HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.01.1670 BI'RLINGAME, CALIFORNI,A January 16, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meettng of the furl!1glme CtlY Counctl was held on the ibove date ti the City Hatl-Counci.l Chambers. Ih9 meettng was called to order at 8:05 P.M, by Mayor A.C. ttBud" Harrlson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI.AG: Led by Alfred J. Palmer, Poltce Chtef ROLr C4l.L COUNCIL ME}tsERS PRESEM : AMSTRUPTCROSBYTHARRISON'MANGINI'MARTIN COITNCIL MEI{BERS ABSENT: NONE MINUTES The mtnutes of the sPectal meettng of November ?0' L977 were approved and adopted-wtth the following. corrections : F&a-53, draft minutes, Last sentencer-"1001000 supplemental reit.tt It was noted that tn the body of the mLnutes Mrs. Dorothy Custck should be tdentlfted as a former Councilman as were M-rs . Charlotte Johnson and !{r. Frank Burroughs. The mtnutes of the regular meetLng of January 3' 1978 were approved and adoPted. HEARINGS l.WESTATES PARK PROJECT: APPEAL FILED BY JESSE ATTORNEY D. AT YOHANAN LAI^I t THROUGH J. FI (CoNTINUED FROM MEETING OF DECEI,tsER t9 , L977 Mayor llarrtson acknowlStnclatr Assoctates, aport dated January 6, edged letter of Januaxy 9, 1978 from Panko/ rchttect for the appttcant, attachtng re- 1978 from James F. Carroll & Assoctates' Consultt tneers.ThLs re t res att meet ngo c r to Counctl dlrectton measures to Resolutton t t t adverse lmpacts ttsted tn Exh lleT -77 . ,ib tt A of City Counct At the reguest of l.Iayor Harrtson, C!!y Planner revtewed Progressof this afpltcatlon ior a park and fly operatton for a perlod. up to t0 yealb, wlth subsequent developmbnt-of a restaurant at the north 6nd of the properiy and an of-f tce at the south end. Mr. Dermott Fttzgerald, rePresenttng the appltcant, addressed Council. Dresenttng them wlth dtagrams and a series of photos showing-the effect-of the berm on-nearby property. Points of Mr. fitrg.i"id's dtscusston: I. Contrtbutioir w6uld-be made of Ll? of c6st of stgnaltzatton. 2. Berm on Bayslde o_{ ProPerty would be raLsed to frevent floodtng condlttons. 3. Wtth landscaptng of berm and the dedtcated easement, Iandscaptng would amount to aimost 287.. 4. Present code would allow 800 iars to be parked on stte wtth restaurant uses. 5. Stte area destgnated forttrestaurant[ would not be used for park and fty operatton. 6. The 25' dedtcated easement woutd be accompLtshed. Mr. Fttzgerald then lntroduced Mr. James Carrollr -Civll Engtneer. .Itr. Earroll told Counetl addtttonal ft1l woutd be brought to the stte to mlttgate anttclpated settltng of the foundatloqs; paving of stEe would be- asphalt combtned wlth rock dratn- system i"i-ilfter matertal whtch l{tfl accomplLsh dratnage and also entrapment of pollutants. Flooding of the ProPerty would be mtttgited by a-berm along the Bayside of the ProPerty to ffifir4r'tr 7L Elevatton 10 or ll. The speclflc atructural sectton for the pavement would be asphalt, to be dependent upon the tmportedmatertal and trafflc tndtcattons agreed to by the Dtrector ofPublic Works . fhere fol Fltzgeral Spec tftc studtes e Eng tnee r areas wtlcontour r butldtngtttes. N posed offltmtt for the park and fly operatton wtth a three year option renewabte annually. 