HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.10.061 115 BUR].INGAME, CALIFORNIA ocroBER 6, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A Regular Meeting of the Burlingame City order by Mayor R. David Martin at 8:30 p in the City HaI1 Council Chambers. Council was called to m. on October 6, 1980 PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was Ied by City Planner John Yost. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, }4ARTIN ABSENT: NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 1980, and the Study Meeting of September 17, 1980, were approved as submitted. CONSIDERATION AUDITORIUM OF BrD AI^IARD - REROOFING OF RECREATION CENTER Director of Public i,rlorks Ra1ph E. Kirkup reported bids were opened October 2nd for Reroofing of Recreation Center Auditorium, 850 Burlingame Avenue (Project No - 032) . of the two bids received that of Ace Roofing Company of San Mateo was the lower and was recommended for acceptance. The bid exceeds budgeted funds for this project by $2,700 or $2 r 800. It was suggested that the extra cost be ar:propriated from the contingency reserve fund. RESOLUTION NO. 60-80, "AI^IARDING CONTRACT, REROOFING THE RECREATION CENTER AUDITORIUM, 85 0 BURLINGAME AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 032" (Ace Roofing Company, $10,778, bids on file in the office of the City Clerk) was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption. Motion seconded by Councilman Mangini and carried on unanimous ro11 call vote. RENEWAL OF ENTERTAII.II4ENT PERMIT P.J.IS, 26L CALIFORNIA DRIVE City l4anager Schwalm reviewed the Police Department report of activity at P.J.'s subsequent to the August 4th 60-day entertainment permit renewal. The Department reported difficulty in disbursing employees and patrons after the 2200 a.m. closing hour, involving gatherings of patrons outside the premises frequently with alcoholic beverages in hand. Two recorded police actions cite (1) a reoort of 20 persons in the bar area after the closing hour, and (2) an alter- cation which resulted in the arrest of the bouncer. Police Chief Palmer reported there was an additional disturbance call since the memorandum. The Police Department recommendation is for renewal of the permit for not more than 60 days. Attorney William Mount and the applicant, Nathaniel J. Carrasco, addressed Councj-I. They stated that the incident of August 10th in- volved 10 employees a.nd 10 members of a band which had that evening completed its engagement at P.J.'s. The incident of August 29 in- volved a citizen's arrest of the employee bouncer who has since been fired. After Counci-l discussion of the continuing policing oroblems at P.J.rs, Councilwoman Barton moved that the apolication for renewal of the en- tertainment permit for P.J.'s be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Amstrup and passed on the following ro11 call vote. AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, MANGINI, MARTIN j ABSTENTION: COUNCILMAN CROSBY r rt6 In response to Mr. Mountrs question Attorney Coleman advised that there 2 Jerome Coleman. Encroachment Permits aboutis no time for appeal. apoeal, City CONSENT CALENDAR (see subsequent action near end of meeting) 1. Chamber of Commerce request for Quarterly Allocation, OctoberI through December 31, 1980. Heriltage Treg Nomination by Beautification Commission of a(tutip tree) tocated at 4 Peninsula Avenue. 3. Denial of claim of Steven M. Schramm recommended by Citv 4 Attorney Special recommended by Public Works 5 Department: (a) 1056 E1 Camino Real for permission to construct a storm drain in the 10-foot alley: (b) 855 Mahler Road for permission to construct an 18-inch block wal1. Tentative Subdivision Map - 1500 $Iillow Avenue City Engineer by rnemorandum of September 3Oth recomrnended approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map for 18 condominiumunits in accordance with Planning Commission approval, con-ditioned that map conforms to the condominium permit. 6. Tentative and Final Parcel Map 1500 Wil1ow Avenue The City Engineer by memorandum dated September 30th recom- mended approval of lot combination at 1500 Wi11ow Avenue in accordance with Planning Commission approval and conditioned upon demolition and removal of one habitable structure beforefinal map is recorded. 7. Tentative Subdivision Map - 27 EI Camino Real City Engj-neer by memorandum dated September 30th recommended approval of tentative subdivision map in accordance with Planning Commission approval, conditioned upon its conformance to the condominium oermit. B. Resolutions (a)RESOLUTION NO. 61-80 ''AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEIVIENT FOR PURCHACE OF DOG FOR POLICE TRAINING. '' (b) RESOLUTION NO. 62-80 "MAKING DETERMINATTON OF PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPER 282, SECTION 59, PART 0.5, IMPLEI{T]NTATION OF ARTICLE XTIIA OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION, COMMENCING WITH SECTION 95, DIVISION 1 OF THE REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE." (c) RESOLUTION NO. 63-80 "AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAN MATEO COUNTY CONVENTTON AND VIS]TORS BUREAU AND CITY OF BTIRLIIVGAIVIE FOR PF.OT4OTIONAL SERVICES'' (SEC rescinding action of Council at end of meeting). Councilman Crosby moved approval of the consent calendar, seconded by Councilman Mangini, and carried on the following ro11 call vote: AYES: