HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.08.05956 B URII }IGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING August 5, 19 81 Mayor Victor A. Mangini convened. a study meeting ofCity Councif in Conference Room B of the Burlingame8:15 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5, 198l, immediate1yexecutive session of the Council. the BurfingameCity HaI1 atfollowing an PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS A.I\,!STRUP, BARTON, MANGINI and MARTIN Councilman Crosby was absent. STAFF: Schwalm, Kirkup, Coleman and Palmer I. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REQUEST FOR POLICY ON PROPOSED CfVIL SERVICE RULES At Mayor Manginirs request ,foService Commission, reviewedtained in its letter of ,Ju1y and Regulations of the Merit Mr. Albert Kahl presented to Council designs for constructj-on of a police and Trousdale Drive: . Franklin, Chairman of the Civilsuggestions of the Commission con- 1981, regarding the proposed Rules em and revised Municipal Code pro- hnC the 4a t Sys t 2 visions. The Commission suggested the addition on pages 4 and 5 ofsubparagraph (c) to define the Conunission's functions as advisoryto the Council, City Manager and staff on policy, and oversite ofthe merit system for the community, and subparagraph (d)that the Commission will submit recommendations regarding the merit system and advise Council whether Rules and Regulations are complied with. The current subparagraph (c) would become (e) . An additional sug-gested change is that Rules and Regulations be changed to provide the Commissionrs decisions appealable to the City Council (item 7, page 5). He said the Commission will work with the City Manager and City Attorney to finalize the Rules and Regulations. Council- members indicated agreement with the Commission's recommnedations . REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION BY CTTY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE BY MARIE C. LAWDER rn response to the July 25, l-981, letter of J. william Lawder, Council agreed that recognition of the outstanding community serviceof Marie C. Lawder be made by dedication of a plaque honoring her at the Easton Branch of the Library. 3 CONSTRUCTION ON BAYSIIORE AT EUCATYPTUS GROVE BOULEVARD Members of Council- expressed concern about development at the Y near the eucalyptus grove on Bayshore Highway. Staff was requested to draft correspondence to legislators and the state agencies in- vol-ved reqarding work at the Y, and Councilmembers indicated they would contact our legislators personalfy. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTA-ItrT - PERSONNEL Council-members discussed with the City Manager their direction re- garding the salary scale for the Administratj-ve Assistant - Personnel . The top of the scale will be $22,000 plus the 9-!E July 1st sal-ary increase, or $24,090, and salary steps will be computed by percentage down from the top figure. l,lr. Schwafm confirmed the City's policy of setting the entrance step on such an appoj-ntment of a former city employee at the step of the new position with a salary immedi- ately above the current salary of the employee. REVIEW OF ARCHITECT'S SCHEMATICS FOR POLICE STATION 5 for reviewstation at four schematicCalifornia Drive 1 A square-shaped building with parking beneath it, approximateLy !2,744 square feet, with space for a 4,160 foot expansion. 257 2 3 An elongated building with all outside parking; A square building with no garage and a separatebuilding for meter maintenance, etc.; and 4. A two-story square building. Council reviewed the four plans and focused its attention on theplan recommended by Mr. Kahn and Police Chief Fred palmer. It was requested consideration be given to a two foot lower ex- cavati-on for the garage so expansion of some of the police facili-ties to that area could be made in the future. Mr. Kahn was dir-ected to estimate the cost of strengthened construction to enablethe addition of a second story at a future time if required, andthe cost of a deeper excavation. After discussion of landscapirg, outside parking space and relatedmatters, Council directed Mr. Kahn to proceed to preliminary drawings of the recommended design. !- Ms. Carol Thompson of George S. Nolte and Associates statedinformation had been presented to enable them to start worktraffic and noise impacts for the draft environmental impactport. enough onre- 6. CAPITAL CITIES CABLE TV City Manager Charles Schwalm reported Capital Cities has been attempting without success to find a central location for its studio and "dishes" as required by the franchise agreement. They have apossible location on Cowan Road and would like Councj-l's approvalof that location. Councilmembers had no objection, but suggestedCapital Cities and staff investigate the feasibility of locatingthe "dishes" atop the sewage treatment p1ant. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m fi-.-tr"- z/ rtk VELYN M HILLECity Clerk \-