HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.11.14M+ 16 Mayor Irving S. Amstrup Burlingame City Council14, 1979 , in Conference PRESENT: STAFF: B URI,I NGAI\,IE CITY COUNCTL SPECIAL STUDY MEETING Noveniber ).4, L979 convened a Special Study Meeting of theat 7:50 p.m. on Wednesday, November Room B of the Burlingame City HaI1. Mayor Amstrup announced that the Special Study Meeting had beencalled for the purpose of discussion of the report of the CitizensAdvisory Committee on the Police Station, the only item on theagenda. Each of the Councilmembers during the course of the meetingexpressed congratulations and appreciation to the cornmittee for the thoroughness of its study and excellence of the report. Councilmembers agreed that possible acquisition of Site 1 (Trousdale Drive and California) and Site 2 (a) and (b) (East Lane and Howard) shoul-d be pursued. They noted that 8 votes were cast for Site 1,5 for Sites 2 (a) and (b) , and one vote each for two other proposedsites. The City Attorney $7as instructed to contact the owners ofthe properties to determine their interest in sale of the property and the purchase prices they would consider for the respective parcels. Committee members advised Council that the Trousdale parcef was ap-proximately 40,000 square feet and it is estimated the price will be between $13 and $18 a square foot. The parcel may be larger than isrequired, so the possibility of resa}e or lease back of a portionof it should be investigated. The o\"rner of the lot, Vincent M:uzzj- ,owns buildings facing El Camino and may desj-re to retain some of theIand for parking. It was also suggested that eminent domain may bepreferable to the land owner because of tax benefits. Mr. Molakidis reported that some of the property on Sites 2 (a) and(b) is under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission and he understands that Pacific Gas & Electric Company is willing tosel1 it. There are a total of five owners involved in the 2 (a) and (b) site. Council also requested an inquiry of real estate people of theapproximate value of the present police facility. Mr. Thomas Sinestated that in committee discussions a valuation of between $350,000and $500,000 was arrived at after reference to several real estatepeople. Council questioned the legality of a land swap with thethought that the owner of the Trousdale parcel might be more amenableto tradj-ng land than an outright sale. City Attorney Coleman advisedthis might be possible with proper appraisals and back-up on prices,especially on the City disposal. In choice of site, some of the considerations, in addition to economic,wilf be avaj.lability of the site, access to two streets, locality, andbest use of the land; however in deliberations the first recommendation-of the conunittee will be given preferential consideration if there j-s not too great a cost differential- between the first and second recom- mendation. In planning the new police station a large conference type area withfacil-ities for use in emergency is contemplated. At the present time an area designated exclus j-veIy for an Emergency operations Center is not planned because there is a reluctance to involve federal funding because of the attendant federal mandates. COUNCILMEN AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, No Councilmembers were absent. CITY TREASURER SOMMER Kirkup, Coleman, Argyres, Palmer MANGINI aNd MARTIN The reconmendation of the corunittee is that the facility be a minimum of 13,500 square feet, with provision for expansion to 20,000 square feet in the future. Provision should also be made for interior flow pattern alterations. 46tr 46. Actual ptanning and constructj-on of the building could be accomplished (1) by hiring an architect and normal bid procedure; (2) a turn-key operation put to bid on outline specifications; or (3) a lease-back arrangement such as was solicited by Morris Daley, Inc., at the time the Carolan Avenue site was under consideration. The City has considerable resource materials fronn the committee's studies, Mr. Steinberg's reports and architectural material from the Carolan site, much of which can be used in connection with specifications for a buiJ-ding on the site acquired. Mr. Steinberg, using the data assembled for his recent reports, may be a good choice for the preparation of such specifications if a turn-key or lease-back procedure is pursued. Mrs. Ardith Erikson suggested that a history of City action in connection with the police stations would be helpful so the com- munity will understand the reasons for acquisition of property, its subsequent sal-e, and the present studies. The members of the committee were again complimented for therr cellent community service. Mayor Amstrup specifically thanked A1 Molakidis because his in-depth study of the California Drive property had precipitated the renewed activity with respect to need for an adequate police statj-on. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m ex- Mr. the 6il*rt7wEVELYN il. HILL City Clerk