HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.10.1545e 146 BURLINGA}4E, CALIFORNIA October 15, L979 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. Meeting was calledto order at 8:06 P.M. by Mayor Amstrup at conclusj-on of executive session beginning at 7:30 P.M. to interview cable TV consultants. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Alfred J. Palmer, Police Chief. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL I4EMBERS MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of October PRESENT : AMSTRUP , BARTON , CROSBY , MANGINI , I4ARTIN ABSENT: NONE study meeting of September 26 and the regular1, L979 were approved and adopted. POLICE STATION COMMITTEE Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of official detailed and documentedreport of this committee from its chairman, James Fehlhaber. He thanked Mr. Fehlhaber for taking over chairmanship of this committeeduring a transition and for his efficient leadershio. He also praised committee members for hard. work and dedication, and those in audiencewere recognized. At suggestion of Councilman Crosby council members agreed to discuss recoflImendations of reoort at the next Council study meeting. Mayor Amstrup invited committee members to attend, ENTERTAINI\IIENT PERMIT - JJ7 , INC. , DBA JOHN I S PI,ACE 348 LORTON AVENUE Mayor Amstrup acknowledged receipt of Fire Department report dated October 3 | 1979 from Chief Fire Inspector, attaching first and secondnotices of violatj-on, and inspection report dated 7/25/79. ChiefFire Inspectorrs report indicated present satisfactory compliancewith Fire Department regulations. Original Police report of 7/26/79 was resubmitted to Council. Councilman Crosby moved that entertainment permit be granted fora period of six months, hours from B:00 12:00 P.M. on Sunday for Country and Western music, no restrictions on danci.ng, organ music every two weeks. Second by Councilman l{angini. There followed discussion of time limitations in evening. Final motion was amended by maker, amendment accepted by second, togranting permit for a period of three months, with review at end of that time. Carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. APPLTCATION FOR AUCTION PERMIT 1. c. B. CHARLES GALLERTES, rNC. AT HYATT HOUSE, OCTOBER 22,23,24, t979 City Clerkrs memo of October 11, 1979 reported that this Company had successfully held an auction in Burlingame on October 1-6,J-7, and 18, 1978 with no unfavorable reports to Clerkrs Department or the Police Department. Catalog for current auction was transmitted to City Council. There was no discussion or objections to this auction. ffi 44"1 Counci-lman Mangini moved this by Councilman Crosby, carried auction permit be on unanimous vote. granted, second CORRESPONDENCE 1. BURLINGAME SENIOR CTTIZEN ORGANIZATION Letter of October L,1979 Lo Mayor Amstrup from Burlingame SeniorCitizens Organization pointed out recent incident of robbery and assault against a senior citj-zen in Burlingrame, noted it was only one of rnany recent incidents, and asked for action on the part of the City, particularly with respect to happenings in Washington Park. Letter attached 8 pages of signatures from senior citizens. Memo of October 9, 1979 from Chief oftabulation of all incidents connected totaling only eight, and showing lackof crime. Police Chief also outlined Washington Park. Police attached a one year with senior citizens, of pattern or concentrationPolice program within Mayor Amstrup noted that local problem was being handled by Police, but recommended that Council consider participating with otherlocalities on a County-wide scale in prevention of crime. Council concurred, with Councilman Mangini suggesting cities be encouraged to participate in CAPTURE. 2. ROBERT H. BROWN AND THOMAS G. TIMBEF.LAKE RE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIOI{S MILLSDALE AND EAST MILLSDAI,E INDUSTRIAL PARKS Let-tar of 10/2/79 from Robert H. Brown and Thomas G. Timberlake, 1601 Bayshore Highway, reminded Council that deed restrictionsfor Mi11sda1e and East Mitlsdale Industrial Parks will begj-n to expire on December L, L979. Most restrictions have now been in- cluded in the Burlingame zoning code with the exception of the 10' side yarcl requirement and the prohibition of exterior walls of sheet or corrugated iron or steel, asbestos, or similar material. Mr. Brown and Mr. Timberlake asked that these rec{uirements be added to the zoninq code. Council discussed, and concurred that staff should investigate and report to both Planning Commission and Council. 3. CITY ATTORNEY: BURLINGAME AVENUE OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT City Attorney's memo of Counsel James T. Mortonin this district. October 10, L979 on modifications transmitted report of bond to the building restrictions City Attorney stated that the essence of the report is that the existing Burlingame Avenue Off Street Parking District does not place any restriction on the City's ability to modify any of the current zoning relatj-ve to parking and credits ruithin the area because people who have contributed to the district have received and will continue to receive benefits in line with their contributions. He added he will send this report to the Planning Comm.ission and to Traffic, Safety and Parking Comrnission. Council discussed briefly, and asked that both staff and commissions investigate changes which could be made to alleviate parking problem and report to Council as soon as possible, possibly with draft ordinance. