HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.08.07208 A regular meettng of the Burllngame Ctty Councll was held on the above date tn the City HaLl Counctl Chambers. Meettng rras calledto order at 7:59 P.M. by Vtce-Mayor Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FIAG CALL TO ORDER Led by Charles F. Schwatm, City Manager. ROLL CALL BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 7, L978 AMSTRUP , BARTON , MANGINI , MARTIN cRosBY (EXCUSED,VACATIoN) COT'NCIL MEMBERS PRESENT : COI'NCIL MEMEERS ABSEM: MINUTES Minutes of the regular oeettnt of JuLy L7, L978 and of the budget study meettngs of July 12, 15, 19, L978 were approved and adoptedafter correctton of otnutes of Juty L2, L978, Page 2, Last paragraph, change "PoLtce and Flre services" to $2,400,000. APPLICATI ON FOR AUCTION PERMIT t. GOLDEN STATE AUCTIONEERS. INC., DANVILLE. Letter of Juty 20, L978 from S. Ashman, Presldent, G Auctloneers, Inc, requested permlt to ho[d auctlon onent at 1309 North Carolan Avenue, August 8, t978 at Inventory for sale wae attached. Letter of July 28, vestigattve Dlvlston, Poltce Department, reported clthe appltcant and recommended approval of perott. olden Statef bakery equlp-ll:00 A.M. L978 from rn- ear check on CounctLman Mangtnl ooved thts permtt be approved, second by Councll- woman Barton, carrted on unanloous vote of meobers present. HEARING t. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION APPEAL FROM PIANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF PARKING VARIANCE Letter of JuLy 2L, L978 from Mr. Penn Foote, attorney for the ap-pLtcant, requested thls matter be temoved from the Clty Counctl's agenda pending deciston by CTA on a Later date for heartng afterfurther work on the appeal. CouncLloan Manglnt ooved this Eatter be removed from the second by Counc tlwooan Bart,on, carrted on unanfmoug vote present. 8g of enda , membe rs CO}O{UNICATIONS PUBLIC 1. BEL.MATEO ENTERPRISES, INC.,DBA YELLOW CAB COMPANY OF SAN MATEO, REQUEST FOR INCREASED FARES. Letter of Juty [8, 1978 froo Oltver V. Nordby of B€l-]rateo Enter- prtses requested ordtnance amendment to provlde for tatse tn taxtfares. Proposed and present fares rdere ltsted. Counctl decided to delay actlon on thte request untll cooo€nt on proposed prtces had been recetved frorn Towne Taxt, aLso operatlng tn Burltngane. 2. D. C. JOHNSON FOR FRED HARVEY RE A IRPORT }.{ARINA HOTEL Letter from D. C. Johnson dated JuLy 19, t978 relattve to tlanstent occupancy tax ordtnance was referled to study meettng of Wednesday August 9, L97I for dtscusston. 209 3. BURLII{GAME BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION: PARKING LIMIT EHANGES, CHAPIN AVENUE 4 . IIARTZHEII.{ FORD: UNDERGROITND UTILITY DISTRICT N0. 5 AVENUE, MYRTLE TO HIGHIAND BAYSWATER Letter of July 26, L978 from Burllngame Business and ProfessLonalAssoctatlon conunnttng on parktry ltntt changes on Chaptn Avenueas suggested by Trafftc, Safety and Parktng Coomtsston wae held forstudy by CounctL. Dlscusston was scheduted for study neetlng tn September. Mr. Glenn N. Hartzhetn, prealdent, Ilartzhetm Ford, Inc. requestedby Letter of August 2, L978 that an extenston of ttme be granted on thts project stnce he has Just bought thls dealershtp and ts tnthe process of reorgantzatton. Dtrector of Publlc Works advtsed Council that a short delay would not be daoagtng to the proJect.In reaponse to Counctl. questton he lndtcated tt was not clear atthts ttoe whether or not the City would be reaponstble for the costof the P.G.E. engtneertng work tf the project ts dropped. ThtswiLl be clartfied. Vtce Mayor Anstrup, wtth concurrence of Counctl announced constder-ation of thts Eatter would be detayed to neettng of August 2L.. L978, 5. JOHN W. BROWNING: PROPOSED BURLINGAME SPORTS COMPLEX 6. MICHAEL R. NAVE: RESIGT{ATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Proposal recetved Aug,uet 3, 1978 from John W. Brownl.ng, Professtonal Golfers Assoctatton, l,lenlo Park, outllned suggestlons for lecreatlonaLfdctlttes for the duop ette. Schenattc