HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.01.07+w \i ' BURLINGAME, CALIT'ORNIA January 7, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regulartire above was ca1led meeting of the Burlingame City Council w6s held ondate in the City HaIl Council Chambers. Meetingto order at B:00 P.M. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by John R ROLL CALL Yost, City Planner. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUiVCIL MEIAERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN NONE The minutes of the regular meeting of December L7, 1-979 were approved and adopted. BID - CONSIDERATION OF: 1. BURLINGAME-MILLBRAE SOLIDS I4ANAGEMENT ]MPROVEMENTS Director of Public Works briefly reviewed bid on this job whichinvolves work inside both the Burlingame and Mi-l1brae Plants. He outlined State and Federal funding, and stated that approvalto award contract to low bidder had been received from Stateof California and City of Millbrae. He recommended bid ofDalzell Corporation in the amount of $Ir812r000. RESOLUTION NO. 1-BO ''AWARDING CONTRACT - BURLINGAME . MILLBRAEsolrDs MAI{AGEMENT TMPROVEMENTS, STATE CONTRACT NUMBER C-06-L267-120, CITY PROJECT 906-B" (DaIzell- Corporation, $1,812,000, bids onfile in office of City Clerk) was introduced by Councilman Mangini who moved its adoption, second by Councilwoman Barton,carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. Council- briefly discussed receipt of letter of January 4, 1980 from Attorney Keith M. Richards on behalf of BEPCo, Inc.protesting improprieties in low bid on another project -Millbrae-Burlingame Sludge Pipeline and Sewage Improvements.Letter of January 3, 1980 protesting this award was alsoreceived from D. !V. Young Construction Company. COMMUTiTICATIONS 1. BURLINGAIviE COUNCIL OF PTAS: DRUG SALES TO MINORS Letter of December L4, L979 from Council President of Burlingame Council of PTAs urged passage of City ordinance to ban display and sale of drug and narcotj-cs paraphernalia, including cigarettepapers, to minors. Letter attached copy of California State PTA resolution. Cit.y Attorney informed Council that upon receipt of thisletter he had obtained copies of San Mateo City ordinancerecently adopted on this subject. He stated he wished towith Police Chief on this ordinance and report to Counci1next meeting. Council had no objection. confer at f ,lw Tr'x a 4t3 4i: 2. JAIvIES G.B.DE MARTINI,JR.: RESIGNATION FROM LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mayor Amstrup acknowledged letter of resignation dated December 18, L979 from James G.B.DeMartini, Library Board. He noted Mr.DeMartini's many years of service to the City, and requestedthat City Manager send him a letter of thanks on behalf of theCouncil. Mayor Amstrup reported thatinterviewing applicants for nominated Mrs. Alice Fricke. Amstrup appointed Mrs. Alice Board. he and Councilman Martin had beenthe Library Board vacancy and Council had no objections. MayorFricke to the Burlingame Library Mayor Amstrup also noted that A.C.to serve another term on the Civil were no Council objections and Mr. "Bud" Harrison was willing Service Commission. There Harrison was so appointed. Councilman Barton announced she and Councilman Mangini afterinterviews placed the name of John El-Iis in nomination for theTrafficrSafety,Parking Commission. There were no Councilobjections and Mayor Amstrup so appointed Mr. El1is. STAFF MEMORANDA 1. CITY MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR: SCAVENGER COMPANY PROPOSED RATE INCREASE Memo of December 26, 1979 from Finance Director reported on recommendation of steering committee representing variouscities and County that a consultant, Ralph Andersen & Associates, be hired to study Browning-Ferris Industries proposed rate increase for a transfer station. Study would review cost elementsof transfer station, make recoilImendations and develop a uniforrn reporting system. Cost of study would be $20,950.Burlingame's share would be $1r045 available from contingency reserve. Council had no objections to this proposal. Councilman Crosby moved that the City join with County and othercities in this study and authorLze $1r045 to be contributed as Burlj-ngame's share. Second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. 2. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY: POI.ICE STATION SITE ACQUISITION City Attorney's memo of December 2L reported contacting firm of Lynch & Nave regarding procedures involved in eminent domainprocess. City Attorney suggested Iulichael Nave meet with Council in executive session to discuss legal service requirements. City Attorney noted that at last meeting Council had given authorization only to get site plan, not to proceed withacquisition of site. Dave Walker of firm of D. L. Walker distributed preliminary site plan his firm had developed for Trousdale site. He explained the plan which involves a one story structure with underground parki.g, and detailed how future expansion could be handled. Council discussed plan briefly with Mr. Walker. Mayor Amstrup thanked Mr. Walker for his service to the City and emphasized that no Council commitment had been made for any particular site. He announced legal service requirements would be discussed at executive session following this meeti-ng. ltrtF t 4&+ +8. 