HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.09.07196 BURLINGAME, September CAL I FORN IA 7, 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held above date i n the Ci ty Ha l I Counci l Chambers. The meeti ngto order at 8:40 P.M. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini after an session commencing at 7:30 P.M. on the was cal I ed executi ve PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG: Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Af,torney, ROLL CALL Counci l Counci I Members Members Present: Absent: MiNUTES The Mi Futes of the regul ar meeti ng of August 16, and speci al meetingof August 28, 1976 were approved and adopted after correction on Page 1, mi nutes of August 'l6, 'l976, Item 3, "dcb " to be changed to 'CNEL " in all i nstances. BIDS TRAFFIC SIGNAL C0NTR0LLERS Trousdale/Magnol ia and Cal ifornia Drive/ Memo of September 2, 1976 from Director of Public Works trans- mitted detailed bid summary on this project with low bid of $ll,660'00 by Singer Corporation of Sunnyvale, City Manager's memo of September 2, 1976 transmitted this information to Council. Bid summary is attached to I ast page of these mi nutes . ( Si nger Corp. -sunnyval e $l l ,660. ) RESOLUTION NO. 68-76'AI,IARDING CONTRACT - TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERSffiS OF TROUSDALE DRIVE AND MAGNOLIA DRIVE, AND CALIF0RNIA DRIVE AND 0AK GRoVE AVENUE (PRoJECTS 76-3 AND 76-4)" was introduced by Councilman Harrison who moved its adoption. Second by Counci lman Amstrup, all aye roll call. HEAR I NG I. COUNCIL APPEAL FLOD I N BY PLANN ING BUILDING AS RUMPUS OF SPECIAL PERI'IIT GRANTED MR. AND MRS. OLAF B COMMISSION TO ALLOI.I USE OF EXISTING ACCESSORY ROOM AT I4O4 BALBOA AVENUE. Councilman Amstrup commented he had cal led this permit up for review because he fel t Counci I should look at it. He then statedthat upon further i nves ti gati on he had di scovered that the Fl odi ns' had been caught in the circumstance of buying a piece of property with an illegal building already on it, and he felt that they should not be penal i zed because of this. The Counci I man stated he waswilling to rest the matter and go along with the decision of the Planning Commission. Mayor Mangini requested comment from the City PIanner. Referring to his August 25 memo to Council, the City Planner poi nted out that the speci al permi t appl i cati on was : I . To permi t Lhe accessory building to be used as rumpus/hobby room, and 2. To permit the room to be extended by a storage area and a bathroom. He emphasized that Planning Commission approval was oniy for the use as a rumpus/ hobby room wi thout any additions. llayor Mangi ni noted that in speak i ng to Mr appl i cant had i ndi cated they would now iust di ng wi th no questi on of addi ti on. Flodin Sunday Iast, wish to use thethe bui I Amstrup-Crosby-Harri son-Mangi ni -Marti n llone. [aI 6rove. City Attorney Coleman specified that since this hearing, a public hearing was necessary and a formal was a noti ced motion. still wanted theto make a pre- i n camelizationo l ongerit. t{as 197 Councilman extens i on of the sentati on. Marti n added that if the appl i cant bui lding, he should have a chance Upon the Mayor's request for audience comment' Mr. Flod forward. He told the Council he was satisfied with the lega of the property as granted by the Planning Commission, and n wished to add a bathroom to the building or otherwise extend There were no further public comments and the public hearing dec I ared cl osed. Counci lman Amstrup moved that Commission be sustained. Second by unanimously on rol I cal l vote, The Ci ty acti on by the COMMUNICATIONS the deci sion of the Planning Counci I man Harri son , carri ed TRANSMITTING 