HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.11.24300 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING November 24, 1981 Mayor Victor Mangini convened a Study MeetingCity Council in Conference Room B, City Ha1l, Tuesday, November 24, 1981. of the Burlingameat 8:03 p.m. on PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN STAFF: Schrvalm, Argyres, Coleman, Kirkup, Monroe, Palmer 1. EXECUT]VE SESSION.-PROPERTY ACQUISTTTON 2. CONSOLIDATION OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS (SENATE BILL 230) Jerry Coleman, City Attorney, stated that the Legislature passed Senate BiIl 230 with an eye toward consolidation of elections withthe intention of cutting costs and getting more voters out. Thebill allows general municipal elections, which are normally held onthe second Tuesday in April of each even numbered year, to be con-solidated with a statewide direct primary, a statewide general, otschool district election. Statewide primary is held in June of the same year as the municipalelection, statewide general in November of that year, and schooldistrict election in November of the succeeding year. Such con-solidation is only effective upon approval of the board of super-visors. If such an ordinance is adopted, terms of incumbents are extended until that election. The law does require that the cityclerk notify by mail all registered voters about the change inelection date. The County Clerk has informed the Board of Supervisors that the June ballot will be too crowded for consolidations. Therefore, any action under Senate Bill 230 will have to be made by con-solidating Aprilrs elections with the November 1982 generalelection or the school board election in the fa11 of 1983. There are some cost savings of about $12,000 out of $18,000. ffthe Council is going to change this coming year's elections, it should be done this month because materials need to be prepared. Mr. Amstrup stated that the people should be asked what they want-- to stay as we are or move into the school year elections. He stated he was utterly opposed to going into the General Electionin order to keep out of partisan politics and not get lost in thelarge issues of a general election. He favored going to the school board election and put the item on the April ballot and ask the people to make the decision. He stated that he does not feel the Council has the right to extend terms, which is what the outcome would be. Mr. Crosby favored going to the school board election and if consolidation will ensure a savings for the City, that the Council make the decision to save the $I2r000. Mr. Martin stated that he did not like separate elections because of the sma1l turnout. He favored consolidation with either the general election or school board election to take advantage of the cost savings. The length of terms of Council has changed several times, though not as drastically as this time. Mrs. Barton stated that she fel-t people become confused when a local election is put into the general election with a long ballot and the result is a loss of loca1 issues. She did not object to going with the school board election. Mr. Mangini stated that he felt the school board would look forward to joining with the City to get the voter out and into the polling booth. The factor of economy is a considerable one. He opposed joining a national or state election because our issues and candidates woul-d be 1ost. He favored joining the school elections. 301 Mrs. Barton stated she would not be in favor of the November 1983 election as she did not feel it fair to extend her own term one and one-half years. Mr. Amstrup stated he wanted to leavethe decision up to the electorate to change the extension of terms. He was not comfortable with the Council extending their own terms.Mr. Martj-n stated that this might eventually be a case for the courts to decide but in the interim, since legislation has beenwritten, he supported the Council making the decision. He re- quested that the City Clerk give a firm figure on the actual saving in a consolidated election. with a vote of three to two the Council agreed to request preparation of legislation for the November 1983 consolidation with school elections. There appearedto be a consensus of 3 to 2 vote toward consolidation by the Council. 3. POLICE STATION PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS AND COST ESTIMATES Mayor llangini stated that at the Executive Session prior to the opening of the Study Meeting property acquisition was dj-scussed. The Council was looking into some other property as a possibility for a police station site, but came to the conclusion that it would be prohibitively imprudent to pursue because of excessive costs. Ivlrs. Barton stated the building under discussion on California Drive is the Voelker Building which is for sa1e. Staff and council thoroughly looked into its possibilities, but found conversion would be exhorbitant--more costly than new construction. At the last Council Meeting, Chief Palmer stated that the Council issued four charges to be accompli-shed: 1. Initiate preliminary design for a new police facility based upon the concept that the Council agreed upon Obtain an estimate of construction cost for the project Obtain an estimate to construct the facility initially to accomodate a future second-floor ( "beefed-up" foundations and ceilings. ) 2 