 3 to be delayed until Item 4 res6lved. Proposal from Architect AIbert Kahl for feasibility study(l ) of a combi ned pol i ce and parki ng faci I i ty wi th com-mercial rental areas on a site consisting of one or moreof the parcels nort occupied by the police station, postoffi ce, Parki ng Lot E, Schaffer Ti re Company, Jenkel - 3 4 1 work and report 7 190 Under da te of August copy of letter dated Augus Trustee, Anza Shareholdersof the oi ant and odors ema refl ecti ng adversel y on th Manager's recommendati on t seek to hold them in materif complaints on odor continue The City Manager reported that Ci ty's pos i ti on, park i ng facility and fi nanced on 1976, the City Manager forwarded , 1976, signed by David H. KeYston' qu i dati ng Trust, concerni ng operati on ng therefrom that create a situation ti re bay front areas. The Ci tY the opeiator be warned the City wilI breach of their contract to operate was concurred in by the Council. Mr. Keyston has been informed of the Davidson, (2) If above not feasible, can a with commercial rental areas be constructed one or more of the parcel s. City Manager to proceed with Mr. Kahl. Councilman Harrison referred to the Architect's suggestion that the addi ti onal studies be undertaken in col I aborati on with staff and a Council committee in order to speed the pl anni ng process. Mayor Mangi ni announced he and Counci lman Marti n will represent the Counci l. 5, I,IASTE DISPOSAL TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS 12rt ll' Li natie en hatial CONSENT CALENDAR l. ANNUAL SIDEliALK SALE--BURLINGAME AVENUE MERCHANTS: Saturdav, August 21 , 1976 ?. Parcel [!l Combi ni ng Two Lots on northwesterly recommended by PI anning presented on moti on of Harri son, all aye voice RESOLUTIONS ( r eTs- Dwi ght -enI Peninsula Avenue, Consent Cal endar accepted as Marti n , second by Counci I man members present. corner of Commission. Counci I man vote of I. RESOLUTION NO. 64-76 "AC 197 6 ) Items I and 3 throug i ntroduced by by Counc i I man 2. RESOLUTION N0.65-76 Councilman Amstrup, who moved adoption, seco Harrison, all aye voice vote of members pres cept i ng lrleed Abatement P rog ram5 ( Robco Enterpri ses , Inc. )" w as nd ent. "Approvi ng Awardi ng of Contract By Ci ty i on 0f Traffi c Si gnal s At Bayshoreue" was i ntroduced by Counci l man Marti n, d by Counci lman Harri son, al I aye voi ce h 0f Mi I I brae For Cons truct Hi ghway And Mi I I brae Aven who moved adoption, secon vote of members present. I 9 i ORDINANCES . 0RDINANCE N0. .l082 "0rdinance Amending Provisions of Chapter ,04 0f the Burl i ngame Mun ici pal Code Relating To 0ogs " was gi ven ts second readi ng. Decl ari ng the heari ng open, Mayor Mangini invited comments from the floor. There were none. The hearing was decl ared cl osed. The 0rdi nance passed i ts second readi ng and was unanimously adopted on rol l calI of members present. 2. 0RDINANCE N0. 1083 "0rdinance Al I owi ng C-2 Permi tted Use Areas" was introduced for firstAs Cbndi ti onal U ses In Certai n C-l readi ng by Counci lman Harri son. UNFINISHED BUSINESS l. Annexation Fees : In response to as Mangi ni, the Ci ty Manager The City Attorney has Mayor ye t .reporte ere as een no action i nformati on for the Council. 2. Low Spots in Bicycle PLths In response to comments from Counci l - man Fmstiup, the Diiector of Pu blic I'lorks reported that the the contractor, Anza Pac Iconstruction i nspector has i nformed Cityific ,s 191 3. Alarm System at l.Iastewater T reatment PI ant: Councilman Martin recaTTecfa recent irrcTile rif at the pl ant that resu I ted in someflooding. The report furnished the Council mentioned an alarm that must be activated by plant employees. He indicated some concern in this area and requested the Director of Public !lorks to investigate the possibllity of improving this situation. Thelatter recounted measure3 that have been taken to date and advisedthat a compl ete report shoul d be avai I able to the Counci I abou t the end of September. NEI^I BUSINESS l Appeal Hearing Scheduled: Councilman Amstrup requested CounciI review oT The ipecial peimit granted August 9'1976 by the Planning Commission to 01af Flodin, .l404 Balboa Avenue , in connection with an existing accessory building to be used as rumpus room, He considered this precedent-setting. Mayor Manglni announced the matter will be heard by the Council atregular meeting on September 7, 1976. APPROVALS Corporati on , that the fau I tywill be accepted and payment l,larrants : Nos , 3437 throu gh 3735 in the duly audited, were approved for payment Harri son, second by Counci lman Mangi ni , 4. Mi nutes - Park and Commissr-Tn, Augu s t 9, areas must be corrected before the work authorized. a the amount of on moti on al l aye vo 73,126.24, Counci I mane vote. $4ofic Payrol I I July, 1976 Checks Nos. I9944 were approved on motion o f Counci Iman man Amstrup, all aye voice vote. AC KN OI.IL ED GM E NT S I. Bikeways Committee - Communication from Regional Planning Committee, July 13, 1976. City Planner and Traffi c Engi neer to through 20689, $339 ,610.06Harri son, second by Counci l - Recreation Commission, August 10, Planning Study Meeting Notations, August 4, 1976. Respectf ul Iy submi tted, comp.l ete questionnaire and return to Bi keways Committee. 2. Keith C, Sorenson, District Attorney, coqmendation to Police Inspector J. Eldredge for professional 'and@ 3. Staff Reports: City Manager/Finance Director, August 12,1976, "Actual Use Report-Federal Revenue Shari ng. "Di rector of Recreati on "Fal I Program Informati on , "August 9, 1976. e 7/.JlLL Ftrelrn CITY CL E,' FTTT Enx ADJ0URNMENT: 10.45 P.M. 9,