5 LOTS ON Attorney stated he would prepare a resolution for Council at the next meeting. i. THOMAS C. TAYLOR UNANIMOUS CONSENSUS 6 PENINSULA AVENUE NOT CHARIMAN, PLANNING COMMISSION, F COMMISSION THAT REZONING OF 2 FEASIBLE AT THIS TIME. Mr. Taylor's letter of August 26, 1976 gave as the consensus of the Planning Commission the following points: l. A rezoning of these 25 I ots would have a substantial impact on the surroundlng area. ?. Existing water supply and wastewater collections apPear to be inadiquate to accommodate any change in use involving a higher density. 3 In order for the lots to be used in wi th the change in zoni ng they would i nto I arger parcel s. a manner have to consistent be consol i dated 4 Any higher use of these lots 9tould resultofi-stieet parki ng requi rements and woul dtraffi c hazards on Peni nsul a Avenue. Long range pl ans for the use of Peninsula Avenue as accass to Highway I0l southbound would reguire the- of Peninsula-Avehue and possi bly reduce the size of }thile rezoning is a long term possibility, it does appear to be feasible at this time. i n addi ti ona I create addi tiona l 5 an wi den the i ng I ots 6 not Recommendation was made that this area be included in a study of the General Plan with a view to updating; that time be spent studyi ng future I and uses and methods of upgradi ng uti I i ties, a pnysicai improvements to the area should be made before rezonin in nd s. The City Planner quoted Iast paragraph of this Ietter which stated the unanimous consensus of Planning Commission that rezoning is not feasible at this time. Councilman Amstrup questioned that this rezoning study was at direction of entire Council. He considered it t{as one or two Counci lmen who wi shed it. Counci lman Harrison added that he had indicated at the time of discussion that he was not in accord with the study r qr'r r:'s:..,5 ' i e\15" .:. s'rla1. !' Councilman Martin stated his recollection was that this was done at the di recti on of Counci I and that the mi nutes shoul d so s ta te. He found no fault with the position of the Planning Comnission but questioned the future disposition of this area. He noted the a Planning commission approved the EIR for rezoning but reversed thatposition in their decision. He did not disapproie ttrat aition irstudy within a reasonable time were .i ndicateil , but felt the EIRshoui d not have been approved if noth i ng further were to -ue aone. -The City Planner noted the planning Commission point lupply^and waste water col lection systeis neea improlementtype of work should be done before iezoning. He hoiea ifriany existing faciiity takes time, and a poiicy is needed i that water, and thist upgrad i ngo start. counci I man Martin poi nted out that the city Engineer has beenrequested to make a study of water improvements, uui he cannot makea recommendation concerning improvements if he does not know whatthe zoni ng will be. councilman Harrison remarked the General plan had been amendedto.conform with present zoning, At that time it naa-ueen-istablishedtnrs area w0u ld remai n R-l . He considered rezon i ng a dead i ssue. counci Iman Martin.questioned if the i nterpre tati on of the Genera.lPlan was to be so risid'as not to a'r row foi ;ri i;;;;;".