HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.11.01426 BURLINGAIUE, November CAIL TO ORDER Led by City Planner, Meg Monroe. ROLL CALL Minutes of of October CALI FORNIA t, l-982 AI\4STRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MANGINI , MARTIN NONE the Regular Meeting of October 4 and the Study Meeting 6, 1982 were approved and adopted. REVIE}I OF BLVD . REVISIONS TO ANZA,/OWEN OFFICE PARK PROJECA AI 477 AIRPORT City Planner reviewed. her memorandum of october 26 in which she recommended council review the revised submittal , hold a public hearing and take action. She explained the applicant had presented two schemes to the Planning Commission on October 25. Scheme B pro- vided for three office buildings with the same footprint as the originat ptan but lowering height of the buildings from 115 feet to 98 feet. The parking garage heiqht was lowered to 16 feet but the footprint has been increased. The first floor of the garage is totally below grade. The original footprint of the garage was 450 by I97 feet, the new scheme would have a footprint of 510 by 195 feet. The Lot coverage would be 27.6 percent; review line is 20 to 25 percent coveraqe. Scheme C would also provide for three office buildings, one at 98 feet and two at 86 feet. The reduction j-n height is acheived by in- creasing the footprint of the buildings and reducing floors from eight to seven. The parking garage's first floor would be totally below grade but the footprint would be smaller than scheme B, 472 by 198 feet. Lot coverage would be 26.96 percent. Both Schemes would require four special permits: C-4; (2) height (B-98 and c-98/86 feet); (3) 1ot and C-26.96 percent); (4) floor area ratio (B-.96 1.10). (1) office use in coverage (B-27.6 - 1.13 and C-.93 - Planning Commission approved Scheme C with a 3.5 foot parapet for a height of 99.5 feet with four special permits as conditioned by Exhibit A, B and two conditions of staff report of october 25. Colj.n Russe1l, architect for the project, showed a series of slides pointing out the major changes in the proposal. He stated the height and apparent bulk of the project has been reduced and urged approval of the special permits for this project. Councilman Martin inquired about the landscaping of the area which will eventually become phase 2. He stated he woul-d like to see something besides grass in that area. Peter Callendar, landscape architect for the project, discussed the landscaping p1ans. Mr. Callendar agreed that smal1 trees could be put in initially which would grow to larger size by the time the second phase started. Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. Speaking in favor of the project were: Mike Schneider, Hyatt Hotel: John Carter Scott, Holidav Inni David Keyston, Anza Shareholders; Ken Hous1ey, commercial realtor and Dick Godfrey, Southern Pacific Corununications . There being no further conments, the public hearing was c1osed.. A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Halt Council Chambers. The meeting was caIled to order by Mayor Gloria H. Barton at 8:04 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COIJNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COI]NCILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES Council discussed at Commission. length the plan approved by the planning Councilman Mangini inguired of City Attorney whether he couldparticipate in the vote since he was absent at the previous meeting.City Attorney responded in the affirmative. Councilman Mangini move d Planning Commission with Crosby. acceptance of the recommendation of the all conditions. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Martin pointed out some confusingditions and requested staff clarify these and ceptance of this project in resolution form. council . statements in the con-bring back the ac- This was agreeable to The motion carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. RECESS Mayor Barton declared a recess at 9:15. The meeting reconvened at 9:25 p.m. with all members present. APPEAL OF USE PERMIT REVOCATION T'OR COMMERCIAL RECREATION, SERVICE BUSINESS AND CATERING IN THE M-1 DISTRICT - 1450 ROLLINS ROAD, DAVIS BANQUET AND PARTY CENTER City Pl-anner reviewed her memorandum of october mended council hold a public hearing and make a use permit. 