HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.04.17BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA April I7,1978 CALL TO ORDER A regul ar meeti ng of the Burl i ngame Ci ty Counci l was hel dabove date i n the Ci ty Hal I Counci I Chambers. Meeti ng wasto order at 8:05 P.M. by Mayor tJiIIiam J. Crosby. on the cal I ed PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Led b y Wayne lt1 . Swan, Ci ty Planner. ROLL CALL Counci I Council Members Members Present: Absent : Amstrup, Barton, Crosby, Mangi ni , Marti n. None MINUTES: Meeting PRESENTATION of Apri I 3, 1978 'were approved and adopted. Mr. A.R. Cianfichi, a representative from SanTrans, discussedproposed route changes in the City of Burlingame. Maps were dis-played showing present and proposed services. Mr. Cianfjchi exp la i ned it is not i ntended to depl ete servi ce but to el i mi nateduplications of servi ce and extend other routes. He s ta ted therewill be servi ce for students attendi ng Burl i ngame Hi gh School wholive in San Mateo and, should the school system be forced toreduce its service, SamTrans will be available. He identified onthe maps areas of duplicate service that now exist and explainedit was thi s dupl i cati on that led to the decision to el imi irateroutes 34B and 34C in Burlingame. He noted that 34-C servicedPeninsula Hospi tal, In the future, 34-D will cover that a rea.He acknowledged concern that had been expressed by the City Counci I for sen i or ci ti zens who take I ocal transportat.ion to thelibrary and explained that redi-wheels is available in suchsituations. Responding to Mayor Crosby's inquiry, Mr, Cianfichi identifiedredi -whee ls as a servi ce whi ch requi res 24-hour advance noti ceby the individual requesting it, a doctor's certification andcosts 250, i ncl udi ng return tri p to poi nt of origin. Mr. Gal I agher reported that new routi ngs wi l1 be effecti ve llay !,-]979. In response to an inguiry from Counciiman f,mstrup,14r. Gal I agher explained where therd is a I arge number of trans?ersbetween routesr a new route or extended route can be justified. However, there'has not been an appreciable voiume of transfersin &he easterly area of the city, un Deha it of Counci 1 , Mayor pre s e n ta t i o n . Crosby thanked the gentl emen for thei r BID AhIARD t'lATER SYSTEM IMPROVE14ENTS In a memorandum dated Apri I 10, I978' Associate Civil Engineer reported that were opened on March 13, l97B' It was 0epartment of Public }lorks, concurred bi ds be awarded as follows: BIDDER FIT. T'' McQu i re Forni C Chas. M P.E. 0/ to the City Manager, the bids for the above Proiectthe recommendation of the in by City Manager that the ITEM Albestos-cement Pi pe Servi ce Materi a l s Concrete Vaul t Pres sure Reduci ng Val ves P.v.C. Pipe Hair &J orpo, Ba Hai r PRICE $2T;TT5.27 1 ,7 44 .19 I ,856 . 00 1 ,47 4 ,23 493.01 & Co. uvet rationiley Co., Inc. & Co. 132 133 RES0LUTI0N N0. 20-78 Awardin Contract 1978 !',ater S s tems Im rove- ments Job No. 7tr7 wa s n ro uce v ounc man ang n o move a option, second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carriedon rol i calI. HEARING APPEAL OF REBECCA RANGEL FROM CITY'S DENIAL OF MASSEUSE LICENSE memorandum mentioned At Mayor Crosby's invitation, City Attorney reviewed events leadingto tri s heari ng, explaining that Ms. Rangel had appl i ed for aIicense in February and during oral interview with members of thePolice Department stated she had never been arrested. Upon back-ground check, Pol lce Department found this statement to be falseand recommended denial of Iicense. Attorney noted that a licensecan be denied if the person's character is questionable or iffalse.or misleading statements have been made. Municipal Codeprovides for a hearing in this instance. Mayor Crosby acknowledged Ms. Rangel, who admitted she had givenfalse information at the interview with regard to arrest. Atthe time, she felt it was not the inspectoi,s business as thearrest took place 4-l /2 to 5 years ago and there was never a con-viction. She felt something should not be carried on and on likethis, expl ai ni ng she is now a sen i or at U.C. Santa Cruz and hopesto conti nue to obtai n her Masters. Further, a lthouqh she tol d afalsehood during the interview, she did not do so on the applica-ti on. Mayor Crosby referred to the intervievring inspector,sand Ms. Rangel stated she did not make tIe stitementsthere, except that she had not been arrested. Councilman Martin questioned staff if it was wrong