3 WASHINGTON PARK IMPROVEMENTS City Manager memo of January 2,1980 and attached memo of December 26, 1979 from Assistant City Engineer regarding Washington Park Improvements Job 016 reported that request for proposals to prepare plans and specifications had been sent Lo three consultants. However, bids were considered too high for the scope of work and staff could design in house with aid of already completed information for a total cost, including design, inspection and administration, of approximately $5,500. There was no objection from Council to this proposal and Mayor Amstrup so ordered. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF TREES DONATED TO CITY BY LIONS CLUB. Memo of December 18, L979 from Park Director noted gift Lions Club of 15 trees, at an approximate cost of $710,elms removed for control of Dutch E1m disease. from replacing Council- acknowledged grenerous gift, and.Mayor Amstrup requestedletter of thanks be sent to Lions Club. 5. REMOVAL OF NO PARKING ZONE, BURLINGAME AVENUE ADJACENT TO WASHINGTON PARK. Memo of December 28 from Director of Public Works requestedthe removal of a no parking zone on the north side of Burlingame Avenue from Anita to Myrtle Road. Traffic Safety and Parking Commission and Recreation Di-rector concurred in this recoflrmen-dation. This zone is equal to about five parking spaces. Council had no objections to thisstated he would prepare ordinance City AtLorney of Public Works requestedprovide one way north- new parking stalls.TrafficrSafety, and removal, and effecting it. 6. REVISIONS IN PARKING LOT H Memo of December 28, L979 from Directorthat changes be made in Parking Lot H to bound traffic, thereby picking up sevenThis change had been recommended by theParking Commission. Council concurred that these changes on to dj-scuss some parking meters onare ten-hour meters in the downtown Works said he woul-d check. should be made, and went Howard which apparentlyzone. Director of Public Director of Public Works also requested to have the TrafficSafety & Parking Commission revj-ew the possibility of having business employee parking on a rental basis in some lots. Therelative cheapness of Burli-ngame parking was also discussed. ]. MIKE HARVEY OLDSMOBILE FACILITY , ]-OOB CAROLAN AVENUE City Plannerrs memo of January 3, 1980 reviewed the condj-tionsof this special permit and attached letter of January 3, 1980 from Mr. Harvey describing conditions he has satisfj-ed. ConditionNo. 6 was that permit be reviewed in six months to assess onsitenoise. Since construction has not yet started on body shop, andthere is absence of complaints to date on on-site noise, City Planner recommended final review be delayed for a further six months. Council concurred with this suggestion. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY ALLOCATION: JANUARY I MARCH 31,1980 Tnis allocation request, dated December 31, 1979 was substantiated by quarterly report of September 30 through December 31, 1979. Council-man Crosby moved approval of this quarterly allocation of $4,250.00, second by Councilman Mangini, carried on unanimous vote. 4-85 49. Mayor Amstrup thanked Ray Kliewer, former Chamber manager, forhis services during the past several years. Councilman Martinrequested that City Manager write formal letter of appreciation. CONSENT CALENDAR I. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 1751 ESCALANTE WAY 2. RESOLUTIONS: a. RESOLUTION 2-8O ''ORDERING AND CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF BURLTNGA}4E ON APRIL B, 1980, AND REQUESTING COUNTY CLERK TO RENDER SPECIFIC SERVICES. '' RESOLUTION NO. 3-BO ''ENDORSING PROJECTIONS 79 OF ASSOC]ATTON OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS ORDINANCE INTRODUCTION RELATING TO POPULATION. " 3 ORDINANCE NO. 1166 ''PROVIDING FOR SALARIES OF CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER TO BE ESTABLfSHED BY RESOLUTION.'' Councilman Mangini- moved that theexception of Item 1, be approved,carried on unanimous vote. consent calendar, ivith the second by Councilman Crosby, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT . 1751 ESCALANTE WAY, ALLEN AND MARGARET ROE Director of Public Works explained that this encroachment permitto construct a fence three feet into the street right of wlyhad been recommended, but owners of neighboring properties had asked to speak on it. Mr. sandy Tandowsky, L745 Escalante way, said he did not objectto the fence but to accompanying plans. It was his understandingthat it was the intentj-on of the Roes to park a boat in theirfront yard on a concrete or brick pad, and he did object tothis. There followed discussion as to whether or not property owner coul-d "jump" curb in order to do this, and decision byCouncil to delay this matter to next regular meeting to whichthe Roes would be invited with fuIl information to them as tothe problem ORDINANCES SECOND READING HEARING 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1162 " ALLOWING PROFIT-MAKING SCHOOLS AS A CONDI I USE IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES'' City Planner reviewed conditional uses permitted in R-t withspecial permit, one of which is non-profit schools. He reported mechanics by which any school can be certified as non-profit bythe State, thus making distinction between profit. and non-profitnon-effective. Planning Commj-ssion had reviewed this matter,concluding that some schools can provide welcome service to theR-l area whetirer profit or non-profit. Mayor Amstrup opened hearing to the floor. There were no comments and the public hearing was declared closed. Mayor Amstrup stated hj-s concern with type of schools to beallor+ed, and wanted definitions i-ncl-uded in the ordinance.Council members Barton and Mangini agreed to interest in