HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1977.09.07An adJourned regular meeting of the Burl t!8ame Ctty Counctl was held -on Wednesdly, Septembei 7, L97?, ln Conference Room B of the Burlinsame ctty ilitt.- The meettn8 was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by l,Iay6r A. C.- ttBud" Ilarrtson who noted that all councllmen were Present. HANDICAP RAMPS, FIRE STATION NO. DRIVEWAY ABANDONMENT AND L DRIVEWAY (Job 77-3) 2. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (JoB 77-2 Mr. Coleman expLalned that there had been problems e,lth. the -btd.Valentine Co.r-the l-ow btdder on Items L and 2, clalm they forgot. .to tnclude tn-their flnal btd ftgure the cost for demolltton of stde- walks and the btd $as therefore $3,500 lower than tt should be. The next htgher bid (George Btancht Constructlon) is $5,400 higher than the bld-of Vatentilne Co. The sttuatton had been dtscussed wlth the Director of Publtc Works who Ls on vacatton, and hts recommendatton' in whlch Mr. Coleman concurs, ls that the contract be awarded to the Low btdder. He would then have the chotce of dotng the work and provlng the mistake to collect addtttonal payments over the btd prlce'. 6r he iould forfett the btd bond and the contract then wtll be awarded to the next lowest btdder. Counctlman I'Iart ln questtoned whether back-up ftgures were furntshed, includtng work sheets, tn support of the clatm of mtstake. Mr. Coleman iesponded thai tnforiritton had been furnlshed to the Publtc Works Department, but that it had not been made avatlable for thts meettng.- Mr. Marttn stated that lf error can be proved there ls no point In forclng performance of the bld. Mayor Harrison questioned irhether Valentine-Co. should be foreed to 8o to court to collect the addittonal $3.600 when the dtfference beFreen the btd plus the amount of the error ($13,500) ts only $[,800 less than the next Lorest btd ($15,400). Counctlman ttrartin stated that he could make a determin- dttoir as to the nature of the mistake if he had the $ork sheets for examtnatlon. After attempttng to find the vorksheets and to contact the Associate Ctty Engtnelr without success, Mr. Coleman suggested that the matte! bi puE over to the next counctl meetlng when the materlal coutd be piesented. t'tayor Harrtson suSSested the bld of Anza Englneering f6r the other ttems of the work be consLdered slnce Items l-and 2 were separate from the btd for ltems 3 through 10. Councilman !trarttn recommended that btds for the enttre Job be con- stdered at one tlme because of the techntcal posstbtllty that there mtqht be a untt btd for all the items whtch is lower than the combtn- ation of the Anza btd and the second lovrest btd for Items L and 2. l{ayor Ilarrtson sald that the btds for Job 77-3 would be considered at th- regular Counctl meettng of September L9th. I ) Counctlman tlarttn lntroduced Resolutton No. 78-77, Awardtng Contract' Water System Improvements (Job 77'2) ar,d sroved lts -adoptton. The motton iras seconded by Counc iknan Crosby and was adopted by unantmous ro11 call vote . The meettng adJourned to a CounctL study neeting. Notes: A. Keattng BI'FiLINGAUE, CALIFORNIA September 7, L977 A G E N D A STUDY MEETING September 7 , 1977 8:00 p.m. 1. Review of John Blayney Associates Report #1 5P ¢ 5c? d e o Basic Data and Issues 2. Conflict of Interest Code 3. Auctioneers Regulation 4. Zero Base Budgeting Regional Seminar Attendance by Finance Director 5. Procedure on Filling of Chief Fire Inspector Position 6. Other BURLINGAME , CALIFORNIA September 7 , 1977 An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on Wednesday , September 7 , 1977 , in Conference Room B of the Burlingame City Hall . The meeting was called to order at 8 : 05 p . m . �. by Mayor A . C . It Harrison who noted that all councilmen were present . 1 . HANDICAP RAMPS , DRIVEWAY ABANDONMENT AND FIRE STATION NO . 1 DRIVEWAY (Job 77 - 3) Mr . Coleman explained that there had been problems with the bid . Valentine Co . , the low bidder on Items 1 and 2 , claim they forgot to include in their final bid fi ure the cost for demolition of side - walks and the bid was therefore 3 , 600 lower than it should be . The next higher bid (George Bianchi Construction) is $5 , 400 higher than the bid of Valentine Co . The situation had been discussed with the Director of Public Works who is on vacation , and his recommendation , in which Mr . Coleman concurs , is that the contract be awarded to the low bidder . He would then have the choice of doing the work and proving the mistake to collect additional payments over the bid price , or he could forfeit the bid bond and the contract then will be awarded to the next lowest bidder . Councilman Martin questioned whether back-up figures were furnished , including work sheets , in support of the claim of mistake . Mr . Coleman responded that information had been furnished to the Public Works Department , but that it had not been made available for this meeting . Mr . Martin stated that if error can be proved there is no point in forcing performance of the bid . Mayor Harrison questioned whether Valentine Co . should be forced to go to court to collect the additional $3 , 600 when the difference between the bid plus the amount of the error ( $13 , 600) is only $ 1 , 800 less than the next lowest bid ( $ 15 , 400 ) . Councilman Martin stated that he could make a determin- ation as to the nature of the mistake if he had the work sheets for examination . After attempting to find the worksheets and to contact the Associate City Engineer without success , Mr . Coleman suggested that the matter be put over to the next council meeting when the material could be presented . Mayor Harrison suggested the bid of Anza Engineering for the other items of the work be considered since Items 1 and 2 were separate from the bid for Items 3 through 10 . Councilman Martin recommended that bids for the entire job be con- sidered at one time because of the technical possibility that there might be a unit bid for all the items which is lower than the combin- ation of the Anza bid and the second lowest bid for Items 1 and 2 . Mayor Harrison said that the bids for Job 77 - 3 would be considered at the regular Council meeting of September 19th . 