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: 1310 COLUIIIBUS AVENUE, 1356 VAIICOUVER AVEI$UE By memos of October 9 and October 10, L979 respectively Director of Public Works requested approval of these encroachment permits. Permit for 1310 Columbus is for encroachment into easement for fencing, andpermit for 1355 Vancouver is for construction of roof leader and yagd 4+8 4+8 drainage pipe in the a11ey at rear of this lot. 2. LIABILITY CLAI}4S : CLARK C. BAKER AND ED}IA DAVIS By rnernos of September 27 and October 4, 1979 respectively, CityAttorney recommended denial of these claims. 3. RESOLUTIONS PESOLUTTON }IO. 75-79 - I'ENCOURAGTNG TI{E CO}ITINUED DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL PLANNI}IG DISTRICTS. '' R.ESOLUTTON NO. 76.79 - ''AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH IR.O}ISIDE & ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF HOUSING ELE}'IENT. 'I RESOLUTION NO. 77-79 - "ENDORStrNG ROOF RAT ABATEIUENT CoMMUNITY SERVICES, Iltre. " d. "AUTHORTZING EXECUTION OF LEASE T.'{ITH BURLI}IGA}{E LIONS CLUB OF APIERTCAN LEGION HALL. " Council diseussed at some length and then deferred con-sideration of this agreement to November study meetingso that City Attorney could confer with Lions group andreport to Council on inclusion of Lermination clausegiving City right to terminate lease if necessary andinclusion in lease of language which would enable Cityto have some control over rental rates. This item was removed from consent calendar. E. RESOLUTION NO. 78-79 - ''AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT tr.IrTH TORREY & TORREY, INC. FOP. PP,EPARATIOI\ OF I{ATERFRONT ELEMFNT OF TFIE BURLINGAME GENERAL PLA}I, A SPECIFTC AR.EA PLAN, AND AN A}4ENDED BAYFRO}IT SECTIOIV OF THE CIRCULATION ELE}4E}trT. " Councilman l{artin moved approval of consent calendar excluding resolution on Lions CIub 1ease, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. ORDINANCES SECO}TD READING - HEA.F.ING 1. ORDINA}ICE NO. 1159 ''AUTIIORIZI}TG IIANDICAPPED ZONES.I' City Attorney explained provisions of this ordinance for benefit of audience. Mayor Amstrup opened public hearing. There was no comment andpublic hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 1159 passed its second reading and rrras adopted on mot ono cl-Mangini, second by Councilman Crosby, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. 2. OB.DII{A}ICE }]O. 1160 I'ESTABLISHING STOP SIGI$S AT FPOI{TERA V]AY AND SEBASTIAN DRIVB FRO}{ ALI DIREICTIO}TS II a b c Mayor Arnstrup opened public hearing on this ordinance, There was no cornment and public hearing was declared closed. ORDIIIANCE lIO. 1160 passed its second reading and was adopted on rnffi Crosby, second by Councilman l{artin, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. APPROVALS WARR}.NTS I{arrant Nos. 3098 through 3347, duly audited, in the amount of $814,251.59 v.rere approved for payment on motion of Councilrnan Mangini. second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. PAYROLL Payroll for September t L979, ChecP, Nos. 13054 through 13945, total amount of $362,774.87 approved for oayment on Motj-on of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilm.an llartin, carried on unanimous vote. +19 UN]FIIIISHED BUS INESS I- COI4I4ISSIONERS TERMS Council had received. memo of October ll , 1979 from Mayor Amstrup onthis subject $7ith questions relative to the mechanics of the two-term Commission 1imit. Questions included: 1. What is exact definition of a "term"? 2 r.vi f 1 two terms apply regardless of the fact that some three years, some four years? 5. Apprenticeship for Planning Cornmission? Mayor Amstrup requested resolution of these guestions. Councilwoman Barton, referring to newspaper publicity on this "sudden decision" noted many occasions where she had voted against more than two terms. Her suggestj-ons on procedures included: When two terms have been served, ex-commissioner may wait for one year and then apply for another commission. Absence of three or more times from commission meetings should warrant replacement. No need for apprenticeship on Planning Commission - commissioner can learn how commission works in six months. Councilman Mangini stated he disapproved of the term limitation,particularly since it had been done without notification. He suggested consideration at a study meeting with proposed ordinance and public hearing to foIIow. Councilman Martin also objected to publicity on Councilrs "sudden"action. He noted his introduction three years ago of an ordinancelimiting comrnission terms, and his subsequent vote against any re- appointment or more than two terms. He approveal eligibility for reappointment to a commission after ex-commissioner had been off one year, and suggested that ordinances on commissions be reworked for series of reasons. At that time terms could be made uniformat 4 years. He considered that if a commissioner had served one three-year term and one four-year termf he had served two terms. He disapproved " apprenticeship " to Planning Commission, consi-dering that rnain attribute for commissioner should be abifity to make decisions based on common sense. He explored his personal feelings regarding the newspaper publicity, approved consideration of removal of com- missioners for unexcused absences, but noted inherent difficul-ties in "removing" commissj-oners. Councilman Crosby also objected to media coverage, in particular, reference to the "poIitical" aspect of commission appointments. He based his approval for limitation of terms on the fact that in thepast it was difficult to get people to serve on commissions, but now many people are eager to serve. Mayor Amstrup reaffirmed his goal of outlining the mechanics of the term limitationi noted that the term used in the media of "suddenaction" referred. to the fact that the commission limitation was not an agenda matter and people involved had no notice of it. Subsequent lengthy discussion procedures: by Council developed the following t. Itro commissioner shall serve more than two consecutive terms on the same commission. 