HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1980.08.04BURLTNGAME, CALfFORNIA August 4, 1980 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetingthe above date incalled to order atat 7: 30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by John R ROLL CALL Yost, City Planner. COUNCIL MEMBE RS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT : MTNUTES of the Burlingame City Council was held onthe City HaIl Council Chamlcers. Meeting was8:10 P.M. after an executive session siartlng AMSTRUP, BARTON, MARTIN CROSBY,MANGINI (BOTH E XCUSE D-VACAT ION ) the regular meetj-ng of July 21, 1980 were approvedThe and HEARING f. CITY B IARRIT Z minutes of adopted. COUNCIL REVIEW OF CONDOMINIUM PERMIT AND CONDOMINIUM MAP, CONDOMINIUMS, 1299 EL CAMINO REAL. Mr. George Rescalvo of R/G Environmental Development, was informedby Mayor Martin that he could choose to have this heiring delayeduntil there was the benefit of a fu11 Council. Mr. Rescalvo sodecided, and Mayor Martin set hearing for the meeting of August.18, 1980. P RE SENTAT ION 1. GEORGE POPYACK, DIRECTING BUSINESS AGENT AFSCI.{E LOCAL 2190. USE OF PESTICIDES IN CITY PARK PROGRAIq. Mayor Martin received confirmation from City Attorney that thismatter would be more appropriately handled through a grievanceproced.ure. City Attorney added that meeting was scheduled for tomorrow, August 5, between Union representative Popyack, Cit:/Attorney, Parks Director, and member of the County Agricultural Commission concerning City use of this pesticide. Mr. Popyack addressed Council, stating he wished to make pre- sentation because the issue addressed was of importance not onlyto the Cj-ty employees but also the general public. Mayor Martin informed Mr. Popyack that the matter shoufd be handled through a grievance procedure after which it could cometo Council, and the matter would not be discussed at this meeting. APPLICATION FOR ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT INC. PROPOSAL TO REOPEN P.J.,S, 26I CALIFORNIA DRIVE Letter of Jul-y 29, 1980 from firm of Bruen, Kaufman & Iiatfield, San Francisco, informed Council P.J. rs would be reorganized to appeaf to ofder clientele, with piano bar from 4 P.M. to I P.M. and live music and dancing from 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. seven days a week. Mr. Nathaniel- Carrasco would direct the business. City Council had reveiwed police report which indicated no con- tact with Mr. carrasco since the Question Disco and that he had no criminal history, no wants or warrants, and no record with the Sheriff's Office. informed Councif heof the business and found that Iqr. Carrasco manager wifl be Ernest City Attorney now owns 1008 had his 88 1. D.R.E., 89 Thomas. Police check of Mr. Thomas showed a clear record except for a driving charge. Attorney Wm. Mount, representing Mr. Carrasco' reportecl his cl-ient not yet present. Council indicated they vrould come back to thi-s item. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. TRANSFER FROI{ EIRE DEPARTMENT EOUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Fire Chief explained his memo of July 30, 1980 requesting authorization to transfer $2,500 from fire equipment repface- ment to apparatus account and the alarm account for weld plates and retro charger. 2. CONTRACT WITH CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO FOR PURCHASE OF WATER 3. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: TRANS PO RTAT ION STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF 4. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAPS, 1I GUITTARD ROAD 6. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF BURLINGAME AND INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 1872 This memorandum, signed by the City as of 8/l/80 and by the Fire Fighters Association as ot 8/2/80, was presented to Council for ratification. Council-man Amstrup moved approval of consent by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously, and Mangini absent. calendar, seconded Councilmen Crosby ORDINANCE - SECOND READING HEARING I. ORDINANCE NO. 1}87 "ESTABLISHING I{OURS ROAD. "ON PORTIONS OF B ROADWAY AND EL CAMINO Mayor Martin opened public hearing on this orilinance. There were no public comments, and the public hearing was declared clos e d. 1. COUNTY PROGRAM FOR USE OF 2105 GAS TAX FI]NDS CERTAIN NO-PARKING REAL WEST SERVICE J -t Memo of July 28, 1980 from Director of Public Works reviewed and recommended request of San Francisco Water Department to extend current water agreement from August 3, 1980 until- october 31, 1980, Director further recommended that future negotiations be handled as a group by the San Francisco Bay Area Water Association for all its members. Memo of July 30, from Department of Public Works recommended these tentative and final maps. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 49-80 ''AUTHORIZlNG EXECUTION OF JOINT sxEffiMENT FOR AIRPORT COMPATIBILITY. , ORDINANCE NO. 1187 passed its second reading and was adopted on mdET6i-6E-t5ifrEr.Lruo-man Barton, second by councilman Amstrup, carried on unanimous roll calf vote, Councilmen Crosby and Mangini abdent. CORRE SPONDENCE Memo of July 29, 1980 from Department of Public Works recommended Council approval of this encroachment permit for pedestrian barrier fencing along both sides of a section of Bayshore Freeway in Burlingame. City Manager's memo of July 30, 1980, recommending a protest on 90 this program, transmitted memo of JuIy 28, 1980 from Director of Public Works explaining possible change in these allocations. He explained it appears the County is attempting to utilize these funds for County operations, which would be to the detrj-ment of the City's proposed road improvements. He suggested strong protest be made by the City to the Board of Supervisors. Upon Mayor Martin's suggestion,this matter was referred to the Council of Mayors for their comments. APPLICATION FOR ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT P.J.'S CONTINUED He interviewed l.{r. Carrascors proposed operation, noting in particular no involvement with teenagers, and the fact that Mr. Carrasco will be an active daily participant, rather than a silent partner as before. He stated Mr. Carrasco's previous partner had problems with the establishment and Ieft; hence, it had been closed in May. Council discussed briefly the hours of operating and type of entertainment. Councilwoman Barton moved entertainment permit be granted, solely to IvIr. Carrasco, for a period of two months, with re- view it tfre end of that period. Second by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimouslY, Councilmen Crosby and Mangini absent. UNFINISHED BUSINESS At this point AttorneY Mount audience and the hearinq was NEI^I BUSINESS ADELINE MARKET SCHOOL PIAINTENANCE BUS SHELTERS JULES FRANCARD GROVE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS announced his client was in the continued. dis- 7:30At the suggestion of Budget chairman Amstrup, council cussed rinar budget meeting, and agreed it should be at P.M., Wednesdry, August 20, 1980. Councihvoman Bafton spoke of numerous complaints received about constant lit.tering around this establishment. City Manager stated he would write them and also bring it to the attention of the Health Department. Councilwoman Barton reported complaints received' about lack of maintenance, with litter and broken glass at schools, and specifically at Burlingame.High school. citizens think the City fras something to do with the upkeep of this prooerty. City Manager stat6d he would write tfte school's administration' Councilman Amstrup commented on complai'nts from citizens of Ray Park about trre uaa condition of their bus shelter on Ray Ori.r". City Manager stated Samtrans had been contacted and they are going to correct such situations' Mayor l4artin rePorted that some vestigated this grove of. trees it wai not quite aPProPriate. eucalyptus grove along the S.P. to euilingame Train Station be Francard Grove. " members of Council had in- in Mills CanYon and concluded They decided instead that the railroad track from Oak Grove so designated as "Ju1es 1 A Letter of Jullz 15, Aliamus' retirement 1980 from CitY Clerk from Traffic, Safetlz reporting JosePh & Parking Com- 91 mission on August 6, 1980. 2. Memo of JuIy 29, 1980 Ci-ty's vindication in thevs. Burlingame. 5. Memo vacancies ates. City Attorney advising of of Peace Officers Association fromsuit 3. Memo of July 31, 1980 from Director of Public Works de- tailing justification of brake lathe for equipment shop. 4. Memo of July 15, 1980 from Richard Ward, Peninsula Humane Society, transmitting information on 1980 annual conference of the Humane Society of the United States. I -of July 31, 1980 from Administrative Aide reporting on three commissions and attaching list of candid- Mayor Martin noted he would attempt to make appointments for Council interviewers shortly. 6. Memo of July 29, 1980 from Einance Director reporting on Civic Arts Program funding by California Arts Council. 7. Letter of July 24, 1980 from Director of Recreation con- firming soccer practice field availability, and attaching Burlingame Recreation Department schedules dated July 21, 1980 showing fields to be used for practices and games, with sug- gestion to soccer groups that they agree on disbursement of fief ds . B. Report of July 30, 1980 from Chief of Police in reference to complaint of Joseph J. Gosende, 736 Linden Avenue. 9. Resolution from City of Pinole even days for gasoline sales. urgj-ng abatement of odd- 10. Letter of July 29,1980 from City Attorney to Patrick KelIey regarding unsolicited newspapers. Council discussed briefly and decided to consider possibility of an ordinance at a study meeting. 11. Notice from State regarding designation Air Resources Board of proposed change of nonattainment lead agencies. 12. Letter of July 27, 1980 from Liz accident at Broadway and EI Camino. Fajardo regarding recent 13. Negative declaration, City Planner, oD Fairway Rent-A-Car, L4B4 Bayshore Highway. L4. Minutes: Library Board, July 15; Park & Recreation Commission, JuIy l-7; Planning Commission, JuIy 28; Traffic, Safety, Parkj-ng Commission, July 10 and July 24, 1980. FROM THE FLOOR Mr. George Popyack, AFSCME, approached the chair to speak on City use of pesticides. Mayor Martin ruled the discussion had already been closed. ADJOURNMENT ,i **/r* 7/ 7/-LLEVelyn Hl HilLCity Clerk Meeting regularly adjourned at B:40 P.M.