HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.02.05292 BURL]NGAME, CALIFORNIA February 5, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A recrular tuetincr of the gurlinqaille Citv Couneil r,,ras irelii orl tleabove date in the City ilal1 Council Chainbers. Ilec+ting was calletlto orcler at 3:05 P.1,1. bv }4ayor l.ii11iam J. Crosby PLENGE OF ALLEGIA}trCE TO TIIE FLAG Led by John R ROLL CALL Yost, Assistant City Planner. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: AI,4STP.LP , BAR!'ON, CROSBY, MI\NGINI , M.ARTI}J(delayed until B:35) COUI.ICIL }{EI{BERS ABSE}IT: NONE MINUTES Minutes of the special meeting of January 10, Regular meetingof January f5, and adjourned regular meeting of January 24, L97gwere approved and adopted. i]EARI}]G 1. APPEAL OF HOWARD ATKINS FROI"I PLANNING COMI4ISSION DENIAL OF PERMIT FOR HEALTH CLUB AT 1109 BURLINGAME AVENUE It was determined audience and this that 1.1r. Atkj-ns was not presently in thehearing was postponeci until later in the meeting. CO}$iUNICATIOI{S 1. DAVID C. CARR, ATTORNEY FOR SOUTFILAT,ID CORPORATIOT{ AND RTCHARD AND HOLLY I'4OFFAT: APPEALfI\IG PLANNTNG coMi{rssroN ACTTCN CONCERI{r}IG 7-ELEVEhI STOR.E , 975 ROLLINS ROAD This appeal was transmitted by letter of January 23,David C. Carr, and set for hearing by l4ayor Crosby atmeeting of February 20,1979. L97 9 Lhe f rorn regular 2. },TTRVII\T A}ID MARI.TANE FRANCIES , 729 PLANNING CO},I}1ISSIOI'tr RUI,ING Oi\ SPECIAL SHOP AT 875 I\T.AHLER ROAD. ACACIA PER}IIT DRfVE, APPEALING TO CROi^lN COFFEE IUr. and Itirs. I'rancies, by letter of January 30, t979,the allowance of a special permit to this coffee shop.crosby set hearing for this appeal at the February 20,regular meeting of the City Council. ST'AFF I,IEI{ORA.NDA appeal-ed l4ayor l-979 1. CTTY I'IAhJAGEJR: col.,llirss rolJ HIGHWAY PR]ORITIES TO I.IETROPOLITAN TRANSPORT'ATION city llanagerrs memo of February l, t97g fonvarc-red retter ofJanuary 26, L979 frorn Director of public !{orks, san l.{ateocounty aclvising that county has been asked to submit top twoState Highway projects and highest ranking interstate project toI'ietropolitan Transportation commission by March L, t979. Re,:ortfrom Director of Public works dated January 29, 1979 cetail-edthis. transportation planning which is competition for rliscret.ionaryfunding. He specj-fied several projects which would be of value toBurl-ingame but, noting the short time for consJ-deration, recom- mended the city go along with resolutj-ons of the Board of super-visors which 11st Devilrs Slide area and L0l/92 lnterchange as twoimportant non-interstate projects, and Route 380 interchange j-n 293 San Bruno as most irnportant interstate. Coupcil concurred in this recommendation. I4ayor Crosby directed Director of Public VJorks to attenrf February 15, L979 meeting with a report back to Council. 2. CITY ATTOR.NEY:zuIiNETTE & CALIFORI{IA DRIVE PAR*:ING LOT City Attorney's memo of January 24,1979 reviewed L976 lease and option agreement for this property at the corner of Rhinette and California Drive. Lease expires on April 30, l-979 with option to buy at $70,000 within 90 days. City Attorney requested clirection as to exercise of option. Council ctiscussion centerecl around source of money for this pur- chase, i,vith City Attorney noting that money for rental had come out of Broadway Parking fun<1 wj-th remainder of $361000. He suggestecl tirat all or a portion of the purchase price be taken out of Broaclway overpass fund. f inance Director reportecl that there was $71r000 set asicie for the Burlingame Avenue parking District but that these funds could not be used for Broadway. Councilman Amstrup considereci types of use on the lot should be researcl:ed. If lot were purchased, he sugigested money for purcirase be taken from overpass fund. l,.layor Crosby suggested the 1ot be brought up to standard. Dir- ector of Public Works stated he would report to Council on cost of vrork, and on use 6f gas tax f unds for this purchase. Councilman Arnstrup moved the CiLy exercise the purchase optl-on on this lot, second by Councilwornan Barton, carried on unanimous vote of members present (Councilman l4artin absent at this point.) 