HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1981.06.01228 BURLINGAME, June 1, CALIFORNIA 19 81 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burl-ingame city council was held onthe above date j-n the city HaIl Council chambers. Meetingi wascalled to order at B:00 P.I4. by Mayor pro-Tem Gloria Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Jerome F. Coleman, City Attorney ROLL CALL COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES Minutes of the study meeting of 5/LB/81 were approved and BARTON, CROSBY,MARTTN AMSTRUP (illness), MANGINI (vacation) of 5/13/81 and of the regular meeting adopted. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT RENEWAL RODEO WEST - 26L CALTFORNIA DRIVE Edwin E. Austi-n, owner of "Rodeo West", addressed Council. Hewent through the individual j-tems on the Police Report dated May f3, 1981, noting that none of them had occurred within hisestablishment. He stated that in his opinion several- had originatedwith the patrons of Goldie's Saloon, many of whom are disruptive. He added they have come from that bar, tried to get into his placeof business, and when refused get violent. He commented on the typeof patrons who frequent Goldiers and reviewed his own efforts toattract an older age group and more conventional clientele. He questioned why Goldie's Saloon was allowed their entertainment per- mit. Council questioned Police Chief who confirmed he had had complaints about Goldiers. He stated he saw no problem with renewing permit for "Rodeo West. " Councilman Martin months, second by members present. moved to extend entertainment permit for six Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously by Staff was requested by Council to ascertain renewal date for entertaj-nment permit for Goldie's Saloon. CITIZENS ! COMMUNICATIONS oxFoRD/CAMBRIDGE/EL CAMINO REAL INTERSECTION l4rs. Pearl Mccowan, 1115 Oxford Road, presented Council a petition signed by 27 residents of Oxford Road, Cambridge, and Highway Road which stated they were not satisfied with the closure of the Oxford/Cambridge intersection with El Camino and feel another solution to the problem can be brought about through alternative signalization. Council had received letter dated May 2L, 19Bl signed by 14 residents of Mills Avenue relating the apparent malfunctioning of traffic counters. They complained about the dangers of the [.{111s ECR intersection, and did not think the traffic on Mi11s should be the deci-ding f actor j-n the barricades. Director of Publ-ic Works explained difficulties encountered with the counters because of their placement and delicate adjustment. He noted tape on counters is continuous and is torn off daily at 24-hour intervals. In response to question f rom l.{ayor Pro-Tem Barton regarding the covering of the signal on EI Camino at Oxford/Cambridge, he stated he had asked Caltrans; they don't 229 t want to do this because there is not sufficient warning for thesignal at Adeline. He stated his reluctance to have the City coverit because if there were an accident, the City would be Iiable. He said that further work would be done with Caltrans towardgetting them to extend the Adeline light out over the street r otto program its visibility. Last week Caltrans had agreed to con-sider these alternatives. At this point Mayor Pro-Tem Barton assured citizens of Mills thatthe Council can understand their reaction to the confusingsituation, but they had started to correct a dangerous situation and wish to do what is best for the safety of all intersections. Comments were heard from Mike Spine11i, 1301 Mi1ls Avenue, Terry Nage1, 1301 Mi11s, Mavis Karalius, 1108 Mi11s, and Dave Smith, L3l-2 Mi1ls. Mayor Pro-Tem Barton asked that Director of Public Works maximize his efforts with Caltrans. He stated he would furnish the Councilwith weekly reports of the traffic counts. REPORT - PARKING, CAROLAN AVENUE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION Report of lr{ay 15, 1981 from Traffic Engineer covered parallel parking proposed for westerly side of Carolan Avenue. He stated that this commission had decided that no recommendation would be made for several reasons, among them the fact that the parking problem on Toyon, Aza1ea and Linden seems to have abated. Traffic Engineer reported that staff recommendation to the commission was that North Carolanrs width was too narrow to accommodate parking; and that a comprehensive recommendation for the area is expected to be finalized at June meeting of the commission. NEW WATER RATES RECOMMENDATION BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC I^ilORKS Report of May 27, 1981 from Director of Public Works attached de- tailed 1981 water system rate analysis which included water rate and sewer rate comparison with five other cities. He recommended new rates and asked that resolution establishing new rates be adopted at June 15, 19BI meeting for effective date of August L,1981. Council concurred, and City Attorney was directed to prepare legislation. CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCES INTRODUCTION: 1. ORDINANCE NO. I2O8 ''ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE T]NIFORIVI FTRE CODE, L979 EDITION; THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1979 EDITION, AND THE APPENDIX THERETO; THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS, L979 