HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.08.0325L BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 3, 1981 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burli-ngame City Council was held onthe above date in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. Meeting wascalled to order at 8:00 P.l{. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Alfred J. Palmer, Police Chief. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP , BARTON, MANGINI , I,IARTIN CROSBY (Vacation) Minutes of the regular meeting of JuIy 20, 1981 were approved and adopted. CONSIDERATION TO BID AWARD - ADRIAN ROAD LIGHTING REVISION PROJECT NO. 019 Director of Public Works reconrmended award tobid $12,457, engineer's estimate $16r000. Coast Electric Company; RESOLUTION NO. 52-BI ''AWARDING CONTRACT - ADRIAN ROAD LIGHTING REVISTON - PROJECT NO. 019" (Coast Electric Company, $12,457, bidson file in offj-ce of City Clerk) was introduced by Councilman Amstrup, who moved adoption, second by Councilwoman Barton, carrj-ed on unanimous ro11 call vote of members present. HEARING FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATEMENT Director of Public Works explained this yearly program whereinproperty owners are notified to clear weeds and rubbish from their property. If this is not accomplished and City must do it, owners are charged a fee which is put on tax rolls if not paid. Mayor Mangini opened public hearing on this assessment. There were no comments and public hearing was declared closed. RESOLUTION NO. 53-81 ''FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATEMENT'' nci1manAmstrupwhomoveditsadoption,secondby Councilman Martj-n, carried on unanimous ro11 call vote of members present. HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT MR. AND MRS. DONALD E. CORY - 728/730 LAUREL AVENUE Acting City Planner reviewed her staff report of 8/3/8L on thisspecial permit application for removal of an existing two car garage, remodeling of two garages attached to their duplex unit; andconstruction of I,637 SF of garage/workshop structure at rear oftheir Iot. Special permit is required because: Structure exceeds 500 SF gross floor areaTotal floor area of all accessory structures on a 1ot shal1 not exceed 800 SF (proposed 1,637 SF) Maximum roof height shal-l not exceed 14' (proposed 16r-6rr) Storage space j-n an accessory structure shal1 not exceed 108 of the gross floor area of the main dwel1ing. (Proposed storage space is 37e") Planning Commission denied this application without prejudice inorder to give applicant an opportunity to return with revised plans showing lesser storage area. Height was also a concern because of 1 2 3 4 I 1 iI iI opportunity for future conversion. She noted that subsequent toappeal the applicant had agreed to reduce height to 14' and toprovide sprinkler system as required by rire Inspector. Council and Fire Chief discussed the fire protection requirementsof one-hour fire wafls and on-site fire protect.ion necessary becauseof distance of structure from the street. Fire Chief indicatedhydrant on the property would be satisfactory and a driveway witha turn-around for fire vehicles. Aoting City Planner stated ap-plicant chose to instal-I sprinkler system instead of rebuilding drive- way . Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. Dona1d Cory, 800 }4ap1e Avenue, add.ressed Council. He noted he hada fire hydrant in his front yard and I3r driveway for access to back yard. He questioned accessibility of structures in otherfong lots in this area. Mr. Cory suggested that denial- of permit was based on unwarranted suspicion that structure would be used commercial-Iy, and noted there appears to be no limit on the sizeof garages being built under houses in the City. He spoke of conversion plans for the duplexes which would require 5 coveredon-site spaces. These could be accommod.ated in the garage structure, along with storage space for lawn and hobby equipment. He spoke of eventual retirement to this house with plans for garden and trees inthe back, and personal preference for a garage at the rear of the1ot. With proposed change, onfy 20? of roof line of garage woufd be14r. He asked that Council take into account the vast size of thefot. Speaking against the special permit was Philip DeRosa, 731 WinchesterDrive. He gave Council a petition containing 28 signatures op-posing this special permit. He spoke of neighborhood. fears of thepossible future rezoning of Burlingame High School land to apartment and condominium use; the attempts at rezoning in the area j-n thepastt questioned the possibl-e use of the garage structure during the 6-8 years before the Corys fived there; and urge-l Councif to uphold building and zoning codes and, as elected officials, protect their citizens. There were no further comments