HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.07.17204 BI,'RLINGAME, CALIFORNIA JULY 17, 1978 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council r.ras held above date in the Ci-ty Halt Council Chambers. Meeting was to order at 8:05 P.M. by !tuyor Crosby. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Jerome F. Coleman, ROLL CALL COI'NCIL ME},IBERS PRESENT: COT]NCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : I.fINUTES City Attorney. AMSTRUP, BARTON, CRO S BY, },IARTIN I"IANGINI (EXCUSED,VACATION) 1978 and of the special approved and adopted. on the calLed new Line gham rta inment , Mlnutes of the regular meeti budget study meeting of June BIDS - CONSIDERATION OF: ng of July 10,21, 1978 were 1. 1978 WA TER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS JOB 78-2 Memo of July 1L, 1978 from Associate Civ!! Engineer-transmittedbld sumrnary- on thls proJect (summary on flle in offtce of Clty^_ Clerk) and- recommendld low bid of Mtcuire and llester at $22L,980, engineer rs estimate of $214r550. By endorsement of JuLy 13, 1978 Ct[y l{anager concurred in this endorsement. Director of Public Works recommended this bld to council, and noted work involved in the contract and Locations where would be installed. RESOLUTION NO. 44.78 ''AWARDING CONTRACT - L978 WATER SYSTEM IM-PROOVEMENTS . JOB 7 8-2"(McGuire and Hester, $221,980) !0as intro- n who moved its adoption, second bY ed on unanimous roLL call vote of membersduced by Councilman Marti Councilman Amstrup, carrt Pf,esent. APPLICATION FOR AMUSEMENT LICENSE t. COUNTRY ROAD INC.DBA ''THE HALL.,' PoIlce Department Services Bureau memo of July,L2, L97B lndlcated that applicants MichaeL E. Cunningham and William J. Shannon III had ctiired a1I law enforcement rEcords systems and buslness had not ciusea any extra police problems sinc6 it became "THE HALL." Recommendatioir was maite that amusement license be issued. Mr. Ben E. Hicks Jr., attorney representing Messrs. Cunntn and Shannon, responded to CounctL question on tyPe of ente stating it would'be entirely mustcal. There woutd be band weekenEs and single musici-ans on other nights. Music woul country or countiy rock. Councilman Amstiup moved that th ment plrmlt be apirroved for a period of one year, with rev the ehd of that time. Second by Councilwoman Barton' carr unanimous ly . HEARINGS sodbis iew ied n e amuSe - at L. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, 1705 MURCHISON DRIVE: APPEAL rROM PLANNING COMMISSION DENIA L OF PARKING VARIANCE. Mavor Crosby announced receipt of request Aslociation- that this hearing, scheduled until the August 7, L978 Council meeting. from Californla Teachersfor tonlght, be delayed City Attorney noted he CALL TO ORDER 20s r.,ould then be on vacation and wante so he would contact their counsel f' stated this hearing would be put ov August pending that development. present at this hearing,ture date. l'layor Crosby he first meeting in dtobeorafuertot 2. ?DISCO APPEAL FROM PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF EXPANDING SEATING AREA WITH NO ADDITIONAL OFF-STREET PARKING rurarFq@FrT!.lrre Memo of JUL appeal had suggested t hearing onin August. he would be suggested t they had aL y 13, L978 from City .A,ttorney informed Council that this been set for this meeting of July L7; however, he had o them that the appeal be heard at the same time as the the renewal of their entertainment permit which expires They had agreed, and the City Attorney noted that since on vacation the ftrst Council meeting in August he had hat the hearing be continued until August 2lst, to which so agreed. I"Iayor Crosby announced that_ this appeal and^heartng on renewal of enlertainmeirt permit would be heard- at the Council meeting of August 2L, L978. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 45.78 ''FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATEMENT" was presented for Council consideration. Mayor Crosby opened the meeting Ig! public comment on this lubjqct.Thbre was nb rLsponse and the public hearing was declared closed. RESOLUTION NO. 45-78 was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption, second by Councilwoman Barton, carfied unanimously on roll call vote of members present. 