HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1977.08.15427 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 15, L977 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held onthe above date in the City Hal-I Council Chambers. The meeting was calfed to order at 8:08 P.M. by Mayor A. Harrison. PLEDGE OI' ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Led by Alfred J. Palmer, Police Chief. ROLL CALL COUN CI L COUNC IL MEMBE RS MEMBERS PRSSENT: ABSENT : HARRISON, MANGINI, MARTIN A-lvlSTRUP (Excused, vacation ) , CROSBY (Excused, vac at ion ) this resolution. and the publ-ic hearing The minutes of the regular meeting of August L, 1977 were approved and adopted. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August l, tsll were approved and adopted with the followi-ng comments: Page 2, draft minutes, last paragraph, Finance Director's statement .$350,000 is not money transferred into the police station fund from the general fund, but rather it remains in the general fund for this project as do the Federal Revenue Sharing funds. " Ccuncilman Martin stated it was his understanding that this $350,000 is to remain in the general fund, that everything that was to be earmarked for ihe police station had already been earmarked. Page 5, draft minules, last paragraph. Councilman Martin said his understanding was that if hoiels had not collected additional transient tax beginning July 1, 1977 they would not have to pay the City. rf, however, they had collected additional since July 1, )-977 they should pay it to the CitY. MIN UTES HEARINGS I. RESOLUTION NO. 70-77"FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATmd by councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Martin. Mayor Harrison announced public hearing on There were no conments from the audience, was declared closed. Motion carried on unanimous ro11 call vote of members present. 2. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR-40P3 PROPOSED TEN STORY OF'FICE BUILDING, I35O BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. CHARIES KING & ASSOCIATES, DEVELOPERS. 3. VARIANCE AND SPECIAL PERMIT APPL I CAT IONS FOR CHARLES KING & ASSOCIATES PROJECT AT 1350 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Councilman Mangini moved that these two items be continued to the Council meeting of September 5 when full Council could take action. Second by Councilman Martin, carried by unanimous vote of members present. 4. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 47-P3 PROPOSED RECLASSIFICATION FROM R-3 (MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING) DISTRICT TO C-2 (SERVICE BUSINESS) DISTRICT, 741 SAN MATEO AVENUE AND ADJOINING PARKING LOT Mayor Harrison requested City Planner stated this staff report. is a straightforr"rard rezoning so that 428 a previously confused zoning district boundary through the middle of this property can be changed and the property developed. According to EIR findings, the existing C-2 District Boundary does not folIow property 1ines. The reclass i fication to C-2 would permit development of the property for a greater number of uses. Mayor Harrison declared public hearing open were no comments from the audience, and the closed. on this EIR. Therepublic hearing was on RESOLUTION NO. 7I-77 ''CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR RE CLASS IF ICATION OF TWO PARCELS ON SAN MATE O AVENUE FROM R-3 (MULTIPLE FA},,IILY DWELLING) DISTRICT 'IO C-2 (SERVICE BUSINESS DISTRICT) EIR-47P" was introduced by Councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous roll- call vote of members present. Mayor Harrison announced hearing and second reading would be the sixth of September, 1977. COMMUN ICAT IONS City Planner memo of August l1 , 1977 suggested ordinance modifications involving specific exemptions with conditions. Council-man Mangini thought Mr. Keyston's suggestion sounded reasonable, but questioned what impact ittould have on the studies the City has undertaken. City Planner replied the City has executed agreements with two consultants for these studies. These contracts are still valid whether or not the emergency ordinance is extended. He commented that John A. Blayney, whose company is working on the land use study, is preparing a recommendation for presentation at Council meeting of Septemlcer 6, 1977 . City Attorney pointed out purpose of foregoing correspondence rs to alert Council to the expiration date of this ordinance. 4a. ORDINANCE NO. 11f2 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25.12.010 OF THE EUREI}IGAI.,IE MUIIICIPAL CODE AND THE ZONING MAPS THEREIN INCORPORATED BY RECLASSIFYING THE SOINHWESTERLY 43.33 FEET OF LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK l AND ADJOINING PORTION OF SAN MATEO AVENUE WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY 75 FEET OF LOTS 11 AND L2, BLOCK 2 AND LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 2, DECOULON SUBDIVISION, FROM THIRD RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL-SERVICE TRADES,. WAS iNITOdUCEd fOT first readinq by Councilman Martin. I. THOMAS C. TAYLOR, CHAIRMAN, PI,ANNING COMMISSION, DAVID H. KEYSTON, ANZA SHAREHOLDERS I LTQUIDATING TRUST, CITY PLANNER: URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. 