3 4 Obtain estimate to increase the accommodate future office space afford future expansion. ) garage ceiting height to in that area (to L2' 4.6" to AI Kah1, architect, distributed plans and estimates to each Council member and was asked to explain the estimated costs of construction, including basic estimates. Mr. Thomas Sine was asked to join Mr. Kahl in the discussion of Alternate A, Alternate B, Installation of a communication system, office furniture and files, and options 7,2t3,4, and 5. Mr. KahI stated that there are certain things needed; for instance, the installation of the communication system by the County of San Mateo is a must. (This would be removing the present communication system and installing it in the new facility.) Office furniture and files figures were presented by M. G. West Company. Option 1 is a fuel oi1 tank and appurtenances to gasoline for the police cars including the tank, the pump and the dj-spenser. Option 2 ts a solar domestic water-heating system for domestic water--not for heating the building. Our engineers tell us that the cost of $l-6,500 would pay for itself in about 10-12 years. The building is so weII insulated that heating costs are minimal and would not warrant solar heating--which would take 20-30 years to gain a re- turn. Option 3 is a series of speakers throughout the building to monitor police cal1s at any time. Option 4 and 5 came from Motorola as a suggestion by them--not a request by the police department. This might be desirable, but not mandatory. Mr. Kahl stated that he would talk further to Motorola for more detail. The Council extensively discussed the pros and cons of Alternate A and B. Mrs. Barton stated that she felt it necessary to go to Alternate rrArr to plan for the future. Alternate r1Alr provides for framing to accomodate a future upper floor in the amount of $136,063.00. It would provide an additive for strengthening foundations, etc. and substituting a steel roof frame (in lieu of 302 wood roof framing). Mrs. Barton recommended that the I0r000sq. feet of land, not being used for the building at the present time, be leased so the City will receive the income from it andretain it for availability in the future if and when further ex- pansj-on is desj-red. Mr. Mangini stated by including Alternate rrA. the Council was providing built-in protection for future generations for roomfor expansion and the opti-on to build up or horizontally at a later time. Mr. Martin stated that a decision does not have to be specifically made on all details by the Council at this time. After the archi- tect is hired, his imput might also be helpful. Mr. KahI discussed the mechanical equipment room presently placed for economy in the center of the building; however, with the thoughtof future expansion to upper floors, it was suggested that it be placed in the corner of the building--so it would not incur a great expense for movement in future years if the building was expanded upward. At thepresent time the City owns an additional 10,000 foot property which will not be built upon at this time, but by holding theproperty, and in the interim, s.ubleasing it to another agency, theproperty would be held so that within 15 to 20 years when further expansion is required, ej-ther Alternative rrArr or 'rBrr could be done. This land could presently be so1d, for income, but by retaining andleasing it, future expansion would be provided. A11 Council members agreed that they held a serious responsibility to future generations to approve specifications that would provide flexibility in structure and expansion if required. By accepting Option rrArr and retaining the 101000 square feet of land, future expansion could be made upward or horizontally within the next 10-20 years. Mayor Mangini asked if the Council felt they concurred in general with these plans in building a functional police stati-on--not an elaborate one. Some input from the architect hired could be helpful in making final decisions on some of the options. The Council voted unanimously to accept the preliminary plan as outlined and proceeded to hire an architect. The Council stated that Mr. KahI has done an excellent job to date and asked him to continue to be employed as the City's consultant and liason person between the architect hired and the City to be certain that the building is constructed according to guidelines and costs given. Mr. KahI agreed to accept the position as Consultant and Liason and stated he would send out plans and cost estimates to the three proposed architects with the request that they look them over and meet separately with the Council between 7:30 and 8:00 at its next Study Meeting on December 9. Both Mr. KahI and Mr. Sj-ne were asked by the Council to sit j-n on each interview with the architects. 4. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mr. Mangini stated that the recommendations would be presented at the next regular meeting for the Mosquito Abatement Commission, Mr. Lee Provin; and Planning Commission, Mr. Lage Anderson, Mrs. Heather Sterner and Mrs.i,Annette Giomi. Each Council member is given the option to select an additional person to be inter- viewed at the Regular Council meeting on December 7 for Planning Commission interviews. The meeting was adjourned for Wednesday, December 9. at 5:30 and next Study Meetins date set &; Evelyn *,-/ 7'hL fi. Hitr City Clerk