9450,000 would be the cost of landscaplng, berms, resurfactng and dratnage. BCDC had not eddreosed thematter of the large number of cars tn the addendum to the draft EIR. Mayor Hsrrtson declared the heartng, open for publtc comment. There was no reaponae, and the publtc heartng waa declared c loeed . lowed a pertod of Counctl questlons to uhtch both Mr.d and Peter Caltender, landscape archttect, replled. responses tndlcated that all of the eotls engtneertngha1l be performed to the sattsfsctton of the Clty and the Chtef Butldtng OfftctaL. Berm ltne tn some 1 be ttsnaked", undulaEtng, to pregent a more naturalather then a dlking effect. Development of offlce and restaurant are probabtllttes, not Just posstbtt- eg,ottatlons are no$ under way for tenancy of the pro- tce butlding. Developer would agree to a 7 year In the followlng dtscueslon Counctlmen Amstrup and Marttn con- sldered thts a poor uoe for this valuable stte, parttcutarly for such a length of tlme. Councttman }langtnt was concerned wtththe 10 year pertod a6 was Counctlman Crosby, who dtd, however,feel that thts use was better than no development. Mayor Harrtson did not parttcularly llke the use, but polnted out thata butldtng prog,ram would be ongotng 8t the same ttme. To thesepotnts, Mr. Fitzgerald stated that a condttton ltmtttng the park and fly use to 7 years would be acceptable, wtth a posstbllttytt could be ternlnated by a better devetopment before then. No extenston of the 7 years would be requeeted. To other questions he answered that it would be economLcally imposslble to developthe property at thts ttme wtth any other use. He agreed thepermtt could be condtttoned that the developer must contrlbutet/3 of the eettmated cost of $48,000 for stgnalizatlon. There was Counctl comment that tn any event thts land wtll not rematn vacant for 7 years; that thts use offers the City a poor return, and there ls a posstbility of future dlscusston ofgetttng rid of some of the present rent-a-car uses. Thts ln-tttated dtscusston of Ctty Planners report on rent-a-car useagein thts area. At the request of ldayor Harrtson, Ctty Plannerclartfled that purpose of the report wae mereLy informatlonaLto lndtcate some of the dtfflculttes wtth special permtts to these agenctes. He stated thls ls very deftnitety an airport- reLated u6e, and indicated thts report could be used by the tand use consultant. In response to further CounctL questtons, Mr. Fttzgerald statedthat the property owner deftnltely tntends to develop thls property wtth other uses, but cannot do so economically unless he starts wlth the park and fly operatton. He probably could not abandon thts use tn less than ftve years. If the spectal permtt were not grented, Mr. Yohanan probabty could not develop the property and would have to eell tt. Mr. Yohanan would employ a general contractor, but the proJect would be developed, owned, controlled, and operated by htm. He would agree to having thte epectal permtt issued in hts name only. Adverse Counctl comm€nts were that Clty incone from thtg use is mlnlmal; the Bayfront tB rapldly dlsappeartng ---thls ts a poor use to put on tt; the Councll ls not trylng to "run bustness out of town" but is exerctstng lts prerogattve of betng select- tve . 72 Counctlman Mangint moved that the Planntng Commtsston dentalof this speclal permtt be reversed condtti.onal upon a 7.yearItmttati.on for "park and flytt use; dedlcati.on of-the 25'- easement for publtc path and btkevray; spectal use permit to be issued to John Yohanan and to terminate if property tssold:' Ll3 of the cost of stgnaltzatton, esttmeted at $481000,to be patd by owner; Landscaptng, pavtng, berms, and dralnage destgn to be tn accordance wtth plans presented to Counctl and subJect to approval by the Ctty; proJect to tnclude street, curb and gutter tmprovements along Bayshore Htghway. Second by Mayor Harrison. Motton faLled on the followtng roll call vote: AYES : COUNCILMEN : IIAIGINI ,IIARRISON NAYES : AMSTRUP,CROSBY,MARTIN ldayor Harrtson announced that the Planntng Commtsston deciston on thts matter wes sustatned. RECESS After a short recess at 9:15 P.M., the meetlng reconvened. 