HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.12.06437 BURLTNGAME, CALIFORNIA December 6, 1982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Ha11 Council Chambers on the above date.order by Mayor Gloria Barton at 8:05 p.m. Council was held The meeting was in the ca1led City to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Chief of Police, Alfred J. Palmer. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI, MARTTN NONE Minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, l9B2 were approved and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE L237 STREET - SECOND READING REQUIRING BUSINESS ACCESS ON PUBLIC City Attorney reviewed this ordinance which was introduced at the last meeting. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Councilman Crosby moved adoption of Ordinance L237.by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimou S \7J yro ca PUBLIC HEARING - URGENCY FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE 1238 AMENDING DEVELOPMENT FEES City Attorney's memorandum of November L7 recommended adoption ofordinance amending the development fees for road improvements in theBayfront area. At the last meeting Ordinance 1236 was adopted andcouncil pointed out the need to include provisions for a refund atcouncil's discretion and only for reasons beyond the control of developer. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the heari-ng was closed. Seconded 1 vote. Councilman Councilman PUBLIC HEARING . URGENCY INTERTM ORDINANCE L239 ON PERMITS FOR ESTABLISHMENTS OF RETAIL SALE OF Amstrup moved adoption of Ordinance 1238. Seconded byMartin, carried unanimo usly by roll call vote. IMPOSING MORATORIUM FOOD IN M-I DISTRICT City Manager reviewed council's action at the last meeting approving a snack bar in the M-I area and its desire for Planning Commission studyof this type of business in that area before any more are established. The subject ordinance will impose a moratorium for six months, or untilcouncil takes action to enact new regulations or rejects the same. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being no comments, thehearing was closed. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of Ordinance 1239. Seconded byCouncj.1manAmstrup,carriedunanimous@1vote. PUBLIC HEARING . URGENCY INTERIM ORDINANCE I24O IMPOSING ON BUSINESSES SELLING FOOD, DRUGS OR SUNDRIES IN THE C.I & A MORATORIUM C-2 DISTRICTS City Planner reviewed her memorandum of December 1 in which she recom- mended council consider adoption of ordinance imposing moratorium onbusinesses selling food, drugs and sundries in the C-I and C-2 zones. E.a'Pw 438 Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Robert Jones, Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the moratorium. Chamber of Commerce felt businesses on Broadway should be geared to walk-in. Other types of businesses would increase traffic problems on Broadway and 1oca1 merchants have expressed concern about theall-night aspect of these businesses. Peter Campanile, Tower DeIi on Broadwdy, spoke in favor of the moratorium. He felt the area needed a variety of use. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. Council discussed at length. The majoriLy of council favored the moratorium, stating it was not against any particular establishmentbut wanted an opportunity for Planning Commission to study the Broadway area. City Planner stated the soonest suggestions to council would be Councilman Martin agreedthe moratorium should be Planning Commission could send some February. that Broadway needs to be studied but feltfor all businesses. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of Urgency Ord_inance 1240.Seconded Martinby Councilman Amstrup,carried on ro11 call vote, Councilmanvoting no. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON USE PERMITS FOR 1450 ROLLINS ROAD City Planner reviewed her memorandum of December 1 in which she recom- mended council hold a public hearing and make a determination on the Use Permits. She stated council could take one of three actions. (1) revoke the use permits for commercial recreation, social activities and catering, (2) amend the use permits r ot (3) leave the use permits as they stand. At the council meeting of November 1, the council extended the use permits until December 18 with conditions and required that Mr. Horn present a proposal for future use of the site before that time. Mr. Horn presented a proposal dated November 24 in which the office area of the site would be rented independently (no permits required) and the public haII area would be managed by Henry Horn and Sons (commercial recreation and social acitivities permits required). City Planner noted office use would require parking set aside specifically for that use. