HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1982.10.04118 BURLINGAI{E, OCTOBE R CALI FORNIA 4, L982 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Citv Council was held on the above date in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. The meeting wascafled to order by Mayor Gloria H. Barton at 8:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Alfred J ROLL CALL Palmer, Chief of Police. COUNCILMEMBERS PRXSENT: COI]NC ILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY, MARTIN MANGINI (vacation) Minutes of the regular meetinq of Seotember 20, 1982 were approvedand adopted with the following amendment on page 417, second para-graph, "...noise monitors are operated by the airport and certifiedby the county. " fl I I a I t I li It I PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON OFFICE PROJECT AI 477 AIRPORT BOULEVARD City Planner reviewed her memorandum of September 28 in which she recommended council hold pubJ-ic hearing and take action on the pro-ject including conditions. She explained planning Commission hadapproved the project which includes three office buildings of 433,524 square feet and a 1-75,670 sguare foot parking structure.The project is located on a 13.2 acre site bounded by Sanchez Creek Lagoon and Sanchez Channel. A special- permit is reguired for(1) office use in C-4 zone, (2) height of l-06 feet (65 foot allowed)and (3) floor area ratio of 1,07 to 1.17 (review line is at 1.0, maximum is 2.0). Mayor Barton had requested hearing because of theheight of the office buildings. Councilman Martin requested record. show that he had met with Mr. Owen and reviewed the project for the first time about six weeks He informed Mr. Owen at that time that he did not approve of the pro j ect . ago . Steve Douglas, the Owen Company, stated the company has accepted theconditions vrhich the Planning Commissi.on had placed upon approval ofthe project. He introduced Colin Russell architect, who showed aseries of slides on the project. Mr. Russell pointed out that theparkinq structure would be about the same height as the adjacentparking structure belonging to Keejoon's, that the penthouse structurehad been reduced in height, and that landscaping would be completedto enhance the site. Mayor Barton opened the public hearinq. Speaking in favor of theproject were : Dick Godfrey, Southern Pacific Communications,wiff be making this project its headquarters. employer in Burlingame. stating hi- s company SPC is the largest Councilman Martin inquired what hours SPC employees work, withgard to traffic circulation problems. l.{r. codfrey replied most 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with some computer people working other hours. re- work Ken Bosfey, Cushman & Wakefield Realtors, shortage of quality office space in thisfill that need. stated there is an acute area and this project will Tom Nowlan, Executive Director of the cro$rth Policy Council, declaredthis project would create jobs. r 419 David Keyston, Anza Shareholders Liquidating Trust, felt thisproject would balance all the hotels and restaurants in the area. He felt the height of the office buildinqs was mitigated by cluster- ing and urged council accept the project. A student in the audience inquired how all the office workers would exit the area since there is so much traffic congestion in the area now. Mayor Barton informed him that this problem is being considered. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Council inquired why the parking structure could not be underground. Developer stated this could not be done because of the water table and uplift forces in the area and the potential for leaking into the bui ldings . Council discussed at some length its concern about the mass anil bulk of the parking structure. Councilman Amstrup stated he also had a problem with the height of the office buiJ-dings. Mayor Barton felt the project was too massive and the only $/ay to reduce the sj-ze of the garage was to reduce the size of the entire project. Councilman Crosby inquired if the project could come back with other plans as he would like to see the project proceed. Bob owen, president of owen Company, said there appeared to be a problem with the large parking structure and suggested a possible solution. If the structure were altered from a beam structure to post tension structure about 10 feet in height coulil be eliminated. Councilman Martin moved to send the project back to the Planning Commission with the new proposal for the parking structure made by Mr. owen. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote of members Present. RECES S Mayor Barton at 9:25 p.m. dec lare dwith all a recess at 9:20 p. members present. m The meeting reconvened REVIEI1I OF C IVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REHEARING ON JUDITH YOUNG DISCIPLINE City Manager reviewed his memorandum of September 1"5 in.which he re- quelted council uphold the Civil Service Commission decision of Septem- ber 14 which caI1s for a 30 day suspensj-on, demotion to Police Clerk from August 1, 1981 to October L' !982, reinstatement as dispatcher october l, 7982 with a one-year probationary period, plus loss of benefits for the demotion period and back pay reduced by outside earn- ings and unemployment iluring that period. City Attorney reviewed the court's opinion that the discipline ori-ginally hinded down to Ms. Young was too severe in comparison with Sgt. McDonnel-1 's, Charl,es Garry, attorney for Ms. Young, stated if the Commission decision stands he will take it to the California supreme Court. Council adjourned to closed session at 9:38 and reconvened at 9:45 p.m. Michael Nave, special counsel, asked the difference between a probationary probation received by Sgt. McDonnelL. She shall be suspended without PaY 30 days, from July 1, 1981 to JUIY for clarification for council newly-hired employee and the on City Attorney explained that Sgt. McDonnell was on sergeant and if he did not perform satisfactorily to patrolman. A newly-hired probationary employee for unsatisfactory performance. probation as a he woufd be demoted can be discharged Council- adjourned to closed session at 9:50 and reconvened at 9:58 with all members present. Mr. Nave reaal the council decision on the matter of Judith Young as fol lows : l-or benefits for a 31, 1981. period of r-- 420 Effective August 1, 1981 to October I, 1982, sheto the position of Police Clerk, Step E, and wiltwithout benefits consistent with said position. sha1l be rece i-ve demote d salary 3 Effective October 1, 1982, she shall return to the position ofdispatcher and shall- be on probation for a period ending October1, 1983. Violation of said probation shal1 result in demotionto the position of Police Clerk, Step E. For the period beginning August 1, 1981 and ending October l, 1982,she sha11 be entitled to pay of salary only, without benefits, of -.Police Clerk, Step E, less the total of salary and unemployment compensation received during said period from a1t other sources. REVIEW OF TRAFFTC, SAEETY AND PARKING COMMISSION ACTION ON PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT EL CAMINO,/ADELINE/OXFORD-CA.}IBRIDGE INTERSECTIONS Director of Public Works reviewed his memorandum of September 29, inwhich he recommended council concur with TSp Commission and authorizestaff to contract for installation of a three-phase traffic signal atthe subject intersection with an estimated cost of g25,0OO for cityand $10,000 for state. 4 Director of Public Works stated if the signal does not providefactory relief to the area or complicates traffic on E1 CaminoState would probably take off one of the phasesr either Adeline Oxford. satis- the or City Planner reviewed her memorandum of Septenber 29 in which she recom- mended council schedule this hearing for November f with conditions.Planning Commission revoked the use permits for commercial recreation,service business and catering for this business at its meeting of September 27. applicant has appealed, Norma1ll, council would schedufe -the hearing for October 18 but apolicant has requested hearing beset for November I, 1982. Since code allows the use permits to remainin effect during the appeal period, staff would support setting thehearing date for November 1 if the action were conditioned on thefollowing: No activities involving the public be held on the site untj-I allBuilding and Fire Code requirements are met and a satisfactoryins:pection has been completed by Fire and Building Departments. Only the following party activities, now contracted for, takeplace and no food be prepared on site unless the kitchen meets 1 2 2. Councilman Amstrup moved approval of the three-phase signal. Secondedby Mayor Barton. .Tim Fehlhaber, chaj-rman of the TSP Commission but speaking as a citizen,stated he was opposed to the signal installation. He felt it wouldincrease traffic congestion, increase accidents and increase pollution due to traf f ic congestion. _\ Mrs. Daggett, l49i- Cambridge Road, stated the signal was promised to iresidents over a year ago and it is time it was approved. Mi.ke Spinelli, 1301 Mi11s, totd of the difficulty of driving out ofthat area. He felt the signals would ease the problem and thataccidents would be reduced. Councj-lman Martin noted that the present signals are working verywell. He feared traffic would move to Hillside Drive if the three-phasesignals were installed. He