HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.10.094.48 4+e BURIINGAME CfTY COUNCIL Study Meeting October 9, 1979 Mayor Irving S. Amstrup convened aat 7:35 p.m. on Tuesalay, October 9 the Burlingame City HaI1. Study Meetinq of the I979, in Conference City Council Room B of PRESENT:COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MARTIN (Councilman Mangini was excused. because of i1l-ness) CITY TREASURER SOMI{ER STAFF: Schwal-m, Coleman, Kirkup, Yost, Argyres, Hoffman I. Interview with ceorge L. Page for CATV services Mr. Page was unable to attend the meeting because of an automobile a"cci-dent. Mr, Sch\^/a1m was directed to arrange a postponed interview midway through the regular council meeting of October 15th. II. Burli4game Plaza Landscaping The Director of Public l^iorks referred to his memorandum of September27, 1979. The Burlingame Plaza Owners Association has agreed to in-stal-I landscaping and irrigation as shown on the approved pIans, obtain three bids for award to be approved by the City, and maintain and water the landscaping for a minimum of four years, v/ith the rightof cahcellation at that time, or annually thereafter upon 90 days'prior notice. The City is to install the water service and meter andcontribute not more than $6,800 to the cost of the project payable after landscaping and irrigation is completed and accepted. Council approved the proposal , and Staff was directed to proceeil to prepare the necessarv agreement. III. Elm Tree Replacement Council discussed the proposal to replace elm trees removed fromEf Camino Real and at the City Ha11 as recommended by Park Director John Hoffman. The characteristics of various eucalyptus species were discussed with the Park Director. Council indicated a pre- ference for Eucal-vptus viminalis for re planting on El Camino Real and the intention to preserve the arching appearance that has dis-tinguished that thoroughfare. The recommendation that City HalItrees be replaced with liquidambars was approved. The Park Director was requested to investigate possible contributions from the service and garden c1ubs. fV. Water Conservation Ordinance Mayor Amstrup explained that the proposed ordinance before the Council for review is the recommendation of the Peninsula Water Aqencyto the County supervisors. It is not binding upon the City, whose vrater conservation legislation may be conformed. to its individual needs. The suggested. ordinance, if enacted, would affect the unincorporated areas within the County. It was requested that comnent be made on the need for plumbing permits for repair to remodeled homes without designa- tj-on of the minimum cost of replacement which would require such a per- mit. V. Consultant for Preparation of Housing Element Council approved the recommendation of City Planner John Yost that Ironside & Associates be retained to prepare the Housing Element forthe General PIan with the direction that the draft elem.ent be sub- mitted to Council prior to public hearing. Staff v/as directed toprepare t-he necessary agreement for consideration at the October 15th meeting. VI . Reconmendation for Increased Mileage All-owance There was no that mileage Council objection to City Manager Schwalm's reconmendation allowance be increased, to 22 cents per mj-fe. 47 443 VfI. American Association of Smafl Cities VIII. Report Prom Chamber of Commerce Parking qtudies Committee Mr, Dick Gates introduced members of the Parking Studies Committee and stated the committee's charge was to determine positive actions which could be taken to alleviate parking problems in the downtovrnretail area. He reported on comrn-ittee meetj-ngs, including sessionswith City councilmembers, staff, and developers. In July the com- mittee met with five developers, ABM from San Francj-sco, A11ied Auto from Los Angeles, David Keyston, Systems Auto Parks from San Francisco, and Seymour Sterling from ANNCO. The outcome of the con$ittee meetings with developers was the determination that a policy statement from theCity Councif about a possible land lease, as v/ell as guidelines as to the type of project which would be consiilered favorably, would be necessary before more comprehensive stuilies and proposals would be prepared and presented by developers. additionally, rental commitments by merchants, which the Committee will solicit, viere requested. The Conmittee therefore asked direction from Council and a commitment that it would consider a land lease for possibly forty years if an acceptableproject is submitted. Council questioned the type of projects which were discussed. Mr. cates responded that d.evelopers felt a three leve1 structure within the 35 foot height limit could be constructed on one or more of the existing parking Iots, using the ground level plus two decks. The developer, if assured of a land 1ease, would seek bank financing, and the Chamber commi-ttee would obtain merchant commitments to rent a specified number of spaces for a specified number of years. The twoparking lots most favorably considered are the lot south of Levy Brothers, possibly extending to the parking lot east of Park Road, and the lot on Donne1ly, between Primrose and Lorton. A proposal may in- clude operation of all parking tots in the business district in add- ition to construction of a parking structure. Council discussed locations and future parking charges. In response to Mr. cates' request for a statement of Council position, he was told that the City woutd consider a land lease with no subrogation of 1and, provided a project is submitted which is acceptable to the City. The Council- would expect that the 35 foot height limitation will apply to any structure