3. PROPOSED USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS At the request of Mayor Crosbyr_Councilwoman Barton read. for.public information memo of iune 27, 1978 on thts subject from the Finance Director. Memo stressed two points: A one yeat extension should be requested for $f85,000 of Revbnue Sharing qoley yhlgh would be sub-jeit to the 24 month limitation if not used for Poli"g-facility; lnd a public hearing shotrld be held to obligate $1?0,000 in Revenue Sharini; money for L978-79. Suggestion was that this be obligated for serder replacements By endorsement of July L2, L978 Cily ommendation for the obligatton of $4 Manager concurred 201000 for sewer re int plac he rec- ements. Mayor Crosby noted that a one year eJtension for $lqt,000 t^t"t already beln requested. He then opened public hearing_fo{ discussion of appropriatlng the $4201000- in Revenue'sharing funds for sewer re- piicei,ent. fhere were no comments from the audi-ence, and the public hearing was declared closed. Councilman Martin moved that $420,000 of Revenue Sharing funds be appropriated for sevJer replacements, second by Councilman Amstrup, ciiried on unanimous vote of members present. COMMI'NICATIONS I. WILLIAM L. BRIGGS RESIGNATION FROM SAN MATEO COUNTY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT BOARD (a)CITY I,I/,NAGER:OF CONT T I'layor Crbsby acknowledged letter of July 5, L978 from William L. Briegs, 746' Laurel Avenue, Burllngame, announcing his resignation as nurlLn!,ame t s representative to the Board of Trustees of the San I'Iateo County Mosquito-Abatement Distrlct, because of change of residence to anothbr codnty. The Mayor directed Ctty Manager to write letter to Mr. Briggs on-behalf of the City thanking him for his valued services. The Mayoi noted that a replacement must be found. 2. FROM STAFF At request of Mayor Crosby, Councilman Amstrup read for audience &I!- irl.r-rr-l.Jld 206 benefit memo of JuIy 10, 1978 from Finance Director transmitting request from Burlingame Chamber of Commerce for quarterly allocation JuLy L, 1978 through September 30, 1978 in the amount of $41250.00.Finance Director suggested either continuing the agreement for three months at same Level as last year'pending final adoption of thebudgetr oE delaying payment until budget is adopted, with Chambersubmittal of a fixed amount. City Manager, by endorsement of July 13, suggested that Chamber services be temporarily continued. Councilman Martin moved concurrence with City Managerts recommendation, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous vote of members present. (b) CITY },IANAGER:PARCEL t"tAP, t500 HoWARD Assistant City Engineer's memo of JuLy 11, t978 recommended approvalof this final-parEel map, and City Mairageits endorsement concurred. Councilman Amstrup moved this final parcel map be a by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous vote o (cI CITY CLERK: PUBLICATION COSTS ppf roved, seconded members present. ordinance bett their records ures. the Council. ng: ighboringIf theld also the taxs for theirction with ch lefttaking a City Clerkrs memo of July 13, L978 stated that Government code re-quires General Law cities to publish complete text of all ordinances. During the year L977-78 this iesulted in a total cost of $2233.00 to the City. Memo attached material describing AB 3793, which bill wilL provide for summary publications, effecting substantiaL reduction in cost of printing. AB 3793 uill be heard by the SenAte Local Govern- ment Committee on August L4, L978. City Clerk recommended City Council support of AB 3793 by l-etter to'this committee. Councilman Amstrup moved that Counctl support AB 3793 by Letter to the Senate Local Government Committee, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous vote of members present. - ORDINANCTS I. ORDINANCE NO. 1133 'IAMENDING THE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAXr BURLINGAME TO REDEF'INE TRANSIENT, REQUIRE THE KEEP.ING OF CERTAIN RECORDS, AND INCREASING INTEREST RATES ON DELINQUENT TAXES AND PENALTIES" was presented for second reading and hearing. Mayor Crosby announced opentng of public hearing. City Treasurer addressed Cbuncil, stating the amendment to the present ordinance is proposed for three reasoni : L. Present regulation concerning -recordLeeling is very general, inadequate, and makes no requirement for locil iecord avaitability. 