2 . WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (JOB 77 - 2) Councilman Martin introduced Resolution No . 78- 77 , Awarding Contract , Water System Improvements (Job 77 - 2) and moved its adoption . The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and was adopted by unanimous roll call vote . The meeting adjourned to a Council study meeting . Notes : A . Keating C t r. BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING September 7 , 1977 PRESENT : Councilmen : AMSTRUP , CROSBY , HARRISON , MARTIN , MANGINI CITY TREASURER SOMMER Staff : SCHWALM , COLEMAN , MILLICAN , SWAN , FRICKE Mayor A. C . "Bud" Harrison convened the study meeting at 8 : 35 immediately following an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council . Mr . Brian Laheney of Pacific Gas & Electric Company presented copies of an energy manual prepared for distribution to appropriate leaders of the community which he had distributed to Council members , the City Manager , City Planner and Director of Public Works to be used as a reference book for information needed for dealing with problems as they relate to energy , not only in California , but throughout the country . The manual will be updated periodically and inserts will be mailed every two or three months . Mayor Harrison thanked Mr. Laheney for his presentation . 1 1 . REVIEW OF JOHN BLAYNEY ASSOCIATES REPORT NO 1 . Mr . Swan reported that the first phase of the land use study had been distributed and suggested that special attention be given to Section 7 beginning on page 7 and comments about absorbtion of office space . He commented *on the schedule of study of the land use and traffic reports by the Traffic , Safety and Parking Commission , Planning Commission and joint meetings of those commissions with the Council . Both consultants must await instructions to proceed after study of the first reports . Mayor Harrison reminded Council that a steering committeecon- sisting of the Mayor , Tom Taylor , Wayne Swan , Ralph Kirkup , Tom Moore and Vic Sub- botin had been appointed at the last meeting and instructed to come up with an I agenda to expedite study of the two plans and working proposals and to get feed- back from the two commissions . A 'recommended schedule has been presented to Council in the hope that action can be taken at the Council meeting of October 17th . Councilman Martin asked that sufficient time for study be allowed before a decision is requested on recommendations of the commissions . Councilman Amstrup stated that a decision on the Convention Center should be made before effective action on the land use study could be taken . In answer to Mayor Harrison ' s question about the status of the Convention Center project , Mr . Coleman reported that Hornblower-Weeks had experienced some delay in communication with Mr . Silverton ' s auditor in their attempts to get financial figures . He estimated it would be three or four weeks before a decision would be before Council . Council - man Amstrup considered that too far off because the decision on the Convention Center project was important to the bayfront use reports . Mr. Swan stated that the 60-day reports won ' t be available until October 1st . Councilman Martin suggested adhering to the steering committee ' s schedule through the joint meeting of September 17th , and hopefully the Convention Center figures will be available before October 1st , and Mayor Harrison concurred that the schedule would be followed through the joint meeting of September 17th . Councilman Amstrup called attention to the question of the -recreation value of the golf course on page 24 of the Blayney report inasmuch as Council had voted for a golf course some years ago , and an architect was presently working on plans . Mr. Swan commented that he felt it is one of a set of questions regarding best land use and it may have come from discussions with staff of BCDC . Councilman Martin stated that he felt the consultant was alerting the City to BCDC policy . After further discussion by council members and staff it was recommended that Mr. Blayney make no further contact with BCDC . k Councilman Mangini expressed concern about the treatment of residential use p in the report and questioned whether such use was desirable in the study area. I€., Councilman Martin queried whether use could be limited to an adult community. Councilman Amstrup pointed out the need to consider the advisability of permitting auto rental use of land because it was relatively unprofitable. Mr. Swan pointed out that the City would be reviewing existing regulations and suggested regulations to implement recommended land use. He suggested John Blayney be asked to attend the September 17th meeting. l Mr. David Keyston addressed the meeting. He agreed with Councilman Martin that the Blayney report was well done but pointed out .discrepancies he felt were im- portant. He felt some erroneous assumptions will distort impacts. He referred to the study report of projects to be completed by 1980 and pointed out that the present application for condominium use is for 320 units, whereas the study con- siders 136 units. He questioned figures used in Table 7 with regard to office floor space and land assumption. On page 9 reference is made to 2 acres committed to developement for commercial use, whereas four ' times that much is already in the planning stage. THe report list 13� acres for residential use, but the present application is for 6� acres. Mayor Harrison requested that any notices necessary be given regarding the September 17th joint meeting on the land use study report. 