2. BURLINGAME BAY CLUB CONDOMINIIII PROJECT: ENVIRONMEMAL IMPACT REPOm-rr;g ed 4-P, !{ayo rece whtc 28,oft thesuffont r Harrtson announced heartng on this EIR and acknowtedgipt of documentatton on thts prevtously submttted EIR 4h lncluded addendum report contatntng mtnutes dated November L977 of Planntng Commtsslon heartng on the EIR and responses he publlc and vartous agencies to the Draft EIR. He spectfted purpose of the EIR certificatton ts to tndtcate that there tstctent tnformatlon presented to allow subsequent dtscusslon he proJect. He then requested report from the Ctty Planner. Ctty Planner directed Counctl attention to Exhtbtt A of Counctl Resolution ll2-78 certtfylng the EIR. He potnted out thatExhlbtt A ltsts adverse Lmpacts of the proJect wtth mlttgatlon measures and ftndtngs and urged Counctl constderatton. There was Counctt questl,on about the ttgrandfather clausettwtth BCDC and the Corps of Engtneers and tts relatton to thts proJect on State owned land. Ctty Planner explatned that under the pro- posed Anza l.taster Plan BCDC exempted all Anza tand from Lts Jurtsdtctton. However, the Anza !traster Plan was not adopted by the Ctty; and even tf tt had been, the Master Plan referred to C-4 uses only. He noted that the Corps of Englneers had gtven aftlt permtt for thts proJect ln December, L977. To further Council questton, Clty Attorney stated that other agencies I discusston of the exenptton clause does not affect thevaltdlty of the EIR as long as tt ts factually correct and council can ryelgh thelqture plelert. _ Counctl noted letter of January 10, 1978 from Thomas C. Taylor, Chatrman, Plannlng Commtsston, nottng that thts proJect wttl requtre admtntstrattve actions: rezontng from C-4 to R-4, a General PLan amendment, a condomtntum permtt, and perhaps avartance. Mr. Taylor stated that the Planntng Comm{.sstoo r€corn- mendsthat the Ctty Counctl constder reacttvating the Blayney Assoctates etudy and preparatlon of overall Bayfront PLan. ALso noted lras memo of January 11, L978 from the Ctty Attorney whtch requested speclftc Counctl attentton to impacts and mtttgatton-foi restdenttal useage tn thts area and indtcatton from Counctlif restdenttal useage Ls not to be constdered. Memo noted expense of general plan amendment and the Blayney report. In response to questton, Ctty Attorney exptatned that tf EIR were apptoved, the next step would be the Blayney report whtch does ) rr-f .,Lr-\fMLdL&rr not now contemplate restdentlal uses. Then a General Plan Study would be necessary wtth subsequent General Plan amend-ment. The Blayney re these steps. Ile adde been reworded from thoatntatn fornat that t ls necessary before elther ofhat Exhtbtt A to the Resolutlon had lannlng Commteslon resolutlon to requtred by State Guldellnes. PordteP te Mayor Harrtson opened the oeettng to publtc comment on thtsEIR. There was none, and the publtc heari.ng ras declared c losed . Counctlmen ldartin and ABstrup requested that future records show that Councll cetttftcatton of an EIR ts wtth respect tolts adequacy and does not tmply approval of the proJect. Counc ilman Mang int lntroduced RESOLUIION 2-78 "RESOLUTIONCERTIFYINC FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL II{PACTREPOR-T AND I.{AKING TINDI NGS WITIT RESPECT TO TIIE PROPOSED BIIRLINGA}TE BAY CLUB CONDOMTNIT'M PROJECT - EIR-44P" as an actton acknowledgtng EIR adequacy andwtth no cornmttment or obltgatton to approve the proJect thereintdenttfted and moved tts adoptton. Second by Councilman Crosby, carrted unantmously on ro11 call vote. 3. ARC AUTOI.OTIVE SERVICE, L244 ROLLINS ROAD . DONALD J. STEIN APPEAL FROI{ PI.ANNIIIG COI8.{ISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AUTO REPAIR SITOP AND TOI{ING SERVICE Counctl had tecetved memo of revtewtng progress of thts s subsequent dental by the PIa attached tncluded Ptanntry CCtty Attorney memo to Planntspectal permtt appltcatton snoted Ctty's dtfftcuLty wtth January 11, 1978 from Ctty Attorneypectal permtt appltcatton and tts nnlng Comntgston. Documentatl.on omlggton mtnutes, December 2L, L977; ng Comtsston December 15, 1977; and ubmttted by Mr. Stetn. Ctty Attorneythe "Dorelt property tn making sub- - dtvteton toproveoenta, and the fact that thCse are not jet com- ct b 2 pt leted atthough tnspectlon wtth Bank of Amertca representatl-ve ndtcated they are under way. Ctty Attorney also noted staff oncern that Mr. steln'e malntenaoce of the property wae not good; hat thLs represented an undeslrable use; and that !lr. Stetn had een glven nottce to vacate by Bank of Amerlca effecttve January2, L978. Upon tnqulry by l{ayor Harrteon, tt rras determtned that l,!r. Stetn wes not present. Mayor Harrtgon dectared hearlng open. Mr. Donald Miller, Bank of Amertca replesentative, addreased Counctl to the potnt he did not want the Counctl to take action based on Mrs. Dore rs delay tn mak tng tmprovernents to thts property. He thought, rather, tt should be an tndtvidual dectston. In response to Counctl questton, Ctty Planner conftrmed the use ofthts property had been tn exlstenee before permtt appticatton was made, and that the Planntng Comtsslon had dented on the basts ofthe condttton of the property and the fact that tt was an un-deetrable use. l.Iayor Harrtson and Councilman t{angtnt were tnclLned to Bustatnthe Planntng Commtssl.on anftlose the heartng tn vlew of staff re- commendattons; the fact that Mr. Stetn was not present; and thathts lease would soon be termtnated. Counc tlman l.{arttn thoughtCouncll did not know one way or the other and should hear fromMr. Steln who might have good reaaon for not betng present. He suggested conttnutng .the heartng . Mayor Harrtaon announced heartng would be conttnued to meetlng ofFebruary 6, L978. t n6),D r,At* Ctty Attorneyts memo of January 10, 1978 attached Letters from R. L. Ikutz & Company on each clalm recommending denlal. Clatmof Davtd Rayner lnvolved storm damage and damage to a car and clatur of Jackte SctiAleck tnvolved a fall on a sldewalk. Ctty Attorney concurred tn the insurance manageoent f trmts recom- mendat ton . 1. INSI.'RANCE CLAIT.TS - RAYNER AND SCITIEDECK 2. FINAL PARCEL MAP. T459 AND L47L EL CAMINO REAL RESOLUTI oNs Merno of January 11, 1978 from Asststant Ctty Engtneer recomnended Counctl acceptance of the easement dedtcatlon and approval of thls ftnal map, nottng condttlons of tentattve map had been ful-ftlled. By endorsement of January ll, 1978 Ctty l{anager concurredin thls recommendatton. Counctlman MartLn moved approval of the Consent Calendar, second by Councllman Croeby, carrted unanlmously. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 3.78 ''PJSOLUTION RECERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR CHARLES KI,NG AND ASSOCIATES PROPOSED OFFICE CENTER A? I35O BAYSHORE HIGHWAY, BT'RLINGAME, CALIFORNIA, EIR-40P RBCERTIFLCATION'i was presented for Counctl constderatton. City Planner, referrtng to hts memo to Counctl otold Counctl that recerttftcatton waa nece8sary the final EIR wrltten comrnenta from the Dtstrtct from the Executtve Director of BCDC whlch were transnttted after Councll certtftcatton of thts EIR tn September and approval of varLance and speclal permtt tn 0ctober, 1977. Ctty Planner stated that after BCDC revtew thelr staff had auggested that a drarrtng showtng revtsed publtc acceaa along the Bay and an lmproved-accees from Bayshore Htghway be tncLuded in the Final EIR. Clty Planner recomreirded