HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1979.11.19ffi& 46,, BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA November L9, LgTg CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers. Meeting: \,ras calledto order at B:00 P.M. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE F'LAG Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: AMSTRUP , BARTON , CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONE Minutes of the regular meeting of November 5 and the study meeting of November 7, 1979 were approved and adopted with thefollowing corrections : Regular meeting, Page 457, "Acknowledgments", Item I "Frank Anzaria" to "Frank Cannizzaro." Study meetj-ng, Page 459, last sentence be changed to: "It was Mr. Keyston's suggestion that the question might be placed upon the next election ballot. " Mayor Amstrup also requested that minutes of this meeting include the notice of Council appointment of William Nagle to the Library Board. BIDS CONSIDERATION OF: 1. REROOFING THE MAIN LIBRARY, JOB NO. OO8. Director of Public works briefly reviewed bid on this job, recommending bid of Ace Roofj-ng in the amount of $121630, lower than the engineer's estimate. He also recommended add-on work in the amount of $485 to repair existing copper gutter if it were found to be damaged at the time of the reroofing operation. Council had no objections. RESOLUTION NO. 84A - 79 ''REROOFING THE MAIN LIBRARY, JOB NO. OOB'' CORRESPONDENCE 1. LORNE R. CORBETT FOR ANZA INVESTORS REOUESTING APPEAL HEARING BEFORE CITY COUNCIL ON PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SIGN EXCEPTION FOR ANZA CORPORATE CENTER, 533 AIRPORT BOULEVARD This appeal, transmitted by Mr. Corbettrs letter 13, 1979, was set by Mayor Amstrup for hearing at December 3, 1979. of November the meeting of 2. BURLINGAME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: DATES T'OR BURLINGAME DAYS Letter of November 13, 1979 from Burlingame Chamber of Commerce advised that the Burlingame Community Days Committee had selected May 7, l-980 through June 15, 1980 as Burlingame Days. There was no Council objection. (ace Roofing Company, $L2,630, bids on file in office of City Clerk) plus gutter repair in amount of $485 if necessar)u, was introduced by Councilrnan Crosby ivho moved its adoption, second by Council-r,.rornan Barton, carried- on unanimous ro11 call vote. A-ffi +6- 3. CITY MANAGER: TRAFFIC, SAFETY, PARKING COI{}4ISSION CONCERNING OXFORD/CAMBRIDGE ROADS AT EL CAMINO REAL By letter of November L2, L979 Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission had recommended installation of temporary barricades at the intersection of Oxford and Cambridge Roads with El Camino ReaI. City Manager recommended by endorsement of November L4, 1979 that the State be contaoted on the suggestion and the in- stallation be given a 90 day trial test. In response to Council questions, Director of Public Works stated that he is working out details with Caltrans and that traffic counts would be Laken before and after the closure. He estimated that closure would be accompli-shed about one rnonth from now. There was some further Council discussion, but no objection to this closure for this trial period, and Mayor Amstrup so ordered. 4. CITY MANAGER: TRAFFIC,SAFETY,PARKING COMMISSION CONCERNING RED CURB PAINTING AT DRIVEI{AYS. Traffic, Safety, Parking Commission by letter of October 23, 1979 recommended policy for red painting of curbs by property owner or tenant after issuance of City permit and fee. Curbs would be rnain- ta.j-ned by owner but inspected by the City. This commj-ssion recom- mended that this policy be included in residential as well as in- dustrial and commercial areas. Council discussed briefly, with Director of PubIic Works stating he would prefer to delay trial in R-I areas for the present. [Ie added that the Public Works Department would furnish a certain amount of red paint. Councj-lman Mangini moved policy for red curb painting be approved as not.ed in memo of 9/ll/79 from Director of Public tr{orks in indust::iaI, commercial, and R-3 districts. Second by Councj-Iman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. 5. APPLICATION FOR USED CAR SALES AT 26 ANITA ROAD, BY HOVIARD W BALL By letter of November 15, L979, Iioward V,i. Ball , 247 Aviador Avenue, Millbrae, requested permission to open used car sal-es lot at above address, with approximately four or five cars. Mayor Amstrup set hearing for Council meeting of December 17 , L979. JOINT IUEETING - CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COI.{MISSION Mayor Amstrup suggested a breakfast meeting with this comrnission. Council discussed, and decided on meeting at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, December L, with this commissj-on and staff. City Attorney noted the press would be notified. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 LIABILITY CLAIMS: EDI{IN HILL SISTERS OF MERCY/LEASEMOBILE. LELAND B), memos of November 15, L979 City Attorney and concluded they were without foundation. be denied. reviewed these claims He reconrmended they 2. RESOLUTIONS a. RESOLUTION B5-79 "RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE 2720 I{ARIPOSA DRIVE''PERMIT FOR NONPROFIT SCHOOL At Council request, City Attorney agreed to change theterrn, ". . . average enrollrnent of twenty-four students, to ". . .maximur'. enrollm-ent of twenty-eight students, . as specified on the application. b. RESOLUTiON 96_79 ''PGSOLUTION REJECTING ALL BIDS I\TILLBRAE/BURL . SLUDGELINE }.ND FORCE I\TAIN - PROJECT C-06-I267-L2O (CITY JOB 906A) " l1 il WE\@ "q.fs'i.