HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.01.21193 4BURIINGAME, CALTFORNIA January 2\, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame city Council was held onthe above date in the city Hal-r council chambers. Meeting wascalled to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by John R ROLL CALL Yost, City Planner. COUIICIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS MIr!UTES Tne minutes and special adopted. PRESENT: ABSENT: AMS TRUP , BARTON , CROSBY , MANGINT , MARTIN NONE of the regular meeting of January 7 and study meeting adjourned meeting of January 9, 1980 were approved and REPRESENTATIVES TO UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING COMIVIITTEE Memo of January L7,1980 from City Manager's office pointed outnecessity of appointing two household resident members to thereorganized Utility Undergrounding Committee. Memo attached listof other members of the committee and listed commission candidateswilling to serve. Council requested name of Ted Werner be addedto this list, and decided to choose the two candidates by adrawing at the next meeting. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT RENEWALz JJ7 INC. DBA JOHNS PLACE, 348 LORTON AVENUE Letter of January 7, 1980 from Services Bureau, Burlingame Police Department, stated thj-s establishment had not been a problem and recommended renewal of permit for one year. Council-man Crosby moved entertainment permit be renewed for oneyear, second by Councj-Iman Mangini, carried on unanimous vote. COttISEiitrT CALENDAR 1 LIABILITY CLAIM OF SAMI BASSIN. City Attorney requested this item be taken off consent calendar. Council assented. 2 . PARCEL t4AP , 14 4 0 CHAPTN AVENUE I{emo of January L6, 1980 from Assistant City Engineer describedthis map as a proposal to combine three vacant lots on Chapin Avenue into a single parcel. Approval of tentative and finalparcel map was recomrnended by the Planning Commission, and AssistantCity Engineer also recommended approval. 3. PARCEL }IAP, 1BO5 LOYOLA DRIVE Assistant City Engineer's memo of January L6, 1980 recommended for approval ti:is tentative and final parcel map which proposes theadjustment of a rear property line adjoining 2640 Trousdale Drive, involving a dividing fence. 4. RESOLUTfON NO. 4-BO "URGING EXTENSION crTYlcor.rNTY HTGHWAY PROGRAM TO JULY Memo of January l,1985." L6, 1980 from Director of Public blorks stated 'F''.F.€!:,.E7r|']F!qtF ql?r r3i{F.:f ry&rP7fl W +9 the L975 through Council to adopt San Mateo County L979 Program expired this past year and urged resolution urging the Board of Supervisors of to approve extension. 5. ORDINANCES INTRODUCTION a ORDINANCE NO. II67 "CONCERNING ADDITIONS TO DWELLINGS WITH NONCONFORMING GARAGES tl b. ORDINANCE NO. 1168 ''DELETING PORTION OF BURLINGAME AVENUE ROAD, FROM NOON NORTH SIDE, FROM ANITA ROAD TO MYRTLE PARKING REGULATIONS.'' Councilman Mangini moved approval of consent calendar, excluding Item I, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous ro11 calI vote. ORDINANCE INTRODUCTION - OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL PARAPHERNALIA TO MINORS. " Council discussed this ordinance at length. City Attorney reported he had wrj-tten ordj-nance prohibiting sale to minors but not prohibiting display because this latter area is most vulnerable to court interpretation and possibility of suit; and noted that the City of San Mateo has eliminated that part of their ordinance. Police Chief reported on problems with enforcement of display of such items as cigarette papers and paraphernalia, noting the police must prove that narcotics have been used in the device. This is not possibl-e when the device is new. After considerable discussion, during which Council stated they would like to have a stringent ordinance. it was decided to have City Attorney draft two ordinances on this subject, one prohibiting sale to minors and the other prohibiting display. Council specifically urged that signs prohibiting sale be easily visible. City Attorney stated he would have for meeting of February 4, 1980. ORDINANCE NO. 1166 - SECOND READING HEARING. ''PROVIDING FOR SALARIES OF CITY CLERK ALTID CITY TREASURER TO BE ESTABLf SHED BY RESOLUTION.', For the benefit of audience, Mayor Amstrup stated this ordinanceallows the salary of the City Clerk and City Treasurer to be established by a resolution; and that a committee