HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.04.03119 BI,'RLINGAME, CALIFORNIA APRIL 3, 1978 Led by Charles F. SchwaLm, Ctty ltanager ROLL CALL COIJNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES: The minutes of the meettng adopted after correction, f minirtes to, "l'layo r Crosby nDlrector of Public Works an regard to sewage, . ." CounciLman Ma on thts same (sewage) at t \nlorks stated David Keystonpumps. (This AMSrRUP, BARToN, CRoSBY TMANGINI,tIARTIN NONE of March 20, L978 were approved andirst paragraph, Page 109 of draft oted that he had a meettng with the d Mr. Lawson of Rosedale Avenue in nglni questtoned the ttmtng meant by the statement page that Mr. Keyston would have a fuLL leport on he tlme of the Blayney report. Director of Public thts concerned instaLlation of new pumps, and Mr. in his letter of March 29 offered to pay for the refers to one tlaterfront Office BuiLding Project.) HEARINGS I. APPEAL OF COI,'NCIL},IAN IRVING S. AMSTRUP FROM PLANNING COMMISSION GRANT OF SPECIAL PERMIT TO ANZA PARKING CORPORATION FOR AIRPORT PARKING FACILITY MEETING OF MARCH , 7OI-8OT AIRPORT BOI,'LEVARD. (CONTINUED FROM 20. 1978) Mayor Crosby requested report from Clty,Planner. The City Planner reviewed prLvioris actton on thts spectal permit approved by the Planning Commisslon on February 27 wittr ten conditions. He stated one of Eis concerns had been with the 30r front setback required tn C-4 areas, and the Planntng Commisslon dtd recommend that theportion of this parking that would become permanent (Sheraton i'arking) should have a-30r setback. Another concern he had was that an'adequate street rtght-of-way be dedtcated to the City -ifand when an access road was needed. The Planning Commlssion dld not act on this recommendation. The City Planner explained stqe plan and further details of this applicailon whtch ii fox a L6\ aire area to be used for 10 years. This area had prevtously included a L.33 acle slte to be used for Sheraton oarkins. but thls ts now not a condttLon. He noted the Planning bommisEion had recommended parktng be Limited to 1900 spaces totaL; and emphasized that this L6t acres comPrises about 13% of the total area covered by the Blayney study. He identified the main concerns of Counctl as the location of the Sheraton Land swap in respect to thls appltcatlon and the prospect of a futurestreet right of way. Mayor Crosby opened publlc heartng on this appltcatlon. Mr. David Keyston addressed Councll , referring to hts Letter of March 22, t978 on thts project. Ilis main potnts were that this use ls appropriate in thts locatton near the City park or futuregolf course; the parking slte would favor the proposed on-off CALL TO ORDER A regular meettng of the Burl lngame City Counctl was held on the above date in City llall Councll Chambers. The meeting was calledto order at 8:05 P.M. by l.Iayor Wm. J. Crosby. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI.AG: 120 access ramp from Bayshore Hlghway slnc would be installed on the property thathis access; and the Blayney report in development of this area wilL not occu response to question from City Attorneof sale of this land, Mr. Keyston stat the permit if the Land were not to be There were no further comments. closed. e no major improve0ent st $ould interfere wtth dicates that totalr for some time. Iny regarding possiblllty ed Anza would not seek used for airport parking. The publtc hearing was declared CounclLman Mangtnl questloned hor.r vital the l0 year period was for this permit. He added he thought park and fly was a neededactivtty in that area whether o! not the alea was fully developed. He thought it a good servlce and noted the Blayney meetlng of Saturday, Aprtl L had brought out that there would be some sortof park and fly in that area for some time to come. Mr. Keystonreplled that the time period of Een years was vltal since there was a possibility of selllng some of this property, and if it is sold for a use such as this, the use has to be long enough to get some reasonable ftnancing. In response to the Councilman'sfurther question, he agreed there would be no improvements that would be in the way of an access road in the future. Councilman Amstrup declared hts reasons for calling thts