HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1976.10.04210 BURL I NGAME , 0ctober CAL I FORN IA 4, 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date i n the Ci ty Hal l Counci I Chambers. The meeti ng wascalled to order at 8:25 P.M. by Mayor Victor A, Mangini after an executive session commencing at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Led b y Al fred J.Palmer, Pol i ce Lieutenant. ROLL CALL Counci I Counci I Members Members Present: Absent: Crosby, Ams trup Harri son, Mangi ni , Marti n- Busi ness (excused) MINUTES The mi nutes of the regular meeti ng of September 20, 1976 were approved and adopted after change in next to I ast paragraph, Page 6 of draft mi nutes , "He stated his understandi ng was thatthe Counci I woul d authori ze one Commissioner goi ng to the Planning Commission portion of the Conference. " Change "authori ze " to "discuss". REVIEI'J OF HEARING SCHEDULE At this point Counci I di scussed schedul i ng of vari ous heari ngs since there will be no other regul ar meeti ng in 0ctober. I. PROPOSED FORMULA FOR DETERMINING CONTRIBUTION TO PROVIDE OFF-STREET PARKING, BURLINGAME AVENUE OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT. Scheduling of this hearing was confirmed for the meeting of November l, I976. ?. t^lILLIAM KIRCHEN APPEATING PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL PERMIT FOR BEDROOM USE OF A FORMER GARAGE VANCOUVER AVENUE. DEN IAL OF AT 1520 This hearing was confirmed for the meeting of November 'l , I976. 3. GEORGE DERUGIN APPEALING DECISION OF PLANNING COMMISSION ON SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING AS LIBRARY/ RECREATION ROOM/6UEST QUARTERS AT I52I CABRILLO AVENUE. Counci I had recei ved I etter of October 4, appeal i ng this deci s i on. Heari ng on this November I5. .l976 from Mr. Derugi n appeal was set for 4, COUNCIL APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT TO USE PORTION OF PROPERTY AI 2828 TROUSDALE DRIVE FOR CHURCH PURP0SES 8Y THE C0NGREGATI0N 0F JEH0VAH'S l',IITNESSES Councilman Martin stated he and Councilman Amstrup wished to appeal this special permit for purposes of discussion and hearing. The Councilman cmphasized he wished to see all the information presen ted as a compl ete package at one ti me, noti ng parti cul arl y the absence of a parcel map for this proposed project. This hearing was set for the meeting of December 6, 1976. STAFF MEMORANDA l. AND CITY MANAGER TRANSMITTING REPORT OF EXISTING VACANCY ON PARK RECREATION COMMISSION 2LL By I etter of September 15, .|976 Burl i ngame Park. and.-Recreati on Commission Chairman, Charles J. Brickley, informed City.Manager oi vacancy on this iommission brought about-by resignation of John 0iteiry. City Manager's endoisement of September 29,1976 confirmed this vacancy to the City Council. Mayor Mangini noted applications were on file for this Commisslon for-Council review and, with Council concurrence' directed City Manager to publicize this vacancy for the purpose of obtai ni ng more appl i cants. Councilman Harrison commented on the commendable job done l8 year old commission member in recent years, He requested this commission vacancy publicity indicate an opportunity 8, 19, and 20 year old people to appl y. He stated he like to see ybung people involved with City government. Mayor Mangini announced that apply for this Commission, and setfor recei pt of appl i cati ons. anyone l8 years or older could a deadl i ne of December I, 1976 by an thatfor I would 2. PROPOSED LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES OFFICE BUILDING IN SACRAMENTO PERMANENT HEADQUARTERS City Manager's memo of report on thi s proposed con benefi ts , time schedul e f or assessment table for ci ti es Burl i ngame's share woul d be amount to obtai n a discount a period of three years. I faci I i ti es woul d be more ecthe rental of headquarters tember 30, .I976 transmi