22 in which she recom- determination on the Bert Horn, owner of the property at 1450 Rollins Road, appeared before council. He informed council that he and Mr. Gilbert Davis, the applicant, had reacheil a mutual agreement to cancel the lease on theproperty. Mr. Davis was not present. Mr. Horn requested council amend the use permit to al1ow use as the councj-I and he had envisioned for the site. He woutd like the permit to state that parties would not be open to the public for admission at the door. He stated cater- ing would only be off-site. He requested council allow affairs and. Jazzercise classes to be held until at least December 16 for which Mr. Davis has already contracted. Mr. Davis would assist in these affairs. Mayor Barton opened the pubtic hearing. Speaking in favor of the use permit were: Colleen Mccovern and Debbie Puki, teachers of the Jazzercise clas ses. Speaking in opposition \,rere Andrew Morror., and Dick Gladstein, owners of adjacent properties. There being no further corunents, the public hearing was closed. Council- discussed at length, commenting on the use being inconsistent with the area, the belief that it would be exceedj-ngIy tlifficult to police these affairs, the need for an on-site manager, and the wish to allow affairs that have already been contracted for to continue, especially Jazzercise. Councilman l\mstrup moved. to extenal the use permit until December 18, when the last affair contracted for is over, including Jazzercise and with the condition that no other affairs be contracted for until Mr. Horn presents a concrete proposal for use of this site. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously bv ro11 call vote. SECOND READING - PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE SANI TAT ION " 7233 - ''REGARDING PUBLIC Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. There being no comnents, the hearing was closed. Councilman crosby introduced ORDINANCE 1233 for adoption. seconded by Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by roll call vote. 427 i 1 j i I 428 1 REAPPOINTMENT OF COMMISS fONERS Councilman Mangini moved reappointment of Beautification Commiss j-oners Chester Bowling antl Mildred Disco to new terms expiring october 7, L985i Civil Service Commissioner Leonard Mosias to a new term expiri.ng December 1, 1985; Park and Recreation Commissioners Dennj-s Huajardo and Dorothea Hughes to terms expiring october 7, 1985; and Traffic, Safety and Parking Commissioners Mike Ellis and Richard P. Foley to terms expiring November 6, 1985. Seconded by Councilman Crosby, carried unan imous ly. REVISTON TO TRAT'FIC ALLOCATION PROCEDURE City Planner's memorandum of October 22 reviewed staffrs proposed revisions to traffic allocation procedures and requested council ap- proval-. The revisions focus on greater control for the timing ofproject approval and construction after traffic allocation has been granted. These issues are addressed as follows. Financjaf incentive. Environmentaf review fee (for preparation of EIR and staff review; no direct fee to city if environmental assessment is required) ; Planning review fee (project assessment) ; and one-ha1f bayfront development fee. Only- the-ha+f-of- the bayfront- deve lopment- fe e-rri t1-be- re funded-if7 - at- any- tirne -befere the - f+Ea1- €ramiag- *ns pe etie n7 - €he-€eu-neiI- revekes - the - preje6tls tra€fie-alleeatien- (Revised procedure #5 ) . Shortening time frame for environmental study. Applicant must initiate EfR or environmental assessment within 30 days of re- cej-ving traffic alfocation; must complete EIR or environmental assessment and have Planning Commission review within six months of receiving traffic allocation. (Revised procedure #5 and #6). Establishing time line and benchmarks. Establish a developer/con-struction time line with completion deadlines for key benchmarks: submit building p1ans, pick up building permit, final foundation inspection, f inal- framing inspection, and occupancy permit. Time line will be prepared by staff and developer jointly and will bea condition of Planning Commission project approval . Council willretain the right to determine, when a benchmark is missed, if the traffic aLl-ocation should be revoked. (Revised procedure #7 and #8). 