[ing. or growth. counciiman Anstrup considered the consensus of the seven planningcommission members as.a very positive standpoini,-ira iuigiit.athe area be left residential .' Councilman Crosby agreed wit Commi ssion, remarki ng he-thoughtEIR for a commercial building-inof this whole area being rezoned. "-_ -Il{ol Mangini -questioned the City Engineer what his plans wereror rnar area for future water supply. The city Engineer repliedthat even if the area remained R-i, it wouia ,"6a-uiq"iJinqi anothe type of upgradi ng wour d depend upon the t ntensiIy oi'iEieiopment.Fire flows would be predicated, for instance, on whether the areais si ngl e fami I y or mul ti -fami iy. ACKNOI.'LEDGMENT h. the fi ndi ngs of the Pl anni ngthe issue was raised because 6f anthe area which noted the possibility Mayor Mangi n County Supervi sor )Zcknowledged the presence in the audience of' John llard. I. l.lILLIAM KIRCHEN PERMIT FOR BEDROOM USE OF A FORMER GARAGE AT 1520 APPEALING PLANNING COMMISSION SPEC IAL AVENUE. DEN IAL OF VANCOUVER . .. Mr.. Kirchen requested that hearing be set forrn November so that his attorney could be present.objections, and Mayor Mangini sit ttris heaiing for the first meeting There were no November I, 1976. 3. MR. AND MRS. H.C GRUBBS, I OO ARUNDEL, CONCERNING STOP SIGNS ATBAYS|lIATER/BLOOI'IFIE LI)AND/OR BAYSWATER /ARUNDEL. City Council had received letter dated AuMr, and Mrs . H.C. Grubbs , 100 Arundel Road , oncommunication, the Grubbs, advocated stop aignon these streets. Among reasons given were:wi th more smal I school ige chi I d16n. ?, No cBayswater for !,lash i ngton Schoo l . 3. I ncrease4. Increase in accidents. 5. Heavy truck trdeclared their views were representaiive of al s i gned the peti t ion of June I, 1976 for thesenot think the solution proposed by the TrafficCommission of raising the speed Iimit to 30 Mpbe used was adequate. inaffiI pe stop ,SaH so gust thi 28, i976 froms subject. In thed rada r survei lI ance Nei ghborhood change ,ing guard ontraffi c vol ume,c. The Grubbsople who had si gns, and didfety & Parkingthat radar coul d s anl. ross 3 Mrs. Grubbs was invited to address the counci l and reiteratedthe_ vi ewpoi nts set forth i n her I etter. she added tltere nei" cu"dealerships in the ne i ghborhood which add to the dangeroui-traffic.she protested that radir surveillance, which is usea"oniy two hoursper-day, does not cover the situation; and questionea wn! iiaarcould not be used at the present speed limid of 25 MpH ui ii .is lnsan Mateo' adding that the neighboihood is already posted for radar, 198 199 Councilman Martin, questioning Police Lieutenant Quinn, was informed that the streets were originally posted for radar from a publ i c relations viewpoint. Mayor Mangini noted Mrs. Grubb expressed concern for young school age children, presumably in the 5-6 year group and questionedif their parents should not be also responsible for their safety.Mrs. Grubbs replied her concern was for all age groups, young andelderly, in this neighborhood Irhere there are speeds up to 50 MPH. Councilman Harrison suggested that in addition to implementing the suggested raise in speed limit that a 4-way stop be set at Bayswater and Bloomfield. Councilman Crosby had no obiection to this trial period, noted that stop signs are a false security, since pedestrians on them and motorists regularly disobey them. Councilman Marti n agai nst any stop sign. stated that unless warrant9lrfiet,he woul d vote but depend Mayor Mangini questioned the absence of crossing was i nformed by the Police Lieutenant that there was guard on Howard at Arundel, and that all residential zoned for 25 MPH. The City Attorney added that only when school s are occupi ed. instal I stop si gns by ordi nance,prepared to estabiish.. 