tted ction, coveri ng background,ti ati on of constructi on , and popul ation. Ci ty Manager noted 707.50 whi ch coul d be pai d in one 10% or paid in installments over proposed constructi on of these i cal to Cal i forni a ci ti es than the League. noting that in terms of nextthe contribution were in toto expl ai ned the League ' s purpose Sep struini by $4,oft is onomfor Mayor Mangini favored this construction project and requested Cou nc i i commen t. Counci l man Harri son concurred,year's budge 101 would be saved if For the benefi t of the audi ence hein this proposed constructi on. Leagu i n f a aye v Councilman Crosby moved that the Council's delegate to the e of Cal i forni a Cl ti es conventi on be i nstructed to vote vor of thi s proposal. Second by Counci Iman Harri son , all oi ce vote. 3. CITY PLANNER: HOUSING REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM City Manager's memo of September 30, 1976 noted Council direction that HCDA funds for 1977-78 are to be used for loans to City residents in housing rehabilitation. l,ilemo transmitted extensive report by City Planner on seminar attended on this subject, and indicated the necessity for a public hearing sothat the Ci ty's I oan program coul d be i ncl uded i n County appl i cati on for HCDA funds . Ci ty Pl anner's report a lso presented guidelines for implementing the program and suggestions from ci ti es whi ch are currently i nvol ved in housi ng rehabil itation. Separate City Planner memo presented time table for Cityaction to obtain funding and a loan policy program for Bur'l ingame. City Planner briefly reviewed purpose of program and emphasizedthat a hearing must be held for Council input and establishmentof eligibility requirements in Burlingame before sending applicationto CountJ, Board of Supervisors for inclusion in the County applicatlon. taF.F.rr-,FrF-ffi -,r--rirr Mayor Mangini set hearing for November I, 1976. 4. REP0RTS 0F F0RMER FIRE CHIEF M00RBY: 0FFICE 0F EMERGENCY SERVICES J 2r2 repo Eme r 22, emer meet the off i pers OES memo of September 30, I976 City Manager transmitted .0, fo"r."'Fire Chief Reginald Moorby on Office of ,-l""riCes. Al so transmi tted was I etter of September"rrom the former Chief relative to the purchase of an v communications van. City Manager suggested study iiiiuiiion on this subiect since-the report indicated-o.ii.ti,".t-it'outd be ielieved of responsibili!y of this na tne position should be the responsibility of one. eoortinq directlv to the City Manager; in the meantime' tontinie to funttion under the existing arrangement. Byrt f genc 197 6 ce a on r wi I I genc i ng F i re Mayor Mangini set this item for discussion at the next Counci I studY meeti ng. 5. RECORDING OF STUDY MEETING MINUTES City Manager's memo of September 29, 1976 transmitted communicition irom City Attorney suggesting that complete mi nutes be taken of Coinci I study meeti ngs because of di recti on to staff and consensus of Councii at these meetings on sometimes very detai I ed matters . Present method of notetaki ng by the City Manager, who must also participate in the meeting, does not allow for. detailed minutes' City Manager suggested that Mrs. Anne Keatin to City Attorney, would be abie to take minutes o t,Ji th C-ounci I concurrence , Mayor Mangi ni di rected for this method of taking study meeting minutes. I'f a secretary these meeti ngs.tri al peri od 6, CITY MANAGER AND DIRECTOR OF BURLINGAME SIGN AT MURCHISON AND PUBLIC l,l0RKS: liELC0ME T0 EL CAMINO REAL. By memo of September 24, 1976 transmitted by City Manager' City Eirgineer reporied that this sign was in a condition so detlrioiated as to preclude refurbishing. He attached report from Building Inspector to this effect, and recommended that Council make a deterhination as to whether a new sign be constructed. City Manager recommended this information be forwarded to the Li ons Club, Ci ty Engi neer tol d Counci I he woul d i nvesti gate further and repoit on a plan for rebuilding the sign at the next regular Councii meeting. In response to question from Councilman Har- ri son, he stated he woul d work wi th Lions Club in this endeavor. 