HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.11.08253 BURLINGAME CALIFORNIA November 8, 1978 d, on n ( A Special Meeting of the Burlingame Clty Council was November 8, L978, in the Ctty llatl Counctl Chambers' was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Mayor Willtam J. PLEDGE OF ALLECIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of atlegiance to Klrkup, Director of Publ tc ROLL CALL COITNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : AMSTRUP' BARTON' CROSBY,I'IANGINI COI,NCILMEMBERSABSENT: NONE COI,NCILMEMBERABSTAIN: I'{ARTIN I'trayor Crosby announced that although Councilman l'{arttn vras Pre-seirt in the- audtence, he had disqualtfied htmself fron partictpa- tton at the meettng because the Clty Attorney determlned he mlght have e confltct of lnterest !tuyor Crosby declared that this Spectal Meetlng was catLed for tnput on th6 Bayfront project. He called uPon the Director of PuLLi-c Works and Asslstant Ctty Planner to revtew the matter. the flag was Led by Ralph E. Works . held on The meetlng Crosby. a serles. of. public mpact rePort for the determtned that theoffice use woutd roJect tn thls. areastton. By earLy ommttted; a con-n; several hotel mber of offtcey determined that utred ; an emetgency 1L developments. in sociates and J. D. tc studies. The l-ve Land use sketch impacts, and butld- alternate Landtth other uses. Ituld tnclude approxt- o faciLttate further Assistant Planne meettngs tn 1974 master plan for development of 2 ohn Yost sta the draft e Anza Pac ifi3t mtllton ted that after nvironmental t c Area, it was square feet ofuently, each p traffic conge rJ on the to overtax exlsting roads. Subse was revteued in anticlpatton o qt L977 Laxge areas of the Bayfront were being- c ventton cenfer proJect was under conslderatio expanstons were planned; restaurants an4 a nu buttdtngs obtalned butlding permtts. The Ctt a reveiw of present land use policies was req ordinance was enacted requiring permlts for a the C-4 or M-L dtstrtcts; and John Blayney As Drachman were retained for land use and traff second BLayney rePort suggested four aLternat plans, with revenue and cost ratios' trafftc but oirtods to be considered. Ttro of the four uses'orovided for residences ln combtnation w was dLci.ded that the thlrd Blayney report sho mately 30 acres of residentlal deveLopment ' t study of thls possible policy change. If resldenttal land use is aPProve sideration be gtven to: (L) Locattof sites; (3) methods of seParatio number of dwelling untts per acre; need for design r-vlew; (7) types possible need for local shops; (9) schooL transportation; (10) costs whether residents would feel part He added that if resldenttal use i that a consuttant prepare an envir thts change. Director of PubLtc Works Ktrkup referred to the Drachman rePort on trafftc lmpacts whtch recommended a mlnimum of (1) widening Airport Boutevard to four lanes; (2) a Y-connection -to^Bayshorefroi.r Atrport Boulevard slmtlar to Poplar Avenue; and (3) some improvement of the Pentnsula Avenue tnterchange. Addltional trifflc signals wlll also be required at the Sheraton and the Y-tnterseciion wtth Atrport Boulevard. The tentattve schedu.le of Pof of Mr. Yost recommended con- of these areas; (2) sizes from commerclal areas ; (4) 5) zontng regutattons; (6) bulldings preferred; (8) osstble need for elementary public servlces ; and (ll) the community at Large. chosen, staff recommends^ menEal impact report fors on CALL TO ORDER 251 fqr-tbe Sheraton stgnal wlll be a year or two, it wtll take fiveor slx years for the new Y tntersectlon at Bayshore to be com-pleted and approxtmately ten yeals for the Peninsuta Avenue improvements. Mayor Crosby lnvited comments from the publtc. MR. ROBERT BRATSBERG of t530 Rotlins Road (resident of San Mateo) stated that he and other executtves advocated consideration of condomlnlums at the Waterfront. MR. ED. TAYLOR of 701 Burltngame Avenue stated that he felt resldences east of the Ftee!'ray would be tnapproprtate becauseof trafflc at Broadway, and he preferred restaulant and hotel land use. MRS. DOLORES HUAJARDO of 1400 Columbus recornmended considerationof hotels, restaurants and a conventton center owned by a hotel, pLus tecreattonaL factLtties for guests and residents. She con- stdered offtce use the r^,orst, and resldenttal tnapproprtate, both because of trafflc tmpacts and services related problems. Shepointed out the need for more hotels because of Airport Commissionreports, and the conslderable revenue to the City from that use. 3601 Holboro Way, Los Angeles, spoke as