HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.03.1729 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March L7, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the gurlingame City Council was held onthe above date in the Ci-ty liall- Council Chambers. t4eet.ing vias cal-Ied to order at 8:00 P.M. by Malzor Irving S. Anstrup after an executive session dealing vrith wage negctiations startingat 7 230 P.!4. PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE TO T}iE FLAG Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney. RCLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COLNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MI}ITITES AI\4STRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NO}IE the regular meeting of l4arch 3, 1980 were approvedThe and rainutes of adopted. Mayor Amstrup rvelcomed r.lerebers of Bolz gs.rt Troop No. 28 who were present at meeting. HEAP.ING 1. SIGN VARIANCE, NEUFELD,PORSCHE/AUDr, 1025 ROLLTNS ROAD Letter of l,larch 13, 1980 from Anerican fii-gn & Indicator Corporation requested. continuance of this hearing to tl:e meeting of April 7,1980. Council approved corrtinuance. }.PPEALS 1. APPEAL BY ANZA INVESTORS OF SIGN EXCEPTIONS FOR 533 AIRPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF BLVD. AI']D 433 A]RPORT BL\7D. Th-i-s was api:eal, by letter datecl l,iarch 12, 1980 fronr Anza Investors,set for hearing at the regular meeting of Aprii 7 , 1980. 2. APPEAL, DOLLAP. RINT-A-CAR SYSTEMS, OF PLAI'htrING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPF]CIAL PER}4IT FOR J-8]-5 CLD BAYSIiORE HIGHWAY This Cenial vras appealed by lettcr of l{arch 13, 198C from James E. Saunders, General l4anagier, Do11ar Rent-A-Car Systems. Ma'7or Amstrup set appeal for hearinq at the regular meeting of April 7 , 1980. CORRESPONDENCE 1. F.ETIR.ED PUBLIC EI.IPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION: IN RETI F.E}IE}:IT ALLOT^IANCII . P.ISQUEST FOR TNCREASE Letter of March 10, 19BC frorn Ellincrr L. Arm-strclng, Secretarlz" Retired Public Employees Association, Chapter 1+46, asked Council consideration of increasing current 2Z annual retirement increase for Burlingame retirees. Ccuncil Ciscussed,ccsts of increases vri-th Cecision to have Fi-nance D-il'ector researchin 18 increments. 2. PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS Letter of March Burlingame 1980 4, 1980 from P G & E with attached report reviewed program ancl costs for conversion of overhea.d 30 electric lines to underground. City Manager noted that meeting of the undergrounding committee will be called review the list of projects and make recommendation s . a soon to 1. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT: P. J. ' S 261 CALIFORNIA DRIVE City Attorneyrs memo of 3/13/80 recommended. that entertainmentpermit be issued to .Tu1y I, l-980 for the entertainment as setforth in Mr. Harmonrs letter of March 6, 1980 to Chief of Police during the hours of 9:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M., Tuesday through Sunday and with the al-lowance of additional entertainment on Sunday afternoons. Permit to be reviewed after this period. 2. RESOLUTIONS a. RESOLUTION NO. 15-80 "AUTHORIzING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT [.OR RAT ABATEMENT SERVICES. " City Atlorney's memo of 3/12/80 revj-ewed this agreement with Peninsula Community Services wherein this operator will be paid $l-,000 by the City for each 20? of' residences contacted. to a maximum of $5,000, from Revenue Sharing Funds. The contractor would charge $4.00 for inspection and baiting of premises and $2.00 for followup inspection. Mr. A1len Merrifield of this organization briefly addressed Council. City Manager \ras requested to publicize this operation j-n Recreation bulletin and j-nformation on water bil-1s. b. RESOLUTION NO. 16-80 'IESTABLISHING WORKERS .COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR POLICE AND FIRE VOLUNTEERS . ,' C Councilman Crosby moved approval of consent calendar, second by Councifman Mangini, carried unanimously on rofl call vote. ORDINANCE SECOND READING I. ORDINANCE NO. 1174 "REMOVING STATUTORY REQUIREMENT OF BONDS FOR CITY CLERK, DEPUTY CITY TREASURER AND FINAN CE DIRECTOR.' Mayor Amstrup opened public hearing on this ordinance. There no response and public hearing was declared closed. passed its second reading and was adopted on n ttlartin, second b1z Councitman Mangi-ni, on ro11 call vote. was ORDINANCE NO. i# motion of Counc Lma sly a Mayor Amstrup noted designation of Burlingame as "City -of. Trees, U.3.e." with- presentation of plaque and flag. He noted there were only five calitornia cities so designated, others being Gilroy, -oavis, Burbank and Sacramento. At Council's suggestion, City i,tanager was asked to write letter of appreciation to Beauti- fication Commiss ion. carried unanimou CITY AWARD APP ROVALS WARRANTS NOS. 4603 $386,577.98, were Mangini, second by through 4905, duly audited, in the amount of approved for payment on motion of Councilman Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. PAYROLL Payroll for February, 1980, Check Nos. the amount of $375,762.4L approved for 16457 through 17073 in payment on motion of I I I I I I t t i I I CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 17-80 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT B-ETffiEN-TEE--CO!NTY- oF sAN MArEo AND BURLTNGAME FoR A SIGNAL MODIFICATION PROJECT ON BAYSHORE HIGHWAY AT STANTON ROAD AND MAGNOLIA AVENUE AT TROUSDALE DRIVE" OLD BUSINESS WHEEL CHAIR Mayor Amstrup determined from staff there had been no response from service clubs in the matter of getting a wheelchair for the use of seniors at the Recreation Departrnent. IIe suggested Council contribute. Mr. A. C. Bud" Harrison offered to contribute a used wheel chair and his offer was accepted. ACKNOWLE DGMENT S 1. Memo of March 11, 1980 from City Attorney paraphernalia ordinances and leqislation. 2. Letter of March 3, l-980 from Air Resources of ABAG and BAAQMD as Co-Lead Agencies for Air the Bay Area. re narcotic Board re designation Quality Planning in 3. Memo of March 13, 1980 from City Attorney re "compromises." 4. Letter of February 12, 1980 from Broadway Burlingame Area Merchants Association opposinq consideration of retail- facilities in the Balzfront area. 5. Letters of I,larch 6, 1980 from Burlingame Charober of Conrnerce and I"iarch l-l-, 1980 from Chief of Police re juvenile problems on Broadway - now resolved. 6. Letter of March 10, 1980 from Executive Director of Peninsula Association for Retarded Children and Ailults re San l4a+-eo County Special olympics. 7. Letter of March l-1, 1980 from Civil Defense and Disaster Organization. 8. Area Disaster Council report of budget meeting. I'ebruary, 1980; Treasurer's,9. Reports: Februarll 2 9 . Police Department, 10. I,linutes: Commissions: Beautification, I{arch 6i Planning, I"larch 10; Librarv Board, February 19, 1980. 11. Negative declarations from City P1anner. FRAGRANCE GARDEN C'--h--r/ il*tt u*e1yn liJ.lcity clerk J 31 Councilman Manginj-, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. Referring to Beautification rninutes, Beautification Chairman Mart-ha Benson reported to Council that the Lighthouse for the Blind had given $500 to the city to put in a "Fragrance Garden" at the far corner of Washington Park, and worl< on this was pro- ceeding with the Park Department. ADJOURNMEI.{T Meeting was reqularly adjourned at B:30 P.I'1.