7. CITY MANAGER: RAT EXTERMINATION PROGRAM. At th C i ty Manag $900.00; b mai 1i ng at be del i ver suggested e Mayoer on Councilman Crosby questioned sending information water bills. He was informed by the Ctty Manager that method woul d cos t almost as much as bul k mailing' and could not be sent at one time because water bills are cyc les . r's request Councilman Crosby read memo from thi s subject whi ch estimated cos t of bai t atiling of noti ces at $1 ,000.00; and first class 0.00. At the time of notieermailing, bai t would distribution locations and a ten-day period was e pickup of bait. ul k ma $l,30ed tofor th City Manager noted Councilman Amstrup's interest in program ind noied suggested expenditure of money would be irorthwh i I e in combatti ng this heal th prob I em. He stated ments had been made for l2-13 locations in the City where coul d be pi cked up. This i ncl udes fi re stations, school s, loeations on City'properties. He estimated an approximate publ i c response. Replying to the Mayor's question on publicity' the Manager suggested a newspaper adverti sement and flyers to school s for children to take home. th i s arrange- bai t and 407 City i ssued out wi th thi s noti cesput out in ? 2L3 Councilman Harrison stated he considered the $1,000 forbulk mailing would be worthwhile to combat this situation, and urged immediate action before future inclement weather woulddeteri orate the poi son. Councilman Harrison moved that the Council authorize bulkmailing for this project and the starting of the drive immediately. Second by Councilman Crosby, all aye voice vote. Ci ty Manager stated thatlist of pickup Iocations and RESOLUTIONS I etter sent rrould have times for pi ckup. a compl ete 1. RESOLUTION NO. 77.76 'URGIIG IMMEDIATE ACTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF T T(AN5PUKIAIUN ANU IHL I'IETROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE U.S. IOl AND STATE ROUTE 92 INTERCHANGE NECESSITATED BY ITS EXISTING DETERI0RATI0N" was introduced by Councilman Harrison who moved its adoption. Second by CouncilmanMartin, ali aye roll call vote of members present. ?. RESOLUTION NO. 78-76 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FORMUNIffiTH GEoRGE s. NOLTE AND ASSOCIATES.. was introduced for adoption by Councilman Martin, second by Counciiman Crosby, al1 aye roll call vote of members present. Mayor Mangini questioned if the scope of this contract wouldinclude investigation of number of City owned weils and theircontrol and use in an emergency situation. The City Engineer repl i ed the contract does not cover this. He stated there was a survey of wells eristent that was doneseveral years ago. He considered that if the City is desirousof control I i ng these wei ls, the Civil Defense ordi nance shoul dbe examined to see if it trould provide for control . He statedhis department could survey the wells again to see if they are operati ve. GREEMENT BETl,lEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND THE CITY OF BURLINGAME FOR THE MILLBRAE BOULEVARO AND OLD BAYSHORE HIGHIIAY SIGNALIZATIONPR0JECT' tvas i ntroduced for adopti on by Counci I man Harri son, second by Counciiman Martin, all aye roll call vote of memberspresent, Councilman Crosby questioned how the City originaliy becameinvolved in this project. The City Engineer explained this wasa joint project among Millbrae, Burlingame, and S.F. Airport toinstall signals at the junction of Mi i lbrae Boul evard and 0ld Bayshore Highway. A joint powers agreement provided that Burlingame pay l/3 of the total cost which is approximately $34,000.00. Burlingame had applied for gas tax funds which will