HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.08.18g2 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA August 18, 1980 CALL TO ORDBR A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Councj-1 was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. l4eeting was calledto order at B:00 P.M. by Mayor Martin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE F'LAG Led by Thomas B. Chase, Acting Police Chief. ROLL CALL COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS I\TIbIUTES CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF BIARRITZ CONDOMINIUMS, CONDOMINIUM PERMIT AND CONDOMINIUM MAP, 1299 EL CAMINO REAL PRESENT : AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI ,I{ARTIN ABSENT: NONE The minutes of the regular meeting of August 4,1980 were ap- proved and adopted. HEARING Mayor Martin noted receipt of letter of 8/L2/80 from owner Jean Gorostiague asking for postponement of this hearing because neither he nor the other principal could be present at tonight'smeeting. Mayor Martin set date of hearing for Septemlcer 2, 1980. PRESENTATION: MEMBERS OF BURLINGAME SOCCER CLUB CONCERNING ADDITIONAL SOCCER FIELD LIGHTS. I4ayor Martin noted that this matter has been referred to the Park and Recreation Commission for consideration, and no action could be taken until their recommendation. However, presentation could be made if members wished. Mr. Jim Murray, Vice-President of Burlingame Soccer C1ub, addressed Counci-l briefly, asking for their serious consideration of more adequate lighting for soccer fields at Bayside Park. He noted that with the onset of winter teams would have to practice in semi- darkness; and added that soccer is the only sport in Burlingame that does not have its own lights. STAFF MEMORANDA 1. CITY MANAGER AND DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: ''I{ATERLINE PROJECT UNDER REFUSE AREA. '' City Engineer reviewed his memo of August 13, I9B0 por+-ed the major break of a 16" water line througll the dump. He presented three alternatives: 1. Relocation of this line with L2" on Airport Boulevard as planned -for the future. Cost: Around $200,000. This link serving Anza area would be missing for several months, but normal operations could be supplied to Anza area by 6" 1ine. rf there were a major fj-re volume and pressure would be short. 2. Placj-ng liner within existing pipe under the high fill area. Cost: $30,000 if done with City forces. 3. Locate break, excavate $50,000. which he re- the 1andfill in area and make repairs. Cost $15,000 93 City Manager's memo of 8/14/80 recommendedpermanentalong Airport Boulevard.replacement Fire Chief i-ndi-cated he had and the new line would be a discussed subject with City Engineercorrective measure. in response to Council question about property owners' sharing incost of new 1ine, cj-ty Engineer reported the original 1G', line wasput in under an assessment district and it would not be fair toassess owners again. Council discussed and decided the best measurebe relocation of the existing 1ine. in the long run would councilman Amstrup moved that the existing 16" line under thefill area be replaced with 12" line along Airport Boulevard,by Councilwoman Barton, carried on unanimous vote. California Drive between Burlingame Avenue and Oakto logical breaking place in accordance with fundsable from P.G.E. land- second 2. UNDERGROUNDING COMMITTEE RECOMENDATIONS City Manager memo of 8/L3/80 reported that Utility Undergrounding Committee had recommended two locations for next undergrounding: 1. Donnelly Avenue between Prj-mrose Road and Lorton. 2 Gro\ze ravail- He recommended that ment of underground necessary legislation be prepared for establish-utility districts, with public hearing. Council briefly discussed undergrounding location, and fact thatthese sites were chosen to help complete work on downtown area. Mayor Martin directed that approprj-ate legislation be prepared. 3. CITY MANAGER: "CATV FRAItrCHfSE" City lrlanager merno of August 13, 1980 recommended that hearing datebe set for six applicants' oral presentations and attached letterof July 28, 1980 from CATV consultant Page suggesting selectionprocess. Council agreed on the date of September 23, at 8:00 p.t{. for thishearj-ng, with the Council study meeting scheduled for September t7 , 1980. council noted recent publicity generated by cable terevisj-on companies regarding "meetings" and asked that press emphasize thatthese are not City sponsored meetings but insti-gated by TV companies. 4. RESUEST FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE , BFI. Memo of 8/14/80 from City Manager reviewed request for rate in-crease of 26.82 from B.F.I., and reported that meetings of CityFinance Directors had resulted in a difference with Redwoo<l CiLywhich is recommending a higher rate than these cities wish to con-sider. Memo attached report of 8/L2/80 from I'inance Director on meetj-ng of 7/3L/80 which detailed the two different positions taken. City Manager informed Council further meetings would be hel.d byCity representatives with subsequent reports to Council. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, 2 BAYSWATER AVENUE Memo this of July special 28, 1980 from Public Works Department recommended encroachment permit for small brick rva11. 