permit up as: 1. The 100 spaces being consideied for Sheraton parking at the time of the approval , and the fact that the Cityet declded on the location of the land trade; 2. Th posed for this Land whi.ch may conflLct with the final the Blayney report; 3. The fact that the Council den parklng facility as not being a good use. yheu dec led as not se pro- l-s l-on ofa similar Councllman Martin agreed wtth Councwhile the Blayney report ts four sceairport parking, no plan has been a He also questioned the t.en year per betleve a delay of a few weeks woul suggested Counctl walt on thls decl been reached on Ehe Btayney report. would not object to some delay, ilman Amstrup, polnting o narlos do all contemplate pproved and changes iray b iod on this permit. Ile d d damage the devetoper, a sion untiL some conc Lus lo Mr. Keyston indlcated h ut that e made .ld not ndn has e With Council concutrence, Mayor Crosby dectared t tinued to the first Council meeting in May, with that lf no deciston has been made on the Blayney date there will be further contlnuation. hls hearing c on- the provls Lonreport by that STUDY AREA PERMIT - LEGASPI TOI,IERS CARRUF CORPORATION /}5 N.V., APPLICANT Mayor Crosby announced this application for an office building at- 370 Atrp6rt Boulevard by thi above applicant was tabled by Councll at lts March 6 meettng until the Present meetlng. At the Mayorrs request for background review, the Clty Planner recalted he. reporCed at the March 6 meeting that the envlronmental assessment had-been completed and that tt was his flndlng that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be prepared. Subsequently' detailed check of preltminary plans was made. Planner submttted the following data to give Clty Council an idea of the scope of the proj ec t : L. Proposed building would occupy 2\ acxes, 2L% of site Landscaped, 30t front setback, srea covered by structute 25"/" gross floor area 92,000 sq. ft,, Floor Area Ratto (FAR) 0.98, indlcating less floor area than land. 2. Required parking 307 spaces ' plans show 288, L9 spaces short. Additionally, there has been no design of medtans in Alrport Boulevard for exiting. Tvo-Level parking destgn shows single L2T Lane driveway. Staff suggested a secondary exit to the east,that appears on new rendering shown to Councll . Planner stated more time is needed to revtse plans, reduce floor area so that parking would be sufftctent. Staff does not haveelevattons, but the-bulldlng would be less than 50r in hetght. This seems to be a major project with substantial adverse im-pacts on traffic. An EIR would reveal this. Publtc Works has reviewed prellmlnarles and concurs in parklng deflciency and probLems with driveway Locatlon. Further, the selrer servicingthat site crosses the freeway, thence down Rolltns Road. A new main ls proposed when Alrport Boulevard ls completed. Thtsproject appears uncertaln, as do other appllcations ln that area,principally because of office butlding traffic impact. Planner noted that land use for office buildings is one option to Council on how that 2h acres should be used. - Mayor Crosby recognlzed Mr. John Raiser, Raise Company. He dtsplayed an amended rendering, i as that currently occupied by the auto auction deficlency ln parking has been corrected, squa bullding reduced to meet aLl parking requlreme recommendatlons concerning secondary exit fromwell taken and has been lncorporated in the re height limitations of zoning have been observe made to structure the butldlng to eliminate sp special treatment. He stated that if the Blay wish of the Council, his flrm would like to taation alternate uses of the property. However envisions office space that will- provtde 2O% Ltraffic consultant's study presumed. r Con dent i andre fonts, s truc t ionfylng the stte advised that otage of and that stafflng area isns. Exlsttng an effort varlances o! eport is theto c ons lder -s ProJ ec tars than the parkvisio d and eciaL ney r ke in , thi ess c In response to queries from Councilman Manglnt, Mr. Raiser ex- plained that parking Ls at ground level, buildlng height ls- ineasured from curb Level; therefore, palking at ground leveL would not affect building height. CounciLwoman BartonMr. RaLser identiftePark. She then aske parking and trafficto answer because st the second entrance driveway. he rendertng hear Fisherma-n t s ner lf proJeet meets present. Planner responded he was unable recetved revised ptans. 