cover 2/3 of Burlingame's approximate cost of $1.l,000.00. t,thilethis project is located in Millbrae, Burlingame does gain fromit since our industrial and commercial traffic uses it as muchas the Broadway exit and overpass, 4. RESOLUTION NO. BO-76 'AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PROGRAMSUPPffiER AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP0RATI0N DATED DECEMBER I, 1975" was introduced by Council- man Crosby, second by Councilman Harrison, all aye roll callvote of members present. Mayor Mangini commented on this project whi ch wil I repl ace s tri pi ng on certa i n streets wi th refl ectorbuttons, e limi nati ng fu ture stri pi ng. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING A I. ORDINANCE NO. IO88 "REGULATING THE RABBTTS-TX'D-TR-OF'TB-I--T I NG THE KE E P I N G O F KEEP I NG HORSES, OF POULTRY AND MULE, C0t^ls, SHEEP,I Mayor Mangini requested City Manager to direct Civil DefenseAssistant to examine the ordinance for provisions of City control. 3. RESOLUTION NO.79-T6 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 2L4 G0ATS AND EX0TIC ANIMALS." was given it second reading' Mavor Manqini decl ared the heari ng open ' There were no commenti from Ihe floor and the hearing was declared closed on ;;;i;;-of councilman Harrison second by crosby'. The.ordinance ;;;;;; its second t.uding and was unanimouslv adopted on rol'l cal I of members Present. z.ORDINANCENO.lOBg'AUTHORIZINGCERTAINCITYOFFICIALSTO o eieili-sl]ET'fiffim-I-[rx.fL H I sroRY I N FoRMAT I 0N " was s i ve n i ts ;;;;;a re.ai ng. oecl ari ng the heari ng open , Mavor llg1sl1l .invited comments from the floor. There were none' lhe hearlng wii J"cfared closed on motion of Councilman Crosby,.second by Corniiiirin Harrison.-ine-orainance passed its second reading and wii unanimously adopted on roll call of members present' I NTRODUCT ION OF : ORDINANCE IO9I "AN ORDINANCE REDEVELOPMENT GE Ic Y TO FUNCTION DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE FOR THE CITY OF BURLINGAME..WAS Counci I man CrosbY. ,ORDINANCE MAKING SPEED LIMIT ON OCCIDENTAL i ntroduced for fi rst reading by Counci I man ,DECLARING THE NEED FOR A IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY introduced for first reading bY For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Mangini.explained tnat pissige of thi s ordi nance was a requi red step . i n. the-process i6*i.l-iii6mplishment of the convention Center Proiect' The miio" .orr.nled that the Citv-fe9ls it has.enough -t!:t!:,?nduiiances on the development 6t tnis proiect so that it will be protected. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. ADVERTISING FOR BIDS HIDENING OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD AT ENTRANCL City Engineer's memo of 0ctober I' J9Z6 requested that Ci ty iou-nci I -authori ze the obtai ni ng of bi ds for this project ' At the request of Mayor Mangini,-City.Engineer 19y!9we! oroqress on this proi ect approved by Counci I earl i er this year 'Il-it.i"o ft ans aha ipeci fi i:ati ons are now compl eted I0I- !hg wideninq of Ai rport Bbul evard at the i ntersecti on wi th 0ld Bayshore 'i"i-[t.'i.itliiiiion-oi a Bite Path and Iandscaping. 0r'i sinalpiini nur"-ueen changed to use_city owned street I i ghts i nstead bt p.o, & E. street I i ghts. Also, a maior entrance structure 'ii Li-iuio-ioi-uy Rnza-Pacific 9p to $s'000, has been chansed to i-.iipi. ent"anii, sign. In addi ii on , the archi tect i s recommendi ng the rLmoval of three eucalyptus trees' The City Engineer.com- *entea that if advertising-?or bids were authorized, a b'id summary ,.iiii-Ui irailaUie for-Coincil for the meeting of November 'l , I976. 