HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.03.1226 BURI]INGN,TE, CALIFORNIA STUDY UEETING OF CITY COI'NCIL llARer 12, l98O uayor Irving S. Amstrup convened a study lleeting of, the Burlingame City Council in conference Room B of the Burlinganre City Hall at 8:05 p.m., on Wednesday, l,tarctr 12, 1980. PRESEI{T: 1. AIIUSEIT{ENT PERIT{IT APPLICATION FOR P. J.'S BY RON HARMON City Attorney arerome F. Coleman referred to his memorandum of, February 26, 1980, the memorandum of Chief Building InsPector Kriner and Mr. Harmonrs Ietters to the Ci.ty Council and the Police Chief dated llarch 5th. He stated that the Building Inapector reported, as of the date of the meeting, the improvements required by his memorandun have been 90% completed. Mr. coleman and Chief Palmer believe !,tr. Harnon's pJ-an of operation of P.J.'s will comply vrith code requirements, and Staff therefore reconntends an amusement permit be granted to !{r. Harmon for a three-month period with Pro- vision for review at the end of that time. ![r. Harmon addressed Council. He stated it ie his intention to exceed the imProvements specified by the Building Inspector, and to comply with the policies outlined in his letter6 to Council and staff, with hours of operation restricted to 9:OO p.m., to 2:00 a.m., Tueadays through Sundays, with the possible exception that he may wish to add a 4:00 P.m., Sunday afternoon concert. Council agreed a permit should be issued for three months with review for renelral at that time. Itlat period will provide an opportunity to monitor complaints regarding possible noise nuisance. staff hraB directed to place the permit application on the March ITth agenda for action. I.{r. Harmon requested permission to proceed with the advertised oPen- ing under nertr management the coming weekend. Council granted permis- sion for the scheduled opening and directed Staff to inform the Police Department. Dr. James Black, Dr. Donald Kay, and !ks. Jean Richanbach, of the Burlingame Elementary School District, addressed Council concerning the District's problems relating to use of school ProPerty whictt is surplus becauae of declining attendance. Ehe District deaireE to retain the properties because of po68j.ble future attendance increases; however, it is desirable that the buildings be used to produce needed revenue and to avoid the riske of vacant properties. Ihe District plans ne ighbo rhood meetings to determine the type of use most accePt- able to residents in each area considering traffic Aeneration and appropriateness of activities. Itrey requested clarification from Council of its attitude toward alternative u8es and the tyPe of rentals, in addition to private schools, whieh wil} be acceptable. city Planner Yost pointed out that a use other than profit or non-profit sctrool use would reguire an ordinance revision before it could be considered by the Planning Commission. COT,NCIL}.IEII,IBERS AII{STRT,P, BARTON, IIAIIGINI, MARTIN (Councilman Crosby excused) CIIY TREASURER SOMMER STAFF UEMBERS: SCHI{ALI{, COLEIT{AII, YOST 2. SCITOOL DISTRICT LA}ID USES 27 I Council concurred that it would be preferable that the school buildings be used, but indicated that each proposed use should be considered individually to give consideration to its impact on the neighborhood. Dr. B1ack reviewed the District's plan to have principals of each school arrange for a meeting of residents to determine the most acceptable type of lessee. hlhen a prospective tenant is found, application wiLl be made to the City for appropriate use pennits; however, the District presently seeks indication from Council what uses other than schools will receive favorable consider- ation and the tirne eonstraints within which a prospective lessee can obtain such a permit. Council commended the District's plan to meet with residents and asked for notice of such meetings so Council l,lembers may attend. Staff was directed to draft appropriate legislation to irnplement procedures for the issuance of special use permits for renting or leasing sctrool buildings. 3. RE}IT I'{EDIATION Council reviewed llr. Coleman's memorandum of February 13th. fhere was discussion regarding the need for decisions such as the type of mediation which would be preferable, the amount of financial support the City will budget for a program, the amount of Staff time which will be necessary and whether CETA employees might be used. It was pointed out that a group of women from the San lulateo-Burlingame Board of Realtors had offered to serve as a mediating group. Council requested Mr. Schwalm to investigate further the possibility of a County progrErm developing from the efforts of Supervisor Bacciocco and the Human Services Coordinating Council, ot, in the alternative rvhether their efforts will lend infornration useful in developing a progr.rm within the City of Burling.rme. 4 CARRI'F CORPORATION PROPOSAL Mr. Yost referred to his memorandum of lrlarch 4th and the attached material from Carruf Corporation. Architect Peter Callendar and representatives of that corporation asked tirne to elaborate on a concept for a sixteen-story hotel, which would be partially condominium,for the purpose of obtaining Council reaction prior to further detailed planning and the expense of an EIR. A model of the proposed develop- ment for the Anza auto auction site had been brought to the meeting, as well as slides. Ttre proposal is for one large hotel, Iess than half of which would be rental space; the other rooms to be owned by corporations with individual personnel turnover. The towers would be one hundred sixty-four f,eet, or sixteen etories high. Council pointed out that the project does not meet the adopted designguidelines for the Anza area. Although Plan 4 designates the sitefor public oriented uses, including hotels and restaurants, the pro- posed development envisions condominium ownership, excluded by Council from the Anza area. After a presentation of slides and viewing the model, Council determined that the plan deviated in too many aspects from the adopted guidelines to be approved for the Anza area. 5. PERII{IT PARKING RULES TOR IJOT H Council reviewed the plan to convert Parking Lot H to monthly permit parking. The following policies hrere approved by Council: Permits to be issued at $30 per month for ninety-day periods. If applications for permits exceed spaces available, a lottery process will be used. 28 Specific spaces should not be assigned. During the initial period, fewer permits should be issued than spaces until the new status of the parking lot is established. A permit placed above the dashboard of the car wouLd be the most advisable method of identifying permit holders. Violations will result in warnitr9s, ticketing and tow-away for repeated offenses. Adequate signage should be undertaken fuunediately so the new use of the lot can commence as soon as possible. Publieity and advertising regarding the new use of Lot H should be commenced. l"lr. Spencer spoke of the Chamber of Commerce approval of the trial use of Lot H for permit parking. He assured Council the program would receive the Chamber's approval and assistance through notices in Chamber publications and subscription by its members. OIITER I CounciL acknowledged receipt of a memorandum from the Finance Director advising of PERS increases of employer contribution rates. 2.Mr. Schwalm announced that the Lions CIub, through its president, urged attendance of Council Members at its St. Patrick's Day dinner on Saturday, March 15th. Ttre April study meeting was set for Wednesday, April 9th. !1[r. Yost reported tr.ro finalist consultants have submitted proposals for widening of, Airport Boulevard and the Freeway ramp, which should be considered at that meeting. Mayor Amstrup called attention to the request of the Lawyers' Wives of San Mateo for nominations for their awards. lrtayor Amstrup and Councilman Martin reported on their efforts to contact Homestead Savings on behalf of the citizens r*ho are attempting to retain the ice skating rink. There was no response from Homestead. Ttre rink equipment given to the concerned group is to be stored until a future Location for the facility is located. 2 5 ADJOURN!,IENT 4 lftremeetingwasadjournedat9e4S p.m. G I _/-/ )t1 Qr.r-4r'-^- 7/ /d-'( L EII'EI,YN tr. HILL City C1erk