HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.04.16332 BURIINGAME, CALIFORNIA April 16, 1979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was hel-d on the above date in the City HaIl Council Chambers. Meeting was calledto order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE F'LAG Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEIUBERS PRESENT : COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN NONE Minutes of adopted. the regular meeting of April 2, l-979 were approved and RENT CONTROL MEETING APP.TL 24. Mayor Amstrup pointed out advisability of ground rules for thismeeting and requested Council suggestion. After discussion, it was agreed that spokesman for a group wourdhave 10 minutes for presentatj-on and 5 minutes for rebuttal toopponent's presentation, indivi-dual speakers approximately 3minutes, time limit on meeting 7:30 p.M. to 10:00 p.Ivt'. There wasa suggestion that council- not make a decision at this hearingmeeting. city Attorney suggested groups furnish council with anypertinent material by Friday, April 20. Mayor Amstrup stated he would communicate withadvising of ground rul-es. rent control groups, HEARINGS 1. ENCROACHMENT pERMrT, ANNCO pROpERTy, 400 PRTMROSE ROAD CONTINUED FROM APRIL 2 MEETING. Dlrector of Public works reviewed his meeting of Aprir 5 withArchitect Mark Coffey which resulted in agreement confirmed byI1r. coffey's letter of April L2, L979. This retter stated thatAnnco is willing to cut the planter 1 ' back from the existingsidewalk if encroachment permit is granted. Director of public Works reported he had no objections. Councilman Martin moved the encroachment permit be approved withthis condition, second by Councilman Crosby, carried on unanimousro11 call vote. 2. AMCOE SIGN COMPANY APPEAL FROM PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION HOMESTEAD SAVINGS SIGNAGE. Letter of April ff, Amcoe Sign Company, Council meeting. L979 from Stephen Coulthard, president of requested postponement of appeal to next City Council had no objections and Mayor Amstrup schedul-ed this hearing for the meeting of May 7 , L979. 3. APPEAL OF HARVARD INVESTMENT COMPANY, INC.: SPECIAL PERMIT FROM PLANNING COT4I4ISSION TO AMERICAN RENT-A-CAR FOR CAR STORAGE AND WASHING 855 MAHLER ROAD Assistant City Planner reviewed his memo of April L6, 1979 which D9DdcJe) detailed this application for construction of administrative officefor rent-a-car company with landscape screened storage lot forfleet vehj-c1es. Planning Commission had approved special permi-tat their meeting of 3/26/79 with L2 condj-tions. With reference tothe appeal, City Planner posed two questions: Wj-II project ad-versely affect surrounding properties or will it not? Where in Burlingame should such firms best be located? Mayor Amstrup opened public hearing. Roger Chinn, project architect, told Councj-l sale of property to Thomas Leonardini of American International, was finalized afterthe Planning Commission hearing, that the property is zoned M-l and the use is suitable, and cooperation of City staff had been employed in refj-ning the project. Gary A. Martin, attorney, addressed Council as representative of Harvard Investment Company, Inc., property owner adjacent to thesite. He quoted in fuII his letter of March 27, 1979 appealinqthis special permit because of its effect on "prime officebuilding sites . " His following presentation to Council was to the point that this type of use is not in the best interest of property owners in the area which would attract office construction, a better long term use. There were no further public comments and the public hearing declared closed. was Councilman Marti-n commented that car storage could be considered an interim use since parking lots can be taken out and buildings constructed. He added that S.F. Airport Master Plan has land designated for uses of this type, and in a few years such agencies may want to move from Burlingame. Councilman Mangini pointed out that Leonardini owns the land, this is a proper use, and aesthetically the screened car storage area would not downgrade the appearance of the area. Mayor Amstrup stated he was not opposed to this particular project, but thought the tj-me was approaching when the City must limit such uses. They do not contibute much to City revenue, and are not a good use for the land. He received staff confirmatj-on that this application suggested a permanent use. Councilwoman Barton stated she too was concerned with the appear- ance of the area and would not like any more car storage 1ots, but thought this project was well landscaped and provided open space. Councilman Mangini moved that the Council uphold the decision of the Planning Commission, second by Councilwoman Barton. Councilman Martin suggested that Condition 2 of the special permit, "that a grease/oil trap be installed in the car wash area," be amended to include "as approved by the Department of Pub1ic Works and City Engineer. " Councilman Mangini and Councilwoman Barton amended motion and second to include this statement. Motion carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. Mayor Amstrup asked staff to submit suggestions as to how the City can limit carrental agencies in the future. 