and public hearing was declared closed. Council briefly discussed noticing procedures for appeals before Council. Councifman Martin noted there j-s now no code requirement. Councilman Barton suggested this be investigated. Councilman Amstrup questioned the area of the 5 parking spaces as opposed to the total area of the garage. Acting City Planner told Councj-I that the Corys have revised theirplans and would now limit height to 14', reduce number of parking spaces to 4 and reduce storage area, leaving only one of the Planning Commiss j-on concerns - 500 SF gross floor area. Council discussed the propriety of considering new plans when original pl-ans were the ones appeal-ed. Councifman Amstrup considered this wrong, as did Councilwoman Barton. Councilman Martin suggested that change in plans be sent back to the Planning Commission since there were so many different areas to be explored and because of Planning Commission's concern with conversions and eventualities. Council-woman Barton stated if original plans were considered would deny, but agreed that new plans should be heard by the Commission. she Planning Councilman Amstrup stipulated that if reheard by the Planning Com- mission, noticj-ng of neighborhood must be done again. Mayor Mangini noted his own concern that denial coul-d mean the applicant must wait a year to resubmit application. 252 253 Acting City Planner reviewed. letter of 7/27/81 from Housing TaskForce of San Mateo County which proposed an inventory of land incities of the County now vacant or und.erdeveloped which could accomodate residential use. Contribution of $500 toward this task was requested. Acting City Planner conunented staff felt an inventory of land for all uses is needed, but it should be done in connection wj-th an updateof the City's Land Use and., EoUs_Ins_ -Ele.menLs,Jda_Lh _Eeview of the other mandatory -elements. str&nfiEEe&effCfi'n8d &8fitH8l8t2fllement and City response must be made by October. She noted changes in State lawregarding housing element,s. Councifman Amstrup stated there should be a locaf inventory, not County-wide. He woufd rather see the City take its own j-nventory and update its own Housing Element because it would be more adept. Ee objected to State interference in 1oca1 government, noting no State money was being furnished. CounciLwoman Barton agreed, stating she did not like the thoughtof taking away 1oca1 control. Councilman Martin had several objections to County inventory. He quoted "The inventory would include vacant residentialJ-y zoned land and underdeveloped commerciall-y or industrially zoned lands which could be rezoned. for residential use. . ." as dangerous. He questioned the fact that Portola Valley, Atherton, and Hillsboroughare not included in subject cities, stating they have vacant l-anilif the point is to increase housing density. Council$roman Barton suggested the Task Force be informed of theCouncil's views. Staff was directed to communicate with then. Councilman Martin stated media a1so. he hoped this would be publicj-zed in the STAFF MEMORANDA 1. CITY MANAGER: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR TRANSFER STATTON City Manager reviewed background of this joint powers agreement which commits San Mateo County and certain County cities to using a transfer station to be built in San Carlos until i-t is amortized. He recommended the agreement be adopted with the further recommenda- tion there can be no financial obligation incurred by this authority or the cities thereto. In responsefirmed that to question from Councilman Mangini, City Manager con-this agreement pertains only to garbage. RESOLUTION NO. 54-81 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AUTHORIZATION OF JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT - SOUTH BAYSIDE TRANSFER STATION" was introduced by Councilwoman Barton who moved. its adoption, second by Councj-lman Amstrup, carried on unanimous rol-l call vote of members present. 2. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: SELECTION OE CONSULTANT AIRPORT SIGNAL AND CHANNELIZATION - PROJECT NO. 915 BAYS HORE/ Director of Public on this project as Works reviewed evaluation ofdetailed in his memo of Jul-y consultant29, 1981. J propos al s He recom- Mr. and Mrs. Cory were given the choice of having Councj.l rul-e ontheir original plans or of resubmitting new pLans to the planning Commission with no additional fee. They agreed to have planning Commission rehearing. Councilman Amstrup moved that this special permit application besent back to the Planning Commission for recons ide ration, secondby Councilman Martin, carried unanimous 1y by members present. COUNTY HOUSING TASK FORCE - INVENTORY OF LANDS SUTIABLE FOR HOUSING Councilman Amstrup inquired when the transfer station would be bui1t. He was informed it would be well over a year. He then suggested that Council consider cLosing part of the dump in the next 6 months. 