if, someone hasbeen arrested but not convicted. City Attorney stated it couldbe wrong in a licensing situation, depending on the nature of thearrest. Councilman Martin asked if it had been an oral interview.Police Chi ef stated it usual ly is a ',one-on-one,, situation inwhich the inspector interviews the applicant; among the questionsasked are those concerning pni or arrests and pol ice contacts.He noted that the nature of an arrest in licehsing instances isimportant. In this case, it was felt that the nature had a d i rect rel ati onshi p to what mi 9ht be encoun tered in the parti cu- I ar type of business. Mayor Crosby questioned the applicant about the reference f'Oolice contact". She denied saying she never had policebut did say she had never been arreited. to c0ntact. Counci lwoman Barton asked if admi tted she di d. she knew she was lyi ng, I'l s . Rangel Counci lman Ams trupcant had lied; she Pol i ce Department supported. felt the whole question was whether the appli-has admitted thi s. It was his position thewas trying to protect the city, It should be Counci Iman Marti n as ked if the appl i cant woul d the appl ication have been den i ed,it may have been due to the nature of the Ms. Rangel agreed with Councilman Amstrup,responsibility to the communi ty but felt,personnel were being very firm and rigid. s in had not evaded Ci ty Attorneyarrest. the truth responded comments about thi s i ns tance , police Mayor Crosby commented that the police Department hasstaff is_bound-by provisions of the Municipal Code.fal se information was given by the appl icaht, pol icehad no al ternati ve but to deny. a job to do, Because Department I i cense on rol I Councilman Amstrup's motion to upho'l d denial of theseconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously wa s cal I . a 131 RECONVENE:Fol I owi ng a brief recess, the meeti ng reconvened atElio T.r'4. INTRODUCTION:Mayor Crosby presented Mr. Dennis Argyres, City'sector.new F I nance Dir CHAMBER OF COMMERCE:. BURL I NGAME DAYS . I.IITHDRAWAL OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS Mayor Crosby acknowledged communication of April 5, 1978, from Ray KIiewer, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the above item be. removed from Council agenda until additionalinformation has been compiled. There were no objections fromCity Counci I . STAFF MEMORANDA I. BIDS BURLINGAME PLAZA PROJECT JoB N0. 74-24 In a communication dated April 12, I978, Assistant City Engineer reported to City Manager that the low bid exceeded Engineer's estimate by $10,000.00. Three bids were submitted. A series of changes in the project were recommended by Assistant Engineer to reduce costs while essentially retaining integrity of project. Council heard a report from City Engineer and his recommendation, endorsed by City Manager, that the bids be reiected and proiect readvertised. Engineer estimated that contract on revisedproject could be ready for Councii consideration at first meeting 'i n June. l'4ayor Crosby acknowledged City Attorney communication of April reporting on substantial damage to the home of Dr. Riley, l5l0 Lane, as the result of City sewer main back up. ll, .l978, La Mesa In reporti ng on i nci dent, Ci ty Attorney i nformed Counci l there wasrather a clear case of City iiability as the house was filled with sewage one foot deep , maki ng it uninhabitable. He conc l uded that payment would appear to be appropriate settlement. Because claim r{as more than $5,000.00, he was not authorized to approve payment. Council members questioned if work had been performed before payment had been authorized. Attorney agreed that handling of the matter was questionable. He offered to obtain documentation from hisoffi ce. Thi s was done and presented I ater i n the meeti ng. ( I nserted here for purposes of continuity,) Following presentation, Councilman Mangini moved approval of claimin the amount of $7,500.00, second by Councilwoman Barton, unani- mously carri ed on rol I cal l. Counci l questioned insurance carrier's procedure in approving this large settlement before approaching the City. City Attorney con-fi rmed he i ntended to di scuss thi s wi th i nsurance admi ni strator. 3. APPLICATI0N 0F J0SEPH KARP: RECLASSIFICATI0N OF PORTION OF 3.PARCEL,I5OO BURLINGAME AVENUE, FROM R-i TO R- I COMMUNICATION Councilman Amstrup's motion to accept staff recommendation was seconded by Councilman Mangini, unanimously carried on rolI call. City Engineer explained that purpose of the project was to provide di rect access from EI Cami no Real i nto Burl i ngame Pl aza, i ncl udi ng some improvements to Trousdale Drive. 2. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM RICHARD L. RILEY City Planner communication of April ll, 1978, transmitted naterial concerni ng a bove . Mayor Crosby scheduled public hearing at the regular meeting of May 1, 1978. 1-35 4 AMENDMENT PROPOSED OF SPECIAL PERMIT: OFFICE CENTER, I35O KING & ASSOCIATES H I GHI,IAY . CHARLES BAYSHORE city Planner transmitted to city Qoulgil under date of-April 13, l97B' I eiier iiom eensi er & Associ ate;/Archi tects, dated Apri I I2, requesti ng ..ri.* by City Council at April I7 meeting,design progress for above p.oj.iit-i.a ii,provat of design changes made since Council approval 5f ipeciat pei"init and varianie appiications on 0ctober '3, 1977 ' Planner,s letter cited differences in new project plans from Gensler siie plan, including landscaping' for which-City Council. approved variahce ior 20% co;pact parking and special permit for building height over 50 feet. Planner considered design changes improvements to project pl ans. Revi sed pl ans were furni shed Ci ty Counci I . At Mayor Crosby,s request, Planner discussed prior city council action where-by projeci was approved wi th condi ti ons . Pl anner read moti on adoptei by iouncil in bctober,1977, and explained that BCDC made suggestiois about better design of the Iandscaped area along the sh6iel i ne (i.e. a scal l oped effect wi th wi de and narrow areas rather than the one-wi dth corri dor shape ) wi th access area for the publ ic Iocated along the rear of the Iot in varyilg widths. .He noted there were tIree design changes: I )plaza Ieve] redesigned to add 14,400 square feet gross floor area' compared with 2,300 square fe6t t obby area , wi Ih a new parlting garage- for 48 cars in the base- ment to sirve added fl oor are6,td hi gher fl oor to fl oor hei ght addino about 5-l tZ to 6 feet to the total height of tlle building, and 3I a change in shape of building making it more of a rectangle with a ground floor of I4,400 square feet and eight office floors at 17,925 square feet. Planner concluded his review and informed Counci I that Mr, Gensl er and Mr. l,l i ntl er were present. In in in sh response to Counci I man Mangi ni , Pl anner s ta ted tha t the change the shorel i ne I andscapi ng was requested by BCDC whi ch resul ted changes in parki ng , possi bly havi ng an effect on building City Attorney advised that changes were only partly BCDC. He expressed concern that project required a speci al permi t. Si nce al terati ons are proposed, he noti ced heari ng shou ld be hel d. ape requ i red by vari ance and f e'l t a Councilman t'1arti n stated there were several concerns he would City Planner to address at time of public hearing - number ofparking spaces to be provided vs. original plan, how figures reached concerni ng addi tional fl oor a rea and number of parki n spaces proposed. Pi anner noted that proiect sati sfi es zoning ordi nance wi th 20% compa ct space rati o. I i ke were s Mr. Arthur Gensl er, representi ng appl i cant, stated he was di sturbed about a delay and felt they were not substantially modifying theplan. He said they had been working with C'i ty staff and BCDC since 0ctober and felt they worked in the spirit of everything Counci t had requested. He said the resul ti ng design changes actual ly i mprove and refi ne the proj ect and woul d not be in contrastto what was previously approved. Mayor Crosby interjected that the City Attorney had advised there shoul d be a publ i c heari ng. Mr. Gensl er emphas i zed that del ay woul d cos t a great dea I of money, on a project of this size possibly $100,000.00, noting that the main structural changes were an additional 2" on the floor tofloor height and a 'l 3'5" penthouse instead of l0'. He requestedpermission to denonstrate how the plan had been changed and hoped Council would give approval and support at this time. I,layor Crosby pol i ed Counci I . I t was the consensus that heari ng be hel d. Counc i I man Marti n announced he woul d bto attend May I meeting. Councilroman Barton asked for hearing as she was not on the Council at the time of the a noti cede unabl e anotherpri or \, 136 approvai . Counci I man Mangi ni fel t Counci l C ity Attorney reconmended another heari ng.that all of the changes were not a resuli had no Mayorof BCDC choi e e Crosbyaction. as the f el t lrli th Counci I concurrence, Mayo rfor the meeting of May I, 1978. 