HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.09.18226 A regular oeettng of the Burlingame Clty Counctt wae held on the above date tn the Ctty.Hatl Counc 11 . Chambers . Meettng wae caltedto order at 8:01 P.M. by Mayor Crosby. BT'RLINGA!.TE, CALIFORNIA September 18, 1978 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI.AG Led by Charlee F. Schwalm, Ctty Manager. ROLL CALL COLTNCIL MH.{BERS PRESEM : AUSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBy,I{ANGINI, I.IARTIN COLTNCIL MEI{BERS ABSEM: NONE MINUTES BIDS . CONSIDERATION OF Mlnutes of -the regular qeet ing of September 5, 1978 were approvedand adopted.- Mtnutes of the study meettng of August Zg, 1.giglrere approved and adopted wtth correctton-of thtid ltne-from bottom,first page, to [upon L2\% of. the gross recetpts . . . .tt BIDS I WASHINGTON PARK I UPROVEMENTS .JoB N0. 78-1 Park Director rs memo of september,13, 1978 transmttted btd eumoaryon thts proJect, and recommended tow-btd of Anza EnetneeiincCoopany on-base bld and ltema 7 and 9 for 928,710, EngineeiYse8ttmete of 933,871 on these ttema. Meno not6d aichiEect andDrrector of PubLic works_jotn tn thts recomoendatton. city llanager rs memo of September 14, 1978 concurred tn thts recomendatloir. cgyl"11 revtewed plans and.btd summary whtch presented rhe eole bidwtth ftgurea over engileerrs. esttnate- on Itemi 2 and 4. The polntwas made that the archttect had not ret hts contract stnce thiseLtens rrere more than 10% over the engtneerra esttmate. Director ofPubltc works etated that erchttect hid redrawn plans tn iiipons" toa prevtous overbtd, and that the base btd was the matn btd.' councilasked clty Attorney to ascertatn tf archttect had met hra conrractunder these c trcunStances . counctl dtscussed ptans at length, and concluded park DLrectorrglnterpretetton was needed so they could be more adequately under-stood. Constderatton of thts btd was conttnued to dhe melttng ofOctober 2, _L97I for thls purpose. It was also requested that anovervtew of all contemplated- park projects be predented to counctl. 2. 1978 REST'RFACING Memo of Septembe-r- L2, L97I from Assoclate ctvtl Engineer transmttt€dbid summary on thts proJect (Summary on file tn ofitce of Cttv Clerk)and recomnended low Ula^gf Ftsk,-Ftienze & Mclean, Inc. at g4:g,74L.Oit,-engtneerrs estLmate_gf $24,002.58. Ctty Manager "on"urrtd by meooof S€ptenber 14, 1978. Director of Publlc I'Io rkg tnforured counctl project covers the folrowtngEtreets: - Sequota- Avenye , ClarLce Lane, l,taittnez Drtve, Toledo Avenue]Cowan Road and Gtlbreth Road. RESOLUTION NO. 6I.78 IIAhIARDING CONTRACT I.978 REST'P.FTCING . JOB 78.5''ffian,Inc.$4g,,4{,ool_i,iii;;;;;;;a-byCounc1l.oan ManglnL,.who ooved tts_adoptton, secirnd by Counctlman Amstrup,carried unantmously on ro11 calt voie. 227 1. CITY I''IANAGER : CITIEF BUILDING INS PECTOR POSITION Ctty l,tanager ts memo of September 14, 1978 transmttted memo ofSeptenber 1.4, 1.978 from Dlrector of Publtc l,forka shtch recommendedthat thts now vacant posltton be unclasstfted due to the sensttlvltyof the posttton. Ctty Manager concurred tn thte recomendatlon. Counctl had no_obJectton to thts destgnatton of the posltton. CttyAttorney steted he would prepare ordtnance reflecttn! thts change.- 2. CITY MANAGER: DEVELOP!{ENT AT EL CAI{INO & BROADIilAY Memo of Septeober 14, 1978 fron Dtrector of Publlc Works revtewedproposat for -development of Houc Savtngs & Loan 8t thts corner,constattng of three tots - one conmerclal , two zoned R-3. R-3lote would requtre a -spectal -perott for developnent. Developerwanta an entrance and extt off El Camtno, or use of adJacent-Cttyparktng lot on Capuchtno for entradce and extt. Dtrecior of PubitcWorks requested Counctl poltcy dectston. After deltberatton, Counctl concurred there should be no entranceor exLt off E1 Camtno. Hechantce of tytng ln Ctty parktng lot wtthette were dtecueeed. Dectston rdso that tl develolei wtshEs access and exlt over Ctty parktng lot, Ctty should negott8te for somebeneftt such as double-decklng the Clty parktng Lot at developerrse:lpen8e, at half hts expense, Ctty'use of theti bustness parkingafter buetness hours, or some other beneftt. Counctl wtli dtsc[ssfurther when offer ls made by developer. 