HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.03.14105 BURLINGA},IE, CALIFORNIA March 14, 197I CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Burlingame city Council, scheduled in compliance with the State of California Election Law to canvass returns of the General Municipal El-ection of March 7, 1978 was held on the above date in the City Ha1l Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor A. Harrison. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney. ROLL CALL COIJNCIL MEMBE RS PRESENT3 COI]NCIL MEMBE RS ABSENT: MUNICIPAL ELECTION AMSTRUP , CROSBY,HARRISON, MANGINI , MARTIN NONE. Mayor Harrison announced that the City Clerk has received the "Certificate of County Clerk of Record of votes Cast at Polling Places Within The City of Burlingame At The General Municipal Election Held On March 7, 1978." The record of votes cast at the polling places and by absentee ba1Iot for the various candidates for the office of Member of the Ci-ty Council is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. For audience benefit, Councilman Mangini read aloud this record. Eigures were verified by Councilman Amstrup. RESOLUTION NO. 13-78 '' DECLARING RESULT OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 1978"was 1n troduced by Councilman Manginj- who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carried on ro11 cal1. PRESENTATION: TO FORMER MAYOR AND COUNCILMAN A.C. "BUD, HARRISON on behalf of Council and staff, Vice-Mayor Crosby presented Mayor Ilarrison with an inscribed plaque as token of appreciation of his fine work during his term as Mayor. He added his personal good wishes, to which other Council members added theirs. In accepting the plaque, Mayor Harrison thanked the City, Council and staff for the opportunity of serving for four years; voiced appreciation of cooperation received from them, his friends and family; and expressed hoe of again servj-ng the City. He conqratulated Vice Mayor Crosby and Mrs. Barton on their success in the election. INSTALLATION OF COUNCIL MEMBE RS Gloria H. Barton Councilmen. TheH. Hi11. and Willian J. oath of office Crosby were certified as was administered by City e l ected Clerk Evelyn ELECTION CHAIRMAN-MAYOR Vice-Mayor Crosby decl-ared nominations open for the posj-tion of Chairman of the Council and Mayor of the City of Burlingame. councj-lman Amstrup placed the name of Vice-Mayor Crosby in nomination. There were no further nominations, and the nominations were declared closed. A unanimous baIIot was cast for Vice-Mayor Crosby as Chairman of the Council and Mayor of the city of Burlingame for the forthcoming year. I -rF--r.r ryr-?tE----'-F .-!'lnrr .rr-F rEr,'t7!r---t s-:-vF,r_.rtr-!!i'!.lffi 106 ELECTION V I CE- Mayor Nominations were declared open by the Chair for the position ofVice-Mayor. Councilman Barton placed the name of Councilman Amstrupi-n nomination. There were no further nominations and the nominations were declared closed. A unanimous bal-]ot was cast for Councilmanrrvi49 S. Amstrup as Vice-Mayor the the coming year. Mayor Crosby and Councilman Barton thanked their election committeesand introduced individual committee members present. They thenintroduced their families to the audiencei and received congratulationsof Councj-I. Both pledged their best efforts to serve the City r"/e11in the coming term. There followed introduction by other Council members of their families. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 6drulll,fuu City Clerk r-.rrrrrrl I A c0lls0t_. PIIIIC I IICT ilo. 0t.lll ll/rl. lltlllICIl'Al. l.l.tCTl0ll 'it,t.:;t)AY, ltARCll 7, l9/B rql.r_!.llJBr,lr, cnY colHqlt. CIIr)S DY ilAnRrsoil n^nTofl c-l c-2 c-3 c-4 c-5 c-6 c-7 c-B c-9 c-]0 .c-l I C-rz c-13 c- l4 c-15 'l89 l84 160 159 177 lB6 137 26i 167 239 l89 l4l 144 068 190 140 169 ll5 ll0 123 130 .109 171 150 138 126 093 099 066 IIB ?24 ?05 tcr 145 234 212 134 372 221 243 216 220 156 0B7 192 i t- Tota I 2592 Total Absentec BaIIots Cast 133 't857. 106 3060 723 31.8 3r 9632725Total Total RcAistcrcd Voters Total Abscntcc BaIJ.ots Cast Total Uallots Chst 1 ?,L4,4OB 207 4,505 ' ft'I