HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.06.29196 BURLINGAME , June 29, CAL IFORN IA 1978 CALL TO ORDER A special meetj-ng of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers. The meeting was call-edto order at 5:00 P.M. by Councilman Victor A. Mangini for the purposeof considering year-end budget transfers and time limit on Revenue Sharing funds. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE F'LAG COUNCIL MEMBE RS PRESENT:AMSTRUP, BARTON,MANGINI , MART IN CROSBY (EXCUSED - VACATION)COT]NCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: YEAR-END BUDGET TRANSF'ERS Finance Director's memo of June 27, 1978 listed for CounciLinformation certain transfers necessary to complete the normal budget year and closing of the accounting records for 1977-78. Councilman Ams trup moved thethe fiscaf year L977-78: following transfers be approved for 2. Transfer of $200,000 from the Generaf Fund to General Liability Fund in accordance with adopted 1977-78 Final Budget (page 3) and Ordinance 1098. 1. Transfer of $350,000 from the ceneral l"und to Project 103 construction of an improved pol-ice facility in accordance withappropriation in 1977-78 Fina1 Budget (page 3). 3. Transfer of $440,000 from the General Fund to Workerstion Fund in accordance with adopted 1977-78 Einal Budget and Ordinance 1098. for Compens a-(page 3) 4. Transfer of approximately $98,000 from the ceneral Fund to the sewer utility to cover l-977-78 operating defj-cits in accordance with established procedure. 5. Transfer of $89 ,264 from the General Fund to Redevelopment Agency Fund to remove deficit from 1976-77 and L977--18. 6. Transfer of $73,500 Main Capital Project as meeting of June 5, 1978. from the Genera] Fund authorized by Council to cilbreth Sewer,/Forceaction at the regular 7. Transfer of $79,106 from the ceneral Fund to Solids Management Capital Project +78-03 as authorized by City Council action at the regul-ar meeting of May 15, 1978. Second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous roll call- vote, Council-man Crosby absent. ONE YEAR EXTENS ION REVENUE SHARING FUNDS Memo of June 27, 1978 from Finance Director informed Council that as of June 30, 1978 the City will have approximately $780,000 in the Federal Revenue Sharinq Fund. Federal Government contributions during L978-79 wil-l raise the amount to $1,013,000. $481,000 of this amount has been appropriated by the City Council for construc- tion of the Police facility. The Finance Dj-rector went on to specify that the unappropriated balance of approximately $532,000 had been proposed for the Po1ice project, but with the advent of Proposition 13 this project appears unlikely in the near future. At least $185,000 of these funds Led by Jerome !'. Coleman, City Attorney. ROLL CAIL L97 will be subject to the 24 month Iimitation if not used for thepolice facility. The Finance Director recommended that a one year extension be requested for this amount from the office of Revenue Sharing, and a public hearing be held in July to obligate at least $420,000 of the Revenue Sharing in 1978-79. He suggested these funds be specified for sewer replacements. Councilman Martin questioned if it would not be better to put this money in the general fund for operations. Finance Director repliedthe Council had this prerogative. However, it must be expendedfor specific purposes, i.e. police salaries. Councilman Amstrup commented he thought the $185,000 could be spent for anything. Finance Director agreed it cou1d, but pointed out that if it were merely put into the general fund the IegaI requirements would not be met - it must be actually expended or obligated, Councilwoman Barton noted that if Revenue Sharing money were put into the general fund it would look like the fund had plenty of money. Finance Director agreed this could be a drawback at this time. Councilman Amstrup thought that the to the sewer fund seemed reasonable have to be met. obligation of the because the sewer $420,000 program would Council briefly discussed date of next Council meeting scheduledfor JuIy 3 - 4th of July weekend - and decided to postpone thisregular meeting to JuIy 10, 1978; hol-d a regular meeting onJuly 17,1978, and a study meeting on July ).2, L978 to be devoted so1e1y to budget matters . ADJOURNMENT €-,2"-,-z/zZlzdvelyqr/Il. HiIl City Clerk I City Attorney reviewed necessary Council action as being the requestfor a one year extensi-on, and a noticed public hearing to be heldin ,Ju1y for the purpose of oblj-gating Revenue Sharing funds. In response to question from Councilman Mangini, Council memberspresent indicated no opposition to this course of action. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M.