HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.09.08263 BURLINGAME, Se ptenbe r CALIFORN IA 8, t-981 CAI,L TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on theabove date in the City Half Council Chambers. Meeting was caLledto order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Ralph E ROLL CAIL Kirkup, Director of Public Works. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COI]NCIL I\,IEMBERS ABSENT : MINIITES AI{STRUP, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN BARTON (Vacation) Minutes of the and adopted. regular meeting of August 17, 1981 idere approved RETI REMENT OF CITY MANAGER Mayor Mangini read in fu1l memo dated 9/3/8L from Charles F. Schwalm, City Manager, announcing his resignation effective April75, 1982 afLer 25\ years of service. He requested that a re-placement be obtained to assume the office on April 1, 1982 andquestioned if Council- wished him to retain a firm for executiverecruitment and s creening. Mayor Manginj- and Council members expressed their good wishes tothe City Manager in his retirement, and voiced appreciation ofhis efforts and integrity in serving the City for many years. Council approved the idea of retainj-ng a recruitment professionalbut requested that City Manager first give them a report oncomparative costs. CONSIDERATION TO JOB NO. 111 BID AWARD - IiILLSI DEICABRILLO STGNAL UPGRADE, Director of Publ-ic Works recomrnended award tobid $7,594.00, engineer's estimate $8,000. Signal Maintenance, Inc., RESOLUTION NO. 63-41 NAWARDI}.I G CONTRACT -HILLS I DEICABRILLO S IGNAL UPGRADE, JOB NO. 111" (Signal iUaintenance Inc. $7,594.00 bids on filein office of City Clerk) was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Crosby, carried unanimouslyon ro11 call vote of members present. HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF STGN EXCEPTION FOR 42 FOOT HIGH POLE REPLACING EXISTING SIGN AT 1640 GILBRETH ROAD BY TONY CONSUL OF ADART TROPICAl, PI.ANNING DISTRICT RENT-A-CAR-SYSTEMS, INC. REQUEST FOR APPEAL HEARING ON COMMTSSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE IN M-I hearing for the next regular meeting of Mayor Mangini set21, 198r. hearing for regular Council meeting of September MRS. DONALD E. CORY REQUEST FOR APPEAL HEARING, PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT r'OR 728/730 LAUREL AVENUE Mayor Mangini September 21, set this 1981. Mayor Ivlangini announced request had been received from ADART fordelay on this hearing, and stated appeal would be heard at theregular Council meeting of September 2L, 1981. J 264 SUPERVISOR JOHN M. WARD: DI STRI CTS RE-APPORTIONMENT PLAN EOR SUPERVISORIAI Letter of August 3I, 1981 from Supervisor Ward stated the Board of Supervisors is currently deliberating on this p1an, a public hearing is scheduled for october 6 at 2:00 P.M., and cities are invited to submit a plan before this date. Mayor Mangini noted that re-apportionment information packet has been received by the City but not yet distributed to Councj.f . Council therefore postponed discussion until the next study session. JOHN BROWNING SPORTS CORPORATION - BAYSIDE PARK DEVELOPMENT Council had received report of 8/28/81 from John Browning Sports Corporation on the proposed development of Bayside Park, with request to meet with staff and CounciI. Mayor Mangini suggested Mr. Browning be advised to contract City Manager to make appoint- ment for dj-scussion with staff with report back to Council. Councilman Amstrup thought Council should first decide when and if any such development should happen since decision on time of closing of dump had not yet been made. Councilman Martin suggestecl that the two subjects are tied together and Council needed information from staff on both. STAFF MEMORANDA CITY MANAGER: CATV EQUIPMENT RECEIVING SITE Memo of 9/l/81 from City Manager stated reservoir site on Hillside had been reviewed by Director of Pub1ic Works and City Manager's office, and suggested Council approve the drawing up of legal agreement with Capital Cities subject to four condj-tions. Memo also suggested review and opinion from professional appraiser. Letter oi e/Ze/il from general manager of Capital Cities Peninsul-a Cable Television rev.tewing use of reservoir site and attaching site plan for proposed office location at California and Bel1evue Avenue. ceneral Manager noted this location is within the present downtown moratorium area and requested indication that this l-and use would be acceptable. City Manager reviewed his memo and introduced Richard Graham, cable televj-sion manager. Mr. craham reiterated his desire to negotiate a lease with the City for the reservoir site, and stated he had taken the matter of Lhe site on Bellevue to the Planning Commission for review. In response to question from Councilman Amstrup, he stated-there would be no equipment at the site on Bellevue, and the equipment at the .eservoi.