COUNCILIVIEMBERS AMSTP.UP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI COUNCILMAN MARTIN voted approval of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Resolution 63_80 (item g (c) ) . Mayor Martin expressed dissatisfaction with the budget information submitted because of inadequate explanation of the approximate $200,000 surplus. L LL7 UNFINISI{ED BUSINESS 1. Annexation of 2100 block of Trousdale Drive City Manager schwalm caI1ed attention to provisions of the proposed agreement with the City of }4i11brae under which the City of Burlingame guarantees payments of defaulted water bil1s by residents of the block and a proportionate share of deficit operations may be assessed to Burlingame. After discussion Councif directed staff to work with the City of Millbrae to revise the orovisions of the agreement. Mayor Martin Commission. be filled at announced the appointment of Harry Graham to the Planning Two other vacancies which will occur in March, 1981, will a later date. NEW BUSINESS Da s Inn Hotef Councilman Amstrup requested that the permit approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting of September 22, 1980, be ca]led up for review by City Council. Inasmuch as members of Council and staff will- be attending the League of California Cities conference at the time of the next Council meeting, $rith applicant's concurrence, a hearing will be scheduled for the November 3rd Council meeting. City Pfanner Yost will prepare the appropriate report. P ROCLAMAT IONS 1. Eire Prevention Week - Mayor Martin proclaimed the week of october Prevention week.5 through 11 as Fire 2. Italian-Ameri can Week i-n San Mateo count on of ftalian-Am eracan We ekc1armed recogn through 12. Letter from City defendant in the Mayor Martin pro- from october 6 advising of dismissal of the City as a San Mateo County Electrical Contractors Convention and Visitors Bureau Septerdrer 22, 1980. earking Commission, September 11, 1980. t 1 I 2 Attorney case of aI. 3 4 5 (b) (c) (d) (e) Planning Comrniss ion, Traffic, safety and v. Burlin ame, et Communication from Dean L. Maudsley, M.D., regarding metal building at Wastewater Treatment Pl-ant. Staff was directed to advise Dr. Maudsley of the proposed resolutj-on of the problem. Citizenrs request to stop delivery of throw-away publications. Negative declarations from the City Planner: (a) Chinese Bible Evangel, at Hoover school). (b) Marjorie A. Mccarthy (preschool program at Hoover School). Report from San trrateo County regarding 1980-81 budget. (a) Beautification Commission, September 4, 1980. (Staff was directed to take the necessary action to imp]-ement the Commission's recommendation that three Dawn Redwoods in washington Park be dedicated to the memory of Aline Lorenz). Library Board, September 16, 1980 Park and Recreation Commission, September 18, l-980. I 2. Commission Appointments ACKNOWLEDGMENTS : Inc. (church and Bible college 6 . Mi-nutes : f 118 B 7 Letter from San Mateo County Regional Occupationaf Program commending frank Donnellv and Paul Borg for their courtesy and efficiencv in solving a water pressure problem. TheDirector of Public Works was directed to have copies placed in the respective personnel files. Memorandum from City Manager reqarding AB 2674 pointing outthat passage of the legislation obviates the need to act on retirees' benefits for the next two years. Letter from Chairman of Park and Recreation Commission request-ing that emphasis be placed on Washington Park facilities for soccer this FaII. Mr. Frank Paglj-aro reported that in hisopinion satisfactory portable goals shoufd be made available.Mr. Kirkup was directed to investigate the possibitity for construction of portable soccer goals in Washington Park. 10. Copy of letter from Park Director Hoffman to Steven F. Carboncongratulating and thanking him for his Eaqle Scout Project, an or j-enteering course at l^trashington Park. The City l,lanager was d.irected to prepare a letter of appreciation to Steven from City Council. ROOF RAT PROGRAM Councilman Mangini reported receipt of a letter advising roof ratsvisibfe while driving along street. After Council discussion ofthe rat inspection program, City Manager Schwalm was directed to conununicate with Peninsula Community Services, Inc., regarding thestatus of the authorized program for inspection and baiting. Fire Chief Fricke reported an increased demand for bait. SAN MATEO COUNTY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Council discussed the information supplied by the Convention and Visitors Bureau in connection with its 1980-81 budget. Afterdiscussion, on motion of Councifman Amstrup, seconded by Councilman Mangini and unanimously carried b1z voice vote, Item 8 (c) was re- moved from the consent calendar and passage of Resolution 63-80 was rescinded for recons ideration. Councif directed that further information be requested regarding the budget surplus and that the Executive Director and Treasurer ofthe Bureau be requested to come to the November study meetj-ng toclarify Council questions regarding the budget. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:25 p.m 9 8--2.-z/ zlilE$e1yn,4I. Hill City Clerk Councj-lman Mangini rn-ove d that Council approve the first quarter pay- ment to the San Mateo County Convention and Visitors Bureau in Novemlcer, the normal time for its transmittal. The motion was sec- onded by Councilman Crosby and carried unanimously on voice vote.