group whtch owns 6.5 acres north of Airportpartnershlp planned to develop 1ow densltyrildings. He said they would expect to wolk ounciL and the Plannlng Department. MR. J. B. ELLIOTT of 1536 Carol Avenue, expressed concern overthe need for bustng chtldren if resldential use were pernttted East of the Freerray. l{RS. ROBERT HAMMETT of [400 Rolltns Road referred to a simtlarsituatton twenty-four years ago when land use for the Mtllsdale and East Mtllsdale was consLdered and restdentlaL use nas turneddown. She called attentton to the success of the llght industrlal use of that area and recomnended that the Anza area ls aleo ex- tremely approprtate for commerctal use. m.. NORMAN FITZGERALD of 19 Vtsta Lane stated that as a practlcing attorney who was movtng his practice to BurLlngame he suggesteddiverstfication \dtth some residential use to allevtate trafftc lmpacts at peak hours of offtce travel. MRS. I'IARTY KNIGHT of 23 Drlght Road, on behalf of herself and many famtlles of the Pentnsula Avenue and Bayswater area, urged oppositlon to resldences ln the Bayfront because of posslbletraffic impact on their neighborhood, and for the same reason expressed opposition to widenlng of the Peninsula Avenue off-ramp.In response to her comment about fire vehicle traffic, Chief Herrera stated that fire vehtcles would cross at Broadrray. MR. JOSEPH ASHE of 1480 Alvarada lndtcated he did not feel theresolutton of land use should be governed by lncreased revenuebut by what would best sutt the people of Burttngame. He later suggested the wlsh of the people mlght be to preserve the hrater- front . l{R. PHILIP STEVENS o managlng partner of Boulevard on whlch tquality res identialwith the guidance of !{R. FRANK PAGLIARO of DTaKClty would recelve from de ordtnances. He emphas tzedial for the development of e Avenue suggested attentton to lrhat the velopers tn return for changes ln zoning cost for sewer programs and the potent- recreatlonal facillties along the lagoon. t a he bu l,lR. HARRY GRAHAM of L555 Alturas, speaktng as a restdent and not a commisstoner, recomrended hotels, motels and restaurants, but, be- cause of traffic iopacts feels resldenttal of good qualtty ls nec e ssary . MS. ARDITH ERICKSON ot 22L Arundel requested that care be takenthat the Bayfront ts not developed tnto another Foster City or oRx4UtJ vrtth more tall buildings slmtlar to the Sheraton. She preferred retentton of the beauty of the area. !lR. BILL LERNER of 1365 Bernal spoke tn favor of retatnlng ghe Bayfront as a recreattonal area and asked that the golf coulse proJect be completed. (There was dtscusston between Council and Staff regardtng the cost per captta of obtatntng the land for recreational purposes and the cost of $800 per person was developed.) MRS. CLAUDIA HANSON of 1414 Paloma suggested that the Bayfront be developed for the best enj oyment of all restdents of Burltngame. She said that residential or offlce uses would preseni a barrter to the publtc and she would therefore prefer hotel , motel and restaurant development. (At Counctlman Amstrupts request, Ftnance Dtrector Argyres dls- cussed the ftnanclal lmpact tn revenues and costs of servtces as set forth tn hts memorandum of November 6, 1978.) Councilman l4angtnt potnted out that some had the opportunlty to purchase the landto do so. l,lR. DAVID KEYSTON of 433 Alrport Boulevard reviewed the hlstory of the Anza property development plans at the time when state and federal funds appeared to be avallable for highways. lueto the decrease of land values at that time, development of the lands was not posslble. Durlng the past 18 months as a result of the Cltyrs iezoning, development has not been possible pend- ing land use and trafftc studles. f the studtes encouraged Anza to constder residentlal traffic at a minimum unttl a road system ts developed e at least ten to fifteen years. Included in the plan hlch tt is felt Burlingame needs badly. He added thatnt land leased from the State of California ls re- otels and restaurants. Plans call for public access exposures and there ls a requlrement for a blcycle years ago Bfor $60,000 urltngamebut refused ressed tn- ad been a The resul uses to k whtch wil are hotelthe rrater served fo on all wa to eeP1b svJfrorhter Itiane Afteto e s hls understandtng staff feels addittonal work necessary on nvtronmental tmpact report which ts part of the Blayney report. r reviewlng the- proposil Anza ls wtlling to ftnance the work xpedtte constdetatlon of rezonlng. He commented that many executlves tn the area have exp terest in condomtntums, as had