5. POPULATION HOLDING CAPACITY Mayor Crosby acknowledged City Planner memorandum of April 5, 1978,on the above subject. Planner advi sed in his communication thatdata was gathered for the Housing Element currently being preparedfor.'PIanning Commission recommendation and City Council action. STUDY AREA PERMIT HANSEN-COLE DEVELOPMENT: T}lO GILBRETH ROAO Crosby schedul ed the pubi ic heari ng INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, I6OO-I638 City Planner's communication of April 13, .l978, transmitted toCouncil documentation for the above deve'l opment. Pl anner, at 14ayor's request, revi ewed thestory buildings having a combined total ofgross floor area on a 3.216 acre site. He warehouse use was assumed in the cu rren t I Respondi ng to Counci I woman Barton , PI annertruck traffic would be handled on the exitpurpose of the easement. appl i 59 ,3stat and u cation for two one- 75 square f eet ed that office/ se studies and thetwo buildings would cater to large floor area uses of the airportrelated industry. A reduced set of plans were furnished forCouncil review. He recommended that if a study area permit igranted that Council requite a 24' wide driveway at the rearbuilding #2 for access around the building to Hincktey Road,an easement is not obtained over the adjacent property, this mi ght requ i re a I2' foot reduction in the bui I di ng for the dri ve-way to be totally on the property. Reference was made to thenegative declaration which states that no EIR is required becausethe project conforms to M- l Di stri ct regul ations and i s consi stentwith the General Plan. Users leasing the space would be subjectto permi tted uses wi thi n M-l zone i some uses woul d requi re speci al permits, s ofIf expl ai ned that moreroute, which is the City Engineer stated there is a public utilities easement in thearea of building #2, The applicant has applied for abandonment.This has been sent to the utilities and the City should be hearingfrom them. He noted this would require Council hearing, delaying cons tru cti on of bui I di ng #2.City Engineer stated there i Road but his department coul ith reference to bui Iding #1 , sewage I ift s tati on on Gi lbreth erform al I operations; if neces- was his posi tion these appl ication as much e appl i cant and his l.Isadpsary, the City should secure an additional easement, 15" from the common driveway out to Hinckiey Road. matte rs should not delay processi ng ofof the detai I s woul d be worked out Iri th It the thattorneys. City Engineer, responding to Councilwoman Barton,traffic signals were not necessary at this time; eventualiy,will be needed out to Bayshore. stated they Counci I man Mangi ni consi dered thi s a proper devel opment for thelocation. Ci ty Eng i neer adfi ve or six parc would be resolve easement menti on vi el d. ed sed a pa rce I map will be requested to combi ne thes involved. Any additional easement conditions The on ly current condi ti on rel ates to the l2'by City Planner.over the adjacent property. Mr. Buzz Bryan, project cl ient representative, reported this was an al ternati ve being considered. Councilman Martin moved approval of the Study Area Permit subjectto resol uti on of the l2 foot easemen t on adj acent property. Motion seconded by Councilman Mangini, unanimously carried on rol I call. -l I L37 RESOLUTIONS I. ACCEPTING l.lATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS J0B [0.77-2 Continued to a future meeting upon recommendation of Director of Publ i c I'lorks. ?. RESOLUTION NO. 2'I -78 AUTHORI'ZING EXECUTION OF RENEl.lAL OFffiERS SELF-INSURANCE COMPANY (ADDENDUM - ESIS C0NTRACT #4Bl) was introduced by Councilman Amstrup, . who moved adoption, second by Councilman t'langini, unanimously carri ed on rol I call. ORDINANCES I. ORDINANCE N0. ll25 Licensing The Transacti on And Carfying And Professions, Cal I i ngs0nlT Cdrtain Businesses,Trades And 0ccupati ons For The Purpose 0 was i ntroduced for fi rst read i ng Mayor Crosby announced public hea regular meeting of May I, 1978, nstrup as e a s a appr0ac Rai sing Muni ci pal Revenue Counci I man Mangi ni. ng to be he'l d at the f byri l. Crossing Guard Survey: In response to Councilwoman Barton, Chi eflf PoTi ae repof ted a survey o f each i ntersecti on woul d take severa'l months. city Engineer reported that Traffic Engineer's data would be available in time for a report to Council at the I ast meeti ng i n May. . Redwood Retai ners Northerl