2 LIABILITY CLAIM, JERRY BUCKLEY Memo of August 13, 1980 from City Attorney recommended denial of g4 this claim for false arrest since review of facts does not in-dicate liability. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 5O-80 ''ACCEPTING DEED OF EASEMENT OF SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. " 4. SPECIAL ENCROACIIMENT PERMIT FOX MALL 1419 BURLINGAME AVENUE Memo of July 25, 1980 from Public Works Department recommended thisspecial encroachment permit for two debris boxes at rear of FoxMaII. Councilman Mangini moved approval of consent calendar, second by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously. APPROVALS WARRANTS Warrant Nos. 6296 $809, 385.05, were Crosby, second by 6550, duly audited, in thefor payment on motion_af,by councilman Amstrup/'8$t amount of Councilmanried unanimously. through approved Council PAYROLL Payroll for Ju1y, 1980, Check Nos. 19642 through 20301 in the amount of $419,853.52 approved for payment on motion of council- man Crosby, second by Councilman Amstrup, approved unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS COUNCIL COMMISSION JOINT MEETINGS In memo of August 14, t9B0 to Council, Mavor l,Iartin suggested dateson which varj-ous commissj-ons could meet with Council in response tothej-r requests. These Commissions are: Civil Service; Traffic,Safety, and Parking; Library; Planning; Park and Recreation; andBeautification. Council had no objections to dates. However, in response to suggestions, it was agreed that several commissionsshare meetings because of their related interests. These arePlanning and Traffic, Safety, Parking; and Beautification and Parkand Recreation. City Attorney and City Manager will attend meetingof Civil Service Commission and other meetings will be attended byappropriate staff members. City Manager was directed to revise schedules for these joint Council Commission meetings. COMMISSION APPLICANT INTERVIEWS Memo to Councj-l from Mayor Martin dated 8/14/80 suggested Council teams for interview of applicants for the following commissions: Park and Recreation; Planriing; Library; Traffic, Safety e Parking;Civil Service; Beautification. Council- discussed at some lenqth interview of the 15-20 applicantsfor Planning Commissi-on, with some feeling these should be public interviews wj-th fulI Council because of commission importance. Mayor Martin suggested applicants I difficulty in handling public interviews by a fuII Councilr ErS well as great amount of Council ti-me involved. It was decided that each Councilmember would submit to the inter- viewing team questions which he considered important for interviewing Planning Commj-ssion applicants. Mayor Martin asked that thesequestions be transmitted to Councilmembers Barton and Crosby by August 25, 1980. ADELINE MARKET In response to question from Councilwoman Barton, City Manager stated he would again check housekeeping. EMINENT DOMAIN City Attorney reported eminent domain action had been filed onpolice station site. .>ryffi 95 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Amstrup reminded Councilmembers of Budget Special Meeting on August 20 at 7:30 P.M. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Letter of August 4, 1980 from Michael R. Nave transmittingreply of Vince Muzzi to City offer for his property. 2. Copy of letter of 8/6/80 from City Attorney to George Popyack, AFSCME representatj-ve, regard.ing controversy over the use of 2,4-D. City attorney stated City use had been stopped pending resolutionof the situation, and he reported on meeting among staff, union representative, and health officials as a preliminary step in thisgrievance procedure. Subsequently, report had been prepared by staff, sent to Union, and if unsatisfactory to Union, wi11.be ap- pealed to City Manager. Some Council members voiced concern ofsafety of this pesticide and asked that the above report be cir- culated to Council for i-nformation. 3. Memo of 8/12/80 from City Manager attaching report which in-dicates City is down 7.2% in population (a loss of approximately 2,000 citizens) and up 11.08 in housing units. Council discussedquestionable aspects of these census figures, wj-th City Planner reporting possible validity because of loss of child population from the City. 4. Letter of August 6, 1980 from Board of Supervisors urging referendum measure on SB 200, Peripheral Canal project. Letter of August 7, 1980 from City of Sacramento urging boycott 1980 Congress of Cities at Atlanta, Georgia because this state not ratified the Equa1 Rights Amendment. 6. Letter of August 11, Drive re RV ordinance. 1980 from Mrs. Frank Tomaselli, 801 Acacia 5. of has 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MRS Letter of JuIy 31, 1980 from R. J. Hanna re newspaper throwaways. Police Department Report, July, 1980. Treasurer's Report, July 31, 1980. San Mateo County Convention e Visitors Bureau Report July, 1980. Planning Commission Minutes, August 11, 1980. ALINE LORENZ Mayor Martin asked for one minute of silence passing of Mrs. Aline Lorenz, long active in "Woman of the Year. " in respect toCity affairs,the and 1980's ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at of Wednesday, Augrust 20, 9:00 P.M. to the special budget meeting 1980. 7/ 7/JL yn Hill City Clerk