developers, and there h path on each waterfront property. Mr. Ke over a almost P tannl wete mit te P d unanlmous expresston tn favor of restrtctlon to adults of stxteen years or over. He emphastzed that the Blayney rePort lndicates that twenty-four hour occupancy of resldential should be a crlme protection over stxteen hour occupancy of offtce sPace' and that the Cityts consultant, not Anzars, had recommended restdential use for'the area. He potnted out that the Ctty has not flnanced any part of street or uttltty work ln the Anza area nor has tt been asked to do so for future improvements. yston reported that all development has been held up, for- year and that tf the zonlng ts not changed there will lmmedtately be approxtmately six appltcations to the ng Commisston for office buildtngs. If residential use eimltted through re-zonlng alL development should be sub- to the Planntng Commlsslon and public for approval. !{R. JERRY FREIDI"IAN of 270 Rockham, Los Angeles' stated that he is a potenttal developer of stx to elght acres of waterfront property. He- exhtbited plans and explatned the abundance of publtc access, docks and Landscaptng. MR. CLIFFORD MoLES, an archLtect of 390 whtskey HilI Road' woodside, reported that he has been working on Ehe Bay Club Condomintum Project. OHA4L)r t Respectfully submltted, C A v/-t'"n ?-*U<,. - //. /llk-- EVELYI{ H. HILLCity Clerk He suggested the City consider the advantage of dtffelent uses in close proxlmity, excludtng tndustrial . l{R. LARRY GETZ of. 1177 Airport Boulevard, reported that he had done a feasibllity study for the Bay Club Condomlnlum proJect concerned with the sufflciency of the market for restaurants tn the area. As a result of hls survey of Mtllbrae, Burtingame and San Mateo, he determined that a larger percentage of people ln the executive category expressed Lnterest tn locatlng res-identtally on the BurLingame waterfront. Ile fett the oajorityof residents would come from within a 20 mlle dtstance of Burl tngame . In response to Council quertes, staff restated the dectstons which would be required if rezonlng to resldenttal use were dectded upon, and restated the program to allevtate traffic problems is stated in Mr. Kirkup ts and Mr. Yost rs comments at the beglnnlng of the meettng. Answering Mayor Crosby's question about the effect of lmmtnent appllcations for offtce projects if there were no rezoning, Mr. Ktrkup stated that each such project would require a spectal permtt as a con-dtttonal use. Mr. Coleman reported that under the culrent ordtnance uses other than recreatton, hotels snd restaurants wouLd requlre a spectal permtt, and he felt the Planning Commlsslon can develop a standard based upon trafftc flow using the statistlcs the Clty has as to what vartous uses wtll produce ln trafftc. Counctlman Mangini questtoned Clty ttabtti.ty tf developments were stopped pending completton oftraffic proJects. Councllman Amstrup emphaslzed the ftnanctal advantage of non- restdential use and said he favored llmtted growth unttl traffic meets the needs of development. Councilwoman Barton referred to studtes tndtcattng that res- ldenttal use would butld up the area tn two or three years, before road or overpass proJects could be completed and stated, for that reason, and because she felt tt lroutd be to the best tnterests of Burltngasre to develop the area wtth hotels, motels and recreatton, she would oppose residentlal use. Counctlman Mangint stated that aLthough he was pleased wtthprlor prohibitions of restdenees east of Bayshore Freeway, he had considered that use now as a means to amell-olatetrafflc. Because not enough detatl is avallable from the State about road lmprovement, he belteves restdential use should not be allowed at thts ttme. Mr. Kirkup said that Council has directed staff to ploceed wtth the Dlviston of Htghvoays and othet agenctes to get the Y-intersectton completed, and an overall envtronmental tmpact study wltl be needed to supplement the Partial one tn the Blayney report. Ur. Yost added that slnce offices are a con- ditional use, the state requirements for an EIR or negattve declaratlon would be observed. Councilman Amstrup noved that resldentlal use Ln the Bayfront Area not be studled further; that the existtng zontng regula- tions for the Bayfront Area be afflrmed; and that approval of proJects ln the irea be predtcated on trafflc caPabtltties. the-motton was seconded by Counc ilwoman Barton. The motion passed unanimously on roli call vote, wtth Counctlman llarttn abstatning. ADJOI,'RNMENT The meettng adjourned at 1l:30 p.m.