4. TO CERTIFY FINAL ENVIRONIVIENTAL IMPACT REGARDING WASTEWATER RECLAMATION PROJECT REPORT AND MAKE FINDINGS EIR-5IE. By memo of 4/Lt/79 Director of Public Works transmitted to Council final EIR on this project, and Planning Commission resolution recom- mending its approval. AIso transmitted were corrections to the project report previously forwarded with Alternates I and II. Director of Public Works recommended approval of EIR but suggested that project report be considered at the May study session. He noted that Federal and State funding would accomplish Bl\e" of the c)cl AoDir costi regulations require inclusion of the City of Millbrae and surrounding areas that would use the water; economics of the pro-ject are discussed in the Planning Commission response to the EIR. Mayor Amstrup opened public hearj-ng on EIR. and the public hearj-ng was declared closed. There was no response After some discussion, Council requested that decision on EIR be postponed because of lack of time to study the financial impacts. Mayor Amstrup announced EIR would be postponed to meeting of May 7 , L979. CORRESPONDENCE I. JOSEPH COMMISSION C. DEES, 2909 ARGUELLO DRIVE, APPEALING PLANNING DENIAL OF VARIANCE Letter of April I0, L979 from Mr. Dees appealed Commission decision. Mayor Amstrup set hearing May 7 , 1979. this Planning for meeting of 2. BURLINGAME BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION REQUESTING PERMISSION TO SCHEDULE THREE PROMOTIONAL EVENTS Letter of April 2, L979 from Bur1l-ngame Business and ProfessionalAssociatj-on confirmed previous verbal request for three promotiondates: June B, 9 , 10 - Annual sidewalk Art Show; July 15 - AnnualFlea Market; August 18 Sidewalk Sa1e. Insurance coverage was assured. Council approved these dates for these events, although there was some concern that the sidewalk art sale might conflict with Artrn The Park to be held at the same time. rt was suggested thatnext year these events be planned separately. rt was agreed thatmerchants would be charged for street cleanup for the I'lea Marketif extra or overtime help is needed. STAF'F MEMORANDA 1. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY LETTERS: PERSHING SCHOOL SITE City Manager's memo of April 12,1979 and City Attorney's memoof April 7, 1979 discussed the forthcomj-ng sale of this siterelative to whether or not the city wanted to purchase for park,recreation or open space purposes. council discussion was de-ferred to executive session, also dealing with property purchase. 2. ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER: SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED PAYLESS CAR RENTAL Assistant city Planner's memo of April L6, l-979 reviewed thisspecial permit and conditions approved by city councir octoberL6, L978 with review to be in six months. Memo stated inspectionon April 6, l-979 revealed compliance with all conditions and recontmended no further action be taken. Permit expires May 3I, 1980. Council concurred in extension of permit to May 31, 1980. 3. CITY MANAGER: URBAN GRANT FUNDS City Manager's memo of 4/L2/79 noted these funds would be atlocatedto another municipality if not accepted by Burlingame. Attachedreport from Park Director detailed proposed use of funds for im-provements in washington Park. Total project funds wourd be$40,425. state funds avaj-Iable would be 930,319. ciFy matchingfunds required would be $10,106 of which at least hari would becovered by services and possibly more, thus reducing the City'scash contribution. After discussj-on Council concurred applicationwould be made for funding with provision it could be rejected ata later date. L E&d_4.- -r' r!&^u*\&4rr^.--_$ .-L.. _!.-.Alr!,.. -!L---, 335 RESOLUTTON NO. 22-79 'IAPPROVING THE BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM -FISCAL YEAR L977-78 AND FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979." was introducedby Councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Council- man Martin, carried on unanimous roII vote. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 LIABIL]TY CLAIMS: ANZA PARKING CORPORATION AND JERRY PELUFFO. Memo of April 10, 1979 from City Attorney detailedattached documentation. City Attorney recommended that the State and Trousdale. this claim and deni-a1. approved City 2. RESOLUTION NO. 23.79 ''RESOLUTION AUTHORTZING EXECUTION OF FEDERAL AID PROJECT PROGRAM - PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 2I' Councilman Crosby moved approval of the consent calendar, secondby Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously on ro11 call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 1146 "AMENDING SECTION 25.I2.010 OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE AND THE ZONTNG MAPS THERETN INCORPORATED BY RECLASSIF'YING LOT 23 AND PORTTONS OF LOTS 2 AND 3, BURLINGAME PARK NO. 5 FROM FIRST RESIDENTIAL (R-1) DISTRICT TO THIRD RESIDENTIAL (R-3) DISTRICT. " Mayor Amstrup opened public hearing on this ordinance. There wasno comment from the floor and the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. LI46 passed its mot l_on o ounc man Crosby, unanimous roll- call vote. U}JF'INISHED BUSINESS TREES CALIFORNIA DRIVE City Attorney advised that he had contacted lessee of this property and advised him that he and his agents were responsible for thedamage. He estimated the damage to City trees was $400 $500, andinformed Council he intended to collect for all damage. DOGS IN PARK City Manager reported that metal signs are being made up for publicnotification. They will be placed at several locations in WashingtonPark, including the tennis courts. NEW BUSINESS second reading and was adopted on second by Councilman Mangini, carried on Director of Pub1ic tr{orks reportedrepair to traffic sign at Skyline APPROVALS WARRANTS Warrant Nos. 1007 through 1318, duly audited, j-n the amount of $576,L52.66, approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. PAYROLL Payroll for March, 1979, Check Nos. 9295 through 9903, total amount of $338,359.68 approved for payment on motj-on of Council- man Mangini, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Amstrup read proclamation commending Reserve Officer Ronda McCarthy, Burlingame Police Reserve Unit, for her performance in ,frffir.r"ffi.mr' r.Fw-ffit.-'Fl.ryrl.t-ffi -]rr*-..T6<f'relrlF-fi ,FnFE7l*. 336 L97B and designating her Reserve Officer of the Year. Mayor Amstrup also announced Felicitations to the Order of Capuchin Frilrs Minor upon the establishment of a new Province, Our Lady of Angels of Portiuncula. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I. Letter of April 2, L979 from Attorney Raymond H. Levy, 703 Market Street, advising his firm w111 file suit as consequence of Lighting Contract hearing on March 19,1979. 2. Letter of March 29, 1979 from former Postmaster Lawrence H Putman voicing appreciati-on to City and staff. 3. Letter of March 20, L979 from City Clerk advising of Ex- pi-ration of term of Charles Mink, Planning Commissioner. City Manager endorsement noted Mr. Mink is willing to serve another term. Council approved his reappointment with the exception of members Barton and Martj-n who opposed, with no reflection on the Commissionerr on the grounds that commission service should be limited to two terms. Mayor Amstrup announced the reappoint- ment of Mr. Mink to another term. 4. Letter 5. April 6. Letterof Land of of April 6, 1979 from State Newsletter from Sister Cities of April 10, 1979 from LAFCO re Sisters of Mercy. Senator John Foran re SB 785. Assoiiation. procedure on annexation 7. Letter of April 9, L979 from City Att.orney to Assemblyman Knox re city's support of A8-1691, veto of annexation proposals. 8. Assistant City Planner, negative declarations. 9. Reports: Fire and Police Departments, Treasurer, San Mateo County Convention a Visitors Bureau. 10. Minutes: Beautifj-cation, March 1; Planning, April 9; Traffic, Safety, Parking, March B, L979. 1I. Announcement of Western Conference on Inflati-on at the Fair- morLt Hotel, April 18, 1979 Councilman Martin announced ABAG General Assembly wj-l1 be held on June 9, 1979 at Hyatt House in Burlingame. Mayor Amstrup urged letter of protest re proposed bill by Assemblyman McCarthy which would have the.effect of eliminating the City's 1? share of sales tax. He noted Finance Director's estimate of $3,150,000 loss of City revenue if this goes i-nto effect. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. to Executive Session. 5p..yn H. Hi]-I City Clerk -!*ffi",!F'}?!i