254 mended that a contract with the firm of TJKM of Walnut Creek be submitted at the next Council meeting. Council had no objection, and Mayor Mangini directed staff to prepare necessary documentati,on. 3. CITY MANAGER: APPOINTMENT PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Memo of JuIy 30, 1981 from City Manager reported recommendationof appointment of Nancy Lindstrom to this commission by Mayor Mangini and Councilman Amstrup. Councj-1 approved this appointment, and Mayor l"Iangini directedstaff to inform Ms. Lj-ndstrom of this appointment. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 RESOLUTION NO. 55-81 ''RESOLUTION AUTHORTZING EXECUTION OF COST SHARING AGREEMENT - PARKING ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - l-4l-6 LOT IMPROVE}{ENTS " 2 EDGEHILL DRIVE City Engineerrs memg of July 30, 1981 recommendedspecial encroachment permit at this address for airon fence. approval of5 foot brick and 3. FINAL CONDO MAP 733_735 EAIRFIELD ROAD Memo of July 30, 1981 from City Engineer recommended approval ofthis final condominium map with condition that apparent error in one area be corrected to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP 518 ALMER ROAD This tentative map was recommended for approval by City Enqineer's memo of July 30, 1981. Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the consent calendar, second by CouncilmanPmstrup, carried on unanimous vote of members present. OLD BUSINESS ADMINISTRAT IVE ASS ISTANT PERSONNEL Memo of July 31, 1981 from City Manager requested that Council con- sider new salary range for this posj-tion, tor which Ginger Fortmiller had been appointed by interviewing pane1. Council decided to discuss at study meeting of July 5, 198I. BARRICADES In response to questions from Council, Public Works Driector stated that the barricades at Oxford-Cambridge will be taken down the first part of next week, and at the same time the "No right turn on redrr sign would be installed. NEW BUSINESS STRUCTURAL BULK Councilman Amstrup noted house on Quesada where 3 - 4 bedrooms had been added on top of the garage, and the resulting bulk had thrown the appearance of the street off-Iine. He noted City codes require setbacks and other property owners have no defense against this blockage. He stated he was not interested in architectural contol, but considered some regulations should be studied regarding garages so that such problems could be prevented. Councilwoman Barton suggested such review be started with the Planning Commission. Council had no objection. Acting City Planner noted that several Bay area communities have put in various kinds of second story ordinances, and the planning Commission could look at those which had been in plaee the longest. DUTCH ELM 1 t t Councilwoman Barton questioned if dutch elm disease had been con- ffi'..-'F1-ry 255 1 2 trolled in the City. City Manager said that the contract for removal and treating had been completed and he considered thatthe disease was under control. However, he would check andreport. Mayor Mangini announced executive session at 7:30 P.M. beforestudy meeti-ng of August 5, 1981. Council discussed JPAC meetings and saw no reason to attend until information is received on law-suit. Council agreed to interview City Planner candidates on Mondaynight, August 10, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Letter, 7/22/81, City of Half Moon Bay, re Grace McCarthy. Letter, 7/74/81, California State Auto Association re Burlingame Pedestrian Safety Citation. Letter, 7/28/81, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, 701 Burlingame Avenue, ta Pacific Telephone installation of large terminal box in parking strip at their home. Mr. Taylor, former Telephone Company employee, addressed Council on alternativesto these boxes and said this one will downgrade value of hi-sproperty. Director of Public Works stated he had contacted telephone company and meeting had been set up on this subjectfor Wednesday, August 5. He agreed Mr. and Mrs. Taylor could attend. In response to Council question, he stated that telephone company is required to get a permit for these boxes and in this case there had been none. Councilman Martin noted problem with parking of company truck at one of these boxes on Hillside and Alturas. 4. Letter, 7/21/8L, Terry Nage1, 1300 Mil1sr r€ barricades. 5. Letter, 7/22/81, R. Judd Hanna, 835 Laurelr r€ throw-away papers. 6. Letter, 7/20/8L, from Lois Kockeun, Burlingame resident, commending Canti Hutchcraft, Burlingame Water Department. 7. Minutes: Planning Commission, 7/27/87i Library Board, 7/21/81. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 9:30 P.M 3 C45-""/r, Z/rJzLEvelyn &. HillCity Clerk l,.lt