had determinedthat salary for these two elective positions, now the same as Council members, should be $400 a month. Mayor Amstrup opened hearing to the floor. There were no comments and the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 1166 passed its second reading and was adopted on Mangini, carriedmotion of Councilwoman Barton, second by Councilman on unanimous ro11 call vote. City Attorneya salary. stated he would prepare appropriate resolution setting APPRAISAL POLICE STATION SITE "ADDING CHAPTER I0.65 CODE TO PROHIBIT THE TO TITLE 10 SALE OF DRUG Councilman Mangini on the property at Councilman Martin, moved Council authorize staff to gret an appraisal Trousdale and Cal-ifornia Drive, second bycarried on unanimous ro11 call vote. Councilman Martin made it clear that the orderj-ng of anappraisal is not'taking definite action on this site, and no decision has yet been made to purchase this lot. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION - FENCE AT IO49 EL CAMINO REAL BY AZKANAZ E. MACKITARIAN. Council received letter of January 2L, 1980 from Mr. Mackitarian appealing this decision. Hearing was set for the Council meeting of February 4, 1980. 495 49; BURIINGAME DAYS Councilrnan Mangini moved that the City allocate $1r500 to theBurlingame Chamber of Commerce for certain expenses of BurlingameDays, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. SALE OF OLD FIRE ALARM BOXES Mayor Amstrup noted receipt of letter of January 16,1980 fromJohn H. Sherratt, 1742 Escalante Way, detailing objections toproposed sare of o1d fire alarm boxes. Fire chief's report ofJanuary 18, t9B0 detailed justifications for removar of firealarm boxes. City Manager was requested to respond to l4r. Sherratt. USE OF BURIINGAME HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD FOR SOCCER Mayor Amstrup reported there would be a meeting on January 23,1980with San Mateo Union High School District on this subiect to beattended by Director of Recreation. councilman Mangini noted the possibility of use of the fierdby the professional soccer team of the "C,olden Gate Gales."City Planner reported this use had been discussed by the Planning commi-ssion with the conclusion that an ErR would be required.He stated special permit application was noL formally filed withthe Planning Commission, and it was his understanding thisorganization was looking elsewhere for a site. APPROVALS WARRANTS councilwoman Barton questioned warrant No. 4246 to Burlingame Bobby Sox in amount of $300.00. Police Chief explained this is ayouth fund supported by the yearly bicycle sa1e. Warrant ir]os. 4004 through 4299, duly audited, in the amount of $581 ,76L.49 were approved for payment on motion of CouncilmanMangini, second by Councj-Iman Martin, carried on unanimous vote. PAYROLL Payroll for Decembert L979, Check Nos. 15246 through 15841, inthe amount of $370,I85.63, approved for payment on motion of Councilman tvlangini, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Debris on California Drive Staff reported instigator is gone. Abandoned autos on California Drive Police Department will check. CLuttered alley behind "La Pinata" City Manager will check ownerof tnis private alley and discuss situation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Letter of L/B/80 from Pacific Telephone re yelIow pages.2. Letter of January L4, 1980 from Nicholas Damer, attorneyrepresenting Pat Kennelly Construction Company joining D.W. Young Construction Company and Bashnick Engineering & Paving Co.in protest of bids on Mil-lbrae/Burlingame Sludge PipelineProject No. 906-A.3. Letter of January 9,1980 from City of Garden Grove, Californiare Fair Political Practices Act.4. Negative Declaration for 824-826 Cowan Road project fromCity Planner.5. Minutes: Planning Commission, January 14, 1980. 6. Police and Fire Department monthly reports, December L979.Treasurer's report, December 31, 1980. F.@ nF{l!7 FF Ttrlr'41'{s$wlrtsrFri,'vltuFriFrr,.}'Ft }-Ia-tta 18fi 4X. OTHER Councilman Martin reported complaints received from the Broadway Merchants Association about young people congregating on sidewalks 1n that area. Council discussed, and Mayor Amstrup noted the Police Department had been informed of the situation and would handle. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at B:30 to executive session on labor negotiations. 6,,"4nr"/,,(1ilcity "CIerk