HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.05.21356 BURLINGAME , May 2l , CAL I FORNIA 197 9 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha1I Council Chambers. Meeting was calledto order at 8:07 P.M. by l,layor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: AMSTRUP , BARTON, CROSBY , MANGINI COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT :MARTIN (excused. Attendance at Leagueof California Cities meeting, Sacramento.) MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of May 7 and the special meeting of May 8, 1979 were approved and adopted. PLANNING COI\O4ISSIONER Mayor Amstrup requested report from the two Council committees formed to interview the 18 candidates for Planning Commissioner, Councilwoman Barton reported she and Councilman Crosby had chosen two candi.dates, Mr. Harry Graham, and Mr. Leo Kriloff. She de-tailed their qualifications. Council concurred in the choice of Mr. IIarvey, and Mayor Amstrup appointed him as the new Planning Commissioner. Council acknow- ledged the difficulty of selection with so many well-qualifj-ed candidates. MAY 18 STUDY MEETING For benefit of audience Mayor Amstrup reviewed following subjects discussed at this meeting. 1. Decision made as to uses to be permitted and method of handling construction and traffic on Anza Pacific Area. Individual- developers would be charged a fee based on 408 of the cost of improvements for the whole area. City is considering North ingress road from Freeway;possibility of tradeoff of City-donated rest area to State to aid in this project. 2. Consideration of a plan submitted by AI Molakj-dis of moving police station to California Drj-ve l-ocation next to fire station at PaIm Drive. This would involve the present "Eden Sports" and 'Rubber Tree" properties. The Council decided to look into the matter and get public input. CORRES PONDENCE 1. HEATHER STERNER, 1561 RALSTON AVENUE, BURIINGAME, RN PERSHING SCHOOL PLAYGROUND Mrs. Sterner's fetter of May L2, L979 urged that Council buy two lots from the School Board so that a long-e stabl ished neighborhood playground can continue. She suggested using the money from the proposed sale of the fire station lot near Cuernavaca Park. City AttorneyApril 5, 197 9 reminded Council that they had only sixty days from notification by Schoo1 Board of sale of this property. Led by John R. Yost, Assistant City Planner. ROLL CALL Councilman Mangini reported he and Councilman Martin nominated Mr. Joseph Harvey for commissioner, with Mrs. Elizabeth Rosel1 as runner-up . 357 Mayor Amstrup set consideration of thls purchase for the June 4 Council meeting. 2. ROYAL RACQUET CLUB, INC., 1718 ROLTINS ROAD, REQUESTII\'IG APPEAL HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIT,. Letter of May 15, 1979 from Royal Racquet Club Inc. had appealed Planning Commission decisi-on of May L4, 1979 on request by club to se1I food, beer and wine, Letter of May 17, 1979 from Royal Racquet Club withdrew this appeal. No Council action necessary. 3. RAY KLlEtr{ER, EXECUTTVE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS VICE PRESIDENT, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Letter of May L6, L979 from Mr. Kliewer detailed Chamberrs difficulties in financing operations and new programs and attached "1979 Worksheet for Budget:"and "Cash Projection for remainder of L979". Chamber Board of Directors requested an allocation of fundsthat is at least equal to 952 of the amount the City of Burlingame has allocated to the San Mateo County Convention and Visitors Bureau, with suggested financing by a percentage of sales tax revenue, percentage of hotel tax revenue, or a combination. Council set discussion for budget sessions, 4. CITIZENS' PETITION OPPOSTNG RIGHT TURN LANE, SANCHEZ/EL CAMINO REAL Letter of April 30, L979 signed by 13 people in the neighborhood of proposed Ben-Simon condominium on Sanchez and g1 Camino, opposed the right turn lane planned for this intersection. Some reasons pre- sented were: parking on Sanchez would be impaired, large tree at SInI corner of the intersection must be removed to accommodate the Iane, widening would be unsightly, and. pedestrians must cross three lanes instead of two. City Attorney noted that the right turn lane was a condition of the parcel map ("Widen Sanchez Avenue along theproperty to edge,of sidewalk ((5 minimum)) for improved traffic turning movements. " ) Assistant City Planner confirmed it was a staff recommendation which hTas incorporated as a matter of rezoning. For any changes the entire matter would have to be reopened. In response to Council questions he addressed concerns i-n the letter. He noted the additional width of Sanchez