0n the Mayor's question regarding cost, the City Engineer reoorted the c6nstruition cost would be $71'000' with other .o!it ir.n as engi neeri ng, I andscapi ng, i nspecti on maki ng a. i;i;i ai $85,900; Fundin6 will be from gas tax funds and bike path f unds. Counci Iman Harri son vvas concerned wi th the I oss of the trees,-ina queitionea-ii ifre more modest sign would be attractive' The City Engineer reported the tree removal was to the new dime-nsio; of the iign, trees would be replaced' inir ie" sign structure l{as of excel I ent desi9n' Councilman Harrison moved that bids be obtained for this projeii, second by Councilman Crosby, all aye voice vote' bal ance and the 2, EIR PROPOSALS FOR OVER/UNDERPASS City Engineer reported receipt of five proposals for EIR I. ORDINANCE NO. IO9O A \, EN-U-E-FERtrAN'ETT-I a s l'larrison. r preparati on from: Del Davi s & Associ ates ' DeLeuw Cather ' Reimer & Associut.r,-in-ui.onmental Impact Planning.Corporation' and H.K.s., Inc. rivl"ii;;;-;;;; emphasized as biine of particular ii,ir"i:iin." in this rii:'-ii" table, noise impact'.visual illillti]"lit;;r;;ir.i.ira economics ind transoortation impact. i;';;;;rii;ii;;-*iih'c;iv-Pi;"nii-una Associate civil Ensineer ;;;;;-e.iermined three iirms could be recommended: The City Engineer noted qurlifications for each firm'and s tated he had pr6posal s for Counci 1 inspection' Counci lman Harri son ques ti oned time I i mi tati ons for choi ce of firms since Councii-na,i not had a chance to study-proposal s ' in.'ii;i Engir...-i ndi cated a 3-5 month peri od for EIR prepara- ti on and review. Cather Corporation Inc. Counci lmen CrosbY and Martin time to studY ProPosals before ma Mayor Mangi ni announced this at the next +t+Qrrneeting. SALARY NEGOTIATIONS ,000.00- l8,000.00 ,500 . 00 ,450 .00 h i ndi cated theY wanted thi s choi ce. subject woul d be considered $14 $l s $7? DeLeuwt.I.P. H.K.S. bot king Mayor Mangi ni announced that the Burl i ngame Fi refi thters and tne ciii-couniir nuo come to an agreement on wage negotiations. 0nthissubiect,theMayorthenreadletterfromCouncilman Amstrup JateA OcioU.i 4, 197-6 which-in part stated, "As Burlingame's a;dgd lf,ul"man, I have made successful efforts to help keep the iiiiis-iinancei in stable condition by a "hold- the-line" phiiosophy in these frustrati ng times of ri si ng costs- ' 'iloldinq'tire Iine does n0t preciude equitable cost-of-living in- .i.is.i for our empl oyees,' whom I cons i der among the best in iiiy-government. 'But- it does preclude excessive, unreasonable aeminis which eventually could lead to disastrous breakdown of our present financial solvency"' councilman Martin stated the agreement with the Firefighters had been reached without either his or Councilman Amstrup's concurrence, and went on to say he considered this contract excessi ve i n cost over i ts two year peri od. He poi nted out that no such i ncreases have been gi ven in the pri vate sector of business, and there is a limit as to how far the taxpayer can go' He siated that while police and fire departments are rather di fferent and cities must have them, he woul d Iike to poi nt out io other employees that when the limit is reached' it is going to mean a rbAuition in service and a reduction in personnel. He stated the firefighters' increase is the highest in the.- County, and wished to make it clear to taxpayers that he did not v-oie for it because he sympathized with them. He noted iomments from safety departmlnt personnel that they had supported him in the I ast el ecti on, and stated he had thought thei r support had been because of his abi I ities as a Counci Iman, not because of advantages which he coul d gi ve them. He repeated that it is time th6 taxpayers were considered as well as the employees' Counci lman Harri son vo i ced appreci ati on of Counci I man Marti n's attempts to keep the budget under control , and the aptness of some bf his remirks . He- added that the enti re Counci I is concerned with the welfare of the taxpayer. However, he noted that Burlingame, over a period oi years, has had the highest level of servicE from employees; and it was the