HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.07.20245 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA July 20, 19 81 CALL TO ORDER A regular the above ca11ed to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held ondate in the City Hall- Councit Chambers. Meeting wasorder at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Victor A. Mangini. AMSTRUP, BARTON, },IANGINI , MARTIN CROSBY (Vacation) Minute s of July of the regular meeting of July 6 and of the study meeting8, 1981 were approved and adopted. AMENDMENT TO DELAY SPECIAL PERMIT - MIKE HARVEY OLDSMOBILE REQUEST FOR Director of Public Works again reviewed this request for amendmentto special- permit, and Mr. Harvey's letter of July 2, l98t askingfor two months' delay in selection of three aLternatives to im-plement the amendment. Letter stated he is presently in negotiationto alter situation at his site. If at end of two months neqotiationsprove unsatisfactory he will select one of three options pr5sented byCouncil. 1{r. Harvey briefly addressed Council to the point of his 1etter. Councilman Amstrup moved that two months' extension from July 2be granted, second by Councilwoman Barton, carried. by unanimousof members present. ,1981 vote HEARING OXFORD/CAMBRI DGE TRAFFIC CONTROL Director of Public Works reviewed his extensive report of 7/76/81which included collision dj-agrams of all intersections involved,traffic flow diagrams for different types of signatization, flowdiagram with traffic counts for intersections of Mi11s Avenue, Oxford,/Cambridge and E1 Camino Real , summary of Mil-1s Avenue trafficcounts from 1l/28/79, daily detaj-1s of machine traffic counts onMi1ls Avenue at different dates from ll/28/ 79, daily details ofmachine traffic counts on Highway Road at different dates, correspon- dence from State Department of Transportation, and letters from staff. Al-so attached was report of 7/8/81 giving background of situation,data, analysis of the subject of traffic safety, alternate solutions and concfusions. In suunation, Director of Public Works offered, in order of trafficsafety, the alternatives of: Realignj-ng the Oxford/Cambridge intersection with Adeline Leavi,ng the intersection closedInstalling of 3-phase signal. 1 2 3 He stated Caltrans has said they can l:eopen the intersection2-4 weeks. Installation of 3-phase or realignment will takea year. Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. 1n about J 246 Proponents for removing the barricades spoke. They were: Participants offered same argumernts as reported in previous meetings, with special emphasis at this time on the statistics of increased traffic on Mills Avenue and the increase in accident rate on Grove Avenue. Also stressed. were the dangers of turningt onto EI Camino ReaI from Mi11s and the fact that all citi-zens should be allowed acess to a1l streets in Burlingame. Comment was made that if closure had been subject to vote of entire area, it would have failed. A resident of Highway Road protested the unsightly barricade at the north end of Highway road which he said detracted from the value of his home. He was informed that a permanent barricade there wil-1 be erected which would be less unsightly. There were closed. no further comments and public hearing was declared Director of Pubfic Works and Traffic Engineer answered questions from Council on their statistics. They explained the operation of a 3-phase signal . Council was concerned as to interim protection if a 3-phase signal was selected, and discussed advantages of stop signs over flashing red or flashing yellow lights. They also were interested in shortening the time for installation of the signal. Staff confirmed that the lights for it are in but not the mast arm signal; and that modification could be done in-house in much less time than if Caltrans did it. There was suggestion from Council that the City could pay for the signalization out of Gas Tax money and that the State should be pressured to move quickly on this. Council-woman Barton moved that the barricades be lr.emoved, that 3-phase signalization be installed with interim measure of stop sign at Oxford-Cambridge and "No left turn on El- Camino" at Oxford/ Cambridge and at Mills; barricade at north end of Highway Road to remain, and signed for no right turn on red at Adeline. Motion was seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried on unanimous roI.l- calf vote of members present. RECES S There was a short recess at 9:30, after which the meetjrq reconvened- OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT -APPEAL RENT A CAR, 130 O BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Acting City Planner reviewed her staff report of 7/20/81 which detaiLed the Planning Commissj-on's denial of special permit to this applicant. The Planning Commission was concerned with the lapse of time before the application for special permit was made, the nuncer of assigned parking spaces on site, availability of employee parking, HEARING - EXECUT IVE Terry Nagel , 1300 I4i1Is Mike Spine11i, 13 01 Mil1s Wm Daggett, 114 9 CambridgePhiI Daley, 1539 Columbus Judy Scott, 1ff6 Dufferin Mavis Karalius, 110 8 Mills Carrie Farley, fI36 Rosedale Dave Smith , 13l- 2 Mi 1l- s Sarah Langford, I4 3l- Capuchino Proponents favored installation of 3-phase signalization. Jerome Donnelly, 1L28 Cambridge and Mary Lou Baldra, 1145 Cambridge, spoke j-n favor of keeping barricades up in the interest of safety. Mrs. Baldra spoke at length on the Nolte Report, the fact that none of the petitions against the barricades had made mention of safety, and the fact that leaving the barricades up is the only proven alternative - results of others are unknown. l 247 I and the fact that congestion in this area has made the interim use of car rental agencies inappropriate. Appficant was giventhree months - to October 1, 1981 - to relocate. Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. John Sessa, 1oca1 manager of Executj-ve Rent A Car made thesepoints in addressing Council: This is a smal1 subsidiary operation of 21 cars. 5 are parked on site; 10 at 1200 Bayshore Highway; and 7 at 1390 Bayshore Highway. Neighboring businesses opposing rental car operations, theatres and restaurants, have business at night. This is a daytimeoperation, which will not contribute to congestion. Appfications for business ficense and special permit were picked up at City Ha11 in February, and check to cover both was mailed from Los Angeles. Check was never cashed. In April Cityofficials stated nothing had been received, and the application process was started again. There was no negative input from City staff on the subject of car rental business, Councj-l discussed briefly, but did not concur with Mr. Sessa that this is an appropriate use in this area. Councilwoman Barton moved that Planning Commission denial of specialpermit be upheld, with the applicant being given until October 1, 1981 to relocate, second. by Councilman Amstrup, carried on unanimous vote of members present.. HEARTNG - APPEAL OF PLANNTNG COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT MR. AND MRS. JEFFREY CAMILLERT, 2409 HILLSIDE DRIVE Acting City Planner in reviewing her staff report of July 20, 1981- related chronology and problems of this application for specialpermit for garage which does not meet the present code. She listed five exceptions to code ! 1. Plate line is If instead of 10' maximum 2. Roof height at property line is lf instead of 10' maximum 3. Maximum roof height is 16'6" instead of 14' maximum 4. Storage area is 340 SF or 21.58 of the house area instead of 10? maximum 5. This garage has 680 SF of gross floor area - 180 SF over code. She noted building permit issued in June, 1978, change of code regardj-ng accessory buildings before renewal of this buildingpermit; subsequent rejection of new plans for garage and denial- of special permit by the Planning Commission. She stated that the Planning Commission also stipulated that abatement of this existing building would be delayed 90 days in order for plans to be submitted limiting hej-ght of roof to 14r. Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. Mrs. Tona Camilleri addressed Councif, goj-ng through staff report in detail. This, in her opin.ion, exhibited her and her husband's good faith and efforts to comply fully with City reguJ-ations andbuilding permit requirements. In particufar, she pointed out the change of City code regarding accessory buildings during the con-struction period, her request for renewal of building permit, and new plans made necessary by her own and the City's loss of originalplans during the construction period from 1978 to 1980. She out- lined what she considered staff assurances that construction effortsat various stages were satisfactory. She went on to document neighborhood approval of the construction, with no objections to height or appearance of the structure, She assured. Council upperfloor couLd in no way be used for living quarters because of its 2 ? There were no further comments, and the public hearing was declared closed. 248 height dimensions, and that it was intended solely for storageof househoJ-d goods, an antique colfection and other memorabilia. Council discussed confused history of this situation. Councilman Martin questioned Mrs. Camilleri at length about the storage capabilities of the garage, especially with the 27" square aperture to the second floor, and why this space was needed for storage. She assured him some furniture can go through this openingr and storage space will be used in lhe future when they have a family. Councilman Martin commented that the erection of this building over this period of time should have been quite ap-parent to both residents of the area and the City staff. Councilman Amstrup stated his dissatisfaction with acceptance of buildings not constructed to the City code, and his disapproval of exceptj-ons to the ordinance. He stated he understood the confusion and mix-up in this particular case, but was refuctant to endorse. Councilwoman Barton emphasized she upholds the City code, but there was a question of error on both sides, she had seen the structure,it fit in with the neighborhood, and there were no neighborhood objections. She would make a motion to approve because there did not seem to be any objection from the neighborhood. I,tayor Mangini stated he would approve for similar reasons and because there was some question as to who was at fault. Councj-lwoman Barton moved that Planning Commission denial be over- turned and that special permit be granted, second (reluctant) by Councilman Martin, carried. on unanimous roff call vote of members present with Councilman Amstrup also stating his refuctance. HEARING - SECOND READING - ORDINANCE NO. 1211 PREVENTION ORDINANCE " FLOOD DAI4AGE Director of Public Works revievred this ordinance which establishes standards and procedures for flood damage prevention within flood hazard areas as required by l"ederal l-aw. Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. There were and public hearing was declared cfosed. no public comments ORDINANCE NO. 1211 passed its second readj-ng and was adopted on mot l_on o f Counc .l lman Amstrup, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously on ro11 ca.If vote of members present. ADOPTION OF BUDGET FOR 198I-82 Councifman Amstrup as Budget Chairman acknowledged receipt of report of 7/lO/87 from Finance Director wj-th budget review and revisions. Finance Director recommended City adopt 198f-82 budget in total amount of $17,61L,249. Councifman Amstrup compfimented staff budget and his fellow Council- members Mayor Mangini opened public hearing. on preparation of a tightfor their departmentaf review. Frank Pagliaro, 1337 Drake, spoke at Length on the need for appropriation for soccer lights at Bayside Park. He spoke of the improbability of roadways infringing on the park and the fact that dump site wif l- have to settle for ten years before it can be used for recreation. Council considered this matter could be more appropriat6ly dis- cussed at a study meeting with data from soccer associations and from Director of Recreation Department. RESOLU:IION NO, 50-81 ''ADOPTING OPERATING BUDGET - CITY OF BURLINGAME - FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1982" was introduced by Councilman Amstrup who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote of its members present. 249 RESOLUIION NO. 51-81 "ESTABLISHING 198I-82 APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR CITY OF BURLINGAME PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XIII B OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION" was introduced by Councilman Asmtrup, who moved its adoption, second by Councilman Martin, carried on unanimous vote of members present. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF SPECIAL PERMIT MRS. DONALD E. CORY - 728/730 LAUREL AVENUE MR. AND Mr. and Mrs, Cory appealed thi.s denial by letter Mayor Mangini set hearing for appeal at the next of August 3, 19 81. of July 15, 1981. Council meeting APPEAL OF L INDOUIS T PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF FENCE EXCEPTION - 740 CROSSWAY ROAD CL I FFORD Mr. Lindquist appealed this denial by letter of July 16, Mayor Mangini set hearing for appeal at Council meeting 17, 1981. STAFF MEMORANDUM 19 81. of August CITY ATTORNEY I S REPORT POLICE STATION SITE ACQUIS I TION City Attorney's report of '7/14/8L explained settlement of eminent domain suit which was final-ized on the basis of the City's paying $1,558,798 for the police station site at Trousdale and California Drive. In addressing Council study meeting Council so that direction may city Attorney suggested that at shoul-d review sketch plans with be given to EIR currently being the next archi te ct prepared. CONSENT CALENDAR I. TENTATIVE MAP EXTENS ION 119 PRIMROSE ROAD Memo of July 15, 1981of 12 month extension proj ect. from City Engineer recommended approvalfor tentative map for this 6-unit condominium 2. FINAL PARCEL MAP AND TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION FOR 616 ANSEL ROAD CONDOMINIUM I\4emo of July 15, 1981 from City Engineer recommended that Council approve both the final parcel map and twelve month extension for the tentative map for condominium development. 3. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR 913 HOWARD AVENUE Engineering Division memo this encroachment permit this address. offor July 9, 19 8I a planter in recommended approval ofthe sidewalk area at Councj-1man Amstrup moved approval of the consent calendar, second by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by members present. NEW BUSINESS PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Mayor Mangini notetl receipt Auto Association informingfor pedestr j-an safety. letter from AAA California StateCity that it will receive an award of Davey and EL stated he of the CITY PLANNER Councilman Martin suggested that Council be represented in the upcoming interview process for City Planner as well as the usualinterview of the final three applicants. There was discussion and it was agreed that Mayor Mangini and councilman Martin would be involved in the screening process. GAS STATTON PARKING Councilman Amstrup requested that the constant parking Tr€e Company Trucks at the Chevron station at Trousdale Camino ReaI be investigated. Director of Public Works would check. APPROVALS WARRANTS Warrant Nos. 9443 through 9917, duly audited, in the amount of $7,379,691.38 were approved for payment on motion of Councj.fwomanBarton, second. by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by members present. Payroll for June, 1981 , Check Nos. 26629-27368 in the amount of $506,270.58 was approved for payment on motion of Councj-IwomanBarton, second by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by members present. ACKNOWLE DGMENTS Communication 7/7/8I re parade from Burlingame Parade Association, Communication, 7/13/81, from Scott L. Kahn, 1775 Escalante Way, announcing resignation from Park and Recreation Commission. CounciLman Amstrup, $rho with Mayor Mangini had been contactedregarding this vacancy, stated they had interviewed 3 people and suggested the name of Nancy Lindstrom. City of Haff Moon Bay, 7/L0/81 re support of crace Mccarthy as nominee of City Selection Conmittee for new State Coastal Commission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Proposed Civil Service rules and regulations. 19 81Police Report - June, Fire Dept. Report 4/t/8t 6/30/et 6/30/81 Treasurer ' s Report Negative Decfarations 7 /l-5/81 Acting City elanner Transmittal of 10. l.{inutes: Library Commission, 6/16/81; Planning Commission, T/13/81 FROM THE FLOOR Jim Murray, 737 Farringdon Lane, president of addressed Council on the importance of soccer ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 11:30 P.M Burlingame Soccer lights at Bays ide C1ub, Park. ,./ Q=. &;.,,-Evel/n H r/ zJtt- Hifl City Clerk 250 PAYROLL Pacific cas & Electric, 7/7/8J., re 1981 undergrounding allocationfor Burlingame. Director of Public Works reported that this andprj-or unexpended aflocations would be spent on undergrounding ofCalifornia Drive.