3. CITY MANAGER: ASSIS?AM CITY PI.ANNER I'IAGE RANGE Dtrector of Publtc Worke, by meno of August 4, L978 Justoent of clasetflcatton and pay scheiiule for Aest Planner to reflect hts tncreaeed responstbtlttles attnatton of the Ctty Plannerrs poatttbn. IIe asked fo req 8te ncert f Septenber 14, 1978 reported to Councll the complaints recetved concerntng the separate en cutttngs ptckup on Scavenger Company btlla.e the servtce and obJect to paytnt for lt.d the eltmtnatLon of thts sewtce from thetth reetdents to contract wtth the company sh tt. ueeted ad-nt Ctty the elto- he aaoe !?lgry range a8 the regtatered assoctate ctvtl engtneer, $1,813 - 92r2O2. By moo of Auguat 31, 1978 Ctty Manager concurred tn thte recommndatton, ctttng savtngs of 933r200 tn Plannlng Department byreductton of pereonnel . In Counctl dlecueslon Counctlman Marttn potnted out that underProposttton 13 the Ctty ts trytng to seve noney. Wtrtle ratses areproposed for people rtth tncreased responstblttt les, thete have been no decreaeea propooed for people wtth decreased responstbtltty(t.e. those departoent heade rrho have less people to eupLrvtse.)Council concluded thts oatter ehould be referred to Cooperattve Personnel Senrlcee for thetr deterolnatton on ealary criterta.Ctty Manager ldaa so dtrected. Mayor Crosby conttnued thts tten tothe October study oeettng . 4._ CLTY IA}{AGER: GAIDEN CUTTING SERVICE BILLING Ctty ltanager rs neoo o eubetanttal numbe r ofbtlllng ttem for gard Many people do not ueCtty Manager Euggeste Scavenger contract, r, theoselves tf they wt Counctl dtgcuss those from apar garden ptckup,servlce. TheyScavengers. Thof the sugges tftxed f drf ed ee feren tteofor d ed complatnts they tndtvtdually had recetved such as troent dlrellere where each untt haa been btlled for and fton people wtth gardeners who do not use the agreed thts sttuatton ehould be negottated wLth theere rras sugge8tion that count be kept at Ctty HaI1t categorlee of conplatnte recetved. Anotherfor negottatton rres the establtshnent of a deflntteunptng. Thts ts reported to vary wtdely. STAFF MET.{ORANDA 228 Ctty Manager lnforoed Counc tl he wae neettng wtth the Scavenger Company od 9119178, and would repott results to Counctl et the next Counctl neettng. CONSEIIT CALENDAR Attorney tranemttted correspondence from R. L. Kautz & Company recommendtng they be dented. Ctty Attorney concurred tn each t. LIABILITY CLAIMS: S! L. PASQUAN, LEONORA GITRLL By memos ofSep-emfer TIEntf@e ly, Ctty caae. 2. TENTATIVE UAP - 18 CI.ARENDON ROAD Memo of nendedof twoconcurr s aPlo ed eptember L2, L978 from Asststant Ctty Engtneer reco6-proval of thts tentattve map whtch shows resubdtvtslonts. City Manager'e endorsesrent of September 14, 1978tn the recommendation. 3. IMRODUCTION . ORDII.IANCE NO. 1135 IIAN ORDINANCE A}.TENDING THE HE CITY OF BURLINGAME TO REDEFINE TRANSIENT, REQUIRE TIIE KEEPING OF CERTAIN RECORDS, AND INCREASING INTEREST RATES ON DELINQT'ENT TAXES AND PENALTIES'' Counctlman Amstrup requested he be furntshed a ltst by date of second readtng of clttee who use deftntttons as appll.ed ln thts ordinance. 4, INTRO TION . ORDINANCE NO. 1 136 ,IAN ORDINANCE AMEITDING CODE CONCERNING VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC.II Councilman Marttn moved approval of consent calendar, second by Councllman Amstrup, carrted unaninously on ro11 cell vote. Counctlman !tranglnt re2L, L978 from Dr. Cec and letter dated SeptYokefellows, Inc., 19 Manager was dtrectedbrought up at next st UNFIN s D BUSINESS DOG ORDINANCE CETA to recetpt of letter dated August Osborne, 19 Park Road, Burltngame,1, 1978 fron Mrs. Babette Baker, Road regardtng dog lttter. CttyLy: He noted thte subJect woul-d beettn8. fe rredtl c. eober Parkto rep udy me Councilman l,lang tnl requested report from Ctty Attorney onlegislatton concerntng CETA. Ctty Atromey btated rhat Stateleglslatton has been passed that irovtdes if the Federal. Government- requtres that rettrement muet be pald under thtsprogram, the State wtll pay tt. The Counctlnan then retntro-duced the matter of CETA eilployeea, parttcularly for the sewerproJect . Ctty lianager revtened that three lohrertwo laborers and one clerk-typtst - lrou $L,627 (Ctty ptcke up pay ovli glO,OOOgaln 935,000 worth of tabor. salarted Ld cost tper year) Counc tlman Amstru Septetnber !8, 197 at ton. equested thet mtnutege sent to all newspape posttions - he Ctty onl and tt wou v 1d budget ueettng offor publlc lnforu- of r8 Pr8b CONTRACT . S .M. COI,'NTY .PENINSUI.A HT'I.