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Bertram Horn spoke in favor of the special permits, stating the oroperty would not be open to the public, that there was ample private and street parking available for proposed uses, that he would like to rebuild the kitchen for use by caterers, and that he would hire professional security guards to patrol outside durinq eveniinq and weekend- functions. Colleen Mc Govern, permits. Jazzercise teacher, spoke in favor of the special Karen SanFelippo, coordinator for the KohI mansion, spoke She felt there was a need for this type of facility which commodate larger groups of people than the Kohl mansion. she could use this facility for weddings and large dinner but the facility would definitely need a kitchen. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. in favor. could ac- She stated meetings Council inquired whether Jazzercise would be willing to omit classes during the hours of 5 to 6 p.m. Ms. McGovern answered in the affirma- tive. There was considerable discussion about kitchen and parking facilities. At prior meeting Mr. Horn stated he planned to remove the kitchen but now he had determined kitchen is needed and wanted permission to start building. City Planner stated the council is only considering the facility without a kitchen at this time. If Mr. Horn needs to build a kitchen, he will have to get an amendment to the special permits. r------ 439 Council was concerned about receiving the same complaints aboutparking in the neighboring parking lots. Mayor Barton stated her continuj-ng concern about private partj-es atthe site. She stated she had no objections to the Jazzercise classesbut she was concerned about control of private parties. Councilman Mangini moved to grant Commercial Recreati-on and one forwith these conditions: two special permits, one forSocial Activity uses on the site the site be rented and operated on the basis of the November 24, 1982 proposal submitted by Bertram andLarry Horn; The conditions of the Fire Marshalrs memo of November30, 1982, the Chief Building Inspector's memo of November 30, 1982 and the City Engineer's memo of December l, 1982 be met before any new rental con-tracts are signed, expansion of jazzercise classes allowed or new recreation classes contracted for; 3 The use permits be reviewed in six months for com-pliance with all conditions of the approval and subjectto revocation if the conditions are not met or if the building is, teased before the requiiem<lnts'of the Fire Marshall, -Ctrlet'Building rnspector or Citlz Engineer are met; 4 No recreational classesto 6 p.m.; be held during the hours of 5 5. There be no kitchen facilities until an amendment i-s made to the use permits. Seconded by Councilman Crosby, carried on a roll call vote, Mayor Barton voting no. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT VAIENTINO I S RESTAURANT 430 AIRPORT BLVD. City lt{anager reviewed council's action granting an entertainment permit to Valentinors restaurant last June. It is time for renewal of the entertainment permit. City Departments have had no complaints regardingthis business and recommend a one-year renewal. I 2 Councilman Crosby moved Valentino I s Restaurant. unanimously. granting a one-year entertainment permit for Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT ROUND TABLE PIZZA L2O7 BURLINGAME AVENUE Last June council granted a six-month permit for Round Table Ptzza. City Departments have had no mend a six-month renewal. six video games at complaints and recom- Councilman Crosby moved granti-ng a six-month entertainment permit for six video games to Round Table Pizza. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup carried unanimously. MODIFICATION IMPROVEMENT TO JOINT EFFLUENT PUMP STATION CONTROL SYSTEM SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO - JOB 906-8 City Manager reviewed council's need to authorize additional funding for the modification and repair of the joint effluent pump station in South San Francisco. The cities of Millbrae and San Bruno have approved the additional cost. Councilman Martin commented on the poor job of estimating done by South San Francisco when bids came in double the estimate. The city had already budgeted $40,000 for the project.quire an additional $40,000 be budgeted from the Sewer Councilman Mangini moved authorizing additional fundingcation and repair of the joint effluent pump station. Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously. This will re- Fund. for the modifi- Seconded by LITTLE LEAGUE USE OF BURLINGAME BALL FIELDS INFORMATION r 440 Park and Recreation Commission has approved a proposal concerningHillsborough's use of Burlingame ball fields. It is a two-year program HiEno3,.t"?;5tergfia'.f;3'=85"f,3' $3B,rt#BtrIEtE='***tB"rg"fl|"v?H:$. orovide Council considered the $5 fee minimal and wondered if the fee would cover Little Leaguers share of the cost of upkeeo of the ball fields. Council would like to see figures on these costs of upkeep from the Recreation Department. SELECTION OF AUDITOR FOR 1982-83 City Manager stated the current contract with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company expired with the June audit and the firm proposed another three-year contract. City Manager asked council whether it wished to seek proposals from other auditors or renew with the current supplier. Council discussed the merits of an auditor familiar with the city versus the need for change. Council felt Peat, Marwick, Mitchell had done a good job. Councilman l4artin favored a change since the same to folIow the same pattern and another auditor mi ideas. He had. no complaints about Peat, I4arwick make a change. auditorght havebut felt will tend some newcity should Councilman Mangini moved to approve Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company as auditor for a three-year contract as proposed. Seconded by Council- man Amstrup, carried on a ro11 call vote, Councj-Iman Martin voting no. REPORT ON STORM DAMAGE City Manager reviewed the damage suffered throughout the city from the storm of November 29 and 30. He commended employees of the city for their dedication and hard work throughout the storm. Mayor Barton added council's CONSENT CALENDAR cornmendation. Council removed from the Consent Calendar the item concerning a resolution in support of highway construction projects. Council had several questions regarding the projects and requested City ltanager research and bring a report to the Study tvleeting of December 8. 1. CLAIMS: (1) JULIANA G MARTY, (2) DINA DENNEY City Attorney recommended denial. T24I - ADDI}IG STOP AND YTELD SIGNS2. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE City Attorney's memorandum of November 17 recommended introduction of this ordinance. 3 SCHEDULE HEARTNG - CERTIFICATION OF FINAL HOMETEL - ANZA BOULEVARD EIR, GRANADA P.OYALE City Planner's memorandum of November 18 recontmended councj-I schedule a public hearing on the Final EIR for the next council meetj-ng. 4 RESOLUTION 71-82 ACCEPTING PROJECT 033 DOUGLAS AVENUE WATER MAIN RI]PLACEMENT City Engineer's memorandum of November 24 recommended council accept the water improvement project on Douglas Avenue. 5 RESOLUTION 72-82 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION PRTSONER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES OF AGREEMENT I'OR Chief of police's memorandum of November 22 recommended council enter into an agreement with the County for prisoner transportation to be provided by the County of Los Angeles. Councilman Mangini moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by roll call vote. OLD BUSINESS -TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT CAMBRIDGE Mayor Barton stated she had lights will be installed at that City will go to bid in received questions this intersection. January. inquiring when the City Manager rePli-ed 44L POLITICAL CAMPAIGN S IGNS Councilman Amstrup inquired if there were some way to have thepolitical signs removed. City Attorney replied city would have to remove the signs as the sign companies are irresponsible. Somecandidates are responsive to removing signs if reminded. NEW BUSINESS - PLANNING COMMISSTON APPLICATIONS Mayor Barton requested. Councilman Amstrup and Councilman Manginireview applications for Planning Commission and make a recommendationat the January meeting. CANCELI,ATION OF DECEMBER 2O MEETTNG Council discussed and agreed to cancel the December 20 meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Beautification, November 4i Traffic, Safety and Parking, October f4; Park& Recreation, November 18; Library, November 16; and Planning, November 22, !982. Letter from David Louis, KGO-TV, commending the Fire Departmenton the high-rise fire drill staged at the Amfac Hotel-. Letter from William Mccowan regarding the need to preserve the SP Station. Mayor Barton comrnented. on the unattractive trook of the pla6,tic coveringover the roof of the SP Station. 4. Letters and resol-utions in support of the Potice Services Studyfrom the cities of Dafy City and Redwood City. San Carlos Solid Waste Transfer Station Status Report. EPA draft srurmary of National Municipal Policy and Strategy for Sewage Treatment Works Compliance under the Clean water Act. Mayor Barton requested a letter opposing this draft be prepared forher signature. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. to the Study Meeting of December 8in order to make a determination on the resolutj-on in support of highway projects. 1 2 3 5 6 City Clerk