3. CITY ATTORNEY: COI,fiiUL'IITY DISPUTE SERVICES City Attorney's memo of January 23, 1979 transmitted material f rorrr the American Arbitration Association , 690 l4arket Street, San Francisco descrii:ing their communj-ty dispute services, particularly as a means to ". directly invol-ve community resictents in the process of resolving di-sputes in their own cornmunity, thus spreacling conflict resolution skills . ." City Attorney noted this program should be funded next year, and recornmended this rnaterial be kept available in City Clerk's Office. He suggested that copies be made available to proponents of the "view orciinance." At l4ayor Crosbyrs request Councilwoman Barton read memo for benefit of public. Council ciiscussed potential value of this service to the cornrnunity. Itiayor Crosby formation toposition. Councilwoman decision not suggested staff send copies proponents of the ordinance of this material for in- who had- opposed Council Barton thanked rnemk"rers of to pass tiris legislatj-on.1:uLilic upholcling Council 4. CITY MANAGER: POST OT,,FICE PROPTIRTY I,temo of Fekrruary 1 , L979 fron City l4anager transmitted copy of letter clatei January 22, \979 from Congressman Paul McCloskey to U. S. Postal Service urgJ-ng information on status of Burlingame Post Office. I,lemo noted pending visit of Hal Monaghan, U. S. Postal Service, to discuss possibility of temporary use of part of this property. At request of l4ayor Crosby, Councilman Amstrup rear] memo forpublic information. 294 In foliowing discussion City l4anager informed Council he hadjust received call from another authority j-n the Post Office vrhostated that out of an area of 12,500 SF the Post Office has a surplus of only 25e; and prospects are not encouraging since the Post Office annex is becoming overcro\^/ded. He will report to Council on the outcome of Monaghan meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. SPECIAL ENCROACHMtrNT PERMIT, 102 BERNAL Assistant City Engineer's memo of January IB, L979 transmi-ttedthis permit and recommended approval. Encroachment consists of fence inadvertently bej-ng built one foot into street right-of-way. 2. PARCEL LI.AP, L76l ADRIAN FIOAD Approval of this tentative and final parcel map was recommended by memo of January 30, 1979 from Assistant City Engineer. IIe stated all necessary requirements have been met. 3. DORE SUBDIVISION },TAP ]-244 ROLLINS ROAD Assistant City Engineer, by memo of January 3f, L979, recommended approval oi this tentative map providing three specifiecl con- ditions are met before final map approval. 4. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPBRTY Memo of January 30, L979 from Finance Director requested per- mission to sell Burroughs L5000 and auto reacler for $11525 and Addressograph and Graphotype machines, also surplus equipment, for $825. 5 . PARCEL I'I.AP, IlB B EL CAMINO PGAL, RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 7_79 CAMINO REAL. " i,lemo Engj-neer recommended map. l.4ayor Crosby opened the meeting for ord-inance. There were no comments public hearing rvas declared closed. ,'RESOLUTION APPROVING PARCEL I,,IAP, 11Bi] EL of January 31, L979 from Assistant City approval of this tentative and final parcel public hearing on this from the audience and the /)o l 47- Councj-l-man Llanginj- moved approval of the consent calendar, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously on vote of members present. ORDII.IANCE - SECOND READI}'IG }IEARING 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1143 ''AI.IENDING CTIAPTER 6.36 OF THE BURLINGAI'IE ING LICENSII{G OF TAXICABS'' On motion of Councilrnan lr{angini, second by Councilman Amstrup, Ordinance 1I43 passed its second reading. Councilman Arnstrup commented he woul-d vote for this ordinance but objected to the fact that citizenship was not required for drivers. Ordinance 1143 was adopted on unanimous roll call vote of rnernbers present- UNFI}IISHED BUSINESS BAYFRO}]T PLAN Upon inquiry, Councilman Mangini ascertained f rom City It{anager there frid been no suggestions received yet from the private sector on the use of this area. Councilman Anrstrup suggesteii that Planning, Attorney, and Finance Director submit suggestions for uses beneficial to the City. There were no Council objections and Mayor Crosby so directed. 29s NEUJ BUSINESS KI.]OX BILL AB 287 Councilman Amstrup voiced strong objections to this proposed bill and its effect uison loca1 governments. It would require that LAFCO study reorganization of all local agencies that re- ceived tax revenues in 1978 L979 fiscal year. It would forward recofirmendations for reorganization (consolidation) to these 1oca1 agencies for approval or rejection. If the rec- ommendation is rejected, the local agency would no't be e11gib1e to receive its part of the l98L'82 property taxes. The Councilman pointed out that this is "another layer of governmert" , and the local governments, responsive to the will of the people, will lose their control. He suggested the City write the League of Californj-a Cities stating absolute op- position to the bill. EIe also suggested the City send letter to every other city in the County, stating Burlingame's stand and asking their cooperation. Councilman Barton suggested immeCiate implementation of these measures. There was no Council objection, and l'(ayor Crosby so directeci City Manager. HEARII.]G APPXAL OF HOI]ARD ATKTI\]S FOR iIEALT}I CLUB AT 1109 I'ROIU PLANNING CO}'TMISSIOI{ DENIAL OF PER}{IT BUP.LINGAME AIENUE Ivlayor Crosby announced- this appeal would be considered at this time. It was ascertai-ned Mr. Atkins still