was atso transmttted by Mr. Brownlng. Vlce-llayor Aostrup set discusston of thts proposaL for the study neettng of August 9, 1978. Vtce-Uayor AEstrup rea Mr. Neve announcing ht change tn restdence.Mr. Nave thanklng htn Vtce-liayor sutgested tthts conntsgton vacanc n ful.t c oomuntca ealgnatlon fron e-Mayor dtrectedhte efforts on meobers of the tton of July 26, 1978 fromthts conotsston because of dtar Vtcfor Ctty Manager to wrtte behatf of the Ctty. The press present public lzehat v. Vtce-Mayor Aostrup acknowledged recetpt of lnforoattonal tetter of JuLy 25, 1978 fron S. H. Cantwell Jr., Dtrector of Publtc Works' county of San ltateo, regardtng rattftcatton of the county Compre- henslve Water Resources Management P1an. 7 . COI'NTY OF SAN MATEO DEPARTT.TENT OF PUBLIC I{ORKS: WATER RESOT'R8ES I.IAT{AGEMENT PI.AN COUPREHENSIVE STAFF I. CITY PI.ANNER: BAIT&ONT PI.AN REPORT BI JOIIT BIAYNE]T ASSOCI,ATES 2. CITY MANAGER: CIIANGE IN SAIARY RANGES. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Ctty Planner totd Counctl that latest tnformatton waa that thls re-port woutd be delivered on the mornLng of August 8, 1978. Ctty Planner's memo of August 3, 1978 ltsted sugg,esttons for study andprocesstry of thts report. Ctty Uanagerts memo of August t, 1978 regardtng change tn salary ran8,es and posttton tttles for Etectrtcal Departnent and Street and Sener and Water Superintendent uas referred to the study meeting of August 9, 1978 by Vtce-Mayor Aostrup. 3. CIIY !{ANACER: RETENIIO:N OF ENGINEERING SEBvlcES, SEWER WOBI( Ctty ttanager t s remo o Works report of Augus fArl-ugust 3, l97E transnttted Dtrector of Publtc, 1978 and coptes of teo best proposals for 2L0 thls work. Ctty lianager recomended that the two top tntervtewed by CounctL at the study meettng of August Counctl concurred tn thts recommndatton and Vtce-Mayo dtlec ted . firns be9, 1978.r 80 4. CITY I{A}IAGER: ACTION MINUTES Ctty Manager oemo cedure and formattte. Reconrendat recorder be purcha of oflo 8e July 25, 1978 proposed tmplementatlon pro- action mlnutes a6 a Bethod of savtng 8t8ff n was roade that a more suttable cassette tape d to asstst tn the tnplementatton. Counctl approved the tmpleoentatton of actton mtnutes, but de- clded that purchase of a new recorder should be delayed unttl atrtal perLod had passed. 5. CITY IIANAGER: T ERM EXPIMTIONS. LIBMRY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ctty I'lanagerts memo of August 2, L978 advtoed of the exptlattooof terns of two Ltbrary Board Tlustees: Janes DeMartlnl, and Lloyd Lynes. Vtce-l,layor Aostrup dtrected Ctty Manager to contact theB to ascettaln tf they rrould be lnterested i,n servtog another terE. Councttwonan Barton suggested that terng Ltmlted to trdo years to allow more lnterein Ctty government. Counctl declded to d legtslatton unti.l full Counctt eas presen CONSENT CALENDAR 1. RESOLUTLOILNO.46.78'hCCEPTINC DEED OF EASEI.!'NT, SIEVE J.MUsrmcE" was presented for Council adoptlon. Thls resolutlon and followtng Resolution No. 47-78 were transrnttted by Ctty Attorneyrs oerc of July 24' [978 whLch explatned that these eiserneirts provtded the rtght-of-way for the entry frm El Camtno Real to the Burltngane Plaza whtch ts now betng congtructed. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 47.78 'IACCEPTING DEED OF EASEMENT, FRANK VENTURELLI AND ffiFRED E. cERRo AND MARTLYN D. cERRo" was presented for Counctl adoptton. 3. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY OF BURLINGAME TO PARTICIPATE IN Merno of Julv 26, 1978 from Dtrector of Dubltc Worka requested transfer of- $2,800 fron contfngency fund to cover damage to thts planter daoaged by Dotortst'-!lth-ltttle chence of restttutton. Ctty Manager-concurred July 31, 1978. 6. LIABILITY CIAII{S: PETER BMLLIER, NORI'{AN C. AND JACKIE J. RETZER, of 8telt. Comntsslon oembets be ed cttlzena to part tc lpate ay vote on thts proposed CALIFORNIA IBMRY SERVICES ACT. Thts tten removed from consent calenda!. Dtscusston fotlowa consent calendar actton. 