desire of the maiority of the Council to ilf fect an equitable settlement. He expressed hope that wi th this settl ement good servi ces woul d conti nue, moiaie would again be high, and the task before the City could be resumed. He moved the acceptance of the memorandum of agreement between the City of Burl'ingame and Fire Fighters Association.6 2L5 2L6 wi th his an e CounciIman Crosby seconded the motion. He stated he agreedCouncilman Harrison,s remarks, and voiced confidence iiown abilities as a Counci I man in effecti ng what he cons i deredqui table settlement. He did not thi nk ne!oti at i ons shoul drolonged, noting that discussion has been'going on since June,has created dissention among City departments. He disapprovedhis type of situation, and iepeated he considered the sbltte-to be equi tabl e. bep andof t ment Mayor Mangi ni chave been all that tequitable, Designat negoti ati ons; and he ag reemen t di d somethhowever, that peop leresources were not a emphasi zed he wouldfuture and not go on J. the that whi Ie the agreement may i ghters wanted, he did considedures had been fol I owed in thered that Counci I in effecti ngthe City as a whole. He addede wel I advi sed to remember thaas they had been in the past. see negoti a ti ons expedi ted in -hal f year. omme n ted he f i ref ed proce conside notr it se this t i ng f or might bs I arge I i ke tofor one He the The motion Iras approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: CROSBY, HARRISON, MANGININAYES: COUNCILMEN: MARTINABSENT: C0UNC I Lt'lEN : AMSTRUP BROADI.IAY D I SCOTHETQUE 0ctober 1, 1976 from Frank wi th negative comments onthe Broadway area. Mayor Mangi ni requested Ci tyto staff for i nvesti gati on. Ilanager to refer this matter OX MOUNTAIN DISPOSAL SITE Council had received copy of communication to County Boardof Supervisors dated September 21 , 1976 from "Mid Peninsula CitiesStudy Group" advising of their unanimous vote to request theBoard of Supervi sors to i nvesti gate possi bl e County ownershi pof this site. Counci I had recei ved I etter of Pagl iaro Jr,, 1337 Drake Avenue,effect of thi s establ i shment on 0n l,'layor Mangini's question, the Cityfurther information had been received, butby the date of the study meeting. Manager stated no mi ght be avai I able CROSSING GUARDS In response conf i rmed the re on this subject. to ques ti on from Mayor Mangi ni ,would be a meeting in his office Ci ty i'lanager on 0ctober'l 3 PR()CLAMATIONS Mayor Mangini proclaimed 0ctober 3 through 9, 1976 as "FirePrevention Week"; and 0ctober I0 through .l6, 1976 as "InternationalAlpha Delta Kappa lJeek". 0n behalf of the American CancerSociety, he proclairned November i8, 1976 as "A Day to Stop Smoking". ACKNOt^JLEDGUENTS Report of John Maddux, Audi tor. Ci ty Attorney report: League Bri efi ng on Legi sl ati veImpiementation. Mayor Mangini commended this excellent effort. Fi nai Summary Report for San Mateo County Transi t Devel opmentProject, Councilman Martin cal led attention to cover I etter of September I4, 1976 which transmi ts this report and requests i nput and questions on this proposed extens i on I 2 3 NEI^I BUSINESS of BART, He suggested Counci I take excepti on, as in thepast, to the I ocation of the storage yard in Burl i ngame, l{i th Counci I concurrence Mayor Mangi ni i nstructed Ci ty Manager to inform thi s agency of Counci I objections. Pol i ce Departmen t Consol idated Monthly Report, August , 1976. 217 4 5 6 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes September 14, I976. Planning Commission minutes of September 27, 1976. Mayor Mangi ni noted di scussion in these mi nutes of tapi ng study session portion and s tated this would be cons i dered at Counci I study session. FROM THE FLOOR Thene were no comments from the audience. ADJOURNMENT Meeti ng regul arly adj ou rned at 9:30 P.M. Respectful ly submi tted, ill Y ERKIc yn c e T 8. .1