HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.11.12293 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING November L2, 1981 Mayor Victor Mangini convened a Study Meeting of the BurlingameCity Council in Conference Room B of the Burlingame City Hal1 at 8:03 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, 1981. PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN Staff: Schwa1m, Coleman, Kirkup, Monroe 1. BURLINGAME S HISTORIC PRESERVATION City Planner's memo of October 30, 1981, addressed "Alternative Approaches To Conservation of Burlingame's Heritage." Several citizens have indicated a desire to work with staff inestablishing a process for identifying and mapping historicalsites. Martha Rosman, 215 Burlingame Avenue, discussed previous work accomplished through efforts of the Historical Society. Council had no objection to theproject on a volunteer basis. citizens' group pursuing the 2. ANZA SUBDIVISION PROJECT PRESENTATION Allen Brochier of Allen Brochier & Associates, OakIand, addressed Council as a representative of Dynatrec and Mr. Stanley Lo, who wishes to develop a parcel in the Anza area. Mr. Brochier ex-plained to Council that he was bringing this j-tem before the studysession to find Council's reaction to a project of mixed use. Presented were drawings of two alternatives his firm is workingwith; Alternative One emphasizes hotel use, and Alternative T\po emphasizes office use. Mr. Lo addressed Council, stating hisintention of creating luxury-type hotel rooms which would attractforeign corporations which would lease rooms for their executivesfor a month or two. Councilmembers stated that this concept wasturned down once before, with another similar project to be heardnext month. Council restated their position that any projectthat includes residences in the Anza area will be turned down. The poj-nt was also made by Council that since this is a studysessionr Do decision will be made as to approval or disapproval- ofa project. Final concensus of Council was that mixed use in the Anza area would not be approved. 3. PARKING IN THE DOWNTOI^II{ AREA Kirkup spoke to Council on the main issue of parking: Does thecity maxj-mize the number of spaces with less driver convenience orhave l-ess spaces with more driver convenience. Councilmembersstated that they have been receiving complaints. Staff was gi-vendirection on the short-term lots to come back with a sketch ofreangling of spaces for driver convenience. He was also told tocut down on the number of compact spaces. sixty percent of lotsin compact spaces is too much. Another problem raised was who isto judge what is compact. Kj-rkup will return with a sketch to Council- on his recommendaLions of angling and compact spaces.short-term lots to be reviewed are c, D, and M. council concurredthat a sign be posted prohibiting smalI cars in "1arge car" spaces. The question of the long-term 1ot behind Fox Ma11, Lot L, wasraised. Council agreed that there j-s no need of a long-termin the central downtown and directed staff to change Lot L totwo-hour lot by changing the sign. lot a Suggestion was made to make an additional long-term lot on the S.1ot. The points were raised that paving and lighting would be re-quired. The Chamber of Commerce agreed to survey all businesses P 2s4 within a four-square-block area to see if their employees wouldpark in the S. P. lot if paved and lighted. Kirkup will follow up on the project and report back to Council. The long-term lots were shown on a map. Staff recommended leaving them alone at this time; Council concurred. PARKING RATES: Suggestion was made that the public be informed as to what areas cost what amount and why. An additional suggestion was to have staff research the original parking dj-strict, give the figures on how much the city originally gave to set up the district out of the General Fund, and report back. Council agreed with staff's intention to keep the rates the same with the higher rates being the closer meters to Burlingame Avenue. Council granted Chamber of Commerce's request for one-hour free parking during December for on-street meters on1y. Agenda Item 3b, parking revenue/expenses and designation of in- creased parking fees, was discussed; recommendation made that a capital improvement fund be established. Each year Council wilI budget parking maintenance and improvement. ORDINANCE L2l4 revisions were di-scussed. Staff recommended a po cy e est lished for the in lieu fee. Staff was told to develop a policy to determine appropriate fees, develop criteria for when such fees would be allowed and report back to Council. Sub-Area C was discussed. It was brought to Council's attentj-on that to prepare an ordinance would require both a rezoning and amendment to the General PIan. California government code allows a city to amend the General Plan three times during a calendar year. Because the year is almost up and publication of notices would have to be made, Council decided not to proceed on this Staff reported on BCDC that their guidelines will go before the Planning Commission on the 23rd of November. During the meeting Ivlonday night, November L6, the Special Study session for the police Station will be determined. Council will convene at 7:30 p.m. in Executive Session for personnel. ADJOURNMENT: 11:10 p.m. g,*oL,,,-7/ 7L/l dvelyn/tt. Hilr City Clerk