4. RESOLUTLON N0, 48:]g ,'RESOLUTION ACCEPTING RODENT CONTROL PROGMM -JoB@e d for Counctl adoptton. Thts resotutton rras transmitted by memo of July 18' !978 from Asststant Ctty Engtneer who noted the contract had been completed at an actual cosi of-$5r775.9O. By endorsement of August 2, L978 Ctty }ianager recomuended accePtance . 5. CITY MAT{AGER: REPAIRS TO CONCRETE PIANTER, BT,RLINGAME AVENUE/ CALIFORNIA DRIVE RINALDO PERRI By meooa of JuLy 17, 1978; JuLy 21, 1978; and August 2' [978 Ctty Attorney reconrinded dental of- theee clalms for spectftc reasona' 7 TI vEc ONDOMINIT'U SUB DIVISION MAP 29 EL O REAL7 Asststant City Engtnee!'8 memo of July 26, L978 stated thts nap had been approved by Planning Coonlaston subJect to certaln re- qutreoents Ltsted. Ctty l.lanager concurred tn reconmendtng oapfor approvat. 8. COXLDOMINIUU IAP,-!2O9 AAf, CBOVE 4VEITUE Memo of July 20, 1978 from Asststant City Englneer noted Planntng Comtsston approval of thts tentatlve rap wtth Ltsted condlttons, and recomoended Ctty Counctl approvaL. Ctty Manager, by endorse- ment of July 31, 1978, concurred. Counctlnan liarttn noved approval of consent calendar wtth the pro- vlaton that the last two ltems of condonlnium naps be subJect to condtttons ltated, gecond by Counctlnan Mangtnl, calrled on unanimous roll call vote of meobers present. REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR T. RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING CITY OF BURLINGAME TO PARTICIPATE IN CALIFORNIA LIBM SERVICES ACT Ctty Librar oatn thrustdtrectly fo and servl-ce Councll wls September Iat the end Counctl dtscuseed thls latter statenent on resolutton to oeettng of August 21, by Ctty Attorney of thts escape clsuge. RESOLUTION Thts resolutton rras presented for dtscugston. Clty Manage!18 memo of August I, 1978 stated recentty passed legi.s- Latton changes PLSA to CLSA and the Ctty wtLL nom recelve dtrect retuburseoent for servtces rendered under the systen, posstble revenue esttoated as up to $20,000. tan addressed Counctl , detatltng changes tn the system'of whtch is that Clty ltbrary would be relmbursedr dtfference between servtces rendered outstde patrons s whtch Ctty patrons request fron other ltbrartes. If he6 to parttctpate, approval roust be tn Sacraoento by , and there !s an option of getttng out of the systeoof the year. r 8Il L978 d agreed to delay actton pendtng tnveettgatton I.. RESOLU?ION NO. 49-78 'IRESOLUTION CERTIFYING FI,NAL ENVIRONMENTALffi FTNDTNGS t.trrn REspEcr ro pRoposED AUERTcAN INTERNATIOML RENT.A.CAR AGENCY ON BAYSHORE HIGTIWAY IN BURLINGAME . EIR 49P'r was tntroduced by CouncLlwonan Barton who ooved tts adoptton wlth the understandlnt that reaolutton is to certlfy the adequacy of the EIR and does not commtt or obltgate the Counctl to the appioval of the project theretn Ldenttfted. Second by Counctl- man l{angtnl, carrted on unantoous roll call vote of oembers present. NE}T BUSINESS Counctlwooan Barton teported that parents tn l,lashtngton School atea rrere concetrned becauge thete te only one SAIfIRANS bus ptckup for Btudents at 7145 A.l{. Wtth concurrence of Counctl, Vtce-lGyor AEBtrup dlrected Ctty Man88,erto contact SAI{TMNS regardtng a better achedule. ACIOOI'LEDGI.{ENTS 1. Letter of July 20, 1978 frou Rodertck J. OrMeara, 1109 Drake, tegardtng overntght parktng. 2. Letter of JuLy 25, L978, Atrports Comtsston, Ctty and Countyof San Franctsco, re pendtng notae legtslatton. 3. Letter of July 14, 1.978 from Larry Getz, Burltryame Bay Club Condontntums, re prolect area. 4. Meno of July 27, 1978 frou Clty Planner re study area permtts requtred by urgency tntertn ordtnance. 27L 5. Letter of August t, 1978 froro lleather Sterner, 1561 Ralston Avenue, regardlng weekend clostng houre for Ltbrary. 6. Letter of Juty 2L, L978 froo Department of General Servtceg regardtng amended dates for tnplenentatton of 9ll Emergency Telephone. 