2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. i Mr. Coleman explained that the conflict of interest code before Council at this time concerns department heads, the Planning Commission, Library Board, and those persons who are involved in purchasing decisions. Council directed that the proposed resolution be placed upon the agenda for the next regular meeting. 3. AUCTIONEERS. Mayor Harrison approved the proposed language for an ordinance regarding regulation of auctions as proposed in Mr. Coleman's memorandum of July 19th. Councilman Martin questioned what would happen if a lessor advises an auctioneer that a license is required but the auctioneer does not apply for one. Councilman Mangini asked how prospective lessors of space will be notified of the code re- quirement. Mr. Coleman said he would write letters. Council directed that the proposed ordinance be presented for introduction at the next Council meeting. 4. ZERO BASE BUGETTING. Mr. Millican reported that he has received numerous announcements of seminars on 11} this subject and suggested that he be authorized to attend one in October in Denver, six months before the same type ofprogram is offered in Los Angeles, because it would be helpful in connection with the November five-year capital improvement considerations: He is asking permission to use contingency funds in the approxi- mate amount of $150 for registration and $300 for airfare and expenses. Councilman Amstrup recommended that the Finance Director attend the seminar as requested. Mayor Harrison noted that there was no objection. 5. CHIEF FIRE INSPECTOR. Mr. Schwalm indicated that Council had before it the determination of whether . appointment to chief fire inspector would be directed to Mr. Newell or whether outside applicants should be considered. Chief Fricke pointed out that Mr. Newell has served in the acting capacity of chief fire inspector since Inspector Pearson 's retirement and that he has had nothing but good reports in that time. The job announcement was sent to forty cities, and only ten applications were received, basically from an area where there had been a substantial cutback. He had evaluated the applications impartially and had come down to three people, one of whom was Larry Newell . He has been working well in the job, is as qualified, or more so, as any candidate and, considering the morale situation, it is his recommendation that Mr. q Newell be given the job. Mayor Harrison stated that based on Chief Fricke's recommendation, he has no objection. Councilmen Martin, Crosby and Amstrup j agreed. -2- 5 . OTHER . 1 . Hotel Tax Audit Mr. Sommer stated that he has a request for an appropriation from the contingency fund . Since the budget was prepared he has noticed a discrepancy and would like to have authority to hire a man whom he and Mr . Millican have interviewed to audit hotel records , which has not been done for over two years . The man they would like to hire on an hourly basis is George Warren who had been with the General Services Administration for ten years and about whom he has had excellent reports . He thinks we may gain more in the way of recovered taxes between now and next year than the approximate $1 ,000 which it is estimated the audit will cost . Council voiced no objection . 2 . Downtown Parking Requirements ' ; i Councilman Amstrup stated that the recent Council meeting had demonstrated a need for clarifications about parking requirements for downtown buildings . He said he felt that developers coming into the area should not be penalized , and that Mr. Graham and Mr . Karp had emphasized the need at last night ' s meeting . He feels exemptions should be clearly stated and that overhang should not be considered in lot coverage . Councilman Martin said he felt the formula is correct and that each situation has to be considered . Mayor Harrison agreed . Councilman Amstrup pointed i out that there is $100 , 000 sitting in the parking fund ; perhaps the money should be i uncommitted . He stated that he would like to have the rules and regulations spelled out clearly so everyone would know what the requirements are before hand . Presently it is merely an attachment to a resolution . Councilman Mangini objected to the regulationsbeing titled " tentative" and said he felt they should be formally ! structured . Councilman Martin recalled that the original formula was set up to I�I make an equitable situation so far as people already in the parking system were I concerned . He stated that people who have already paid should be protected . ! Councilman Amstrup stressed the need to encourage people who come to town and will improve the city . Councilman Mangini asked if problems could not be resolved by variance procedure . Mayor Harrison agreed that the Fox Theatre parking problem was indicative of a need which he would like to see resolved . Mr . Coleman pointed out that if unleasable space were eliminated there may be only half the floor ti coverage . Councilman Martin stated that merchants are losing parking because of office space and regulation is necessary so parking will not be strangled . Councilman Mangini suggested requiring a $5 , 000 contribution for every project . t i Notes : ' A. Keating I AI � I i - 3-