EDITION; THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE , 1979 EDITION; THE LINIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1979 EDITION: AND THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, L97B EDITION; AND AMENDTNG, ADDING AND REPEALING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE.'' ORDINANCE NO. L2O9 "ESTABLISHING TEN HOUR ZONE ON PORTIOI{ OFffi 3. ORDINANCE NO. 1210 "AN ORDINANCE OI' THE CITY OF BURLINGAME GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CAPITAL CITIES PENINSULA CABLE, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND REGULATION OF A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM FOR BURLINGAME. '' RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 39-81 ''ACCEPTING DUTCH ELM DISEASE CONTROL tt 2 4 AGREEMENT WITH TIIE CITY OF SAN MATEO F'OR TRAINING PROGRAMS,' By memo of May 20, 1981 this pruning job by the Park Director recommended acceptance of Davey Tree Surgery Company. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 4O-81 ''RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 230 By memo of May 22,1981 City Attorney recommended acceptance of this resolution authorizing execution of hold harmless agreementwith the City of San Mateo for its training program for motorcycleofficers. 6. SUMMER STUDENT HELP Director of approval of summer work Public Works by memo of May 28, 1981 requested funds to hire high school and college students programs. Council-for 7 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AND TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP EL CAMINO L299 City Engineer approved maps recommended approval of these Planningfor 3-unit condominium project at this Commission address. 8. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1015 CHULA VISTA City Engineer's memo of May 28,1981 recommended approval of this tentat j-ve parcel map for two condominium units. 9. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR CONDOMINIUM, 15 HIGHLAND AVENUE City Engineer, by memo of May 28, 1981, recommended Councilproval of this final subdivision map for 6 unit condominiumaddress. Map had been approved by the Planning Commission. ap-at this 10. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, LL25 PALM DRIVE Memo of May 25, 1981 from Engineering Division requested Council concurrence in special encroachment permit to construct a fence along the back edge of sidewalk at this address. 11. EXTRA TTEMS, POLTCE TRATLER OFFTCE SPACE Memo of May 28, 1981 from City Manager noted that origj-naI estimatefor extra items needed for this installation was approximately $5,000, but that there now should be added to that seismic bracing, $675; and minj-mum sprinkler system, $3, 800. He requested Council approval for extra funds, and attached memo of Malz 28,1981 fromPolice Chief detailing all additional costs with a total of $9,617. oo . Councilman Martin moved approval of the consent calendar, secondby Councilman Crosby, carried unanimously by members present. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Martin brought up the subject of real estate signs which are being used in excess away from the property they are advertising. l4any are from out of city realtors. They clutter the area and areunattractive. After some discussion, Council directed that these be picked up. City Attorney stated he and the Director of Public Works would see that this was done. NEW BUSINESS 1981-82 PROPOSED BUDGET AND s-YEAR CAPITAL TMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Pro-Tem Barton announced the following budget assignments as proposed by letter of 5/29/8L from Budget Chairman Amstrup: I{ayor Mangj-nj-, Fire Department; Vice-Mayor Barton, PoIice Depart- ment; Councilman Martin, Park and Recreation Department; Councj-1- man Crosby, Libraries; Councj-lman Amstrup, City HalI and Public Works. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. Amendment of Current Regulations, Burlingame Avenue Offstreet Parking District, 6/\/BL from City Planner. Report contains pre- Iiminary Planning Commission recommendations of alternate land usepolicies and recommendations. City Planners memo of 6/L/BL sug- gested Council comment and advice on the report to aid planning Commission effort. Council discussed joint meeting with Planning 231 Commission toward this end10, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. and decided on study meeting of June Report, Sanitary Sewer Study Consultant Selection, DirectorPublic Works . 3. Letter, 5/1,9/87, fnsurance Services Office, re fire classifi- cation . ) of 4. MOU. Letter, 5/20 /8L t Airport Director,re Roundtable Meeting. 5. Letter, 5/L2/8f, Mr. and Mrs. John Higgs, f640 Carmelita re variance. 6. Letter, 5/16/87, Mrs. Fred Filippo, 2816 Rivera Drive re cable TV. Council requested that City Attorney write both Mr. Raymond and Mrs. rilippo regarding pedestals j-n undergrounded areas. 7. Letter, 5/13/81 , Earl Raymond, 2812 Rivera Drive re cable TV. Council requested that City Attorney write both Mr. Ra],mond and Mrs. Filippo regarding pedestal-s in undergrounded. areas. 8. Letter 5/2I/81, Ed Arnold, 213 Anita Road re airport noise. 9. Minutes: Park & Recreation Commission, 5/21/8Li Beautifj-cation, 5/7/8Lt Civil Service, 4/23/81-r PIanning Commission, 5/27/81 . ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 8:55 P.M €t*fl ilteEvelyy' H. Hill City Clerk