- should not interfere with Eire Department equip- ment. Council-man Martin was concerned with the fu1I impact of parking at the office site. while the site plan shows 12 spaces, he asked that craham confer with staff as to all probabilities of parking' In response to question from Councilman Crosby, Graham stated they hoped to have system operationaf for some customers in a year with construction to start at the end of 1981- Mayor CITY Mangini directed Graham to confer with City Manager and staff' MANAGER,/FINANCE DIRECTOR: BFI REQ UEST FOR GARBAGE RATE INCREASE City Manager recommended Council- allow the 10.6? increase in garbage rates as recommended in Finance Director's report of 8/27/8I. Finance Director reviewed. his report which attached detailed statistics on Browning Ferris' actual and projected operations for 1981- and 1982. He expliined the process of review by representatives of San Mateo rostei City, Belmont, San Carlos, Hillsborough and.Burlingame by which they agreed that the 10.6? increase was justified; B'F'I'rs t 265 willingness to accept this percentage in the interest of a standardized billing rate in li-eu of the 15.728 increase re-quested. He noted that Redwood City and Menlo Park have adopted this rate. He commented that this increase is based on the 938 operating ratio formula and recommended that before the next in- crease a rate consultant for afl cities prepare a model franchise, a review of BFI capital stock to negotiate a rate of return ofj-nvestment agreement rather than operating ratio, and an improved rate setting process. He pointed out that garbage costs will increase when the transfer station is operationaf and that the City needs to l-ook at alternatives to garden pickup with the closing of the dwnp. Councilman Martin stated he thought it important that the rate be based on return on investment rather than operating ratio. He also asked that subsidiary charges be determined, fee to be charged for transfer statj-on be determined, and the County's fee for Ox Mountain, with rate analyst to investigate these closely. CITY MANAGER/CITY ENGINEER: SPECIAI ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, 1419 B URL INGAI{E AVENUE Director of Pub1ic Works revi-e!,/ed City Engineer's report of 9/2/81 ,stating that j-nvestigation revealed a room j-n the rear of the Fox Ma11 that could be used for storage of trash. It would be tlght and difficult to manage. The I\'1a11 owner has been consulted and would prefer to keep the room as an office, volunteering to in- crease trash pickup to five days a week and confine dumpsters in a smaller area. Director of Public Works recornmended that if Council permits encroachment, these two arrangements be a condition with additionaf condition of keeping area free of debris. If Council de- cides on arrangement of room inside the Ma1I, there should be a condition that 30 days be allowed to make conversion. Council discussed at length. Councilman Martin suggested that if these permits are given, the City should charge for them, and that all such permittees be charged. He suggested $50.00 a month. Councilman Amstrup thought each business shoufd furnish their own facility for collecting garbage, and saw no reason for the City to feel an obligation. Council-man Crosby noted the new owner was only trying to renew the previous encroachment permit, and expressed difficulty with charging this man while others have not been. Mayor Mangini asked Mr. Talip if he was informed he would if all others agree to a charge, and charged. would were Council did not wish to approve this permit with a charge without making a City-wide survey of the problem. Director of Public Works was asked to make this survey and set up a fee schedule, with a re- port back to Councit. He also was asked to check on the maintenance of the dumpsters at the Fox Ma11. CITY MANAGER,/PLANNING DEPARTMENT: CONSIDERATION TO PI,ANNING COMMISS IONER APPRENTICE RECOMMENDED 2. TENTATIVE CONDOI{INIUM AND PARCEL MAP, 30 LORTON AVENUE CONSENT CALENDAR 1. CLAIMS: HELEN JACOBS AND WILLIAM SCOTT By memos of 8/25/81 and 8/79/8I respectively, commended these claims be denied on the basis City Attorney re- of no City liabitity. Otis Talip, 2f01 Hale Drive, speaking on behalf of Fox MaIl ohrner, confirmed the ownerrs offer, adding it would be to the Cityrs advantage because it would be kept cleaner. AIso, it wouLd be difficult to hose out the small office. Councilman Amstrup suggested and Council agreed it would be preferable to discuss this matter the first meeting in October when there would be a fu11 Council. 