2. The interest rate as apecified at present, 6%, is archaic. 3. Because of the verbiage_in the present irdinanie, the exemptions have been extended to include contracts by corporati6ns, partiiularly airlines, in which contracts are made for an extended period of time. Amendment limits the exemption_ to one indivtdual who actually occupies a specific room for over 30 days. City Treasurer recommended that the effective date October l, L978. This would allow hotels time to a and inform their contract clients of change in proc of ud ed Mr, Donald Johnson of the Airport Marina Hotel addressed He discussed his obJecttons to ordinance, main points bei Burltngame fs 8% tax puts hotels at a disadvantage when ne cities-are lower - Millbrae, 7%; South San Francisco, 6%. City taxes hotel rooms on contract with airlinesr_ it shou tax apartments, rooming houses, and condomtniums because on holel rooms will cause airlines to use these facilitie personnel. In addltion, Mr. Johnson noted his dissatisfa a past communication from the City-Finance Departmblt wht hiir with the impression that the City disapproved of his deduction for bad debts. There follovued a lengthy discussion between Council and Mr. Johnson r^,ith his repetition of ttre fact that he did not actually object to the percentige of the tax but to the manner in which the ordinance ,L- L-r- -- -l ursr!-#,-!4!qr.r ,a-i..!Ll 207 is worded, limlttng the exemption to one tndividual occupying a specific room for over 30 days. Council concluded they should give additional time to consider- atton of this ordinance. Mayor Crosby continued this item to the study session of August 9, 1978 for action. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Amstrup questioned if the oxganization v'rhic over the Baleri stoie (L249 Broadway) had taken out aliquidator. City Attorney stated he would check how t is now being used with a report to Council". HT'},IAM SOCIETY had takenermit as ais store h P h Counci.lwoman Barton noted citizen co Peninsula Humane Society, because of mp b not now pick up stray dogs. The compresult in people ts not licensing thei tr laint received that udget restrictlons, will ainant thought this tooulddogs. The Councilwomane for this servtce if fines $480,135.91, approV€ second bv Councilman PAYROLL." June, 1978f ffi approve Councilman Amstrup, suggested that funds could be avail-abl were doubled. Police Chief commented it is possible the fine schedule could be reviewed after budget matters have been finaLized. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS l. Letter of JuIy 13, L978 from Pacific Gas & Electric ComPany relative to propobed energy audits for governmental facitities. Request wiLl- be- made for agenda time to explain this audit between August 1 and September 15, L978. 2.'Letter of July 10, f978 from Mrs. K. W. Carter, L72O Adeltne Drtve requesting Council support of t!{o new establishments on Broadway - Cancer Soclety Resale shop and a discount store. 3. Treasurerrs Report, June 30, L978 4. Fire Department Report, June, L978 5. City Planner report of Planning Commission meeting July l0' L978 6. Planning Commission minutes, June 26, 1978. 7. Report from City Inlanager, claim of PauI Strait. APPROVALS WARRANT NOS. 2935 THROUGH 3305 duly audited, in the amount ofdforpayment on motton of Counci Lwoman Barton, AmstruDCheck Nb a .'1b:8v?tY3lEfl XBbE ?[ TfrEbeH3"B["8?"' d on motion of Councilwoman Barton, second by of 8fl . aLL a votce vote of members resent. e t e presenceros nau ,repres.en e or ongressman yn Ry ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.I,I. to executive session. +tr \\1 , \ o$ .\c\ e tCity C rk 1 ryqa-ryrf-Y rJ.e,-ru-.-dr