HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1977.03.07CALL TO ORDER A regul-ar the above r4ras ca1led meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on date in the City Hall Council- Chambers. The meeting to order at 8:04 P.M. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. BURLINGAIqE, CALIFORNIA Marc}] 7, 197 7 P re sent : Absent: Amstrup , Crosby , Harr i son , Mangini ' Mar tin None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: LEd bY WAYNE M' SWAN, CitY Planner. ROLL CALL Counc i 1 Counc i 1 Memicer s Membe rs I,IINUTES ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF MAYOR PRO TEMPORE THE CITY COUNCIL: CHAIR}4AN MAYOR - Mayor Mangini declared his pteasure in nominatj-ng for the office of Mayor his long-time professional- associate and friend, Councilman A.C. "Bud" Harrison. Nominatj-on was seconded by Councilman Crosby. Councj- lman Amstrup moved that nominations be closed, second by Councilman Crosby. A unanimous ballot was cast for A.C. "Bud" Harrison as Chairman-Mayor. I4ayor Mangini presented gavel to Mayor Harrj-son, expressing confidence that he woul-d do a good job. Mayor Harrison nominated Councj- lman william J. Crosby for the office of Vice-Mayor. Second by Councilman Mangini. Councilman Mangini moved that nominations be closed, second by Councilman Amstrup. A unanimous ballot was cast for William J. Crosby as Vice-Mayor. Mayor Harrison, commentj-ng that Councilrnan Mangini had done an outstanding job as Mayor, presented him with a gavel as a symbol of the Cityrs appreciation of his efforts during the past year. Mayor Harrison then int roduced the Councilman's wife, Mrs. Grace Mangini, to the audience. l4ayor Harrison then introduced his wj-fe, Delores, presentinq her with a corsage; his children, Cheri, Chuck, Mary, and Terence; hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Harrison Sr.; and his parents-in- 1aw, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gladysz. I4ayor Harrison read. from a prepared statement, setting forththe major tasks which he hoped the CounciL would resolve in the coming year. These priorities included the police station, thesolution of the downtown parking problem, the convention center,the transfer station, Broadway grade separation, and the 303 The minutes of the special meeting of February L5, 1977 and the regular meeting of f'ebruary 22, 1917 were approved and adopted. Rel-ative to information contained in regular meeting minutes, Mayor }4angini questioned if Mr. Devincenzi of the san Mateo County Scavenger Company would attend the Council study meeting of March 9, 1977. City Manager confirmed that Mr. Devincenzi would be there at 9:30 P.M. The Mayor also questioned if there were any new developments on the State's disclaimer bill SB 90. City Attorney reported it would be a while before there was any firm information. 304 implementation of new sign ordinance and business license ordinance. The new Mayor emphasized the need for citizen involvement andinput, and voiced his appreciation of being elected to the officeof Mayor. (Statement on fil-e in Office of City C1erk. ) He thenrequested comment from Vice-Mayor Crosby. Vice-Mayor Crosby congratufated the Mayor on his office, voicingconfidence in hj-s abilities. He thanked his cotleagues for hisposition and pledged his best efforts. He then introduced hiswife, Beverly. At this point^+Mayor Harri.son introduced Mrs. Charlotte Johnson,former Mayor,/Bfirlingame , and praised her devotion in serving theCity so well for many years, STAFF MEMORANDA I. SIGN EXCEPTION FOR EIGHT 4' x 4' SIGNS GRANDSTAN D WASHINGTON PARK City Planner memo of March 2, 19'77 explained that this signexception had been reconunended for Councj.l consideratj-on by thePlanning Commission because it is on City property. These signs,designed and painted by Mr. Art BeLfi, owner of the BurlingameBraves Basebalf Club, represent all the high schools in theMid-Peninsula League, atong with a sign depicting the BurlingameBraves. City Planner noted Mr. BeIIi offered to install andmaintain these signs. Memo attached communication from I4r.Be1fi, minutes of Park and Recreation Commiss j-on, and diagramof signs. Two of these signs were on display in the Council Chambers . Mayor Harrison consid.ered Mr. Be11i had done a good job on thesigns. Council-man Mangini commended Mr. Be1li for the time and energyexpended, and praised his efforts in encouraging baseball inthe community. He moved. approval of this sign exception, Secondby Councilman Crosby, all aye voice vote. 