2 3 CounciLman Mangini moved approval of the revisions toallocation procedure. Seconded by Cor:ncilman Crosby, mously. the trafficcarried unani- REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TRAFFIC AILOCATION FOR BAYBREEZE OFFICE PRO- JECT, 1484 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY Councilman Amstrup moved al-location. Seconded by to deny the request for extension of traffic Councilman l.,lartin, carried unanimously. Council discussed how it could justify granting this extension while setting such tight limits with other projects and considering thatthis property might be in litigation for some tj-me. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT BANYAN BAY, 327 LORTON City Attorney reviewed his memorandum of october 22 in which he recommended permit be granted. FINANCIAI STATEMENTS AND MANAGEMENT LETTER FOR FISCA], YEAR 1981-82 Council acknowledged the Financial Statements and management letter for the fiscal year past. Council complemented the Finance Director and her staff for the fine work. City Planner's memorandum of october 25 requested councj-I make a deter- mination on the extension. applicant was granted traffic allocation in May 1982. The allocation expires November l-7. lTohn Raiser appeared representing the property owner. He revie\,ired .the problems of the property which requires easements for ingress and egress that have not yet been obtained. He requested a one-year ex- tension. Council-man Amstrup requested explanation of the shrouding of parkinglimit signs on Burlingame and Occidental Avenues. Director ofPublic Works stated that after these signs are shrouded the trafficengineer and traffic enforcement officers wiIl check for all-dayparking. If residents complain about all-day parkers in front oftheir homes, the shrouds will be removed. But, if there is no problem with all-day parkers, the parking limit signs will be re- moved. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1234 DWELLING USES TN THE M-1 ZONEII ''LIMITING RETAIL, OFFICE AND City Planner's memorandum of October 25 recommended introductionof ordinance with revisions to the conditional use section ofthe M-l district addressing office and retail uses in the district. INTRODUCTION OF FEE '' ORDINANCE 12 35 ..ESTABLISEING SEWER CONNECT]ON Director of Public Works memorandum of October 26 recommendedintroduction of an ordinance establishing a Sewer Connection Fee.This ordinance will require collection of a fee at the time of new construction or whenever a property is converted to a moreintensive use. The charges will be escalated each year in ac- cordance with the Construction Costs Index. RESOLUTION 64-82 - "ESTABLISHING MAXIMUM EMPLOYERIS CONTRIBUTION FOR RETIRED EMPLOYEE HEAI,TH INSURANCE PREMIUMS'' City Manager's memorandum of October 5 recommended council adopta resolution establishing $200 per month maximum contribution toward a retired employeers health premium effective December f, 1982, and $220 per month effective Jul-y 1, 1983. RESOLUTION 65-82 - 'IAUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF JOINT OPERATING AGREEMENT - AMERICAN RED CROSS AND CITY - RELATING TO NATURAL DI SASTERS 'I City Manager's memorandum of October 18 recommended councilauthorize execution of this agreement updating the Red Crossrs re sponsib i lities in the event of a naturaf disaster, Park Director's memorandum of October 26 recommendetl council adopta resolution rejecting all bids on this project and authorizingrebid. On October 12, four bids were opened. The apparent lowbidder submitted a list of alternate materials which have not beenavailable long enough to be considered equal to those specified.In addition, the Iow bidder proposed to contract out 100 percent of the project, when no more than 50 percent is attowable. The second Iow bidder proposes to file a protest if this project isawarded. In light of the approach of winter, it is recommendedthe project be rebid in February for compl-etion in early spring. RESOLUTION 67-82 - "ACCEPTING COIqPLETION OF CONSTRUCTTON - 1982 STREET RESURFACING - PROJECT 018" City Engineerrs memorandum of October 25 recommended acceptance ofthe 1982 Street Resurfacing Project. RESOLUTION 68-82 - *ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOT - PROJECI 205" CAITRAI N 1 2 5 6 25 on City Engineer's memorandum of October these improvements to the Parkinq Lot recommended acceptance ofthe SP right of way. Councilman Amstrup moved approval of an entertainment permit forsix-month period for Banyan Bay restaurant. Seconded by CouncilmanMartin, carried unanimous Iy. CONSENT CAIEN DAR 429 RESOLUTION 66-82 - "REJECTING AIL BIDS - COURT RESURFACING - PROJECT 206 * ? 