HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1978.12.04264 CALL TO ORDER A regular me et in the above date I caLled to order PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Alfred J ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL }MMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA December 4, L978 the Burlingame City Council was held one City Hall CounciL Chambers. Meetlng lras :05 P.M. by Itlayor William J. Crosby. gof n thar8 Patmer, Chtef of Poltce. AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, I\,IANGINI, I4ARTIN NONE Mtnutes of the and adopted. BIDS - CONSIDERATION OF: L. WASHINGTON PARK LIGITTING JOB N0. 78-22. regular meeting of November 20, L978 were approved Memo of November 29, L97I from Department of Public Works advlsed of bid openlng for thts proJect on November 9, 1978. t recom- mended that Pacific RecreattonaL Llghttng be awarded the contlact at btd of $L0t,[00. Memo attached bid sumoary Llsting seven bids and engLneer's estlmate of $I00,620. A state grant of $I03,400 has been approved providing 100% funding. Lette! of November 30, 1978 from Robert G. Coleman, Executive Manager, ELectrical Industry Trust of San Mateo County, protested what ts belleved to be a proprietary speclflcatlon in the pro- posal, and stated that it- is- felt nb award of contract should be made prior to resolutlon of thts matter. Letter of December 1, 1978 from l"la yne K. Thomas, Bustness tlanage!, Local Unlon No. 617 of the InternationaL Brotherhood of Electrtcal Workers, protested the deslgn of spectfications by the manufacturer' granting bf contract to non-union contf,actor out of thLs area, and the loss of this work by local resldents. City Attorney t and had talked opinion bid spe aspect comprlselovest bid was ommended lt be oLdtot c iflda the aurar Co he ca Pa on de unc ilra t ion rt ic Lyo d. I he had met with the above tvro assoclationsttorney, Raymond H. Levy. He stated in his s are i6galiy correct, Lhe ttor equal"ular brand of llghting flxture, and the ne wtthln the State grant funds. Ile rec- Mr. Robert Coleman of Electrical Industry Trust ad*essed Council to the effect that not enough time hain the manufac turer-prepared speclfic the City since there was a possibilit contractors are also taxPayers; and s is not delayed. Dl-rector of Public Wotks stated that the bids $ere Put out weeks. Substitutlons were to be in 7 days before bid date. fairly common to have technical specificattons prepared. by after- the City sets up Ehe tyPe of Lightlng deslred. This. effect of having the ipecifilations done by an exPert tn th Specifications are wrttten around a performance standard. dbe at ioyof ugge en allowed for substltutlonns; thls vras not fatr toa Lower price, and Local sted action lf this contract ^ Robert Coleman commented that the Law speclftes that if there two suppliers of any product, both arttcles shall be named. for threeIr is supplier has thee field. are City 26s Atqorpey replled that in this lnstance this ls a unique brandand thus spectfication is alloued by statute. In response to Council question he conftrmed that contract could be rebid but delay would have an effect on sprtng sports. Mr. Jack Hitoml, presldent of Enersave Lamp Manufacturlng Corporation of Los AngeIes, addressed Councll. His firm had prepared speciftcations. He stated funds for this projecE were ptovided by SB t74 - a State grant fund - wh Southern Californla also. He noted Southern taxes as well, and hls firm made a low pricedistributors which saved the Clty money. Copetitive btds would be based on. tnstaLlationability. He stated that the speclfication w Department of Recreatlon in Sacramento and aIt lras then issued by the City. He consider tch Ca Pontr co as PPT ed appLtes tollfornia paysssible to all actors t com-sts, time, and presented to the oved by them. one week gives contractors enough time for substitutton. He noted that sevencontractors had bld this Job and Local costs wlll go up if rebid. Mr. I^Iayne Thomas, bustness manager, Electrtcal Workers Unlon, suggested that thls bid was an arrangement vrhich precLuded abid from the Local area. This will be a non-unton job, and his union intends to pursue the matter. Councllman Manglnl notedthat Clty Attorney confirmed bid process met State legaI re- quirernents and manufacturer got the City a good price from thewholesaler. Counctlwoman Barton questtoned if the unions were lnttmating there was some connectlon betlreen the manufacturer and the contractor. In reply, Mr. Thomas questtoned why local contractors were atleast t3% higher than the low bldder slnce they flgure bidsvery carefully. He repeated his concern about work for local eLectricians. Councilman Marttn questioned lf local bldders were unlon. M!. Thomas stated 3 or 4 were. He revtewed union status of each