4 2. At end of his two commission; and after mission. terms, ex-commissioner may an absence of one year, to apply to anotherhis former com- Should continued absence from meetings be a considerationfor removal? 3 Is it a partial term when someone has served one three-year term and one four-year term? I 73o 450 3. Number of years in a term shal1 be those set out in the City ordinances. 4. Appointments to three months early duties. planning commission can be made so that future commissioners may as much as research 5. Too many unexcused absences by chairman or mayor initially, for a commissionerwith removal if no could be handled i-mprovement. 6. Commissioner who is appointed to an unexpired two terms in addition if the unexpired portion is term. term less can serve than one-half City Attorney reported he would draft resolution incorporating decisions of Council on this subject. MYRTLE ROAD BEAUTIFICATION Councilwoman Barton noted the efforts of a young artist, a Frenchr oD Myrtle Road toward beautifying his property and gested letter of commendatj-on be sent. Council agreed and. I{anager is to write Mr. French. NEW BUSINESS FENCE Mr. sug- City Councilman l{artin requested that staff check fence and Carmelita that seems too high and a danger for EI Camino. AIRPORT LAND USE Councilrnan }4.artin announced public meeting to be held 27 at CSM starting at 9:00 A.M. by the joint land use airport study. He urged attendance. at EI Camino exiting onto on October board on GILBRETH PUI{P STATION Memo of October 11, 1979 from Director of Public lrlorks detailed sewer emergency and necessity for installation of L t700 feet of temporary pipe which will overrun the budget. Council agreed situation \4rarranted this extra expense. APPEAL F'RO}4 PLANNING 2720 I.{ARIPOSA DRIVE, COMMISSION DECISION - MONTESSORI PRE-SCHOOL, ADRIANA LONZARICH AND JTINE WISECARVER. Council acknowl-edged receipt 1979 from proponents. Mayor meeting of November 5, 1979. appeal letter of October 15, set hearing for Council of this Amstrup BEAUTIFICATION COMMISS ION Mayor Amstrup appointed Mrs. Mildred unexpired term on this commission, to beautif ication commission. Disco, presently serving an her first ful1 term on the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Letter of September 28, 1979 from Seventeenth District I I california PTA urging passage of citlz ordinance to ban display and sale of drug and narcotic paraphernalia. i-ncluding cigarette papers, LO minors. Mayor Amstrup asked that such an ordinance be- dravrn up, City Attorney stated he would research since legality of this type of ordinance is being challenged. 2. Letter of September 2L, 1979 from Peninsula Water Agency regard- ing renegotiation of lonq term resale water contracts between San f'rincisco t^later Department and suburban water agencies, and asking that rro rr€\rr contralts be entered into without consultation with Peninsula l[ater Aqencv.ignation of elected officia necrotia-tions involvincr poli Also requested was des- 1 rvho r'rould be contact person for any tical decisions. At recruest of Council- 4sl nan DOSJ. I.'lartin Council aareed to supoort Peninsula- r*,ate:: Fqencv I s ted l'layor Amstrup as contact person.t on ancl- desicrna Mateo County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report, September, 3. Letter of September 27, 1979 from I{m. l.[cGowan Jt., 1401 Vancouver Avenue re height limits on Bayfront. 4. Letter of October 9, L979 from Vernon J. Richey, Deputy District Director, State Dept. of Transportation re rescinding freeway adoption on Route 92 between Route 1 and Route 280. 5. Police Department l4onthly Report, September, L979. 6. Treasurerrs Report, September 30, L979. 7. San r979. 8. Fire Department Report, September, 1979, FROM THE FLOOR Mr. I{arqy Graham, representing Burlingame A,venue merchants, re- quested and received Council permission to have pumpkin I'weight- guessing" contest for Halloween and Thanksgiving in varying com-mercial locations. He also received confirmation that City forces would install Christmas decorations the week after Thanksgiving. Mr. Graham reported he had checked with Recreation Director toinsure there would be no conflict with Art in the Park; and thedates of June 2L, 22, and 23 would be requested for sidewalk art show. Council had no objection. I4r. Graham told Council a banner rnras being built to advertise thenerchantsr various activities and he r,rrould like permission to putit up two weeks before any major event. IIe was advised by City I4anager that he must apply for permission each time. Mr. Graham went on to request permission to video tape Council meetings from time to time to test capabilities of new equipmenthe is rnarketing. He promised non-interference with m"eetings andthat the tape would not be shown without permission. Council hadno objection to equipment testing. ADJOURNMENT l4eet-ing regularly adjourned at 9t25 P.l1 E *z^, z/z/zz Evelyn H/Hj-7l-City Clerk '@rrp'rryq,ryI