would stiI1 aI1ow curb parking. If no lane were there, the curb would be redlined and no parking aIlowed. Director of Public l{orks noted the tree would not be removed. Onlythe planting strip along Sanchez would be affected. City Attorney suggested these citizens be informed of the conditions of the permit. Council concluded that since the widentng,r had been effected by thepermit, reopening a hearing would not be desirable, and directed Director of Public Idorks to write informational letter to these opponents of the right-turn 1ane. 5. PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES ALLOCATION FOR UNDERGROUNDING Memo of May L6, 1979 from City Manager transmitted Pacific Gas and Electric Company report of May 4, 7979 on the L979 allocation to Burlingame for undergrounding with explanatj-on of the computation, and data on other cities. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DESIGNATION OF HERITAGE TRXE 1]-43 BERNA.L Memo of 5/L4/79 from Park Dj-rector transmitted Beautification Commission recommendation for heritage tree status for California Coast Redwood at 1143 Bernal Avenue. 2. RESOLUTIONS 358 A. RESOLUTION NO. 3O-79 ''AWARDING CONTRACT - WIDENING SKYLINE onrv OB NO. 734" (W.G. Lewis, Inc. - $26,L58.00, bid summary on file in City Clerk's Office.) b. RESOLUTION NO. 3L-79 "AWARDING CONTRACT, REROOFING FIRE STATION NO. 682.00 - Ace Roofing Company, bid summary on file in City Clerk's office.) c. RESOLUTION NO. 32-7 9 "RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNEXATION OF LAND OF SISTERS OF MERCY AND MERCY HIGH SCHOOL'' d. RESOLUTION NO. 33-79 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AENP AT, IMPACT REPORT - HOLIDAY INN HOTEL" 3. REPLACEMENT OI'WATER DEPARTMENT VEHICLE l{emo of mission mileage surance May L, L979 from Director of Public Works requested per- to replace Water Department truck No. 7493 with high and in need of extensive repair. Financing would be in- claim receipt of $1,630 and contingency funds. 4 TAPE RECORDER. FOR COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES City Attorney's memo of April 24, L979 to City Manager reported on iesults of recorder testing with present and new equipment and requested adequate recorder purchase, Sony TC 142 at cost of $269. 00. 5. FIRE PREVENTION PROGRAM CAMERA Memo of April 26, L979 from Fire Chief purchase of new 35mm camera needed for gation work. Present equipment is not work. Local sponsorship of fire patrol money for purchase of this equipment. Council discussed various Barton disapproved of the a variance in excePtional requested approval of training and fire investi- adequate for investigation program leaves sufficient 6. CRTMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL JOINT POWERS BUDGET Memo of April 24, L979 from Chief of Police recommended approval. of $1,285 as Burlingame's share in 1979/80 budget for this Council- Letter of April 2'7 , 19.79 from Criminal Justice Council explained purpose of Council- and method of funding. 7 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE FEES Letter of l4ay 10, L979 from PauI F. Kelly, attorney for San Mateo Disposal Company, reguested payment of second, third, and fourth quarters fees in the amount of $11171. Councilman Crosby moved approval of the consent calendar, seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous vote. ORDINANCES SECOND READING - HEARING 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1148 "LIMITING STORAGE AND PARKING OF BOATS, TRAILERS AND CA-T{PERS TO REAR YARDS.It City Attorney explained reason for the ordinance as recent large number of re(uests for policing of this type of storage. Most of violationi occur at rental properties. Present ordinance does altow for parking of this equipment in front and side yards with certain regulati5ns, but these are often disregarded. Planning Commission has recommended this ordinance. He added that the way the ordinance has been drafted in the portion of the code de- scribing uses, Do variance is allowed- Assistant City Planner proposed change. gave examples of present abuses of code and aspects of the ordinance. Councilwoman fact that there would be no provision for circumstances. She felt it was too strict. City Attorney suggested it mission if Council desires could be sent back to alIow variance. to Planning Com- After further discussion Council agreed orilinance should beferred back to Planning Commission for further consj-deration garding variances, re- re- 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1149 ''REDEFINING BUILDING HEIGHT. " Assistant City Planner explained this ordinance provides thatbuilding hej-ght is defined as height at topmost point of ridgerather