receittflcatton of thts ELR, and stated Mr. wtnte! of Gensler Aseoctatee wes present to answer questtons. Ctty Planner further etated that BCDC suggestlon changes the 81te plan, maktng it dtfferent from what the eounctl prevlously had approved. Counctl questions centered around the BCDC revtsLon of the access easement 'and whether or not tt would be 25 I aB orlStnally re- quested by the Ctty. Slte plan presented lras not clear as to thts aspect. Ctty Attorney clertfted that tf Councll approved thts recertifi- cation wtth the tncluston of the stte plan, they were not thereby approvtng a dtfferent destgn. Mr. Ktng nust sttll come back to coirnctl if tt is necessary to amend hls permtt. Councilman Mart i-n stated that lt should be made cle that the McAteer-Petlls Act dtd not permtt them to for a leglsLative body. Mayor Harrtson suggeeted C wrtte BCDC maktng thts ctear wtth dlrect reference fJ to Ge anuary 11, 1978, incorporate in ologtst and a! to BCDC do planntngtty Attorneyto thls ELR. Counc tlman Crosby moved that an actlon acknowledging ELR a obltgatton to approve the Protdenttfted. Second by Counctroll call vote . Resolutton No. 3-78 be approved as deouacv and wlth no commttment or Jedt wittr revised stte plan theretn Lman Mangtnt, carried on unanlmous 2. RESOLUTION NO. 4-78 ''RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTT'RAL SERVICES FOR WASHING?ON PARK IMPROVEI.{ENTS Wlllt PETER CALLENDER, A.S.L.A" was presentedfor Counctl c onstderatlon. Memo of January L2, L978 fron offlce of Dtrector of Publtc Works informed Council that thls agreement ts for preparatton of plans, speclflcations, and cost esttmates for lnstalllng tightlng, J. CONSENT CALENDAR 't !) benchee, paths, t Washtngton Park t avatlable wtth Fe $27,700. A secon Vernon Way area owrttten to have trecetpt of grant . on system and appurtenant work nearourts. Fundtng for the proJect lsrant and Clty funds tn the amount ofappllcatton tnvolves work ln the ngton Park, and the agreement has been on of addtng thts work dependent upon dorseoent of January 12, !978 Ctty agreement be authortzed . There was Counctl questton about the need for ltghttng speclftedin the agreement, stnce people ate not to be tn the park after 10 P.M. "Ctty Atiorney eiplitned that ordtnance forbids "lottertng"tn the park after that ttne, not walktng through. rrtgatt enntg c deral g d grantf Washt he opti 8y en ldanager reconmnded thts RESOLUTION NO. 4-78 wa s tntroduced by Councttoan Marttn who movedy Counc tlnan Croeby, carrted on unanlmous Counctl noted agreement spectftcatlon that tf low btd exceed 15% the cost esttnate the landscape archltect ts to performtttonal senrlcee to brtng cost of the proJect wtthtn L57" ofesttmate. There was Counctl sug,gestton that I certaln ftgur speclfted so that admtnlstrattve costs and everythtng eLse w not exceed the amount approprtated. Dtreetor of Publtc Work commented that at the tlme the $27 1000 grant was approved it tnclude landscaptngi the Ctty had spectfted some optlons Lf scaptng were not included because of the drought. sby add- theebetll s dtd land- ItE adorol.l ca 1 vote . p 1 EIon, sEcond b ORDINANCES On motton o Ordtnance N unantmoug r I. ORDINANCE NO. 1118 "ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION L5.OE.OlO AND DELETING ORDINANCE SECTION 15.08.020 OF TIIE BT'RLII{GAHE I.