1107 REOUIRING SPECIAL PERMITS FOR PROJECTS NORTH AND EAST OF BAYSHORE F RXEI^IAY AND WITEIN THE ROLLINS ROAD INDUSTRIAL AREA. For audience information Mayor Harrison read Chairman Taylorr s l-etter of August Ll , L977 in fu1I, the gist of which was that the Planning Conunission study of this area is proceeding on schedul-e but cannot be completed by September 5, 1977 when the urgency interim ordinance expires. Planning Commiss.ion recom- mends extending and possibly modifying the urgency ordinance. Letter of August 8, 1977 from David H. Keyston urged that this ordinance not be extended or reinstated. In return, Mr. Keyston would agree to bring in preliminary plans for all projects proposed on Anza property for Council revj-ew. Mr. Keyston stated this ordinance has stifled deve fopment and interest in the Burlingame Bayfront, and has required costly EIRs forprojects complying with Burlj-ngame ordinances. He suggested the City would be well protected by his commitrent since Anza Trust owns over 908 of developable fand in this area. 429 Councilman Martin on this ordinance 1977 meeting. suggested that since four votes the matter be considered at the are required September 6, Mayor Harrison corurented he agreed with some points of Mr. Keyston's letter. Mr. Keyston addressed Council, stating he was leaving certain preliminary plans for this area with the City Planner for review. He pointed out that part of the affected. area is M-I and part is C-4. In M-L, the traffic generators are office buildings which must come before the Ptanning Commission, so the City does have control. In the C-4 area, with the King building presently before the City, Anza owns 99.58 of the remaining C-4 land. The only piece they do not own j-s L/2 acte between California Trucking and Mobil Oif. By bringing all of their projects before the City, Anza Trust will make certain the City has control- of developments. Councilman Martin emphasized his strong desire to protect the City and noted the difference in dealing wj-th Anza Liquidating Trust rather than Anza Pacific. Mr. Keyston assured him that relationships \,rould be on the same leveI and offered his commitment that the City would have total control. Mayor Harrison set hearing on Urgency hterim Ordinance No. f107 for September 6, 1977. FROM STAFF 1. CITY MANAGER: TRAFFIC, SAFETY, PARKING COMMISSION FOR REMOVAL OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS FOR 1/2 BLOCK OF DRIVE BETWEEN SANCHEZ AND MAJILLA AVENUES RE COMMEN DAT I ON S CALIFORN IA This cornmission's reco[unendation of by City l.lanager endorsement of same recommendation for approval. August 1I, date, also 1977 was carrying tran smi tte d his 2. CTTY MANAGER: SAN MATEO TRAINING CONSORTIUM. City Manager's memo of August \0, 1977 reported on proposal for traininq program by Inte rgovernmental Management Development Institute for a flexible training program for different types of emptoyees. Seventy-six days of training for the nine- month period october l, 197'7 to June 30, 1978 would cost $1,500.00. This price is possible because most County cities would join in the program. City Manager attached proposal and list of classes offered, and recommended Council approval . Mayor Harrj-son questioned if this \^rould lead toward the goal of having atl traj-ning programs supervised by the City Manager. City Manager stated it would tenal to do so. With Council concurrence, Mayor Harrison directed City Manager to proceed with this program. 3. CITY MANAGER: SISTER CITY CONF'ERENCE GARCIAS. EXPENSES OF THE By memo of August 10, )-977 City Manager transmitted to Council list of expenses in the amount of $543.16 incurred by Wm. M. Garcia, for attendance at the International Conference of Sister Cities in Ju1y. City Manager suggested council approve the amo unt of $300.00 as in the past. Councilman Mangini moved Council accept recommend.ation to approve $300.00 of these expenses, second by Councilman Martin. l4ayor Harrison directed City Attorney to prepare fegislation to this effect for action by City Council. He then introduced to Counci.l and public the new member of this conmission, Mr. Richard Foley. 430 In response to question from Councilman Martin, City Manager said a]location for Sister City expenses was in budget. For future reference, Councilman Martin noted Council direction that all unbudgeted additional expense be brought to Council with j ustification. Motion carried unan imously. 