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1O 3O BERNAL AVENUE RESUBDIVISION AT I9I5 CARMELITA AND By memo of March 2, 1977 City Engineer informed Council that thepurpose of this parcel map was to relocate the corunon tot line(change the lot line dividing them) so that one parcel- would havea frontage of 80' and the other a frontage of 70,. Mr. Farley, owner of the property,has a house on one lot and is building on theother. Street improvements do not extend the fu1I length ofBernal, Avenuei therefore, the Planning Commission had reconunendedapproval of this map subject to public j.mprovements being installedon Bernal , and the removal of a fence from the easement at therear of the properties. City Engineer recommended approval ofparcel map subject to these conditj-ons. By endorsement of March 3,1977 Cj-Ly Manager concurred. Councj-lman Crosby moved this tentative parcel map be approved withconditions as specified. Second by Councilman Amstrup, al1 ayevoice vote. RE SOLUTI ON S 1. RESOLUTION NO. 2O-77"ORDERING DESTRUCTION OF NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS WEI. DS AND RUBBISH, A NUISANCE IN TI{E CTTY OF BURLINGAME "was presented for public hearing and Council consideration. Mayor Harrison declared the meeting open for public There was none, and the public hearing was declared comment . closed. 305 Councilman Amstrup introduced this resolutj-on and moved its adoption. Second by Councilman Crosby, af1 aye ro11 cal-I vote. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 2I-77 '' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME NIT,AI TVU TO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BENEFITS FOR REGISTERED VOLUNTEER ' DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS'', WAS iNtTOdUCEd by Councilman Crosby who moved its adoption. Second by Councilman Mangini, all aye roll call vote. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 22-TT"RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SERVICE CONTRACT NO. 41775-RM WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR LEASING OF GASOLINE PUMPS AND GASOLINE STORAGE TANKS AT 1O2O CAROLAN AVENUE" was presented for Council consideratj-on. For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Harrison explained that the City of Burlingame leases two gasolj-ne pumps and thto storage tanks at thi-s address to the State for the use of its vehicles. Councilman Mangini introduced this resolution and moved its adoption. Second by Councilman Crosby, all aye rol-I call vote. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 2 3- 7 7 " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM " was presented for Council consideration. Councilmanthe City. Counci lman adoption. Amstrup asked how much the C.E.T,A. program cost City Manager replied $2.67 per month per employee. Crosby introduced this resolution Second by Councilman Manqini, all and moved its aye ro11 call vote. ORDlNANCE S 1. ORDINANCE NO. ].0 9 9 ,'ESTABLI SHING A STOP SIGNAL AT BALBOA for first reading byWAY APPROACHING DAVIS DRIVE,, waS iNtTOdUCCd Councilman Amstrup . 2. ORDINANCE NO. lloO"URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE IMPOSING A was introducetlMORATORIUM ON APARTMENT IIOUSE USES IN C-3 ZONES'' by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption. Crosby, a1I aye ro11 call vote. Second by Councilman T]NFINISHED BUSINESS 1. LUCKY LADY,4IO AIRPORT BOULEVARD, APPLICATION EOR BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 2:00 A.M. AND 6:00 A.M. DANCE PERMIT Council had received letter of February 29, L917 from the operators of the "Lucky Lady" defining exactly that the group to be permitted from 2:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. would be adults over 21 years of age. The operation would be for an entirely different type of group than the teenage discotheque. Letter reiteratedprinciples of no alcohol-, uniformed guards, etc. Request was made that Council consider this application in conjunction with a 60 day extension of the present permit for teenage discotheque. This would allow future review of both permits at the same time. Mayor Harrison stated that the extens j-on of the present permit would require \"/ritten reports from both Police and Fire Departments. He suggested action be delayed until such reports are received . Ms. Colleen Johnson protested that the same letter as Councilreceived had been sent to Police and Fire Departments. MayorHarrison again pointed out that written reports are required before an extension can be granted. Mr. David Keyston, speaking on behalf of his tenants,that the request for extension had been put in at the de c lare drequest of Council so that both permits would expire at the same protested the delays in this permit. Councilman Amstrup considered the previous meeting's to deny, and thought thj-s present request was for the already denied. time. He vote as a vote same thing Mayor Harrison cl-arified that after the vote to deny at the last meeting, Council had suggested that the new permit be brougrht up at the same time the present permit expired. He commented he would be willing to vote tonight to deny this appl-icatj-on, but proced.ure must be followed in getting proper reports from staff on the extensi-on. Councj-l-man Mangini thought the "no" vote on the previous application had been for the purpose of having the principals resubmit aproposal more clearly