30 MPH onfollow based on that speed limit. Councilman Harrison moved that stop signs [.lest corners of Bayswater and Bl oomf i el d f or a months. Second by Counci lman Amstrup, carried cal I vote: guards , anda crossing areas are 25 MPH is in effect for schools He noted that procedure is tothat he had urgency ordi nance Bayswater, and that radar would be erected for East-trial peri od of six on the fol lowi ng rol l AYES: C0UNCILMEN: AMSTUP, CR0SBY, HARRIS0N, MANGINI NAYES: C0UNCILUEN: MARTIN Inthe stop meeti ng reply signof Se to questi on from ordi nance will b ptember 20. Mrs. Grubb, the City Attorney e ready for Counci I heari ng at s ta ted the 4. C.A. I,IEISMANN, I432 VANCOUVER AVENUE: DISCOUNT CARDS TO SENIOR CITIZENS. PROPOSAL FOR ISSUANCE OF Counci I had recei ved I Avenue, dated September I, card pl an for ci ti zens overeffect in San Franci sco. etter from C.A. l,leismann, 1432 Vancouver 1976 suggesting the City cons i der a di scount 65 years of a9e , similar to that in Mayor Mangini stated he had discussed the matter with the pres i den t of the Burl i ngame Seni or Ci ti zens Associ ati on and he would contact his counterpart in San Francisco for information. The Mayor also stated Mr. Hauser of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce had been reques ted to research this matter. The City Manager added that this program is implemented in San Mateo County by the American Association of University Women, and could be available to Bur'lingame. He stated he had material on this and suggested a letter to AAU}.l endorsing this plan, and requestingthat one of thei r representat i ves attend the next Counci I meeti ng. Mr. Thomas Sine addressed the Council as past presldent of the Burlingame Senior Citizens Association. He noted that some merchants I Counci lman Amstrup suggested this could be tried for a six- month peri od. 200 in 'rs Burl i ngame do al ready gi ve di scounts for senior a I i st-of them avai I ab le, but more parti ci pants At the request of Mayor Mangini, the City Manager stated would contact the American Association of University I'lomen. he ci ti zens; there are needed. 5. ARNOLD RODMAN SUBMITTING PARKING COMMISSION, RESIGNATION FROM TRAFFIC, SAFETY, Mayor August 25, noti ng that Commission, Mangi ni acknowledge receipt of1976. The Mayor accepted the Mr. Rodman was a particularlY letter from Mr. Rodman of resi gnation wi th regret, hardworki ng member of this bri ng membershi p of this understandi ng there would below seven. Mayor 6. TRAFFIC, SAFETY, LIMIT ON BAYSI,IATER, PARKING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING 3O MPH SPEED TRUCK TRAFFIC PROHIBITED AND RADAR ENFORCEMENT ThI, 1976 August radar e emer9en immedia eC of 31, nfo ity Attorney cited City Manager's endorsement of SeptemberTraffic, Safety and Parking Commission recommendation of 1976 that a 30 mile speed limit by set on Bayswater with rcement and prohibition of truck traffic. He stated ordi nance had been prepared whi ch could be effecti ve v. cy te I ORDINANCE NO. IOS4 "ESTABLISHING A THIRTY MILE PER HOUR On B-AT-STATER--EETIEEN HUMBOLDT ROAD AND CALIFORNIA DRIVE, introduced by Counci lman Crosby who moved its adoption, Councilman Amstrup, carried on unanimous roll call vote, SPEED $ras second LIMIT by STAFF MEMORANDA City Mansger memo of September 2, 1976 transmitted recommendation by Director of Public tlorks for agreement with Geo. S. Nolte for thi s s tudy at a maxi mum cost of $23,000 i s peci fi cati ons for the study; bid sheet; and cost estimate by Geo. S. Nolte. City Manager's memo concurred in this recommendation, noting expense is to be pai d from water revenue funds avai I abl e for thi s purpose. that were Mayor Mangini questioned if there were any wells in cou 1d be made operati ve. Di rector of Public [,Jorks two, and others are in city. ty enter i nto 3,000, second the ci tystated there agreement wi th Counci Iman Counci I man Crosby questi oned were i ncl uded in estimate and was Counci lman Harrison moved the Geo. S, Nolte at a maximum cost of Amstrup, al I aye voi ce vote. Ci ty Attorney stated he 2. ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL if printing and reproduction costs i nformed they were. ci $2 an by woul d prepare agreement. SERVICES NEl.l POLICE STATION Ci ty Manager memo Johnson, Gumbi nger and archi tecturai serv i ces. The Ci ty approximately of September l, 1976 transmitted bid by Del,lolf of $'l2,000 maximum for these additional Manager explained that data coul d be available within three months. Councilman Crosby moved acceptance of this bid by Johnson Gumbinger De}lolf, second by Councilman Harrison, al1 aye voice vote.5 Councilman Harrison noted this will Commission down to eight, and it was his be no reappoi ntments unti I membershi p was Mangini confi rmed. I. hlATER SYSTEM STUDY 20L 3. MODERNIZATION OF ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCES. DRAFT OF ORDINANCE. By memo of August 17, 1976 City Attorney transmi tted to Council animal control ordinance modernizing present ordinance. City Attorney informed Council he intendedto be discussed at the study meeting. this new ordi nance Councilman Amstrup raised the question of rodent control ' The City Manager stated he had discussed the problem animal control specialist with the County who had informed a city-wide program would be difficult. Citizens are not until- they get rats in their neithborhood, and it would be for the City to go on private property. wi th the him that moti vated di ffi cul t thi s bai t Councilman Amstrup sfor the City. His i and i ns tructi ons ava he did not want to s to get city-wideto al I . pay a firm to do motivation, wi thtated dea wa i I ab I e Council discussed various methods of publicity such as news- papers , recreati on brochure, and i nformati on sent out wi th water bi I 1 s. 0n Counci I i nstructi on Ci ty Manager stated he wou ld i nvesti gate cost of sending out information and instructions with city water bills. 4. CITY ATT0RNEY RE: NORTH CAR0LAN -ROLLINS ROAD CONNECTION City Attorney's memo of Augustproject and methods of implementing 16, 1976 itemized cost of parti ci pati on of property this owners. Mayor Mangi ni study meeti ng. announced thi s subject woul d be di scussed at the 5 CITY CLERK RE: EXPIRATION OF COMMISSIONERS, TERMS Ci ty Cl erk' s I etter of August 27,of Mr. Ben Hechinger, Library Board andTraffic, Safety and Parking Commission' 5-4"i n trodu ced by Counci lman Marti n 1976 noted expi rati on of terms Mrs . El { zabeth Anderson, SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. who moved its adoption. unanimous rol I cal I vote. Councilman Harrison questioned if this would reduce the Traffic' Safety and Parking Commission to seven people. The City_Attorney explained that the ordinance does not affect the expiration of terms if the person wi shes to conti nue. Mayor Mangini questioned if these persons wished to continue. City Manager stated he would investigate. Councilman Martin asked that he get information as to starting date on commissions for thesG people and how long they have served continuously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ENCROACHI'tENT PERMITS By memo of September 'l , 1976 City Manager transmitted three revocable encroachtrnt permits which Director of Public l,|orks had recommended for approval. These permits were for Julie A. Stuart' 212.l HaL Drive; Bent Thomsen, for 2306 Hillside; and Wm. and PatriciaBritton, for 837 El Camino Real. Councilman Harrison moved to approve the consent calendar, second by Councilman Amstrup, all aye voice vote. RESOLUTIONS i. RESOLUTION NO. 69.76 "ACCEPTING I.IATER 7 GSecond was by Counci Iman Harri son, carri ed on 202 2. RESOLUTION NO. 70.76 "AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATMY OF BURLINGAME' Director of Public works by memo of August ll, I976 transmitted ugru.r.ni-ior maintenance of Stite Highways-in.the 