4. CITY MANAGER/DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: A. 401 Primrose Road Councj-l concurred in approval of this encroachment B. 33 Clarendon Road permit . Memo from Assi.stant City Enqineer of July 28, L977 informed Council that City Engineer did not recommend approval of thispermit for a fence which is 2' into the street right of way forthe purpose of maintai-ninq ground cover. No indications ofhardship were found. Memo noted fence is already constructed.City Manager concurred in the disapproval. Mayor Harrison reported he had visited the property, and hetoo did not consider denial would cause the property owner hardship. Council upheld Director of Public Works' recommendations in disapproving permit. C. 3l2l Margarita By memo of August lO, 1977 Director of Public Works reportedthis encroachment permit is requested to build a fence six feethigh to within 5' from face of curb on Los Montes. Fence woul-d encroach 6.4' into the right-of-way. Permit is requested toprovide a large yard for a dog, although there is presently a20' x 35 ' yard possible without encroachment. Constructionof fence to property line provides for an approach speed of 25 miles per hour on Margarita and 20 miles per hour on Los Montes.If fence were constructed as requested, sight distance on Los Montes would be only 15 miles per hour. For this reason, Director of Pub1ic works recommended this request be denied. City Manager concurred j.n endorsement of Auqust L0, 1977. Mrs. Gi]bert Metzler addressed Council, stating that fence i,rasto be 5' rather than 6r. She pointed out that if a lega1 fence were extended to the front of the lot on this cornerproperty it wou]d impede sight distances even more. She notedreference in memo to setting a precedent, and reported thereare fences in this area now that are right on the curb line. In response to questj-on from Councilman Mangini, she stated she was prepared to take pictures of the whole area for evidence, adding her back yard is very narrow - l-2' wide and 65' Ionq. Mayor Harrison conmented he appreciated her feelings aboutexisting fences, but he was not inclined to add to this sj-tuation. At request of Councilman Martin, D.irector of Public Works diagrammed Memo of August 10, 1977 from Director of Public Works recommended approval of encroachment permj-t for commerci-a1 building at this address under construction. Encroachment necessitated by design of building is for protection of pedestrian safety andinstalfation of retaining walls. City Manager, by endorsementof August L0, 1977 concurred in this recornmendation . In response to questions from Counci l-man Martin, Director of Pub11c Works stated this is a board fence, and it must ej-therbe taken down or moved back two feet. 431 the effect of legal fence on sight distances, which would be about the same as the encroachment since the house is 15' above the street. He added there are many other impediments to sight dj-stances in the area, such as trees and shrubs on other properties. There is no sidewalk on Los Montes. Councj-lman Martin suggested that since the grade on Los Montes is so steep, cars are not going to approach the corner at great speedsr so reduction in sight distances will have less impact. A1so, a legal fence to the front property line would impede sight distances even more. He recommended that Director of Public LrTorks work with the Metzlers for modification of their requested fence and the encroachment permit be allowed. Councilman Mangini agreed in view of the fact that the legal fence would be less safe than the encroachment requested. Director of Public Works explained he had not wished to recommend this encroachment because of the position the Council would be in if there were an accident. However, if some compromise could be reached with the Metzlers, he would proceed with the issuance of the encroachment permit. 5. CITY I,LANAGER,/PARK DIRECTOR: REMOVAL OF DEAD HERITAGE TREE Park Director's memo of August 10, 1977 recommended removal of this Heritage tree, a large cypress at 1716 Easton Drive, which is dead or nearly sor and presents a hazard. Beautification Commission had approved this removal. City Manager's endorse- ment of August 10, L977 joined in Park Director's recommendation. City Council concurred in approving this tree removal. 6. CITY ATTORNEY: BODILY INJURY LATE CLAIM FILED BY MRS. MABEL BROMAN, City Attorney's memo of August 9, L977 attached detail on this claim filed on July 26, 1977 for an injury allegedly occurring on January 27, L977. City Attorney recommended denial since it was filed with the City beyond the 100-day limitation. Councilman Councilman Martin moved this claim be denied, second by Mangini, motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION 72-77 "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO CORPORATION YARD BUILDINGS JOB NO. 76-16" was introduced by Councilman Martin, who moved its adoption. Second by Councilman Mangini, all aye ro11 call vote of members present. 2. RESOLUTTON NO. 73-77 "RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISIONS TO SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR SAN MATEO COUNTY" was introduced by Councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Martin. Motion carried on unani-mous ro11 call vote of members present. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 74-77 ''RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING E}GCUTION OF JOIU RISM PROJECT" was introduced by Councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Marti-n. Mayor Harrison pointed out that a representative must be designated for the Prism board. Councilman Mangini commented that sufficient escape mechanism is written into this agreement to protect the City. He offered to act as representative unless there were other preferences and suggested Police Chief be appointed as an alternate. q---rwffry\-ry f,-'!..F-Brrqnffi t II 1t It 432 Mayor Harrison reported that letter had been received from F. R.Lennon, 110 Park Road, Burlingame, who volunteered to be on this board. Councilman Martin questioned how many County cities have joined in this agreement. Staff stated the majority in the County with the definite exceptj-on of Daly City. Councilman Martin voiced his disapproval of this agreement, stating his favorable vote would be only so that the matter could be expedited. For the record he stated that whil-e his vote would be "yes", his feelings would be "no. " Cor:nci lman Mangini cormented that the timeCity may not withdraw has been drasticallycities $rere also participating. limit during which the shortened, and other Motion carried on unanimous roll caII vote of members present. Mayor Harrison appointed Councilmanto the Prism board and Po1ice Chief Mangini as representative as alternate. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 75-77 '' CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUBLIC NECESSITY, HEALTH, SAFETY, OR WELFARE REQUIRES THE FORMATfON OF AN I]NDERGROTJND UTILITY DISTRTCT ON BAYSWATER AVENUE FROM MYRTLE ROAD TO HTGHLAND AVENUE - IJNDERGROUND DISTRfCT NO. 5" was introduced by Councilman l\,lartin who movedits adoption, second by Councilman Mangini, carried on unanimousroll call vote of members present. Mayor L977. Harrison set public hearing on this matter for September 6, 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1I1O II ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION L2.16. O9O OF THE BURLINGAIVIE MT]NICIPAL CODE, ALLOWING CITY CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND CONNECTING FACILITIES" was presented for Counci]consideration and publ-ic hearing. Mayor Harrison declared the hearing open to the public. Therewere no audience comments, and the public hearing was declared close d. On motion Ordin ance unanimous of Councilman Martin, second by CouncilmanNo. 1110 passed its second reading and wasroll call vote of members present. Mangini, adopted on 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1111 ''AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 6.44 TO THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE LICENSING AND REGULATION OE PRIVATE PATROLS AND EMPLOYEES THEREOF IN THE CITY OF BURT]NGAME ''was presented for Council consideration and public hearing. City Attorney reported to Council that in the past a number ofprivate have operated in Burlingame with few problems, but inthe fast ti"ro years there have been incidents which make itadvisable for the city to license these patrol-s. This wouldpermit investigation of their services and employees, and controlof their uniforms and cars, so there would be no confusion withCity police officers and vehicles. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING City Attorney reported to Council that this would amend theexisting ordinance which contains no provision for the Citydoing service connections between a building on private property and the point where facil-ities connect to City services. This amendment would provide that the City could do this connectionwork and then place a tax lien against the property. There have been problems in the past with service connections and thiswould solve the problem. In response to questions from Council-man Mangini, Police Chiefstated this pertains only to street patrol services; not to 433 guard services j-n a building etc. Mayor Harrison declared meeting open for public cofiunent. There was no response from the audience, and the public hearing was declared closed. on motion of Council-man Mangj-ni, seconded by Councilman Martin, Ordinance No. 1111- passed its second reading and was adopted on unanimous roll call vote of members present. UNFINISHED BUS INESS Councilman Martin referenced letter of August 9, 1977 which he received from Dr. Fred S. Dias, 2516 Valdivia Way, Burlingame.Dr. Dias objected to the fact that San Francisco Airport isplanning to extend Runway #1 by building a back blast wal1 at the end of the runway. Then more heavily loaded planes would be able to take off on Runway #1, instead of Rum^ray +28 as atpresent. This would result in increased noise 1eve1s whichthe blast wal1 would not mj.tigate. Councilman Martin noted recent newspaper publj-cj-ty about thisconstruction, and stated that the runway coul-d be extended 600r by this method, but would then be near the freeway. The newspaper article inferred the fence would protect the freeway from blast and might reduce noise to the surrounding cities. To his mind, moving the runway 600' nearer the cities wouldincrease the noise and might increase the noise contours ofthe airport itself to above 65 cneI. He made the point thatif there is