definition. City Attorney pointed out that special permits must havebefore the Planning Commission, and if appealed, beforeCouncil; and impact on the community is assessed. hearings the councirman Martin suggested that definitions are sometimes @WrrlrTtt Mayor Amstrup asked that this item be removed from the consentcalenciar for discussion. b. '4:8'6 48, an entrapment There fol-lowed and the permit process furnishes its criteria. of Councilman Mang ini, seconded by Councilman Martin, unanimous roll- call vote, Mayor Amstrup voting "with hope we will keep business out of the area. tt some Council discussion. ORDINANCE NO. 1162 passed its second reading and was adopted upon motioncarried onaffirmativeresidential 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1163 "ALLOWING ADDITIONS TO DV{ELLINGS WITH NON-CONFORMING GARAGES.' City Planner reviewed this ordj-nance which changes requirements, allowing addition of 3 - 4 bedrooms to houses with non-con- forming garages IB' x 20' instead of 20' x 20'. Ordinance had been recommended by the Planning Commission. Mayor Amstrup opened hearing to the floor. There were no comments and the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 1163 passed its second reading and was adopted Councilman Mangini,on motion of Council-woman Barton, second by carried on unanimous roll cal-I vote. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 1164 "ESTABLISHII,{G SIDE YARDS IN CERTAIN M-I DISTRICT SUBDIVISIONS .'' City Planner explained that deed restrictions, soon to expi-re, in Millsda1e Industrial Park No. L, No. 3 and No. 5; Ingold Industrial Park; East Millsda]e Industrial Park No. I and No. 2 provide for 10' side yards. Present zoning code does not require this and Ordinance No. LL64 will amend zoning code to provide for 10' side yards j-n these districts. Mayor Amstrup opened public hearing. There were no comments and public hearing was decl-ared closed. ORDINANCE NO. LI64 passed its second reading and was adopted on motion of Councilman Crosby, second by Councilman Mangini, carried on unanimous roll call vote. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 1165 ''PROHIBITING DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PUBLIC STREET OR PLACE l1 City Attorney explained this ordinance is to accomplish a change in the wording from "intoxicating liquors", a pre- Prohibition term not found in today's law, to "alcoholic beverages." Mayor Amstrup opened public meeting. Ray Kliewer, Chamber of Commerce, questioned how it would apply to .functions in City buildings. City Attorney replied that basically this is not intended to apply to public buildings but rather to such public areas as Washington Park. Public hearing was declared closed ORDINANCE NO. 1165 passed its second reading and was adopted Martin,on motion of Councilman Mangini, second by Councilmancarried on unanimous roll call vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS SOCCER BURLINGAME HIGH FOOTBALL FIELD Council discussed this possible usage. City Manager stated letter had been sent to San Mateo Union High School District office regarding it, and Councilman Mangini reported procedure necessary before they act on this request. City Manager was requested to follow up. 187 48' 50 50 MUFFLER There was some discussion of dilapidated car in this location,with City Attorney reporting that it was behind sidewalk andthat citation could be issued only if vehicles are foundblocking sidewalk. JOINT MANAGEIUENT OF AIRPORT WTTH SAN MATEO COLINTY Mayor Amstrup suggested facts be ascertained on this proposal. councilman Martin stated he could report on particulars atstudy meeting of January 9. MEDIATION RENTALS Mayor Amstrup stated he had gathered materialon progress at the regular meeting of January and would report2L, 1990. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS l. Letter of December 11, 1979 from Gulliver's rnc. endorsingsign program, O1d Bayshore Highway.2. Letter of December l-4, L979 from Airport rmpact ReductionForce. 3. Letter of December L4, 1979 from B.c.D.c. re san FranciscoHoliday Inn, noting that Burlingame was considering constructionof connection between Highway 101 and the Anza area, and urgingCity to either l-imit development or find ways to provide translportation without fitling in Bay (ragoon). council discussedand decided best resolution wourd be for city staff to workwith B.C.D.C. staff toward better understanding.4. Letter of December 18, L979 from Intergovernmental Management Development Institute re arbitration representative.5. Letter of December 31, 1979 from Ray Kliewer, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, regarding parking.6. Letter of December 26, 1979 from realtor H. Kent Atwater commending City employee Tony Santino for assistance with waterproblem. 7. Transmittal of negative declaration dated January 3, 19BOfrom city Planner on communication workers of America project,attaching initial study by Raiser Architectural group.B. Mj-nutes: tseautification Commission, December 6; Library, December 18; Park & Recreation, December 20; Traffic, Safety,Parking, December 13, 1979. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Amstrupin Burlingame, Watch. " proclaimed the month of February as "Heart Month"and approved resolution on "California Crime He congratulated It{r. Ken costa, new pubrisher and editor of Hi llsborough-Boutique . ADJOURNMENT: Meeting service adjourned at 9:20 requirements. P.M. to executive session on Iega1 A./*,6*rfu"2{ilrcCity C1-erk r qrqFrlFr1lrrw.tFlrFF(tr+ttlt