{I,'NICIPAL CODE REGARDING APPLICATI0NS FOR SEWER CONNECTIONSTT was presented for Council consLderatLon and publlc heartng. Director of Publtc Works explalned that under the present practtce tnstallatton of new sewer literals ls lncluded tn the deveioper'sbid and the lateral ts latd by hts contractor. Under the actual code tt ts specLfted that the developer or contractor shall cometn wtth an estlmate of the work and lt ts then done by Ctty forceswtth payment to the Ctty. Thts ls constdered an tnefftctentmethod. He recomrended deletton of thts code sectton. l,layor Harrteon opened the meettng to publtc comment. ?here was no reaponae and the publlc heartng was declared closed. f Counc tLnan Amstrup, second by Counc tlman Mangtnl,o. 1118 paased tts second readtng and was adopted onoll call vote . 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1119 ''ORDINANCE ES?ABLISHING STOP SIGNS AT III'NTDRrm DRrvE, AND stuMrr DRrvE AND EL pRADo RoAD" was presented for CouncLl constderation. Counc tlman lrarttn had at a prtor meettng asked tf these inter- sectton8 met State rrarranta. He questtoned why thts lnformatton had not been subuttted. Ctty Manager stated that proper counts would be made and presented to Counctl at the next meettng. Mayor llarrLaon aet heartng on thts ordlnance for the meettng of February 6, L978. Counc tlman Amstrup tntroduced Ordtnance No. 1l-19 for ftrst readLng. 3. ORDINANCE NO. T12O IIADDINC CHAPIER IO.IO TO TITLE 10 OF THE ruru.Iffiffi.ffififtTFf[i-coDE TO AUIHoRIZE FRANCIIISES FoR PoLIcE AI.ARM SYSTEMS WITHIN TIIE CIIY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER" was introduced forftrst readtng by Counctlman Martln. 4. 'hN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 22L3(t) OF THE UNIFoRM MECHANICAL CODE REGARDING GAS SHUT-OFF VALVES'' (, 76 Thts proposed urgency ordtnance reads in palt, rrcas ptptng supply- Lng more than one untt on any one preml"ses shall be equtpped with separate shut-off valves to each butldtng or unit, so arrangedthat the gas supply can be turned on or off to any indtvtdual or separate buttdtng or untt." Memo of January 15, i978 from Flre Chtef explatned that thls amendment was deslrable because asingle gas meter for multl-untt butldtnga creates a hazard be- cause tn order to shut off one unlt, al1 must be shut off, wtthresultant danger & dtfftculttes tn restortng service. Dlrectorof Publtc Works conftrmed the necesstty for amendment anddetalled the mechantcs of proposed meter setup. He requestedthts ordtnance not be declared urgency but be tntroduced at thts eventngs meettng, and memo would be transmttted explatntng thesltuatlon tn more detall ln ttme for the heartng meettng. There was Council dlscusston, and comment that thts $aB a very expenstve method and not enough backup matertal had been pre- sented. Mayor Harrtson scheduled further dtscusslon for the Btudy meetlngwlth tntroductton of the ordtnance at a followtng regular meettng. PROCIAI.{ATION Mayor Harrtson procLalned the week of February 5 through 12, 1978 as' ttilattonal Crtme Preventt on Week. 'r APPROVALS 1. WARRANT NOS. 881 through 1239, duLy audlted, ln the amount of 1664,864.94, were approved paym€nt on motton of Counctlman Mangtnt, second by Counc ilman I'Iarttn, all aye volce vote. , December, 1977, Check Nos. 2545 through 3399, tn the 429,245.74, approved on motton of Councllman Mangint, 2. PAYROLL amounE of $ seconded by Counctlman Ctosby, all aye votce vote. OLD BUSINESS CONVEMION CENTER l,layo r Harrlgon read tn full letter of January L2, L97,8 from Mr. Bairy Sllverton requestlng wtthdrawal of the proposed conventton centLr proJect unttl such ttme as he and hts consultants were ableto provide all the necessary tnformatlon, and stattnS, that the deadltne of January L2, L978 dtd not glve enough ttme for coo-oilatton of data. Mr. Sltverton stated that when atl lnformatlon had been completed he would constder relnstattng hls proposal for the ploject. In response to Counctl questtons Ctty Attorney tndtcated that he thought Mr. Sllverton would have been able to be prepared by the 12th