% 4€8 +6 AYES : NAYES : Councilman l4angini- moved Resolution 89-79 , second vote. approval of consent calendar excluding by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous fn memo of November 15, 1979 Director of Public Worksexplained State wil-l- not approve award because theyconsider regulations regarding Minority Business Enterprises were not met. C. RESOLUTION 87-79 "RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS '' At Council request, total of four projects $rere included: widening Airport Boulevard, reconstruction of Bayshore Boulevard, Peninsula Avenue interchanqe, and Route 380 connection to the Airport. d. RXSOLUTION NO. 89-79 "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES Mayor Amstrup requested Lhis be removed from consentcalendar for vote. He stated he would vote aqainst it. Councilman Mangini, while noting that a change had been made regarding appointments to f ifl- vacancies so that twofulf terms can be subsequently served., stated hd woufdstill be opposed. Councilman Martj-n introduced RESOLUTION NO. 89-79 and moved its adoption, second b v Councilman Crosby, carried on following ro11 call vote: COUNCILMEMBERS: BARTON; CROSBY, MARTIN COUNCILMEMBERSI AMSTRUP, MANGINI RXSOLUTION 88-79 'AUTIIORIZING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS, DOCUMENTS AND PAPERS'I APPROVALS WARRANTS Warrant Nos. 3348 Through 3677, duLy audited, in the amount of $973,405.87 were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Crosby, carried on unanimous vote. PAYROLL UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Mangini asked that each Councilmember be supplied with copy of October 24th bulletin of the League of California Cities with its coverage of Proposition 4. Staff r,rill comply. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Amstrup announced benefit November 24, 1979 for Cambodian to be held at Serra Highrefief, and declared his School on support . DECEMBER STUDY MEETING After some discussion, Counci] decided to efiminate the monthly study meeting which would be on December 5. City Planner pointed out that the Housing El-ement must be adopted before the first of theyear and Council will want to study before hearing and adoption. rt was suggested that City Planner mail Council draft of the Element, and if discussion were needed, it could be at 7:30 P.M. before regular meeting of December 3, L979. EOR COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS * Payroll for october, L979, Check Nos. 13946 through 14545, in the amount of $369,279.37, approved for payment on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. 4.€8. 4C ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Letter of November 13, L979 from Burlingame Business and Professional Association and letter of November L4, 1979 from Burlingame Chamber of Commerce both requesting Council approval for one-hour free meter parking December 1 through December 31, L979. Council had no objections. 2. Letter of Novernber 13, L979 from City Librarj-an requesting Councj-I appoj-nt representative to P.L.S. Advisory Board to replace William Nagle. 3. Letter of October 26, 1979 from City of Half Moon Bay attaching copy of their Resolution 7L-7 9 opposing Cal Trans' recommendations to consider rescinding the freeway adoption on Route 92 in San Mateo County between Route 1 and Route 280. Letter requested cooperatj-on from San Mateo County cities in taking similar position. Councilman I4artin poj-nted out the importance of Route 92 to Burlj-ngame as we1l, since there will be future garbage haul on that two lane road to Ox Mountain. He suggested similar resolution be introduced by Burlingame Council. There was no objection and staff was directed to prepare. A discussion of Burlingame durnp site followed, wj-th Director of Public lrlonks j-nforming Council that while the dump had been scheduled to close December 31, 1979, there remained adequate space to continue operation for several months. Councilman Mangini moved City extend use of dump for a period of approximately six months, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously. 4. Memo of November 13, 1979 from Fj-nance Director reporting on Gann Initiati-ve. 5. Letter of November 15, 1979 from Mrs. Arundel Road re development on Burlingame A. A. Erickson, 221 Bayfront. 6. Letter of November 7, L979 from San Mateo County City Selection Committee announcing meeting November 30, L979 for appoj-ntment of representatives. 7 . Reports: S. It{. County Visitors Bureau, October, 1979 i Burlingame Fire and Police Departments, October, L979; Treasurer's report, October 31, L979. B. Commission minutes: Beautification, November I; Planning, Itrovember 12; Traffic, Safety, Parking, November 8, 1979; S.M. Civil Defense & Disaster Council, October 25, 1979. ADJOURNMENT Et*il2/// EVELYN G. HILL City Cl-erk Meeting regularly adjourned at 8:30 P.M.