End 0f EI Camino Real:? A p i e a e epartment o Councilmanf Trans-f pl anti ngs Councilman Amstrup also mentioned the condition of the pathparalleling El Camino Real in the vicinity of Rosedale Avenue, improved recently at City expense. He asked if State equipmentthat had been working in the area was responsible for the damage. Ci ty Engi neer advi sed State i s responsi bl e for part, whi ch they said they will repair, and the City wilI have some pavlng donein the pathway for which it is responsible, ortati on, Di vi si on ofn the di vi der s tri p. Hi ghways, concerning appearafce o El Cami no Real Pavin Vicinit 0f Hillside Drive: s requeste o correspon t tate v s on o questi ng repavi ng of the porti on that is unsati sfac uncilman Martin commented lt is too rough to drive l. Youth Band To Cuernavacd: Counci I man Mangi ni 3. wa re Co City Clerk g hway story. on. reported that bei ng worked on, di rectors would i nform l{r. BiIl th e i dea of a I ocal band trave Iling to Mexlco is although who would comprise the band and who its be is still undetermined. He asked City CIerk to Garcia of the current status. 2. Voti ng Rotation:Councilman Amstrup's motion to havecalI votE- -I- n gEilfrom alphabetical system to rotation, sfirst vote pressure would not always be on one member, was by Counci lwoman Barton, carried unanimously on voice vote. rol lo that seconded 3. Counci I Study Meeti ng Mayor Crosby set May l0 for this meeting. fu4d !aising Activity: At Councilwoman Barton's request, @ame resident, addressed Council concerning group of eighth graders from Burlingame Intermediate School who 4. Mr a are pl ann i ng basketbal l.the commu n i tyfor chari ty, sponsored by se I e cted by to The fo is th the brea k the worl d record for conti nuous playing of students are hoping to receive commitments fromr donations for each hour played, The event is approved by teachers at the school but note school , the money to be given to a charity pl ayers . and will be hel d the last weekend in May, UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEt.l BUSINESS e 138 Council considered this an admirable undertaking and ple Mayor Crosby announced a proclamation would be prepared. support. APPR0VALS: l,larrants, numbers 1957 through 2298, in the amount of $428,1 33. 1 9 Irere approved on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carried on voice vote. Payroll, March,.l97B, in the amount of $373,524.21 , ghecks numbers 17ii0 through 2457, were approved on motion of Councilman Mangini 'second by Councilman Amstrup, unanimously carried on voice vote. PR0CLAMATI0N KQED t|eek, ApriI 21 through ApriI 30, I978' declared by Mayor Cros by. ACKNOt^lLEDGMENTS I . Communi cati on from Bi keuays Advi sory Commi ttee regardi ng ARTICLE TDA app l i cati ons. Ci ty Manager reported Ci ty had not appl i ed but sugges ti ons will submi tted as that is all that is required at this time. There would be no commi tment as to matching funds in the City responding as it intends to do now' 2, Communication from County of San Mateo concerning public or pri vate ownershi p of 0x Mountai n Sani tary Landfi I I . Referred to s tudy meeti ng. Reports: Monthly reports from Fire and Police Departments.Minutes: Beautification Commission, March 2, Li bary Board' March 21, Planning Commission, March 27, City Planner summaryof Planning Commission meeting April I0, 1978. Councilman Amstrup expressed concern about San Francisco l,Iater rates and the potenti al for new i ncreases. Counci I man Marti n asked i f the Peni nsul a Water Agency menbershi p i ntended to pursue thi s . Menti on was made there woul d be a meeti ng of the Public Utility Commission in San Francisco on ApriI 25. City Manager was requested to have a reprosentative from Burl i ngame attend, In response to an inquiry from Councilman Martin concerning aletter he received about visible house numbers, City Engineer reported a survey was being made by CETA employees and the information will be used in updating City's address records, s treet drain records, etc. Mayor Crosby asked that the matter of vacancies on commissions be placed on the agenda of the May l0 study meeting. ADJ0URNMENT At l0:30 P.M dged Mayor Crosby recognized Mr. Ray Kliewer,Generai Manager, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, who reported that the public forum on Propositions I and l3 (property tax relief measures) will be held on Thursday, Apri 1 27 at Bur'l i ngame Intermediate School. v /, FROM THE FLOOR