HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1977.01.2528T BURIINGAME, CALIFORNIA January 25, 1977 CALL TO ORDER A special t.he above was cal1ed meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held ondate in the City Hafl Council Chambers. The meetingto order at 8:04 p.M. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. Members Present: Amstrup , Crosby, Harri son, Manginj_ , Martin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG:Led by Jerome F. Coleman,City Attorney. CALLROLL Counci-1 Counc i 1 CONTRACT Members Absent: None FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES POLICE SIATTON Mayor Mangini announced purpose of this special meeting asconsideration of dissofution of this contract. He acknowledgedcouncil receipt of final statement for professionar servicesrendered by Johnson/cumbinger/De wolf and Associ-ates in connectionwith mutual recision of this contract. He invited council comment. Councilman Harrison stated he thought this had been broughtabout because of concern by memberi of Council regarding-ihedisassociation of partners in the firm. He moved council acceptterminatj-on of the contract. Second by Councilman Crosby. councifman Martin noted for public benefit that termination ofthi-s contract would involve lhe payment of $20,000 f;; ,"ii oo"uso far. In response to question from Mayor Mangini, he pointedout this $20,000 figure is based on the present statement of$8,042.92 plus $12,100.00 already paid in fees. Councifman Harrison commented that the fee shown of $15,2g4.00relating to schematic design studies resulted from approximatefy$11,000.00 for original scl-rematic plus approximately iS,OOO.OOfor costing and second schematic which resurted in lhe plan c-3which the.Council approved. He agreed the total paia wouia Uein the neighborhood of g20,000.00] Ue added that the feeiing otthe Council at this stage, since the disassociatj-on of one ofthe architectural consuftants, Mr. Gumbj_nger, was that the firmwas _not as originall_y contracted, personnef_wise; and there is aneed for mutual dissolution of the contract. Councilman Amstrup pointed out that he did not participate inthe hiring of this firm; nor did he vote for thl contr'acting ofthe Police station on carolan Avenue at the meeri;; ;;-Ju""iry rz,1977 - Therefore he felt council action on this coitract terminationshould be by the three Councilmen who had taken part in tneprevious actions, rather than Councilman Martin ana himsefi. councilman Harrison declared he did not wish to become involvedin a dialogue regarding support or non-support of this contractihowever, this statement from the architects did deserve an answer.He pointed out that the Council had hired thi-s firm ,iif.r- tiruexpectation that its membership \,rould stay intact, .ra ln.t-tfr"ywould do a job for the City. ie fel-t the City'= i""g-a"i"y ""action of almost a year_had been responsible ?o, tfre-=ev"iirgof.the partnership. Had the Council gone ahead with theoriginal plan in Apri1, 1976, in all irobability the fiimwould have remained intact and the poiice stati6n would be well underway. 282 Councilman Martin remarked he probably would abstain from voting. He declared he did not know what happened between Saturday's executive session and this evening's meeting, but this was thefirst time he had seen these figures. He thought that in viewof the position Mr. Johnson and Mr. DeWoIf found themselves in, they had been more than fair to the City; and their fees wereentirely reasonable. He considered they were trying to cooperateto the best of their ability. Councilman Amstrup remarked on the newspaper publicity this date quotj-ng Councilman Martin on this subject. Councilman Martin stated histhe fact that termination ofin an executive session. remarks had been directed towarda contract is not properly discussed Mayor Mangini reminded Council that al1 members had seen the communication from the architects at the same time tonight. Motion passed on the following ro11 call vote: AYES: COI.]NCILMEN: CROSBY,HARRISON,MANGINI NAYES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEN : AMSTRUP (for reasons stated),MARTIN At this point, Councilman Harrison moved that proposals be sought for architectural services for the police station on Carolan; such proposals to be examined by the City Manager, Police Chief, and Director of Public Works. From proposals, four are to be selected for presentation to Council at the study meeting of March 9, L977. Proposals are to take into consideration the schematic for Plan C, Phases 2 and 3. Second by Councilman Crosby. Motion carried on the following ro11 call vote: AYES: COUNCILITIEN: NAYES: COUNCILIVIEN: ADJOURNIUENT Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M AMSTRUP(for purpose of seeing proposals only), CROSBY,HARRISON, MANGINI I,IARTIN Respectfully submitted, €4 Qt,utb;r-EveLyn/H. zl rJ^tLHill City Clerk