l^ras not present. City Attorney stated that und-er these circumstances the Council could A.rnrz Councilman rYangini moved the Council support denial of the Planning Cornmission, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous roll call vo+-e of members present. Councilman }lartj-n entered the meeLing at B:35 P.ivi. ACKNOWLEDGIVIENTS 1. Ir{ayor Crosby acknoruled-ged receipt of letter of January 30, 1979 from Garden Drive Tenants' Association relative to consid.er- ation of rent control irr the City because of excessive increases in rent and indications of condo conversion. It{ayor Crosby stated that the Council- would like to consider this at a study session due to the late receipt of this letter and the need for more information. ile noted the fu1I agend-a for the February study meeting and announced this subject would be set for the l{arch study meeting. City Attorney reported that rent control is possible in a General Law city, and he would research legal background and pro- cessing in time for the l4arch study session. Councilwoman Barton noted number of persons in aud-ience who haii come for this item and suggested they be allolveit to colTlril€rtt. Frances Warner, 1901 Garden Drive, reporteC excessive creases j-n the past ten months ancl failure of attempts with new owners. She noted efforts of Housing Council City. l4ayor Crosby acknowledged communicati-on from ltts. 1919 Garilen Drive, protesting defraud of renters 13. rent in- to meet of Redwoocl llartha i{eitcamp, because of Prop. In response to Councilman Amstrup, City Attorney said he cou-]-d have sufficient information by the regular meeting of February 20. Council agreed they vrould be willing to cliscuss at the Eebru-ary 20 meeting with possible declsion at the stuJlz rneeting of l,larch l-4. 296 John Steller, I901 Garden Drive, addressed Council, detailing unfair rent increases and the fact that renters have forsworn organizLng until they approached Ioca1 glovernment with their problem. Mayor Crosby and property noted owners the in Council must consider both the renters its consideration. Justice Council of Councilwoman Barton renters. expressed sympathy for the plight of the Victor C. Fratessa, I90I Garden Drive, stated he was a rep- resentative of senior citizens of Our Lady of Ange1s Parish who have been harmed by rent increases. .F"Ie suggested the City con- tact the State legislature. Councilman l(artin noted t:rat landlords who had purchased pro- perty since L975-76 have not had large benefits from tax reductj-on. Mr. Steller responded that many kinds of real- estate deals can be worked out, such as the seller having a first deeci of trust , and the tax benefit can be received. Ms. Shirley Kahn, association member, asked that future ratio of single famity dwellings to condominiums be researched. 3. Letter (undated) from Frank Croaror ho adciressn r€ view preservation. 4. llegative declaration dateC Januarlz 22, L979 from LAFCO on annexalion of terrj-tory orvned by Sisters of Mercy. 2. I4emo of January 23, 7979 from Criminal San Mateo County re police services study. 5. Letter of Train Systems, installation. 6. I'lemo of rvarrant for January L6, L979 from Kno1le ATS Articulated 269L Sean Court, So'uth San Franciscor re City January 30, L979 frorn Director of Fublic ;^lorks re temporary he1p. 7. League of California Cities legj-slative bulletins, various clates. Councilman l4artin comnented on: SB59 - bailout of re- development agencies in its relation to Convention Center. AB 301 - 1+ sales tax reduction and redistribution, 402 counties, 4OZ cities | 2OZ special districts. AB 287 Knox bill he warned that this rvas rvritten in the slririt of Jarvis Gann and will- be popular polltically. He suggested it would be vziser to support amendments rather than oppose. tsoth Councilman Amstrup ,rr-d-Co,rtcilwoman tsarton disagreed, considering the time had come for clirect opposition. B. I:{inutes: Beautification Coramission, January 4; Library Board of Trustees, January L6i Park & Recreationcomm'ission, January 9i Planning Commission, January 22; Traffic, Safety, Parking Com- mission, January 11, L979. 9. Treasurer's Report, December 31, L978. 10. S.I'4. County Convention o Visitors Bureau Report- ADJOURNMtrNT Meeting acljourned at 9:05 P.lvl. to executive session on personnel. Council reconvenecl at 10:30 P.14. and approved the Memorancfums of Understanding rvith the Police Association, Local lB72 International Associ-ation of Firefighters, the City of Burlingame Department I{eads ancl the Association of Police and Fire Administrators. They also authorizetl the necessary budget amend-ment of $56r608 for the menoranclums of understanding and other fringe benefit budget accounts for the year L97B'L979. 297 ADJOLTRI{MENT The meeting was regularly ad-journed at IC:50 P.[1. C,I #s4nry.z{,lkt/City "clerk -,!,-_r!+m lrry'-i--rym r. -. rtrrtu,-r8,..-:. :rtdi.s