{ANE SOCIETY Councttman tlartin stated he had revtewed the contract whtch the I! the followtng dlgcuseton maJorlty of Counctl dteapproved of^ extendtlrg the CRIA proglan Secau-se whtle Ctty ts |itntnglabor, tt ta stttl paytng aonething for tt; Feieral-admtnltstratton of thts program ia under-attack; under proposttton l3CLty personnel had been cut wtth no plane'of htrtng ixtra. BUDGET Ctty hae wtth San Mateo County whereby the County collectsthe dog llcense and antnal fees for the Ctty and retatns them,tn constderstton of taktng on the duttes and obltgattone of antmal control: regulatton, ltcenetng and ttnpoundtng. Thecontract has the understandtng thst the County tray contractwtth the Pentnsula Humane Soctety to provtde theee senrtcee. Thte contract has been renesed every flve years. Counctlman Marttn noted that the County hae cut the budget of the SPCA draettcally tn reeponee to Proposltton 13 so that the SPCAwtll not be performtng, tts usuat functtone. Ile sugS,ested thtste a breach of contract and requeeted tha vesttgate the posstblttty of getttng thecontrol and maktng lts orrn contract wtth animal control wtthtn the Clty can functtgtated he would tnvesttgate. Ctty Managecomtttee of Ctty l.raneg,ers wll1 oeet wlth cuss thls problem. Ile would report resul APPEALS t ctty Attorney tn- fees under Cttythe SPCA so thaton. Ctty Attorneyr Etated that ethe County to dts-ts to Counctl . Letter of Septenber 14, 1978 from Mr. Shadrtck appealed the August 28, 1978 dectston of thts connteston, stattng hts appeal was late because he was unalrare of-the ttne ltntt for tt. Ctty Attorney & Asststant Ctty Planner testtfted that Mr. Shadrtck was fulty lnforned at Plannlng Comteston ocettng. llearing not echeduled. 1. HART SHADRICK, 25OO HAYWARD DRIVE, APPEAL OF DECISION OF PI.ANNIIG COI.IMI SSION 2. TRI,'E LEARNING CEMER PERMIT TO OPERATE OUT OF WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEAGT'E OF CALIFOR}IIA CITIE S CONFERENCE . ANAIIEIU Letter of Septenber 18, 1978 stgned by several reatdents of the Waehlngton School area appealed the dectsion of the Planntng Comtsston to grant thts perntt. Mayor Croaby set heartng onthts appeal for October 2, L978. BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Councttoan Andtrup noted that tern of Stuart Bacon, appotnted tothts conmtsston on 915178, exptree oa I.0l7 178. lle nontnated Mr. Bacon for appotntrent to another term. There were no Councll obJecttons, and Mr. Bacon $as ao appotnted. 229 Counctlman Martln noted he was the only Ctty delegate to thts conference and woutd therefore have the Ctty vote on a sertes ofresoluttons. There were no obJecttons. APPROVALS Councttnan Marttn requeated locatton of vendor, warrant No. 3716.t. WARRANT NOS. 3610 through 3842' duly audtted, tn the aoountof 94291882.23 nere approveil for paynent on ootton of Counctlman Hangtnt, second by Counc llwoman Bartons all aye votce-vote.,2. -PAYROLL, AUGUST, 1978 CIIECK NOS. 5248 through 5859 tn the amount of $355,689.97 approved on motton of Counctlman Mangtnt, second by Counctloan AmBttup r all aye votce vote. ACKNOI{LEDGMENTS t. Letter of september 7, L978 fron R. Roaenberger, 1109 Duffertn Avenue re charge for ptckup of garden cutttngs. 2. Letter of August 30, 1978 fron Congressman Leo Ryan acknow- ledgtng Ctty eupport tn supporttng Federsl Atrport and Atrcraft Notse Reductton Act., H.R. 8729. 3. Letter of September L2, L97I from Vlce Mayo!, San Jose, announc tng meettnS of Pentneula Dtvteton of the Caltfornta League 230 of Ctttes September 28, L978 at the Ftshernan tn Burllngam. 4. Letter of September L2, L978 fron Ctty Clerk advtstng ofexptratton dates of terms on Beauttftcatton Coonteston, Park and Recreatton Comntaston, and Trafftc, Safety & Parktry Comotsslon. Mayor Croeby dtrected Ctty Manager to check wtth subJect Cornmtsstoners regardtng wtlltngnese to serve another term. , / tl z/'//., tat#rrr{r(r:t /.e''- Ctty Clerk 5. Ltst of tocattona of achool crosstng guatds - L978-79, 6. Reports: Poltce and Ftre Departnent8; Treasurer; August, 1978. 7. Mtnutes: Planntng Coontaeton, Septeuber 11, L978. 8. Asststant Ctty Ptanner: Negattve Declaratton. PROCI..AI.{ATION Mayor Croeby proclatned the reek of September 17 through 23' 1978 as Conetttutton Week. ADJOT'RNMEtfl Meettng adJourned at 9:15 P.M. to an executtve seeston on peraonnel.