of January. He stated there was no way to prevent -anapplteant from- resubmltttng an appltcatton; also that tf a new applicatton were wLthtn the fraoework of the Present EIR andfeastbtlity study tt would not be neceseary to recreate these documents. Counctknan tlarttn stated he thought the Counctl should firmly state that alt proposals on the Conventton Center were dead; that it should be understood that both proposals are over and done uith. Counc llman l,langini thought that actlon Counctl had previous meeting inplled that lf Councll dtd not g iraterial by January L2, L97 8 the lssue was dead. taken etet sufftc tent I Counc tlman Am8trup agreed but thought there should be a statement; that the Conventlbn eenter should not be carrted on any further. He dtsapproved of leavtng it open lndeflnttely. If Mr. Sttverton came ln igatn he would have to "come tn cold." He wanted adeftnlte Btatement so that there woutd be no doubt ln the mtndsof etther Mr. Stlverton or staff that the project was dead. Mayor Harrtson stated he would support a motion to accept wtth- drawal of the proJect. Counctlman Amstrup moved that the Conventton Center Project pse as tt has been submttted to Councll tn the past ts reject the Counctl and any project tn the future would have to 6tart "Space l.tt Second by Councilman Marttn, carrLed on unantmouscatl vote . er ed by from roLl Mayor Harrteon broached the subJect of the Blayney - Drachman studtes, and Btated he would entertatn a trlotton to authorlze these consuttants to proceed. Counctt dtscugston foltored . Councttman Marttn queotioned lf Counctl wlshed to include res-identtal uses ln these studtes. If reetdenttal rere onl.tted, it would make a dlfference tn the trafflc study and a better report mtght be produced. Mayor Harrtsoof the opttons to be conetdered, restdent.i{il , he would approve all A1so, he thought the ctttzens ofthat Counctl had looked at all opthetr declsion. Counc tloan Mangtthts vter, stattng he dtd not see should be kept out of the report. would like to have the optton ofdtd not meen the Counctl approvedall the facts before maktng a dec stated he had no obJection to get reports, but he rdanted it underst aPProval of the use. DRACHMAN . BLAYNEY REPORTS Mayor Harrtson dtrected that the Blayney and Drachman studtes go forrrard at thts ttme. SAM.TRANS BUS STATIONS n noted that restdential was one and while he was not in favor ofof the opttons being lnctuded. Burltngame should be tnforoedttons, and based on that had madenl was tncltned to agree wtth any clear reason res ldentlal Counctlman Crosby stated herestdenttal lncluded. I,rhtLe itthe use, he would ltke to havets{on. Counctlman Amstrupttng full tnformatlon on the ood lt dld not stgntfy Counctl Dtrector of Publlc Works dtscussed locatton, destgn, snd con- structLon of passenger watttng stations to be erected by SAM TRANS on EI Camtno, and dtsplayed ptctures of them. He noted that Counctl suggesttons on the destgn could be referred to Sam Trans. Some Counctl suggesttons $ere that the deslgn tsto ftt tn utth the Burltngame mottf, and they woat other destgns. to uld o modernistlcltke to look Dtrector of Publtc Works stated Sam Trans would be advtsed of thts. INGRESS-EGRESS PIAN S FOR PI.AZA AT EL CAI,TINO Dl.rector of Publtc Works dtsc the State Dtvtslon of lltghway and entry road from EI Camlnofrontage road along El Camtnoexit on Murchison. The entry The frontag,e road would provtPlaza. It could be abandoned es owners for tts tncluston ln the park PI ussed theee plans, now approved bye, whtch feature a central opentngtnto the Plaza, wtth closure of the and tts entrance on Trousdale and road would be dtvtded by an tsland. de ped and a trtan access to