stated he could not approve it. Mayor Barton noted there was a motion on the floor. The motion carried. AYES: AMSTRUP, BARTON, CROSBY NOES: MARTIN ABSENT: MANGINI SCHEDULfNG APPEAL FOR PERMIT REVOCATION HEARING EOR DAVIS BANQUET AND PARTY CENTER - 1450 ROLLINS ROAD 42L Fire, Building, and County Health Department inspection requi-rements: Oct. Oct . oct. Oct . Oct . Oct . Oct . Oct . Nov. 4, 10 11 16 19 )q 30 1 5,6,7 ,12,13,14 ,20 ,21 ,22 ,26,27 ,28 Jazzerci-se Docey Doe Folk Dancers Jaz zercise Mo rmon Church Luau Jazzercise Shriners Dinner Dance Jazzercise Provelor Wedding Reception Jaz zercise 3 The applicant post cleanup. a $1,000 bond with city for on-and. off-site Councilman Martin recommended the bond be a cash bond. Councilman Crosby moved schedulingthe above conditions. Seconded by un an imous 1y . the hearing for November l with Councilman Amstrup, carried CONSENT CALENDAR 1. CLAIMS: ROBERTA K M C CABE' AND ANGELO TA\E RNA City Attorney recommended denial. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD 2 Librarian two-ye ar TENTAT TVE NEGOTIATION SETTLEMENT FIREFIGHTERS IAFF LOCAL ]- 872 City Manager's memorandum of September 29 recommended council approve the settlement wj-th firefighters for a two-year contractwith 9 percent the first year and 7 percent the second year andother adj ustments . 4. RESOLUTION 63-82 DESTRUCTION OT' POLTCE DEPARTMENT RECORDS City Attorneyrs memorandum of September 23 recommended adoptionof resolution authorizing destruction of records for police Dept. 5 SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT 24 BLOOMFIELD ROAD PERMIT FOR FOUR-FOOT WOODEN FENCE AND GATE City Engineer's memorandun of September 28 recommended approval . 6 TENTATTVE AND FTNAL PARCEL "B" LOTS 5, AND LOT f, BLOCK 6, PARCEL MAP RESUBDIVISlON TO COMBINE LOTS: 6, AND 7, BLOCK 3, ANZA AIRPORT PARK IJAII T 5 ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT 6 - 7OO AIRPORT BLVD. recommended reappointment of Alice Fricke to a second term with Leo Kriloff as alternate. 3 7 City Engineerrs memorandum of September 28 INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1233 - REGARDING recommended approval . PIIBLIC SANITATION 8. CONSULTANT CONTRACT TO RESOLVE A]RCRAFT NOISE MITIGATION MEASURES City Manager's memorandum ofallocate $500 to the Airport September 29 recommended coun ci I Roundtable for consultant costs. Councilman Crosby moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Secondedby Councilman Martin, carried unanimously by members present. NEW BUSINESS - BUSINESSES LOCATED IN ALLEYS OEF BURLINGAME AVENUE Councilman Amstrup requested council studybusinesses in the alleys behind Burlingame mentioned Maria Pasta. the establ,ishment ofAvenue. fn particular, he I I Ii I Police Chief's memorand.um of September 29 recommended introductionof an ordinance regarding public sanitation. 7-*.'..-'rer--.l,'"E.Ffr ll €roT 4'J Council agreed it could be a problem and it would be discussed at astudy meeting. TRAFFIC SAFETY PARKING COMMISS]ON STUDY OF PARKING METER FEES Councilman Amstrup noted that the TSP Commission minutes related study of the parking meter fees and appearance before council in October regarding the fees. Councilman Amstrup understood council was supposed to hear from the merchants before TSP got involved in this matter again. City Manager stated that TSP discussions are just part of its con-tinuing studies on the parking meter fees. DRAINAGE PTPE STOPPAGE Councilman Crosby acknowledged a letter in the packet informingcity of a blocked drainage pipe and requesting cleaning of same. Director of Pub1ic Works informed council that city crews were inthe process of cleaning the drainage pipe. MENLO PARK DECISION ON D]FFERENTIAL TIPPING FEE FOR MARSH ROAD DISPOSAL Councilman Martin acknowledged a letter from the City of Menlo Park informing Burlingame of its decision to set aside the differentialtipping fee for the Marsh Road Disposal Site. Councilman Martin requested letters of thanks for this decision go to the City of Menlo Park and to Peg Gunn, councilmember of Menlo Park. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 Minutes: Park and Recreation Commissj-on, September 16i and Planning Commission, September 27, 1982. Letter from United Nations Association and a Proclamation for United Nations Day, October 24, L982. Councilman Crosby noted that the United Nations letter requested city appoint a United Nations Day chairman. Council noted that Mrs. Garbuio has held this position in prior years and it would in- quire if she would be interested in accepting the position this year. ADJOURNMENT Meeting regularly adjourned at 10:38 p.m. 2 { / *t!(Vz +Lq +- /' \/ uvey'yn H. Hcity Clerk 7J-.4 i11