19 parking space defic tency ser stated that has been cor- ised plan. Mayor Crosby advantage to see the revistons. Council's dec ision; however ,lf a buitdtng permtt !s to ermit that might be granted beth code. askdrdc regaff eda htsity uta t has tons not boutont P lan Mayor Crosby asked Mr. Raiser about mentioned by City Planner. Mr. Rat rected, but staff does not have rev mentioned tt might be to Councll rs ctty Attorney responsed that is theproject must comply with aLL codesissue. Mr. Raiser asked that any p conditioned upon full compliance wi Mayo r Ltqui issuenot n o therof ex the City. Re ledge, there Councilman tlartin stated the prlmary concern apPears to be whether or not the project will requlre an EIR. Clty Planner stated hls recommendatlons and ftndtngs lndlcated there should be. CounciL- man Martin thought that nuah of the EIR work has been done through the BLayney rep6rt. He tndicated agreement $tth Planner's pos- ttion, but preferred that actlon on project be delayed untiL Blayney repbrt is at hand. It was hls position that all permits in this area should be stopped untll CounciL resolved the questlon of eventuaL use, espectaLLy since Blayney mentions resldential use in two of its repotts. CI dat of eed as ist osby recognized Davld H. Keyston of Anza SharehoLderrs ing Trust, who explalned he did not wish to belabor the delay, but Councll had adopted a poltcy that EIRs were ed for study area permlts unless they were requlred for pects of the code. Thts proJect meets every requirement lng code except for what nos, appears to be a moratorium by garding sewer servlces, he stated that, to hts know-ls no change antictpated ln the system inasrnuch as it r22 was deslgned to servtce thls area. Posstbly, the full use ofthe pump station may need to be increased some day. Sewer system was built to City speciftcattons and shouLd sattsfy requlrements for this project. Councilman Amstrup noted that a sizeable sum vJas allocated forconsultants t repoits so that the Council might have expert ad-vice on the best use of the bayfront land. He referreil to aseries of meetlngs at Commlssion and Councll Level for theexpress purpose of revlewLng Blayneyrs material, stated hls pos-ition there should be no actlon on this project at thls tlme, and expressed the hope that CounclL declsion can be nade earlierthan the. L20 days (expiratton date of urgency ordtnanc e) ment ionedat a prior meetlng. CounciLman Marttn commented Ehat, if most of the EIR probLemsare going to be covered tn Blayneyrs final report, thire may beothers requirlng attentton, Bay pollution as an exampLe. Thts may require a separate study and be to the developerrs advantage. Mayor Crosby, taking cognizance of Council ts lnclination towarddelay untll the report has had ln-depth study, stated he, too,felt tt would be rather premature to act on thts project at thlsttme. _ He e:lpressed the hope that the studtes can be expedtted to some form of action. Counc tlwoman sympa thiz edfrustration was c ertainthe report t Bartonwith Mr they wethe oth o conc I , in agreeing with postponement, stated she. Raiser and Mr. Keyston and recognLzed there enduring. She pledged to work hard, as sheer members of the Council would, to finallze us ion . l.Iayor Crosby thereafter declared a conttnuance foruntll there ts a dectsion on the report. COMMI.'NICAIIONS 30 days or t. APPEAL FILED BY REBECCA RANGEL TROM CITY.S DENIAL OF !'ASSEUSE LICENSE Mayor Crosby acknowledg above appeLlanE and sch meeting of April L7, as communication dated llarch 23, 1978 fromuled hearing for the regular Councilrovided by Municipal Code. ed ed p Under date of March 31, 1978, Mr. Ray Kllewer, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, transmltted a request from Mr. R. Sanborn.Towle, co-chair- man of Burlingame Days, for additional funding from the City to support the varlety of BurLingame Days festivities. FoLlowing dis-cussion, CounciL members agreed that addttlonaL facts and ftgures substantiating the request should be furntshed. The Clty Manager was requested to pursue with