bidder. Mr. Httomi told Council he was addressing them as a contractor whose plane was delayed and who would be In response ufacturer's Works rep I ieother rec rea company had the Los Ange meeting and Thls had beethts type ofIn the spec ithe contracttinued to Deperiod of atElectrtcal Atractors coumaterlals ch favor to the Present later. a studythe job. ays done inf lighttng. ays before Ld be con-Id gtve a bidolnt thehat other con- tons and get In response to questtons from Mayor Crosby and Councllwoman Barton, Mr. Hltoml stated that the distributor had been asked togive the same prtce to all btdders - they all had the same materlalcost. He noted contractors should be expected to bid the Job onthetr ability to do the job. CounciLman Martln questloned how much materials had been on thtsproject. When Mr. Httomi replied in the $70,000 range, the councllman noted that figure was 707" of the bid. o questtons from Counctlroan Amstrup about the man- evelopment of the spectftcations, DLrector of Publicthat after the appllcatlon for the grant was made,lonal agencies were asked for recommendat ions . This t d dt bt a n f o c st e een recommended by several agencles botes area. Staff had gone to Council at sked permtsston to have Enersave deslgngranted. Thls procedure is almost alwproject where there ls a special type oication there ts a grace period of. 45 dr can withdraw hls Lovr btd, so thts cou ember 18. If lt ts rebtd, the City wouleast 4 weeks. He commented that the psociation and the union are making ts td come tn, if rebl-d, and make substttutape! than the $70,000. h in thls and CounctLman Martin dld not recalL that the manufacturer had beenlisted as the designer at the study meettng, and noted that actrcumstance such as this gives an opportunity for a ttsweethearttr 266 job. He did not llke the present btd because it was non-unlonlabor and the Clty had lost conErol of a job by Letting a manu-facturer destgn. Thts is hard for a contractor to break.Director of PubLlc l,Jorks conflrmed it is difficult to break any propri-etary specification. CouncLLman Marttn suggestedthat two manufacturers be glven an opportunity to write spec-iflcatlons for this job. Then contractors can bid on either one, whlch would open up the bldding. RECESS After a short recess at 9:00 P.M. the meetlng reconvened. Councilman Mangtni questtoned the 'ralternatet' bid of some $4,500 for addittonaL equipment. Dlrector of PubLic Worksstated that thts bid had been dropped since there would not be enough funds tn the grant. In subsequent conversation Councilmembers lndlcated they wouldLike to have thls contract rebid, although several consideredthe cost mtght be more. Councilman Amstrup moved to reject aIl bids recetved and dtrectstaff to prepare specificattons for a rebld on this contract. Second by CounctLwoman Balton, carrled on unanimous voice vote. COMMI,'NICAIIONS l. COLTNCIL 0F MAYORS, COLJNTY OF SAN l,lATEO: RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE FI.'NCTIONING OF THIS BODY Council had received Letter of November 22, L978 from Chatrmanof Committee studying {mprovement of functlontng of the Counctlof Mayors, which attached that commtttee's five speclfic recom- mendations. Aftet some discusslon Council agreed they had no obJections to these recommendatlons. STAFF MEMORANDA T. ASSISTAM CITY PLANNER: PROPOSED HOME SAVINGS AND LOAN PROJECT - DEVELOP!,TENT OF PARKING LOT. Assistant Ctty Plannerrs report of November 28, L978 lnformed Counctl that the Planning CommtssLon had on November 27, 1978 approved a speclal permlt for this project at 1188 EL Camlno Real, with four ltems of adJustment and nlne condtttons listed. Report attached site plan for the proJect. Asslstant City Planner tnformed Counctl the condtttons were sub-ject to thelr review and addttlon of further condltions tf they desired. In response to Councll question about doubledecktng the parkinglot, Director of Public Works stated estimated cost lias pro- hibitive, about $11,000 per parking space. Council directed stsff to tnsure that aI1 conditlons were blndlng on any successors to Home Savings. Councilman Martln suSSestedthat this be done as condittons on the parcel map. 2. CITY I4ANAGER: CITY PARK. NEW CITY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DOGS IN ANY Letter of November L6, L978 from Burlingame Park and R Commlssion transmitted that Commissionrs recommendatioCity ordinance be adopted as above. Mayor Crosby setof this proposal for the January, 1979 study meeting. Martin noted a Commission member's newspaper statement CiEy was not enforctng exlsting ordinances regarding d suggested the advlsability of maklng compLaints to sta Council rather than the media. ecrnt dis Coth o8stf ea t ionhat a cuss ion unc ilmanat the and or 267 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 