worded. He stated he intended to votefor this request, but thought the point of staff reports well made. Councilman Martj-n stated he had not committed himself against the 23OO - 6:00 A.M. operation. Itis vote at the last meeting had not been against the operation but because the application was notcIear, and he thought it should be put off until clarified. He added he agreed that staff reports should be presented on the extension, Councilman Crosby thought that he, Councilman Mangini and Councilman Martj-n had not committed themselves one way or the other on thisapplication, but the 5-0 vote was because the application wasnot clear. He had no objection to having this application considered aqain; but he, too, thought there should be Police andFire Department input on the extension. He suggested it be delayedfor two weeks. Mayor Harrison questioned how the operators could keep the 18 year olds out after 2:00 A.M. and suggested they consider thispoint thoroughly. He announced this hearing would be contj-nuedto the Council meeting of March 2l , 1977. Councilman Crosby requested assurance that Police and Eirereports would be available by the 21st of March. Police Chiefaffirmed Police report would be available by that date. UNFINISHED BUSINESS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Councilman Mangini noted fetter received from Los Angeles County Board of Supervj-sors requesting support in instituting a 1ega1challenge to Federal 1aw enacted which mandates unemployment insurance coverage for public employees. He thought the City should voice its objection to this mandate. City Attorney amplified that the Iaw has been passed; and while Los Angeles County is challenging the legaIity, there is some doubt as to exactly what they are doing. He noted their letter asks for both moral and financial support. Staff was directed to \"/rite fetter voicing Burlingame's objectionsto this mandate. BUSINESS LICENSES Councilman Mangini stated he concurred with opinions expressedby the City Attorney in his memo regarding revision of businesslicense ordinance. Mayor Harrison also cornmended the report. 306 307 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Amstrup, exercising his prerogative, Council review the fol-lowing two special permitsthe Planning Commission: called up for approved by ) at 1. Special permit to al1ow childat Coolidge School. care center and nursery school Special permit to construct 405 Primrose Road. a three story office building Mayor Harrison scheduled both these items for Council review onl"larch 2L, 1977 . WATER USAGE For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Harrison reviewed CityManager memo of March 3, 1977 relative to the 259 reduction inwater consumption to be ef fectecl by the San Francisco WaterDepartment throughout its service area. City Manager reviewedconservatj-on suggestions made to consumers by the City WaterDepartment and mailing program to reach al-f residents. Councilman Amstrup commented on figuresthe City Water Department whj_ch indicateof February efforts by residents to savea decrease in consumption of 10-l-2?. Hefor their votuntary efforts. he recently received ftromthat during the month water have resulted in complimented citizens ACKNOWLEDGI{ENTS Memo of March 3, 1977 from City Engineer relativeconsultant for solids management and decl-orinationtechnical conunittee of these projects. f. of by to selectionprojects 2. Memo of Eebruary 28, L977 from Finance Director with detailand explanation of Burlingame,s per capita cost of services.Mayor Harrj-son requested copy of this memo be sent to the threeIoca1 newspapers to facilitate more accurate reportj-ng on Cityfinances. 3. Copy of l-etter from police 222 Brj-dge Road, Hilfsborough, apprehending a purse-snatcher Iot. Mayor Harrison requestedappreciation to Mr. Mertz. Department to M.r. Carl A. Mertz, commending hi-m on his efforts atin Burlingame City Ha1I parkingCity Manager also write letter of 4. City Planner report of planning February 28, J-977. Commission meeting of 5. City Treasurer report for month of .Tanuary, 1977 6. Police Department report, January, 1977 7 . Minutes: Beautification Corunission, Commission, February 14, 1977. February 3; Planning 8. Letter of February 19, 1977 from Wm. C. MccowanVancouver Avenue, regarding Convention Center. 9. Letter of February 28,Society.7977 from International- Meditation 10. Communicatj_on of Febru ary L'7 ,Board, with development program 1977 from State Air Resources Jr.,f40l Louis J. and stating he l-1. Letter of February Lg, 1977 from AssemblymanPapan acknowledgi.ng City letter on bridge tol-ls, 308 rdould not support any increase unless San Mateo County receives a proportionate share. 12. Letter of February 18, 1977 acknowl-edging receipt of Burlingame Resolution 13-77 opposing redistribution of sales tax revenue . ADJOURNI{ENT Meeting adjourned at 8:45 to study meeting of Wednesday, March 9, L977 . Respectfuf l-y submitted, 6s,*"Wt( City "CIerk