HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.04.21r 40 RURLINGA}{E, CALIFORNTA April 2I, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetinq of the BurlJ-ngame City Council was held onthe above date in the City HaI1 Council Chambers. Meeting wascalled to order at 8:35 P.l\4. by Mavor R. D. Martin after astudy meeting dealing with consideration of oroposals for engineering studies and EfR for Airr:ort Boulevard and Freewayconnection. Presentatj-ons were made by, Mr. Tom Meigs of THM and representatives of THM "team" - HKS Associates, and J. D. Drachman Associates; and Mr. Ron Calhoon of l{i1sey and Ham andrepresentatives of Earth Metrics. Council will discuss furtherat study meetinq. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Jerome F. Co1eman, City Attorne.T. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, }IANGINI , MARTTN NONE 7 and the special adopted. The minutes of the regular meeting of April meeting of April 15, 1980 were approved and Letter of April 21,1980 from City Clerk reported that phone communication from American Sign and Indicator Corporation had requested continuance of hearing to May 5. I{ayor Martin announcedIast continuance of this hearing would be held on May 5, 1980. 2. DAVID M. KING, CALL-A-CAR RFNTAL COMPANY, L470 BAYSHOFE HrGHI^IAY, APPEALING DENIAL OF SPECIAL PEP.IvIIT TO OPERATE FROM BAYSHORE HIGHI^IAY LOCATION. City Planner reviewed his memo of April 2L, 1980 which detailed thisapolication for sma1l rent-a-car agencv and separate auto servicing detailing company. He presented following technical concerns to Council-: access from Balzshore Highway, substandard landscapi.g, on- site vehicle washing, and l-hour fire waII betrveen office area and rvarehouse area. He noted that if these are resolved, oolicy judge- ment must be made as to whether prooosed use should be allowed for interim time with 'sundownr 1imit. In event of anproval he suggested f ive conditions, and noted that attornelz Bernard 14. I^Iolf ers letter of April 1, 1980 promised compliance with all. Upon Council question City Planner indicated landscapirg, condition 4, could be accomolished in three months rather than six. l4ayor Martin declared the meetinq ooen to the public. HEARINGS 1. APPEAL F'ROM DENIAL OF SIGN EXCEPTTON BY NEUFELD PORSCHE AUDI, IO25 ROLLINS ROAD. Mr. Bernard Wolfe, attorney, representing aoplicant David M. Ring and property owner Flilliam F. McClenahan, agreed to shorten time for landscapi.g; and focussed his presentation cn the fact that property owner wilt lose money on this buildinq if it is left un- occupied because of zoning. Accomoanying buildings on this parcel are leased until L984. Cost of terminating leases and loss of use- fuI1 life of buildings would make it prohibitive to seII in con- formance with C-4 zoning. In response to Council questions aoplicant and his lawyer agreecl there would be no on street parking, all cars would be inside building, car washing would be done offsite, only one entrance 4L u1d uld wo Ir/O be off Bayshore, with "no left turn' sign, other entrancebe from Burlway. Councilman Mangini moved this special permit application be approved with the following conditions: I Permit to operate CaII-A-Car Rental auto servicing/detailing company isKing, and is nontransferable; Operation of the businesses shal1 be March 6, 1980 letter from Mr. King Company and aporoved to separate David M. 2 3 compatible with the Site improvements identified in the March L2, 1980 memo from the Chief Building Inspector shal1 be completedsatisfactorily Landscaping and irrigation plan for area between the building and property line adjacent to Bavshore Highway shall be prepared to Park Department standards, with all improvements to be completed within three months Northerly driveway on Balzshore Highrvay curb cut removed shaIl be closed, and No egress from this prooerty to Bayshore Highwaf. sha1l bepermitted; all egress shal1 be via Burlway Road Sign which advises that left hand turns into the Bavshore Highway driveway from the southbound lanes of Bayshore Highway are prohibited shal1 be posted on this prooerty in a prominent position No vehicles associatecl with this business shalI be parked on-street \-- L- 4 5 6 7 B 9 Second vote. REQUEST SERVICE Permit sha1l bein one year and subject to review and possible amendment shal1 expire May l, 1984 unless extended. by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously on ro11 call OF CHIEF OF' POLICE TO PURCHASE TWO ADDITIONAL POLICE DOGS Memo of March 18, 1980 from Chief of Police detailed benefits of two additional dogs and budget justification for their purchase. Mayor Martin set this budget item for discussion at study meeting of llay L4, 1980. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. LIABIL]TY CLAIMS: THOMAS J. HORNBLOWER AND MICHELT,E BURT. By memos of April 8, 1980 and April 11, 1980 Attorney recommended denial of these claims no City liability. respectively, City on the basis of 2. CONTINUANCE OF PARTICIPATION IN LITTER CONTROL PROGRAM Memo of April 1'7, 1980 from City Manager attached information from County of San Mateo regarding County litter control program, and recommended City participation and adoption of resolutions. A. RESOLUTION NO. 23A-BO I'RESOLUTION CONCURRING IN COUNTYI{IDE THE STATE LITTER CONTROL, RECYCLINGEXPENDITURE AND RESOURCE PLAN UNDIJR RECOVERY FUND'' b. RESOLUTION NO. 238-BO ''RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTIO}I OF THE CITY OFAGREEMEIXI BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND BURLINGAME FOR LITTER CONTROL AND CLEANUP'' 3. CONDO SUBDIVISION MAP, 747 EL CAMINO REAL Memo of 4/L5/80 from Assistant City Engineer stated this condo map I I I 42 is recommended for approval with no conditions of appnoval. 1056 EL CAMINO4. TENTATIVE CONDO MAP AND TENTATIVE PARCEL I{AP, REAL Memo of 4/15/80 from Assistant City Engineer presented two con- ditions for approval of these tentative parcel and condo maps reconrmended by the Planning Commission. 5. RESOLUTfONS RESOLUTION NO. 24_BO ''ACCEPTING BURLINGA}'IE PLAZA LAND- 03, AND AUTHORIZING CITY'S PAYMENT" b. RESOLUTION NO. 25-80 "ACCEPTING EDWARDS ROAD CONSTRUCTION- JOB 717 AND AUTHORIZING CITYIS FINAL PAYMENT'' Councilman Mangini moved approval of the consent calendar, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously. PRESTONTS CANDY SHOP Broadway Mayor Martin asked that staff check this business t request foradditional street litter can. ORDINANCES SECOND READING - HEARING I. ORDINANCE NO. 1175 ''PROVIDING FOR SIDEWALK ENCROACHMENT PERMITS AND PROHIBITING SfDEI^7ALK SfcNS. " Memo of l4arch 25, 1980 from city Attorney, recommended approval ofthis ordinancg,fgf two basic reasons: It makes clear that A-boardsand otherTEt9SEt8nor sj-dewalks are strictly prohibited, and itcleans up some old code sections regarding use of sidewalks. Mayor l4artin opened public heari-ng on this ordinance. There wereno audience comments and the public hearing was declared closed. ordinance No. Ll7 5 passed its second reading and was adopted onmotion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilrnan Manginl, carriedon unanimous ro11 call vote. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1176 ''APIENDING SECTION 13.36. O5O OF THEeunLmDEPRoVIDINGFoRREGULATIoNoFMUNrCIPAL PARKING LOTS. " city Attorney explained wording of this ordinance which addscertain regulations to the code. Council discussion turned to permit sale on Parking Lot H. whichwould be allowed under this ordinance. rt was noted that on11znj-ne permits had been reserved out of the 77 available for thislot. council and staff considered that this method of parkingcontrol would be non-productive, especially at $30.00 a month,3 months' payment in advance. They suggested it be returned toTraffic, safety, and Parking commission for reconsideration. Mr. Harry Graham, L324 Paloma, TSp commission member, speaking asa private citizen said he roould like to see the ordinance passedbut the Lot H project abated since it would be too expensive formost people. He stated the intention of the Traffic, Safety, andParking commission was that permit parking be on 30 day basis. There was further discussion, culminating in Council decision tosend the plan for Lot H back to Traffic, safety and parking com-mission for reconsideration. Mayor Martin opened public hearing on ordinance No. 1L76. Therewere no comments and the public hearing was declared closed. ordinance No. l-l7 6 passed its second readi-ng and was adopted on motj-on of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilman Amstrup, carriedunanimously on ro11 call vote. a t L 3. oRDINANCE NO, 1177 !'AMENDING OFF-STREET PARKING STANDARDS FORMEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICES . " City Planner expfained that present codeof medical sultes in the building. Thisstandard of one space for each 250 SF ofsidered a better standard. bases parking on the numberordinance establishes thegross floor areaf con- Mayor Martin opened publi.c hearing. and the public hearing was declared Ordinance No. 1177 passed j_ts of Councilwoman Barton, second mousl-y on ro11 call vote. no audience response,?here was closed. second reading and was adoptedby Councilman Manginj-, carried on Motion unani - city Planner referenced his memo of 4/21/80 and reviewed council dis-cussion of this ordinance at their 4/7/80 meeting and the susgestionthat the 3' height limit apply onfy to property with driveway; on ElCamino Reaf, and that properties fronting on other streets be allowed6r fences at side and back yards. He advised two alternates had beenprepared for this ordinance: Alternate A limiting fences on EI Caminoto Mil-l-s Creek to 3r , and Alternate B establ_ishing this limitation butexempting properties without driveway access to EI Camino. Council discussed these l-imitations at some length, with the pointbeing made that some fences do not obstruct the view, such as chainlink fences and the 1ike. city planner noted that under the ord.inanceall fences would be limited but fence exceptions could be heard. 