not an EIR filed for this new blast screen whichdefi.nitely shows what mitigation measures have been taken in regard to noise, he would recommend that the City Council hirea 1egal consultant to fil-e suit against the Aj-rport. He suggested the Airport had an alternative and better solution -that of getting a permit from BCDC to extend the runway bayward. Councilman Martin considered the attitude of the Airportrs top management arrogant and non-cooperative with surrounding cities. He noted the purpose and the effort of ALUC as the protection of the ]-and in this area. However, the airport seems to do asit pleases and the situation has become very bad. Something must be done, and he was making this statement to get thefacts before the public and gain some support. He commented on Flying Tiger and Japan Airlines flights and noisy takeofffrom San Francisco airport in early morning hours so they can escape the curfew in Tokyo. He suggested this situation couldbe stopped by customers' boycottinq these t\"/o airlines. Councilman Mangini questioned if he was asking for Councilsupport to back him in requiring an EIR. Councifman Martin replied that was not his request at present,but he would ask for Council- support at the time when ALUC had made its statement about this situation. Council memlcers present assured him of support at that time. FOX MAI.L City Council received letter of August L5, l-977 from Joseph Karpappealing the decision reached by the Planning Commission relativeto the Burlingame Avenue Special District Parking Requirementswith respect to the Fox ltlal1. Mayor Harrison announced this appeal would be heard at themeeting of September 6, 1977. S.F.AIRPORT SISTER CITY CONVENTION INTE RNATIONAL Mayor Harrison reported to Council that he had dj.scussed this 1979 convention and the prospects of its being held in Burlingame with officials of the Visitors and Convention Bureau, and they had offered their he1p. He therefore proposed to bid for this convention to be held here, if Council had no objections. Council agreed to his proposal. NEW BUSINESS 1. DESIGNATION OE VOTING DELEGATE, LEAGUE CONFERENCE, BUSINESS SESSIOii SEPTEMBER 28, OF CALIFORNIA CITIES L977 Councilman Martin emphasized that ABAG considered it important that the same votj-ng representative selected for the League business session attend their policy making session in the spring. A plan will be presented before ABAG's general assembly that involves air and water quality which could be critical for the area. With Council concurrence, Councilman Martin was designated representative to both sessions. 2. COUNCIL OF I{EETING AUGUST MAYORS - SAN 26, t977 MATEO COI.INTY CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE Mayor Harrison announced meeting of this committee, reporting that at this meeting certain vacancies would be filfed: Vacancy on the Transit Board of Directors, for which he sugqested Counci-1man Frank Cannizaro of }{il1brae, and a vacancy on Comprehensive Employment & Training Advisory Council, for which he suggested incurnbent Councilwoman Jane Baker of San Mateo. Council concurred in these recommendations . Mayor Harrison stated he would be on vacation at this time, and suggested that whichever member of Council arrives first at this meeting be authorized to vote for the City. Council agreed. t. WARBANTS 7060 THROUGH 7477, duly audited, in the amount of $5 38, 5 9 0. 86 were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Martin, all aye voice vote. Previous to vote, warrants: Counci lman Martin questioned the following No. 7199 - Ehrlich, Heft & Rominger - $8,970.00 - Architectural fees. City Manager explained that this paid fee up to July l, resulting from the first cease and desist order passed by Council on June 20, 1977 - Director of Public Works advised he coufd furni-sh documentation to this effect. No. 7200 - Harding-Lawson Associates - $430.50 - Geotechnical engineering. Staff advised this fee also is for work done prior to July t, 1977. Councj- lman Martin questioned if these vrere the final bi1ls for the Police Station. City Attorney affirmed they were except for a fee of approximately $200.00for the relocation consultant for tenants on police station site. 2. PAYROLL July, L977, Check Nos. 6846 through 7609 in the amount of $391,278.63 approved on mot ion of Councilman Mangini, second by Counci Iman Martin, all aye voice vote. P ROCLAMATIONS Mayor Harrison proclaimed the week of August 14 20, 1977 as 434 APP ROVALS 435 "California Space Weekr" and September 4th and 5th, L977 as "Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon Weekend. " COMMENDATIONS I. Water Office Personnel Mayor Harrison noted letters of appreciation from Finance Director to Water Office staff. He then officially commended Lorine Gandolfi, Cheryl Kuehner, Vera Leigh, and Betty Whittemore of the Water Office for their efforts in the water rationingcrisis and new data processing implementation. 2. Mayor Harrison acknowledged commendation from Chief ofPolice to Mrs. E. W. McTighe in recognition of her efforts in apprehending residential burglar. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS COMMUNICATIONS 1. Cir Planner: Ne ative Declarations for fnformation. Council requested they receive copj-es of these negativedeclarations within the ten-day period for appeal. 2. Senator John Francis Foran: Senate Bill Ll-32 Letter of August 5, 1977 from Senator Foran asked for City supportin passage of SB1132 which will aid local government in gettingfair share of state reimbursement. City Manager was directed io send letter indicating Council support. City Attorney requested Council support and wire in oppositionto A8155 - Cumulative Trauma Reduction of a Portion ofLiability; and communi-catj-on in support of SB1237, which wouldexclude future CETA employees from the Public Employees Retire- ment System. Council concurred in both these recommendations. 3. Chief of Police Lucky Lady Council received Po1ice Department report of August 4, L977and supplemental report of August 15, L977 on this establishment. These reports listed various unfavorable incidents duringafter hours operation, the latest of which Ied to notice from Anza Patrol that they would no longer service this establishment. At request of Mayor Harrison, Police Chief reported furtherto council on investigation. He stated he was very concernedabout these disturbances because they are occurring after hours when police manpower is reduced, and have involved a consider-able expenditure of time and effort. He went on to say he haddiscussed this matter with Ms. Johnson, one of the proprietors,last week and told her the permit might come before the Council.He suggested this permit be terminated for the benefit of theCity and the Police Department. Councilman Martin noted this permit was subject to cancellationat any time if there was a problem. city Attorney pointed outone of the conditions was that they have private patrol service,which has now been stopped. Police chief remarked that hisofficers have the prerogative of serving on private patrolsoff-duty, but most of them refuse to work at the Lucky Lady. City Attorney suggested this permit be suspended with notificationto the proprietors there will be a formar hearing at the nextcouncil meeting. He commented., however, that cancellation oftheir amusement permit does not prevent them from operating asa coffee shop or restaurant as many hours a day as they wish. rn response to question from councilman Martin, polj_ce chief 436 confirmed that the problems are with fights disturbances after hours; that the teen ageproblems but nothing serious. and large group has group some I"layor Harrison recommended suspension of the amusement permit. City Attorney suggested suspending permit for after hoursoperation, allowing them to keep the teenage permit as a lever. Councilman Mangini agreed that these incidents could not beallowed to contj-nue but questioned the specific cause to suspend.City Attorney suggested that it was taking on the nature of apublic nuisance and could be suspended for that reason. Councilman Martin moved that the amusement permit for the after hours operation be suspended as a condition of retaining the amusement permit for the teenage operation before 1I:00,subject to hearing at meeting of September, L977. Second by Councilman Mangini. Mayor Harrison stated he had been against the whole operation from the beginning, and would prefer to have the entire amusementpermit suspended. Motion carried on the following ro11 call vote of members present: AYES: NAYES: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL}'IEN: MANGINI,MARTIN HARRISON (for reason stated) 1 2 3 4 5 REPORTS MTNUTES: Beautificatj-on Commission, July august e; Planning, JuIy 25i City CouncilJuly 25, L977. Fire and Police Departments: Monthly Reports. City Planner: Planning Commission meeting August 8, 1977City Treasurer: July 31, L977. Park Director, August 4, L977, report on street trees at Putnam DodgeLetter from Chairman, Park and Recreation Commission, August I0, 1977 informing of continuing interest in Bayside Pedestrian,/Aicycle Path. 7; Park & Recreation, Budget Study Meeting FROM THE ELOOR Council received letter of August 15, L977 from Mrs. DonaldPeter, President, Hoover School PTA, requesting a trafficpattern evaluation and count at the five-way intersection in front of the school on Summit Drive. It was asked that the count be done the first week of school. Mrs. Peter addressed Council, citing the danger of this intersection and the necessity for a count at the beginning of the school year. She hoped this intersection could qualify for a warrant. Police Chief stated this count could be done when school starts. LAND USE TRAFFIC STUDY City Planner suggested use of a steering committee to coordinate staff work on this project. With consent of Council, Mayor Harrison appointed committee of himsel-f, Thomas Taylor, Planning Commi-ssion Chairman; and Victor Subbotin, Chairman of Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission. ADJOURNI4ENT J J d Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Re-spectf uI1 "hrwLwnCity Cl6rk 'dy\::tt , /r)