7. Letter of July 27, L978 from Dr. T. W. Karnes, 1308 Bentto Avenue regardtng closlng of Easton branch ltbrary. At thts polnt Counctlman Martln replted pubttcty to a letter addressed to htm by Gi.nny Rollett, 41 Lorton Avenue, and publtshedtn several newspapers, retardtng cloetng of the Eranch Ltbrary. Ms. Rollett had-attrtbuteii to hln the statement that 'the Branch rras not tmportantrr and she had stated, "It ls ttne that the bureaucrati stopped telltng us what ts best and most important." Counctlman Martln quoted mtnutes of study,neettng of JuLy 15, 1978 for hts accurate optnton whtch was, "He (I.{arttn) proposed some of thLs money be put back lnto book funde for the beneftt of the matn ltbrary, and further proposed thlt the Clty ctose the Branch, sell the propelty, and endeavor to keep the natn ltbrarytn good shape and responstve to comountty needs." Referrtng to "buieaucrattc" dectgtons, he stated that as a result of Prop- osttl.on 13 lhe Clty must nake these cuts somevrhere and they aBountto about L2\7. of. the total budget. 8. Letter of JuLy 26, L978 from Marte DeBernardt, 1420 Cortez, re Branch c los ing . 9. Lette! of July 11, 1978 fron Celesttno RomoLl, Chalrnan' Park and Recreatton Comnteeton re saLe of vacant lot adjacent to Cuernavaca Park. 2L2 10. Letter of August t, 1978 froo Mr. and Mre. Rtchard B. Goethals,Jr. re ltghttng at Washtngton Park. Ll. Lettet of July Ll, 1978 froo Ur. Ronoll regardtng appltcattonsfor L976 state Bond Act., Park tnprovenents. 12. Legtslatlve Bultettn, July 18, 1978, wtth Counctl dlscusstonof SB 2199, authortty for school dlstlict8 to eurploy croeetngguards. Provtetoa tncluded that they may be retmburaed fron cttyor county.. Ctty Attorney to clartfy. 13. Reports: Ctty Planner-Planntng Conrntsston neettng' July 24' 1978; Poltce Departnent: June, 1978. t4. Mtnutes: Park & Recreatton Coontsston, July tL; Plannlng Julyt0; Trafftc, Safety, Parktng, JuLy 13, 1978. FROM THE FIPOR Mr. Davtd Keyston, Anza Paciftc Ltquldattnt Truet, addressed Counctl on the subJect of the Plannlng Comnls s lon dental of appeal from deterntnati.on of butldlng offtctal. that a roof over a skateboard park at 620 Alrport Boutevard must be sprlhklered. Mr. Keyston stated thla roof has been redestgned and the proposal nay return to the Planntng Comolssion for recoistderatton. -He-spoke tb the Ctty'e concern with Propoettton 13, 8tattng, he and Mr. Faeh had developed an tdea concerning the sprtnklers whtch, although regul-red' do not seeo to serve any real purpose. He satd he got Mr. Eaeh to egree on an adotsslon tax for ekateboard parks that would brtng ln $8,000 - $10,000 a year to the Ctty tf the sprtnklertng requlre- oent vrere ratved. Councll nay Lant to get sone tnPut fron staff on any posstble real safety questton, but as a strong advocate of Propoittl.on 13, thts ts ty'pe -of thtng he felt the Ctty sholrld conbtder to suppleoent the lower rated tnc ome that tt now has. Obvtously. the Eltminatton of the cost of the sprtnkler system would a[i6w these people to pay a tax that would be applted to Justthts partlcutar usl. -He per-sonally thought it tE somethtng that could-be of beneftt to the City and to hio as a taxPayer on all the other projects. q12 4 -1 ") 2/3 vote. Mr. Keyston said the peo down the property-tax, and he thbugobvtously have been over-explottedtaxtng,. Thls ls not a property taxunder the requtrementg of the 2/3 vthat any ttne [you can reasonablv wrrtthout- endangeitng the health, iafCtty tn such a way a8 to raLee theyou should do tt.'r In comnentlng on thts proposal Councwhether thle would be ionsldered a " il ralsed the questl-on oftaxr nhich would requtre ate have voted for cutttngt the property tax payersn our prevtous systcE of He dtd not thtnk tt fellte, and he would constderrk wLth a development , , -z/ =/Qa;;k.,ur7/ 7L 1 L Ctty Clerk p h i o o er ty, or coavenl.ence of the evenue of the Ctty, I thtnk In the followtng dtscusston Flre Departnent Chtef matntatned hls_ posttton waa to enforce the ext-tlng ordlnance, and cltedtechntceltttes tn dealtng wtth the gkatE board rooi propoeal. Councl[ postponed dectston on thte propoeat pendtng staff rec- ommendattons. ADJOURNI{ENT !tuetlng adJourned at 9:00 P.M.