Mr. Kliewer. STAFF MEMORANDA 2. BI'RLINGAME CHAI.EER OF COMMERCE: BI.'RLINGAME DAYS FI.'NDS. REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN 1. CITIZENSI PETITION FOR CROSSING GUARD AT EL CAMINO REAL AND BAY DEIILE/R9SEDALE 0n Februarypetition witing a guard request to t Commlsslon f 1978, Mrs. Lana Scott, 1637 Westmoor Road, filed a the City with approximately L40 signatures request-the above Location. The Clty Manager referred theTrafflc Englneer and Traffic, Safety & Parkingreview and recommendat ion. resented the petition to Council with reports from staffssion. City Manager advised that warrants are not met 3, h at he or In a rnemorandum to the City Council dated March 16, 1978, the City Ma nage r and Comm Pl-for an adult crossing guard and hiri f ooe ir-not recommendedbrEis offtce nor by Traffic,Safety, Parking Commiss lon. his fou be recommendat ion .nd warrants ale notj ustified . Y?yor-.Crosby asked CiEy Manager to ampLifyCity l4anaggi confirmed- that Eraffic sirrveymet, that hiring an additional guard cannot L23 Mrs. Lana Scott addressed CounciL, describtng existtng sit- uation as extremeLy hazardous for the students who must cross EL Camtno at Rosedale Avenue and at Ray Dri.ve. She statedthat parents realize the warrants are probably not met, but the potentiaL for accldent remains. Further, thts is probably the only lntersection on El Camino where elementary school students cross without an aduLE guard; other intersections, such as llillside Drlve and at McKinley School have crosstngguards. She asked if warrants are met at those crosslngs. Since Coolidge School closed, chtldren from that area cross at AdeLine, another unguarded lntersection. Mayor Crosby asked about Hillslde and McKinley School inter-sections. Ctty Manager teported guards are there but he was unable to state tf warrants sre met or not. Mrs. Scott re- ported a police offlcer attended one of the P.T.A. meettngs ind indtcated to her that those two intersecttons did not satisfy warrants. She constdered it vital that the chiLdren have supervised crossing at EL Camtno. Councilman Amstrup asked if there had ever been a guard at Ray Drlve. Mrs. Scott replied she had been told there had. Councilwoman Barton menttoned the tvro crosslng guards Grove Avenue on both stdes of the railroad track and reasslgnment of one. l. Progress on Sheratqn Exchirnge Site. on Oak suggested Councilsran Mangini commented parents also have a responslbllityfor thetr chililren and he would be somewhat embarrassed to see a kindergartner l'ralttng to cross El Camtno. Mayor Crosby asked why the two guards at Oak Grove Avenue. He thought one could be.transferred from there. Counctlnan Amstrup suggested a study to deterurtne where the guards can be used for the most good. Mayor Ctosby requested Ctty Manager to have the various inter- sections surveyed to determtne where the need.exlsts. STAFF MEMORANDA Mayor Crosby acknow- ch 30, 1978 with re-for the golf course fedg@rlatedMargard to obtaining addlttonal 64'000 s.f.' under the exchange agreement. 2. Prooosed Bus Route Chanee. Mavor Crosbv acknowledged a memo@ssei to ctty- llanager from Traf f ic Engtneer regardlng proposed bus route change. Clty Manager explained that that the routes to be deleted are not being used and are a dupltcation of regtonal service. Sam- Trans wtLL extend some of the routes from San Mateo into Burlingame so there wtll be Ehe same amount of bus service on the stieets as.plesently except a little ptece off of Primtose Road. The reason for thls is that these routes ale not cost effectlve. Sam Trans, to assure funding from Metropolitan Transportation Commlsslon, oust recover at Least 357" of the cost of operatton from the fare box. One route tn the Ctty only re- coveis 16%, anothet ?%, and the other about 9%. One route collects about $20 in fares and it costs about $357. to oPerate the bus. About $2.26 fox every passenger carrted ts being subsldized. The tdea tn the proposed route change is to try to be a llttle more cost effectlve with approximately the same amount of service. For lnstance, lt will be necessary to watk just about a block from where the bus stops on Callfornia Dr1ve to go to the Library. Councilman Amstrup mentioned he spoke wlth the bus people and they are planntng to ellminate Route 34C. He satd that lf this is done L21 ir to could work a hardshlp on the senior citizens who want to go the Library. He opposed removal of 34C. The Clty Manager reported that Sam Trans is Looking at all the routes in all of the cities. At Councilman Amstrup rs suggestion, the City l"lanager was re- quested to invlte a representattve of Sam Trans to the next reguLar meeting to expLatn their policy. 