75-78 ,,RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXEC{'TION OFffi FoR HousrNG AND DEvELoptENT FUNDs". Thls resolutton covers an agreement for the City to particlpate through the County for Houstng Urban Development Funds. There was conslderable discussion on this resolutlon which involved Counctlman Amstrup rs suggestton that thts Federal money thtsyear be expended toward maklng the Amertcan Legion HalL on Burlingame Avenue a senLor citlzens center. Asslstant City Planner reported that County has now set up detalts of houstngrehabilitation loan program so that clties could contract wtth the County to supervise it. Change of the Cttyrs plan for re-habilitation use would jeopardlze receipt of money for thisyear; but applicatton could be made early next year for an alternatLve use such as this sentor citizens' appLtcation.Dlrector of Public Works stated that work on the application could be started tn l,lay or June of. L979 so that it could be prepared and public hearings held in t irne for submittal in September or October of L979. Counctl agreed to continue the housing loan program thtsadministered. As s lstantdetalls of program setup Counclt suggested thts be There were no further comments, and c losed . ar, but questloned how tt would bey Planner stated he would get m the County and report to Council. scussed at a study meeting. ordinance . public heartng was dec tared yecirfro dt BqsllultqN "ACCEPTING DEEDS 0F EASEMENT LOTS 3,4,7,31, BLoCK 4, BitmTfGm GRovE." Thts resolutton was withdrawn - grants of easement not recetved. RESOLUTION NO. 76.78 ''RESOLUTION NAMING FOX PLAZA LANE AND TDWARDS EOAD:" RESOLUTION NO. 77.78 ''PGSOLUTION CONCURRING IN COI'NTYWIDEffiR THE srATE LrrrER coNTRoLr REcycLrNc AND RESOURCE RECOVERY ACT OF L977." ORDINANCE NO. LL41 ''AI'GNDING CHAPTER 9.04 TO ADOFT A I'NIFORI'Iemfr-TffiEo-N ANTMAL LrcENsrNc AND coNTRoL.'r Councilman l"trart in moved adoptton of the consent calendar with ellminatton of the third item, second by Councilman Mangtnl,carried on unanimous roll call vote. ORDINANCE . SECOND READING - IIEARING T. ORDINANCE NO. II4O ''AI'GNDING SECTION 25,62.040 OF THE ruru,TffiFffiNTc-[EFcoDE REGARDING SETBACK DI STANCE S'' Ms. Mara Lake, IL48 Oxford, approved I'ta yo r Crosby opened publtc heartng on this ordtnance. Mr. Robert Gans, lLL2 Cambrtdge Road, representing the Burlingame Gate Improvement Group, requested revlew of this ordtnance. Asststant Ctty Planner reported on the averagtng of setbacks on Clty streets when they. ate 40% developed. Under present code there ls a llmttation that setbacks not exceed 30r. This code amendment simply specifies averaglng wtthout a spectflc footage llmitatlon. Thts would accommodate Burltngame Gate area where setbacks are 40t on some streets. ORDINANCE NO. 1I4O passed its second readtng and was adopted on motlon oilCourrc lInran Martin, second by Councilman Amstrup,carled unantmously on roll call vote. 2. ORDINANCE - INTRODUCTION 268 UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. STUDY MEETING DECEMBER It was decided t because of a con elay December study meeting, unttl 8:30 P.M. cttng meettng . Barton conpltmented Finance Director budget. odftl 2. BUDGET Councllmembers Marttn and on clarity of this yearts ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 b d B 6 1. Letter of November 30, 1978 from Encore ProductLons appealing PLanning Commi-sston denial. Thls matter set for heirlng at regular meettng of January 15' 1979. Letter of November 27, L978 from ABAG wtth informatlon on udget and dues. Councilman Martin ex ues increase to be voted on January I arton requested this be considered at , 1978. 3. SLx communtcations, vartous dates, regardlng Easton Branch Ltbrary. 4. Three communicatLons, vartous dates regarding vlew pre- servatton. 5. Letter of November 19, 1978 from Wm. McGowan, Jr.' l40l Vancouver Avenue, re traff l-c condtttons. 6. Letter of November 20, 1978 flom Colette Scott, 1300 Skyvtew Drlve, regardlng ltttet. 7. Letter of December t, 1978 from Suzanne Croghan, 1104 Bayswater, regardlng flower stand. Thts was referred to study meLttng of December 6, L978. 8. Letter of November 22, L978 from Clty of Mlllbrae regardtng Mlllbrae Avenue wldentng proJect. 9. Letter of November t5, 1978 from Senator S.I. Hayakawa re- gardlng aircraft and airport notse. 10. Letter of November 15, from Senator H. L. Richardson re Air Quality ltanagement Plan. LL. Letter of appreciatton from Mrs. John Condon of San Mateo. L2. Minutes: Park & Recreatton Commtssion, November 14; Planning Comm isslon, November 27; Traffi-c, Safety, Parktng Commiss ion ,November 9, 1978. ADJOURN}.IENT Meeting regularly adjourned at l0:00 P.M. lained the nature of the , L979. Counc tlworoan study meeting of Decerober C , -z/-///-kttrfutrr/{ /v<' p 3 City C[erk