and it will examine closely the effect of a proposal upon other parking in the City. IX. Roof Rat Elimination Project }{r. Alan J. Merrifield reviewed the rat elimination program detailed in the letter of August J-9, !979, from Peninsula Community Services, fnc. He reguested the guarantee of $5,000 of revenue sharing funds by the City for its participation in the rat elimination program which would use CETA empl-oyees specially trained by Mr. Merrifield to in- spect properties within the City of Burlingame to identify and eliminate areas of rat nesting, instruct and assist in proper bait placement, and assist residents i-n arranginq for disposal of vegetation which would harbor rat infestation. Mr. Iuerrifield stated that the employees are class trained by the State Health Department and by the San Mateo County Pest Control . The employees do not represent themselves as having authority frorn the city or county, and appointments for j-nspection are on a voluntary basis. The services for thinning or clearing areas do not have a charge; however resialents are asked to assume the cost of disposal of waste material. In the future, however, services may be Limited primarily to inspection and education, and the free service may be restricted to those who cannot afford or are unable to do the work because of age or physical incapacity. Peninsula Corununity Services, Inc., is the employer of CETA employees referred to it by the Employment Development Department who have certified that the employees are eligible for the ]lrogram. The contract of Peninsula corununity Services is with the County. It vri1l be for a nelv year of services beqinning in mid-January, 1980, ancl the City of Burlingame A1l- Councilmembers present expressed interest in attending the meetj-ng of the American Assocj-ation of Sma11 Cities as announcedin the letter of September 24, L979. 44e.+1+ is solicited to allocate $5,000 of its revenue sharing funds. operational plan will precede allocation of the funds. There was no Council objection to participation. Staff was directedto prepare a resolution as requested by Mr. Merrifield. X. Jazz Festival Proj ect Larry Edwards, Chairman of the Burlingame Jazz Festival Corunittee addressed Council. He introduced BiIl Lambert, Director of the Corunittee, and Charles S. Light, its legat counsel. TheYstated the cornmittee was formed to stage a )azz festival in Burlingame next August, presenting top entertainers from the jazz world, such as Count Basie, Duke Ellington, El1a Fitzgerald and Dave Brubeck Quartet. The festival co-produced with the Chamberof Commerce, would present four concerts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, using Washington Park. It would present an extraordinary musical event, provide substantial revenue to the City and present a community activity that everyone could be involved with and enjoy. They r^rerq-qnthusiastic about reports received about the l$nterey, concord,/flri'Ssian River festivals, and referred to the experiencesof crowd control and orderliness of the festival . Funding is ex-pected to come from various sources: the Chamber of Conunerce, merchants and the City. They elaborated on the expertise of the organizations which had agreed to handle the mechanics of the sound systems, food concessions, parking arrangements, etc., and respondedto staff memoranda which corunented on the effects of such activity upon the grounds at Washington Park and the residents of the sur-rounding area. Council discussed in detail the proposal of the Committee and staff memoranda. It was the decision of councifmembers present that ajazz festival in Idashington Park would not be an acceptable project. XI . Bayfront Business Directory Signs In some locations double facedeffective.signs would be more Dj-rectional arrows as shown may be confusj-ng to read; an alternate would be to place signs on specj-fic sides with one directional indication for each group oflistings. An The same a-dvertisers signs but only those need not appear on all of the where direction would be effective. Businesses other than car rental agencies might be in- vited to rent spaces which are not currently in use by hotel.s or restaurants. Chamber of Commerce could handle the f easj-ng and spaces, and currently might investigate interest and restaurants. sale of of hotels Care near should be taken the Sheraton in in location of directional sign order for it to have good visibility. In some Module s areas it may not be necessary to have as much signage. may be useful so signage can be varied as needed. Mayor Amstrup referred to the fetter from Anza Shareholders Liquid-atinq Trust dated September 27, 1979, proposing a program for sj-gnface rental and maintenance responsibility with the Chamber ofColunerce. City Planner Yost displayed charts depicting proposed 10 foot by 12 foot signs (120 square feet of face) standing 5 feetoff the ground, or 17 feet in height, with three color choices andto be erected at six prooosed locations. In the ensuing discussionby Council, Staff and Mr. ceorge Keyston the following suggestionsfor further consideration bv staff were r'.ade: IFFF rFrst4-rF ".v-rTr,itt!l.F-'lryqttirrtt'--rtli;rFftrr-F*lt!---'-@ -Frrr-tlEr'$--'f +f --'l 11+ -4/.1< Spaces on signs should be similar in color and size andas clear and visual as possible. The Castawalzs might be interested in space on a directional signat the south end of the area. Staff was directed to investigate the interest and saleabi.lity ofdirectional sign spaces among the businesses in the Bayfront indreport back to Council in several weeks. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. ,4tr;,z/zlt-(HILLCity Clerk