3. luxiliaries nnnu ing Mayor Crosby asked City Manager to arrange another night forthis meetlng. as April 28 was not convenient for the Council. 4. Skateboard Park City PLanner re-ect to be builty from preLtmtnary plans for whlch a Study Area Permtt was issued by.Counctl at the meeting of December L9, L977. In hls communlcatlon, the Planner noted 9 ltems for CounciL review before staff considers landscaping and gradtng. l,layor Ctosby asked the Planner to eLaborate on plan modiflcations. Thts was done with transparenctes. Mayor Crosby recognized Mr. David Keyston, Landowner, who re- ported that neither he nor the appllcant, Arthur Fash, were awarethat the plans were belng held up. The applicant Learned this when applying for a butlding permit. Mr. Keyston stated that when the use was approved Mr. Fash retained an architect to seek out as many new parks as possible ln an effort to lmprove design over the original presented to the City CounctL. One major change reduced average height of the project. The cLubhouse was relocated so that it r,rill be almost out of sight as far as view from the street. In a communication dated March 28, L978, ported that construction plans for this pat 620 Airport Boulevard differ substanti theroj aLl Concerning parking, Mr. Keystonafter study of actuaL operation Developer can either go back toCity that spaces will be install can be furnished around. the plan some of the landscaping to the rwith the requlrement of 157" land Further, in responsereservoir as simllar concrete hole in the sloping sides, a pop tated this area was reducedf other slmilar fac iL lt ies . L spaces now or commit to thed if needed. Addlttonal parking ed parklng area with removal ofar. This wiLL not interfere caping, s o 5 e n e s Councilman Mangtni referred to the area at the rear with the legend "No work This Area.rr Mr. Keyston suggested the appll- cant may be attempting to cut initial costs since this ls a first experlence on the Peninsula. Depending upon patronage' applicant may return to Councll with a request for addttional tung. Council- man Manginl thought the ftrst design projected a better operatton. o Councilman Mangtnl, Mr. Fash described the o a narrow svJimming pool. It is, tn fact, a lound, 8 feet deep, with 45 degree verticalar adjunct to skateboard parks. Councllman Amstrup asked about the publtc access walk tn relatlon to the Lagoon. Mr. Fash descrlbed it as ctose to the water as it could be, safely, for publlc enJoyment of the Bay. Clty Attorney commented the flagpol'es w!1L probabty require spec!aL approval of the Plannlng Commlssion under the sign code. CouncLlwoman Barton asked if relocatlon of the clubhouse was sig- nlficant. Planner responded "no." She thought that more parktng was needed tt cul L25 Councilman Amstrup moved to approve the d subject to addition of space for parklng through the adJacent parcel to align with Wich reference to parklng, Counctlman Martin stated that partof the landsc.aplng at the front wlll disappear if parking is added there. Mr. Keyston stated he wtll provlde additlonalland to the right of the existing parking. Counctlman llartinpreferre added parktng off-stte. He noted thaf ielocattonof the clubhouse will require the street to be dug out for a sewer connection. Mr. Keyston advised that the driveway will be moved east or south to a medtan. Mayor Crosby asked for the addttional parktng to be shown on the ptan. The City Attorney asked.