4 7. 430 9 8 10. r1. t2. Citywith CLAIMS: JONATHAN PETERSON; FRANCES I{ASSER}{AN; AND AILEEN PAPPAS AND ELLIOTT PAPPAS. City Attorney recommended denial of claims. APPROVAL OF SETTLEME}IT - GULLI SVENSSON City Attorney's memorandum of October 6 recommended approval of a $7,500 settlement for this 70 year old lady who feII on the sidewalk j-n front of Founders Title Company. The property owner also is contributing $1,500. REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AND CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 30 LORTON AVENUE - MAP 80.6 City Engineer's memorandum of October t9 recommended council con- cur with Planning Commission and grant the requested extension. REQUEST FOR SrX-MONTH EXTENSTON OF CONDOMTNIUT4 PERMTT AND TENTATTVE } AP - 27 EL CA.I4INO REAL - MAP 80-18 Engineer's memorandum of October 19 Planning Commission and approve the recommended council concur requested extension. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT LOTS ]IJII AND I'KII PERMIT FOR PACIFIC CABLE TV THROUGH PARKING City Engineer's memorandum of October 26 recommended council approve the Special Encroachment Permit subject to the condition that should the city sell or develop these lots, the CATV facilities be removed or relocated as necessary. 13.MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT COMPENSATION PLANS POLICE AND FIRE ADMINISTRATORS, HEADS AND UNREPRESENTED EMPLOYEES City Managier's memorandum of October 25 Management Compensation Plans for a two recommended council apprcne- year term to June 30, 1984. L4. 15. SHROUDING OF PARKING LIMIT SIGNS OCCIDENTAL AVENUE ON BURLTNGAME AVENUE AND Director of Public Works memorandum of October 27 recommended that council approve the Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission's reconrmendation that the existing two-hour parking limit signs on the westerly half of the 1500 block of Burlingame Avenue and on both sides of Occidental Avenue between Ralston and E1 Camino be shrouded on a trial basis for six months. APPROVAL OF NEGATIVE DECLARATfON AND SCHEDULING OF FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BURLINGA}4E HOUSIN THE GENERAL PLAN AP GE UBLIC HEARING LEMENT OF Councilman Martin moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL City Planner's memorandum the negative declaration proposed amendment to the November 15, L982. of October 28 recommended council approve and schedule the public hearing for the Housing Element of the General Plan for 1-4445 14730, duly audited, J-n the Seconded by Councilman Martin, 36622 - 37301, for the month of be paid. Seconded by Councilman Councilman Crosby moved amount of $1,112,970.20carried unanimously. Warrants be paid. Councilman Crosby moved Payroll Checks September, in the amount of $531,962.76Martin, carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS CITY DUMP Councilman Amstrup expressed concern about use of the dump. He used it 431 recently and r,ras be reminded that not asked where he 1ives. He requested dump operators dump is for Burlingame residents onIy. NEW BUSINESS REQUEST FOR APPEAL HEARING Mayor Barton Commission'sM-l district set date for appealdenial of a specialat 801 Mahler Road. hearing on Novemberpermit to operate a 15 for Planning snack bar in the STUDY MEETING CANCELLED City Manager suggested cancell-ation of the November 10 Study Meeting. Council approved. I Minutes: Beautification, october 7, 1982i Civil Service, August 10 and September 14, 1982i Library Board, September 21 and October 19; Park and Recreation, October 21; Planning Commission, October 13 and October 25; and Traffic, Safety and Parking, September 16, 1982. 2. Pofice Report, September 1982 Police Department on the reduction j-nMayor Barton congratulated theresidential burglari-es. Fire Department Report, September 1982 Treasurer's Report, September 30, 1982 3 4 5 Letter from the Civif Service Chairman Civil Service Commi s sion. regarding the role of the Councit discussed briefty the role of the Civil Service Commission. City Manager explained that the Commission has requested to be involved in selecting unclassifj-ed employees. City Manager suggested that one member of the commission be .involved in the selection process. ADJOURNMENT Zl zLzz Eve lyn Hi 11 City Clerk ACKNOWLE DGMENTS Meeting regularly adjourned at 10:50 p.m.