HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.10.08281 BURLINGAME CTTY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING October 8, 1981 Mayor Victor Mangini convened a Council in Conference Room B of on Wednesday, October 7, 1981 Study Meeting of the Burlingame Citythe Burlingame City HalI at B:03 p.m PRESENT: COT]NCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTIN AND CITY MANAGER SCHWALM CITY CLERK: EVEI,YN H. HILL STAFF: KIRKUP, MONROE, QUADRI, WAGNER SOCCER LIGHTS BAYSIDE PARK1 The Council and professional staffs commendation that soccer lights not agreed to accept AYSOTs re- be installed. 2. PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP BAYSIDE PARK Charles Schwalm reported on meeting with Mr. John Browning regarding his corporation's proposal to develop Bayside Park into a driving range, going over questions as Council requested, such as date of dump closing, hardship to public, and what use of land will be. Kirkup reported that anticj-pated closing is Spring , L982, to the public with use retained for garden pickup and Council agreed that Browning's proposal is premature and will be kept for future reference. 3. I9B2 LABOR NEGOTIATIONS The concensus was that the Council should start exploring what the labor negotiations' format will be, whether Mr. Whitmore can handle the entire negotiatj-ons. It will be ascertained whether he will be able to do the job or line up someone if he is not available. 4. BURLINGAME AVENUE COMMERCIAL AREA REGULATIONS A memo from the City Planner and memo from the City Attorney were distributed of comments made during the public hearing on Monday, October 5, of proposed Ordinance No. L2L4. It was advised that the Ordinance not be adopted as written because of the comments reported by those attending hearing. The memo was discussed point by point. On page 2 of the memo, parking requirements of Sub-area B, new con- struction will require the provision of parking based on code re- quirements for use, no matter the type (permitted or conditional). Rewording of development of lot in reconstruction and its requirement of parkj-ng and a clause regarding remodeling will be made. Concensus was that parking requirement be tied in with use, alternative 2, and there will not be an expansion within a building without a special permit with "use terminates with use leaving the space (substitute'use'for tenant') . A summary will be distributed to all owners and published as public notice to inform them of changes being made in the Ordinance. Concurrence was that schools propose a special parking problem. It was suggested that in the Ordinance r page 2 | Conditional uses Sub- area A, Section ..032, schools above the first floor will be deleted; in place of Cond.itionat Uses, Sub-area A (d) will be real estate and financial offices above the first floor only. A definition of the first floor will also be made. With these changes, schools become prohibited in Sub-'area A. not conditional or permitted; they are illowed in Sub-area B on the first or second floor. Schools above the first floor j-n Sub-area A will be permitted at night as a con- ditional use with the appropriate wording to be worked out- 282 Referring back to the memo from the City Planner, page 3, item 7, concern was expressed about auto row. Monroe showed a map thatillustrated the areas now in the parking district; she pointed out that the area north of California Drive which is now is the parkingdistrict (C-2 portion in area D) woul-d lose its parking exemption when the Ordinance goes into effect. The point was made that the automobi-le industry is unique; the Code says that the first floor ofthe buildings is a permitted use on page 4, Section 6, of proposed Ordinance, and conditj-onal uses are as stipulated in Section 7. Concensus of the Council is that Burlingame does not want to lose auto agencies. The Ordinance as it is now wriLten means that autobusinesses could have auto-related businesses on the first floor and could have office, service, or retail uses (not residential) onsubsequent floors. Staff was di-rected to reword these sections ofauto-related uses on the first floor as outlined in Ordi-nance andC-l & C-2 permitted uses minus the retaj-I uses on subsequent floorsand find out the feeling from there, excluding residential altogether.Council stated that it intends to preserve auto row and not to undulyrestrict the use of the property. In reference to the Ordinance implementation, staff recommended thecouncil's directi-ng staff. A definition of a "sunset" crause isthat the clause will go away 5-n three years. Staff felt that a re- vi-ew of the effectiveness of the Ordinance should not be done withinthe text of the Ordinance but by the Council's directing staff atthe time of adoption at a mj-nimum of two years. Further discussion of Ordinance will be at November study meeting afterthe City Planner has made the revisions and dj-stributed such to Council members for review and comments before the meeting; it will not be onthe next Council meeting's agenda of November 2. 5 ANZA PUBLIC ACCESS AREA A map of BCDC's proposal was shown by staff. Guideline adopted afterfirst action encouraged clustering, staff's opinion is that the areabe developed uniformly despJ-te the variable size of the lots. Thepoint was made that permits condition the property owner to be 1iab1efor the maintenance, but maintenance is sti1l a problem at this time,including security patrols. Peter Callander, a landscape architect who was hired by State Lands, spoke about the restaurant planned with deck over the water; he stated that there is a strong feeling to getpeople out there during off hours, not jusL offj-ce hours. Bottom 1eve1would be public area with deck; second story would be restaurant of 81000 to 101000 square feet, with restaurant being on dry land and deckon pilings. Drawings will be directed to staff by his firm to keepthe Planner informed. Staff suggested a guideline of land use androads in the best interests of Burlingame, worked out by cooperativeeffort of BCDC and City. Staff was directed to go through Planning Commi-ssion for recommendations to the Council. Other discussion of the parkj-ng hj-storical buildings will be on ADJOURNMENT: 10:33 p.m. revenue report and preservation ofnext study meeting's agenda. c'- /C :.u4-Z-7 'nu"tyn//tl ,l-: / -/ / / / ,* ././ /r./, / (, Hi 11City Clerk It I I