than taking a mean height between the height of the eaves and the height of the ridge. Mayor Amstrup opened public hearinq. There was no audience re- sponse, and public hearing was declared closed. Ordinance f149 passed its second reading and was adopted on motionof Councilman Crosby, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote of members present. P ROCLA-I.4AT I ON Mayor Amstrup procfaimed the week of May 20 through May 26, L979 as "National- Insurance Women I s Week. " APPROVALS WARRANTS Warrants Nos. 1319 through 1706, duly audited, in the amount of $925,452.30 approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Crosby, carried on unanimous vote of memberspresent. PAYROLL Payroll for Apri1, 1979, Check Nos. 9904 through 10505, total amountof $343 t415.69, approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangi-ni, second. by Councilman Crosby, carried on unanimous vote of members pre sent . UNFINISIIED BUSINESS 1. RISOLUTION: "AUTHORI Z ING FOX I{ALL CENTER. " EXECUTION OF i^IALL OPENING AGREEI,IENT, Mayor Amstrup suggested that due to the importance of this matterto the Downtown Parking District it would be best to delay discussionuntil there was a fu1l Council. Rest of Council agreed, and he setconsideration for the regular meeting of June 4, L979. 2. APPEAL, HELEN LAZZARI , SWIMMING POOL AT 2344 POPPY DRIVE. By letter of May L7 , 1979, Ms. occupation at 2344 Poppy Drive. meeting of June 4, 1979. appealed denial- of home Amstrup set hearing for Lazzari Iqayor ACKNOWLE DGME}ITS f. Letter of May 4, L979 from Assemblyman Robert W. Nayforsales tax revenues. re 3. Letter of April 19, 1979 from City Librarian re expiration dateof term of Ben Hechinger. Endorsement of May 16, 1979 from City Manager noted Mr. Hechinger would serve another term if desired. Mayor Amstrup spoke highly of Mr. Hechinger's capabilities, andquestioned if there were any objections to another term for him. 359 2. Letter of May 15, 1979 from Congressman Bill Royer with staffinformation. 360 Councilwoman Barton agreed to the Library Board member's fine character, but stated she was opposed on principle to more than two terms for commissioners. There were no further objections and Mayor Amstrup announced the appointment of Ben Hechinger to another term on the Library Board. 4. Letter of May 9 | 1979 from Reginald E. Moorby for their action on health insurance premi-ums for 5. Letter lawsuit. Councilman commission fu1Iy. Councilman Mangini suggested solely advisory bodies to the recommendations . thanking Councj-l- retired employees. statement be added thatcommissions are Councj-I regardless of their unanimous of May 11, 7979 from City Attorney re settlement of Lawson Crosby asked that City Manager write letter to this informing them this matter had been gone over very care- 6. Letter of l{ay '7, 1979 from Capuchin Franciscan Order thanking City Council for commendation. 7. Fire and Police Departmentst Reports, Apri1, 7979. Treasurerrs Report, Apri1, 1979 8. Assistant City Planner: Negative Declarations, transmittal Uay L6, L979. 9. San Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report, April 1979. 10. Minutes: Beautification Commissj-on, l4ay 10; Park and Recreation Commission, April 19, 1979. Planning Commission l{ay L4, 1979. Councj-Iman Crosby took exception to the following paragraph in Park and Recreation Commission minutes (regarding dogs in park): "The Commission felt the decision b1z the City Council was foolish and a waste of Park Department manpower. They were also disappointed by the Councilts disregard for the unanimous recontmendation to ban the dogs from City parks, The problem is major and the notice by park employees will not help the situation, " He thought the matter had been fulIy investigated as to police manpower available for enforcement, ind police Chief had stated police enforcement was j-n- feasible. Therefore, this compromise had been reached. - Councilwoman Barton considered it would be a very hard decision to ban dogs from park because many people take their animals there on a leash. 11. proclamation from National Association for the Advancement of Colored People regarding May 17, L979 observance of ideals and principles of equalitY. FROM THE FLOOR Mrs. Heather Sterner briefly addressed Council on the advisability o purchasing two of the Pershing School lots for a playground. Counci-di=.,r=="d possible price of these lots and of the Fire Station 1ot. They requeited that staff determine from School Board the price of the lotJ and whether or not they will seII them apart from the other school lots. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:05 P,M f I ,E**o/7/-(-cCity C16rk L-,