9m9ylt of $.l7'210pir year. City Manager recommended authorization of this agreement. Councilman Martin questioned if tree-trimming, included in the amount of $2,000, was on fixed fee or hourly basis. City Manager s tated it was hourl y basis. This resolution was introduced by Councilman 'i ts adoption, second by Councilman Harrison, alI ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amstrup who ave (.1irc; movedrf) Easton the vo I NTRODUCTI ON OF : t. ORDINAi{CE NO. IO85 ' ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 4.I6.020 OF THE BU RLTX'GTfi.E-X'iNITC TF-II-TODE RELAT I NG TO T HE MU N I C I PAL I'IATER SY ST EM SINKING FUND.i,introduced for first reading by Councilman Crosby.was N0.2. ORDINANCE lO86 "0RDINANCE LICENSING BING0" was introduced for fi rst readi ng by Counc i I man Ams tru p . UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. ORDINANCE NO. IOB3 'ORDINANCE ALLOt.lING C.2 PERMITTED USES AS SSNDiTTOX-A;-TSEyTtrTERTAIN C-l AREAS'. was given its second reading. Declaring the hearing open, Mayor Mangini invited comments from the fl oor. ihere were none. The heari ng was decl ared cl osed. The ordinance passed its second reading and was unanimously adopted on roll call of members Present. Councilman Amstrup questioned the status of EI Camino Real opening for the Burllngame Plaza. The City Engineer.repl ied that the Ci[y had the approval of the State Division of Highways for that enirance and the Engineering department is currently preparing plans and specifications. It rill be some time next month before they are submitted to Council. PROCLAMAT IONS: Mayor Mangi ni "Consti tuti on tleek"of the Bay Area." proclaimed September I7 thorugh 23, 1976 as.and the month of September,1976 as "United llay 2 3 Letter from South San Francisco American Bicentennial Committee i nvi ti ng Burl i ngame 's parti ci pati on in parade. Letter of August l8, 1976praising the cooperati on bui ldi ng department. Letter of September I, I976 from Mr. a 2600 Marti nez Dri ve, attach i ng copi es Supervi sors on vari ous probl ems . Ci ty acknowledge recei pt of these I etters. from the Tom Shea family, 2204of ci ty departments, especially 4 nd Mrs . CI arence Johnson'of letters to Board of Manager was asked to C ommi t tee on housing.draft be given at l0:00 P.M. im school af f ai rs.Mtal-Tinor Rusch, Iong active Raspectfui ly submi tted - Letter of Augus t 19, I976 from Regi onal Pl anni ng attaching draft of proposed RPC policy statements Counci I man Marti n requested cons iderati on of thi sat s tudy meeti ng. 5 6 Treasurer's Report Jul y 3l , 1976 Minutes: Beautification Commission 8/5/76; Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission 8/12/76; Planning Commission 8/23/76. ADJOURNMENT:Meeti ng regu I a r'l y adjourned i n clr and wktin'rlj 7./ -, \/. l_.,/'/"2-<7 H :'L1 memory of ACKNOl,lLEDGMENTS I 8ID OPENING DATE ' _-:8 t_[I_:Q r_ = ]Iurt !=.!.1{ fi &n4 s,, Q A r- I F CI R 0r I A BID SUMMARY rtarac clil'li c'it ri&F-,(s ;i?a ;7t14t;,?/i/t -/t14r,,",a/4 Ai,4, .4tD c424.- o,t?K 64cr,€ ,4t/€. -57//rrni8a- .2/ / //t ) /,:-'-1,. 4.a/.JOB No.,7i;J / Z6-4 ITEM t{ o.0EscRtPTroI ESTIMAIEO QUANTITY AUOUNTffi UNIT PF ]E AMOUIiT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT A MOU !JTUNIT PRICE UNIT PR ICE AMOUNT F. ,t' ' ) PRI UNI E: i /.'7 7Z Atrcur,tt UIIIT FRICE AUCUNT ayr€ ,'o sP 6-f,tt-,s /EA /-s I 3r8 €4 ??.m ,::,i.j!-.8 E ts I i i,:.:.c..11 E ,'2,ooo)'r 'r9lr,,?€ F0 s/, 6 - P/fns€ forAL E,//)l3r'a?1.6i-ti 27/. dt i,i3?7,r:q 22,oca -- | I ! I l I 1l I I L ti Mr aI EIEI IIIIIIrII IIrIIrI IIIIII IIIII II]rIIIIII IIItr III III II III IIIIIIEII ITrII -I IIrIIIIII]I I rlIIIIII I I IIIIIIIII IrIIiIIIII]I IIIIIIIII ( I /qooo c3 LSl. / f-r. I- I I T- I ---_l L