4. ORD]NANCE NO. 1178 ''LIMTTTNG FENCES AND HEDGES ON EL CAMI}IO REALTO THREE EEET. " Mayor Martin opened hearing to the floor. There were no audience comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Councilman Mangini moved that Ordinance 1178, Alternate A, be adopted,second by Councilman Crosby, motion failed on the following ro11 cal_lvote : AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: CROSBY,MANGINI NAYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: AMSTRUP, BARTON,MARTIN I"layor l,,lartin announced alternatives of considering Alternate B orsending Ordinance 1178 back to staff with consideration at the nextstudy meeting. The lat-te.r course was chosen, and second reading ofthe ordinance was continued to May 19, 1980. APPROVALS I^TARRANT NOS. 4906 through 5344, duly audited, in the $664,329.21, were approved for payment on motion of second by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously. amount of Councilma.n Mangini, PAYROLL Payroll for March, 1980, Check Nos. 17074 through 17685 inof $376,842.64, approved for pa)rment on motion of Councilman second by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously. the arnount Mangini, NEW BUSINESS Mayor Martin announced upcoming appointments by the City Selection Committee at their meeting Friday night, Aprif 25, and noted presentcandidates. He a-sked that Counci] inform him j.f they have alternates. He noted the appointment of six representatives to the CriminaLJustice Council for a two year term, and asked. if Council desired thereappointment of Council.man Mangini. Council confirmed. PROCLAMAT I ONS Mayor Martin Intermed i ate proclaimed the weeli of -qchoolympic Games " and as "Burlingame May 1 as "Youth week. " May !he 13 - week of 43 44 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Memo of April 16, f980 from City Attorney authority - Barro vs. Burlingame. Memo of April 17, 1980 from City Attorney in drug paraphernalia litigation. Council Attorney in setting a precedent for other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 re settlement re City success commended City County cities. Letter of April 3, 1980 commending Fire Department from Mr. and Mrs. Burl- Fowler, - 1330 Frontera Way, Milfbrae. Letter of April 8, f980 from Russell Cone, S re cable T.V. F. Examiner, Letter of April 10, 1980 from City of Foster City re testimonial dinner for Councilman Kiyoshi Matsuo on April 26, 1980. Qity Clerk was requested to prepare proclamat.ion honoring Mr. Matsuo. Letter of april 9, 1980 from Kee Joon re Commissioners' Dinner . Letter of March 21, 1980 Avenue re Proposition 10 from Joseph Karp, 1103 Juanita Minutes of meeting for scavenger company request for rate increase, April f4, 1980. Notice from Chamber of Commerce re flea market to be held Sunday, May 4. 10. Letter of April 4, 1980 from City of Millbrae re Joint Powers Authority for Airport Compatibility. tqayor Martin suggested this be reviewed at next study meeting. 12. Memo of April 18, 1980 from Park Dj-rector advising of Park and Recreation Commission and citizen approval of revisedplan to locate picnic tables away from northeast sector of the park, and asking for Council approval . Councilwoman Barton requested further discussion as to need for more picnic furniture in park. Mayor Martin set discussion for study meeting. I3. Negative Declarations on current projects from City P]anner. I4. Reports from Fire, Pofice and Treasurer Departments. 15. Comnission Minutes: Beautification, April 3; Planning, April 14; Traffic, Safety, Parhing, April 10, 1980. FROM THE FLOOR Mr. George Popyack, representative of AFSCME, addressed Council requesting serious consideration of their proposal , stating Union had not been abfe to meet with city., and strike was in its third week. Mr, Joseph Lusk, Union member, also spoke, stating members had been informed at a prior Council meeting they should handle problems at negotiations, but no negotiations had been scheduled by the City. Mayor Martin explained to Union members that the Council is not al-Iowed by the Myer-Milias Brown Act to deal directly \,r'ith empfoyees on wage j-ssues but must act through its negotiator. He stated that only proposal received had been this day, and that an executive sesslon would be held this evening. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P with wage negotiations. M. to an executive session dealing 't -.// _'/,Evelyn H. HilI - - t City Clerk 11. Letter of April 10, 1980 from SAMTRANS re "Redi-Wheels. "