parktng andrtce negottated wtth Plaza ng lot. I Mr. steve Mustch, property orrner at Burltngame Plaza, addressed Council to the effect that the merchants tn the Plaza lrere not tl NEW BUSINESS 78 to Plannlng sLng exenptton Franc lsco the amount of a controve!8taLr some dtscuss lon, n by the Ctty andthat could be l. Letter of January 10, 1978 from City Attorney Dtrector of City and County of San Franctsco oppo category for the enlarged blast fence for the SanAtrport. In his letter Ctty Attorney stated that coniern tnvolving thts struiture clearty makes itproiect that must be the subJect of an EIR. Afte bouictl agreed that up to th6 time actlon ts take County of San Francisco there lias nothtng further done. 2. Letter dated Dedember 30, Stuart-Klrk Associates re 1977 from Frederlck S. Frtedman' Encore Theater . 3. PlannLng Commlsston mlnutes December 2L, L977. 4. Fire and Poltce Departments t December, 1977, reports. 1 tnterested ln havlng the access road closed; that tts use wouldstill be only by the people ln^the parktng area. He assured CounctL of the Plaza merchants' cooperatlon. Counctl members did not obJect to the closure of the Trousdaleentrance to the frontage road, but dtd not approve of the closlngof the exit on Murchtson stnce tt seems to be safe, has a doublestop slgn, and closure wouLd cut off one way of gettlng out ofthe parktng lot. Director of Publtc Works btateii thts-had beencontenplated as a safety measure; but stnce it was not a maJortrafftc problem, provlslon could be made for right turn out onthe Murchtson stde. In answer to other Councll ouesttons. hestated that a medtan tsland should be provtded uf the Et Camtno Entrance drtveway whtch would extend up to the matn driveway infront of the stores. An agreement must be executed wlth the prop-erty owners so that thls medlan could be constlucted. He added there ts a questton wtth the Plaza stgn whtch, accordtng to theplans, would be about 8'back from the curb and on City property. Ctty Attorney stipulated he must examine present cross-easement agreement before advistng Councll . Mr. Mustch stated he could have this agreement, whtch exptres tn 1980, to the Clty tn the next week, The merchants would be wtlltng to rener, lt. He also stated that the property ovrners woutd rather have the Murchtson exlt open than closedl and, regardtng the medtan agreenentr the merchants were waltlng for advlce from the Clty as to lrhat they had to do. Councll agreed they wanted the Murchtson exLt open, and suggestedlt be rnade platn to Plaza nerchants that at some ttme ln thefuture the Ctty mlght want to uae the frontage road for such pur- poses as a planted area o! the llke. Dlrector of Publlc l{orks stated the plan would be modifted wlth Counctl. permlsston, and at the ttne the project Soes to btd the Counctl would have the agreement wtth the ProPerty owners. NEW BUSINESS JARVIS-GANN INITIATI,VE Mayor Harrison remtnded Council and audtence of meettng to_be heid at the Mlllbrae City Hall at 7:30 P.M. January 18, 1978 on the Jarvts-Gann inlttative. WATER RATIONING In response to Council questton Dlrector of Publlc Works stated that the Ctty, as a San Franctsco Water DePartment purchaserr ls still under inandatory 25% watex rattonLng. Howeve!, the P.U.C. wltl be consldertng the matter in the near future' and they ulll have to oove to llft ratloning befote the Ctty can act. ACKNOWLEDGI4ENTS w-'nfi 79 5 City Planner - Sunrnary of Planntng Commtsston Eeettng January 9, 1978. 6. Negattve Declarattons p dated January 9, L978 f Herttage Manor. ADJOI'RNMENT os tedor Do bylla Planning D,epartmentr Rent-A-Car Systems and Meetlng regularly adjourned at 10:35 P.M. RespectfuIIy, ,€"drr*flztzLCtty Clerk lL,