-if the Study Area Permit applies tothat area described as "No Work Thls Area." Mr. Keyston ex- plained this portion ts part of the lease to the skateboardpeople. He wtll di.scuss !'rith Mr. Fash an alternattve whereby he (Keyston) will glve some of the parklng in the front to Fash and take back some of the rear portlon of the adjacentparcel to prevent creatlon of a Land-Locked parcel. Mr. Keyston commented that Mr. Fash should return to the Councilif he wlshes to develop the land at the tear. Mr. Fash stated without on-street parktng hls only alternative is to furnish adequate usable parking. City Attorney asked Councit if it lvanted the I1 additlonal sPaces at thts time. It was Councilman Martinrs idea to allow the developer to pro- ceed with the current spaces for a period of six months. He would then come back for review of parklng needs. gn as modified, needed, an entrance e existtng median and review of parking in six months. .Motton seconded by Counctlman Manglni, all aye voice voEe. RECONVENE Following a short recess, Mayor Crosby called the meettng to order at L0:00 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 1: Ltabtllty Clatms of Thomas Dalrson, Patrtcia l,lanert, Ruth Harvey . Item 2: Spectal Encroachment Permtt: Fence at 1317. Balboa Avenue in .Street Rtght-Of-Way. Consent calendar approved on motlon of Counctlman Amstrup, second by Councilman Manglnt, all aye voice vote. RESOLUTIONS 1. RESOLUTION N0. 18-78 "Orderins Destructlon of Noxlous Andoangffiish,ANuiIanceInTheCltyofBur1lngame'' I,trayo r Crosby declared the public hearlng open and invited comments from the floor. There were none. The hearing was closed. ResoLution was inEroduced by Counc ilman Maltin, who moved adoption, second by Councilman MangLnl, unanirnously carrted on rolL caLl, 2. RESOLUTION N0. 19-78 "Approvlns Variances YvonnelasZ@urliigame "-was introduced by Mangini, who moved adoption, second by Counctlman Marcarrled on following rolt call: AYES: Council Members: Crosby - Mangini - Martin NOES: Council Members: Amstrup - Barton esiif rh T cri . Gener, ounc llmann, dec lared Council members Amstrup and Barton sustained their originaL pos- L26 itlons ln opposition to approval of the variances. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET On Motion of Councilman Manglnl, second by Councllman Martin,quarterly allocatlon for promotional activlties, January 3 through March 31, 1978, in the amount of $4250.00 was unant- mously approved on voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS L. CiviL Emergenqy Preparedness Cqllrse: In res POnSe tO aninquiiy -rom Coun.[I-man MangAn! thE CIEy ]tranager reported there would not be a City representatlve attendlng this course. Councllman Mangini asked if the City had met the latest .deadline for submlttal of its 9Ll PLan. Chief Fricke confirmed that allof the requlred documents had been forwarded to the County of San Mateo for processing. 2. .CeqnciL LegtsLative Review Committee: Councilman Martin 3. Reappointments To Plannine Commission: In a memorandumdate d Jules L. Francard and Ruth E. Jacobs have indicated wllllngness to serve another term on the Planning Commisslon. Reappointments were confirmed by City Council . 4, Fire Station Site. Hunt Drive And City Owned Lot. Arguello was app ey in reviewing Leagueof Californla Cittes Legislative Bulletins. Dri ve: Councilman Amstrup referred to Park Director rs memorandum toClty Manager dated March 16, 197 ance of the above properties. Hfor sprinkler instaLLation and p explaining it was not hls intentcostly project but to do the ver mnnpower and equipment. As an a Llons and Rotary Clubs mlght be provement project. At Mayor Cro llanager lras requested to incLude meeting agenda. Pendlng Legislation:eltaes Ieglstative ButLetin C i.ty Attorney re o + 8, concerning status of mainten- e questioned an amount of $5600.lanttng at fire statlon lot,lon that the Clty undertake ay best posslble with avatlableIternative to that, perhaps lnterested as a communlty im- sby ts recommendation, tha Citythe item on a forthcomtng study 5. of,to Au allEoinia ose" on AB (- PPrh 2659 Bindin Arbitration and AB 2744 orted that the League L2-L97 8 recommends enc Sho n voice vote, a hirlngy, wlth exceptlon of pos- tment; al1 other additions pproval. elEy-s opposition to approprtate Assembly comntttees. Reference was made Eo League's bulletin #tl-L978 contatning an item re-garding elections of Councilmembers by dtstrict (AB 2L74 and 2164). Hearing was held by Assembly Commtttee on Elections and Reapportion- ment on Wednesday, March 29. oxLzed.ty ounc agre e t at ity Attorney c ommun cate 6. !e1nt ing of Recreqtion Center I Councllman Martin asked City Manager @sal on this proJect. NEW BUSINESS t Director of Finance: On motlon of Councilman Marttn , second by Councilman Manginl, unanimously carried, appo intment of Mr. Dennis Argyres to position of Finance Director was confirmed. 