266 By memo of 8/25/81 CtEy maps for f5 condominium Engineer recommended approval of theseunits. b 3. RESOLUTIONS a. RESOLUTION 64-81 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGRENMENT FOR CITY PLANNING SERVICES. RESOLUTION 65-81 IIAUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AMENDIIENT NO. 4 TO CONTRACT WITH GEORGE S. NOLTE & ASSOCIATES'' RESOLUTION 66-81 "AUTHORIZING RATE INCREASE AND AMENDTNG AGREEMENT WITH SAN MATEO COUNTY SCAVENGER COMPANY " d. RESOLUTION 67-81 I'S UPPORTING POLICIES '' INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSTS OF PERS INVESTMENT e. RESOLUTION 68-81 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEI'{ENT FOR ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING SERVICES - SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION SURVEY - l-98I-1982" f. RESOLUTION 59-81 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT - PENINSULA HUMANE SOCIETY - INSTALLA?ION OF WATER MAIN" 4. ORDINANCE 1212 "REMOVING TWO HOUR PARKING LIMITS FOR RHINETTE AND JUANITA AVENUES " (Introduction) CounciLman Amstrup moved approval of the consent calendar, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by members present. I]NFINISHED BUSINESS Memo of August 26 | l98l- from Park Director gave update of Dutch Efm disease control , noting that 1ocal DED control program has not been refunded and will close 8/28/87. Note from City Manager reported that Assemblyman Campbell is attempting to introduce a biIl to appropriate funds to fight Dutch El-m disease. Council asked that City Manager write legislators indicating its support of this proposed bi11. NEW BUSINESS VOTING DELEGATE FOR LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Mayor Mangini stated he might be going to the conference but Councilman Martinr s attendance was more definite. He therefore appointed Council-man Martin as voting delegate and himself as voting alternate. Councilman Martin asked that Councitmembers inform him by g/25/81 of their voting preference on League resolutions. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT C Councilman Amstrup commented that the City of San Bruno charges $1,000 per unit for condominium conversions, and suggested that Council consider this measure for Burlingame. City Attorney stated he would research legality of this procedure. City Manager agaj-n wished agree d. "Y" OFF 101 questioned if Councilmembers to serve on the annual audit Barton and committee. Crosby They t It I Mayor lvlangini requested that Councilman Martin serve on committee to fill exj-stj-ng vacancy on Mosquito Abatement District Board. CONDOMfNI UM CONVERS IONS AUDIT COMMITTEE Councilman Amstrup asked status of possible fencing of this site by the State. Councilman Martin stated he had communicated with senator Forant s office concerning it, and Director of Public 267 Works said he moving on it. had contacted state design people who will be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Memo of August 25t ),981 from Director of public Worksreporting on revisj-ons to Lot "J" parking. 2. Memo of August 18, 1981 from Sgt. Krutschnitt of police Department reporting on 911 system. 3. Letter of August 12, l-98l from L. Bruce Laingen, former hostage in Iran, to Council-man Martin, expressing his gratitude tothe Councilman, Jaycees, and people of BurJ-ingame for their support. 4. Letter of September 1, 1981 from Vera Foster, 1149 Bernal Avenue, volunteering for service on Board of San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District. 5. P]anning Department Negative Declaratj.on, 35-51 EI Camino Real . 7, L4,6. Minutes: Civil Service 1981 ; Library Board, August Planning Commission, August Commission, July 15, 28, August18; ParklRecreation, August 20;24, \981. FROM THE FLOOR Jerry Guinasso, 768 Trenton Drive, Sunnyvale, orrner of the "Bon Appetit" grocery and meat market on Burli.ngame Avenue, presented. Council with a petition containing 786 signatures ofhis customers asking City Council to restore orj-gj-na1 stripingto Lot J and abate parking meters. Mr. Guinasso explained dif-ficulties shoppers are experiencing with narrow 90 degree spaces and short turning radius. He thanked City for widening some spacesbut asked that they restripe for diagonal parking. In response to Councilman Crosbyrs question he stated he did not initiatepetition but had colfected signatures at his customersr request. Ee pointed out parking lot changes were supposed to be on an experimental basis and changes now could save the City money. Councilman Martin stated parking plan had originated with Chamberof Commerce, and Council accomodates them because they represent the merchants. He suggested Mr. Guianasso discusswith the Chamber and the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission. Councilman Crosby also advised Mr. Guinasso to talk to the Chamber and the Commission for an explanation. Mayor Mangini directed that petition be forwarded to Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission for consideration at a meeting. ADJOURNMENT C , .--/ -/C."r/-.., /J /v' trveIyn,trI. HillCity Clerk 1/, Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:L5 P.M.