2. Hirlng Freā‚¬ze: On motion of Councilman Amstru p, second by Councitman lvla rt in , unan lmousLy carrie freeze was declared effective immedlaitlon of accountant tn the Flnance Deto staff to be subject to City Counci dotel ParLa 3. Planting in Front of Recreation Center: Councllman Barton reported she had heard that ivy instead of grass was to be planted L27 in this area. She asked City ltlanager to investigate. 4. date e ecial Audit: o pr A request from the City Treasurer under 978 for an additional $1000.00 to proceedwith professional audlting servlces of the Transient Occupancy Tax was approved on motton of Councilman Mattin, second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carried on votce vote. 5. Flea Market :Mr. llarry Grahamrs requestparking lbE- Tor this activity on l'Iay 7 from5 P.M. was unantmously spproved on motlon of Amstrup, second by Councilman Barton. (Lots Bros . , and postofflce.) to use two c ityt0:00 A.M. to Counc ilman adjacent to Levy , L978, recommendlngfill local city on Commls s ion . PROCLAMATION Mayor Crosby proclaimed April 2 through 8, [978 NATI0NAL LIBRARY WEEK in the City of Burlingame. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS l. City Manager memorandum of March 30, 1978, concerning San Mateo County Comprehensive Water Resources Management PLan.City Manager recommended referral to May or June study meetingto allow staff time to prepare its report. 2. City Manager memorandum of March L6, L978, concernLngexisttng vacancles on commissions: One each on Beautification,Library Board, and Traffic, Safety, Parking. 3. Director of Publlc Works report of March 28, L978, to City Manager concerning "Blocking of City Streets by Building Con-tractors.rl 4. AssocLation of Bay Area Govelnments: Letter of. lSarch 22, 1978 retating some ci-ty councils I opposition to 6-L7. dues tn- c rease . 5. City of Millbrae: Letter of March nomlnation of Councilman Arthur Leporeofficial position on Local Agency Forma l5 tori 6. City of Foster City: Letter of March 2L, L978, favoring appointment of Vice-Mayor Gllbert Zimmerman to Executive Boardof Associatlon of Bay Area Governments. 7. Law Offices of Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Mi-Lne and Vlahos, San Francisco: Letter of March 27, L978, regarding Litigationagainst Clty and County of San Francisco - Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Charges. 8. John R. Bartlett, Rochester, New York, commendation to Burlingame Police Department, expecially Inspector Hall . 9. Director of Recreation communication of l,{arch 21, 1978, con-cernlng attendance at California Park & Recreation Conference. 10. Planning Commission minutes, March 13 and City Planner rs summary of Commission meeting l{arch 27, 1978. 11. League of California Ctties: Announcement of speclalbriefings on SB I (Behr) and Proposition 8, Property Tax Relief. Counc ltman - Manglnl referred to an item in League of CaliforniaCtties Legislative Bullettn /lf0-I978 on Deferied CompensationProgram. City Manager confirmed that Internal Revenle Servicels attemptlng to elimtnate tax deferred programs. Informatlonal Meetl ng:City Council heard report from Mr. Ray ffi rc,q rrry-Y,?.T17i1stryw!^"r'1wryf'31:wtc 128 Kliewer, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, on progress to datein arranging the public forum on Proposition 13 - Jarvis-Ganninitiative and Proposition 8 - SB l. He stated there have been some problems- in obtaintng speakers pro and con, but he has spoken-with a San Francisco representative of a Los Angelespublic relations firm, who would be willing to assist in pub- licity and provide a list of speakers. The meeting has beententatively scheduled for the last week in April. Councilman Martin suggested that Mr. Kliewer confer with CounciLman Albert M, Teglia of Daly City; he may be able to assist. ADJOURNI'IENT : At I0 :30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, {Wk:##//#*e